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INTEREST: Website Sells Plush Hat Based On 'Kumaa' Meme

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Joined: 09 May 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:48 am Reply with quote
Funny how he changed when he came to America...
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Sunday Silence

Joined: 22 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:55 am Reply with quote
Sheleigha wrote:
Funny how he changed when he came to America...

Funny how many things change when they come to America. Often for the worse.

Entertainment Industry ruins shows/movies/books in order to be more "palatable" for dumb US audiences, cars need to be extensively modified to even be driven on US roads, Medical items need to be screened AGAIN to comply with US regulations............I could go on....
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Joined: 09 May 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 4:17 am Reply with quote
Well, I knew the design was from Japan, but I assumed the same character was universal. Basically.
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Joined: 30 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:45 am Reply with quote
Looks like a basic bear to the outside folks, so it'll be silly for the police to go after anyone wearing that and assume they are "pedophiles." Still can't believe they actually think this is linked to that. Need more internet specialist police officials and such.
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Joined: 22 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:06 am Reply with quote
I lol'd.

That's pretty funny. I think I have to SOUND THE ALART if ever I see a 40 yr old man wearing that around my neighborhood.
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Joined: 06 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:29 am Reply with quote
KAtchan15 wrote:
I think I have to SOUND THE ALART if ever I see a 40 yr old man wearing that around my neighborhood.

You needn't do such a thing. All that should be inferred from any such gentleman is his unconventional sense of humour.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:44 am Reply with quote
Pedobear is one of those internet jokes that stopped being funny approximately two seconds after it was first conceived of. I'm eagerly awaiting the day when the whole meme just goes away.

Sunday Silence wrote:

Entertainment Industry ruins shows/movies/books in order to be more "palatable" for dumb US audiences,

Every region on Earth does that, including Japan.

Last edited by Penguin_Factory on Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 06 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:52 am Reply with quote
Penguin_Factory wrote:
Pedobear is one of those internet jokes that stopped being funny approximately two seconds after it was first conceived of. I'm eagerly awaiting the day when the whole meme just goes away.

U mad bro?

He mad.
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Joined: 18 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 1:00 pm Reply with quote
I think Pedobear's hilarious. But you need a really morbid sense of humor to think so.
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Joined: 16 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 3:18 pm Reply with quote
lol, unfortunately you can hardly tell. It needs to stiff, more like a cap. Would be even more funny if it actually had the pedobear seal of approval logo
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Joined: 18 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 9:47 pm Reply with quote
Penguin_Factory wrote:
Pedobear is one of those internet jokes that stopped being funny approximately two seconds after it was first conceived of. I'm eagerly awaiting the day when the whole meme just goes away.

Dude...um...do you even know what a meme is? o_O

And it isn't just any meme. This is pedobear we're talking about. If, miraculously, everyone in the world forgot about him and a meme became un-memed (which NEVER happens), he'd still be stalking our children, searching for his opportunity to make a comeback. (And probably doing more than stalking.)

Memes aren't necessarily intended to be laugh-out-loud hilarious for their entire infinite lives. They're just "inside jokes for Internet users," and you just see them and know what they are. Whiiiich can help anything live on forever in memedom. Like Boxxi or Disaster Girl. Or Leonardo DeHapprio.

However, if you've got OVER 9000 base and a nice boat with a l4z0r that 1mm4 f1r1n, you can shot web and bring down those memes with the help of your dear friends Leeroy and Woll Smoth, then go relax, paaartay with your fingerboxes, and whip your hair back and forth whip your hair back and forth whip your hair back and forth. (I couldn't resist.)

Dr. Z. Titania, Ph.D.
Universal Memeology Research Council Thing of Merit Bowtomemortals
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:21 pm Reply with quote
If you know somebody with children, this would be a great gift for them!
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The Xenos

Joined: 29 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:58 am Reply with quote
I was gonna assume that the hat was Japanese in origin and just a kuma hat. (A friend of mine did buy me a regular kuma sticker as a joke when he went to Japan.) Then I saw the link actually said pedobear and had the seal of approval. Stay classy, 4chan.

Count down to a Fox affiliate or even Fox News proper running a scare piece of yellow journalism about how these hats are a warning sign of pedophiles out to get.. (dramatic pause) ..your children!
Sunday Silence wrote:
Sheleigha wrote:
Funny how he changed when he came to America...

Funny how many things change when they come to America. Often for the worse.
Entertainment Industry ruins shows/movies/books in order to be more "palatable" for dumb US audiences, cars need to be extensively modified to even be driven on US roads, Medical items need to be screened AGAIN to comply with US regulations............I could go on....
Yes because glorious Nippon never ruins everything and stupid Amerikkka ruins anything it touches?? Rolling Eyes

Oh and Japan never makes anything seem directed at pedophiles. Of course not.
ZipZapZopTitania wrote:
Penguin_Factory wrote:
Pedobear is one of those internet jokes that stopped being funny approximately two seconds after it was first conceived of. I'm eagerly awaiting the day when the whole meme just goes away.

Dude...um...do you even know what a meme is? o_O

And it isn't just any meme. This is pedobear we're talking about. If, miraculously, everyone in the world forgot about him and a meme became un-memed (which NEVER happens), he'd still be stalking our children, searching for his opportunity to make a comeback. (And probably doing more than stalking.)

Memes aren't necessarily intended to be laugh-out-loud hilarious for their entire infinite lives. They're just "inside jokes for Internet users," and you just see them and know what they are. Whiiiich can help anything live on forever in memedom. Like Boxxi or Disaster Girl. Or Leonardo DeHapprio.
Dude. Do you even know what a meme is?
Meme theory is a real science. Internet jokesters have hijacked the word and ignorant web dwellers don't know any better, but the concept and study of memes is real. Everything from these internet jokes, to politics, to entire religions can be viewed a memes. Did I just compare Pedobear to Jesus Christ? Actually.. yes.. in a way I did and in a way they are comparable. Then again so is Barack Obama, Captain Picard, Bob Dobbs, The Staypuff Marshmallow Man, or any person that gets a following be they real or fictional) The basic concept is an ideological unit similar to the genetic unit of the gene, hence why Richard Dawkins coined the term so similarly. I even did a presentation on memetics for a class on evolution years ago. It's a fascinating field and internet jokes is only one small small part of it. Though I'll give you internet jokes and viral videos and images are a prime example to illustrate the concept. Then again, even jokes before the internet are a good example. Just let me ask if you've ever heard about the man from Nantucket.
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Sunday Silence

Joined: 22 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 2:48 am Reply with quote
Penguin_Factory wrote:
Sunday Silence wrote:

Entertainment Industry ruins shows/movies/books in order to be more "palatable" for dumb US audiences,

Every region on Earth does that, including Japan.

I have yet to see Japan ruin Top Gear. Russia has, Australia has, even the USA (F*** you Rutledge Wood, you fat f***ing hipster).

Or if you care to prove my theory wrong.....
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The Xenos

Joined: 29 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 4:26 am Reply with quote
I just thought of something... What if it turns out that this web site... is run by Chris Hansen?

"Oh sxxx! It's Chris Hansen! Get da xxxx out!" [pulls out gun, shoots self in the head]

Sunday Silence wrote:
I have yet to see Japan ruin Top Gear. Russia has, Australia has, even the USA (F*** you Rutledge Wood, you fat f***ing hipster).
Or if you care to prove my theory wrong.....
You do know that the majority of Japanese entertainment is just as much garbage? Even in Japan anime is pretty niche compared to the horrid reality shows and dramas that clog up the airwaves. (And let's face it even the many of the anime that gets made isn't all the cream of the crap.) The majority of so called dramas have hamfisted acting and are more like bad romantic comedies or below soap opera quality. Even most popular Japanese movies are filled with this bad acting, poor budgets, and poor filming. The decent films and standout directors like Beat Takeshi or Ryuhei Kitamura are awash among pop culture crap at the cinema just like hunting down a good director in America or anywhere else. In another field, I have heard that most Japanese stand up comedy is trapped in the 1950s and watching it is something akin to torture.

Let's not kid ourselves. Japan is no better off than America in the crap to gold ratio in its entertainment. Just because we are anime nerds and find good anime series and movies popular among our ranks, that doesn't mean that's what mainstream Japanese culture consumes. Some times I wonder if Japan picks up our bad habits and ran with them.

Plus America simply has a bigger movie making industry. So they're going to spit out more movies period and that includes remakes and bad ones in particular. Never mind Japan has about 1/5th the population of the US (though crammed into like 1/50th (?) the area, like the US west coast). And let's not even get into that maybe mainstream Japan's nationalism or conservative xenophobia (something not unique to America) might lead to studios preferring to have native stories than import ones from across the sea. And did I mention that Japan's birthrates are in the toilets so maybe that means their demographics are skewing older and older?

Ugh. I'm a huge Japanophile, I love plenty of Japanese things, but no need to think America's the only one with messed up pop culture that's the rough you need to find diamonds in. Though I do confess a schadenfreude in seeing some of these disturbing Japanese cultural snafus. The disbelief and denial of homosexuality in Japan versus the yaoi subculture or even displayed in an oddball comedian character like Hard Gay, for example. Another one is how Japan's pop idol industry is far far more far gone than what America generates. We can't deny Japan messes up plenty of things as well. No need to pretend their poop don't stink too.

Though don't let any of that that dissuade your magical belief that Japan is the land of milk and honey that can do no wrong and American is the worst place on the planet that ruins everything.

Did I go too off there? Is anyone else sick of hearing this blind love of Japan? I love Japanese culture too, but there's no need to be so infatuated that you're in denial of it's faults.
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