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NEWS: Black Butler Author Decries Illegal Videos, Downloads

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Joined: 29 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:34 pm Reply with quote
Wow, talk about being overly dramatic. Its existed for years and I don't remember any stories of mangaka dying....
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:38 pm Reply with quote
Well well, guess about 80% of Kuroshitsuji fangirls stateside have just been dissed.

Sorry, Toboso-sensei, but I assure you that all the legal Kuroshitsuji merchandise and artbooks flying off the shelves at anime convention dealer rooms are not because of the Yen Press publication of the manga-- and those sales probably wouldn't be as high without the previous hype either =/
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:40 pm Reply with quote
It's called the delete button. It works pretty well. Sure it would probably make you a little pissed that someone is illegally downloading your work, but what can you do? Leave it to the legal teams that have the rights to your properties.

This just gives more attention to pirates and to people that illegally read or watch her stuff, when it's just better to give them no attention at all.

Last edited by barrelroller on Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 31 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:40 pm Reply with quote
Good to know she's a complete idiot. I'm still a Kuroshitsuji fan, but I won't waste my fangirling on her. And I won't bother to buy any of her manga either the original or stateside, or the crappy anime. I'll save my money for better mangaka.
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Joined: 01 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:41 pm Reply with quote
All these companies and creators are really getting upset now at all of the illegal showings and uploads. Thats how i get into the show though. Sorry, but after i watch it online and like it i may go and buy it depending on price and language. Sorry if you dont get to eat right away, but i promise you will get your money in the end
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Joined: 29 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:42 pm Reply with quote
minakichan wrote:
Well well, guess about 80% of Kuroshitsuji fangirls stateside have just been dissed.

Sorry, Toboso-sensei, but I assure you that all the legal Kuroshitsuji merchandise and artbooks flying off the shelves at anime convention dealer rooms are not because of the Yen Press publication of the manga-- and those sales probably wouldn't be as high without the previous hype either =/

Lol - maybe she was just a tad emotional that day.
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Joined: 16 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:44 pm Reply with quote
zeonozero wrote:
All these companies and creators are really getting upset now at all of the illegal showings and uploads. Thats how i get into the show though. Sorry, but after i watch it online and like it i may go and buy it depending on price and language. Sorry if you don't get to eat right away, but i promise you will get your money in the end

But what if you don't get around to your "maybe" case? What about then? How do you give back for your piracy of the content?

ZiharkXVI wrote:

Lol - maybe she was just a tad emotional that day.

I swear to god you are an idiot. Have you ever created anything and had it stolen? Maybe then you'd have a response other than "Feeling a tad emotional"
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Joined: 29 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:46 pm Reply with quote
Elliotpage wrote:

I swear to god you are an idiot. Have you ever created anything and had it stolen? Maybe then you'd have a response other than "Feeling a tad emotional"

Please don't swear. Not healthy for ya.

Um, yeah, I was slightly emotional. Which is why I wrote that. However, I don't think I would be saying things like "starvation and death."

I mean, that seems idiotic to me anyways.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:49 pm Reply with quote
barrelroller wrote:
It's called the delete button. It works pretty well. Sure it would probably make you a little pissed that someone is illegally downloading your work, but what can you do? Leave it to the legal teams that have the rights to your properties.

This just gives more attention to pirates and to people that illegally read or watch her stuff, when it's just better to give them no attention at all.

Ditto. If you're going to be hard-handed, get your legal team to handle it-- then fans won't get pissed at you, they'll get pissed at your legal folks and you'll remain blameless. If you want to keep your fans happy, ask nicely, like the Bandai route for Haruhi. "I'm glad that you enjoy my work; if you liked it, please support me and buy the official release!"

But going out and actually calling people "shoplifters" and "morally degraded" suuuuuure isn't going to make people decide they want to buy your series now.
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Joined: 16 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:50 pm Reply with quote
ZiharkXVI wrote:

Please don't swear. Not healthy for ya.

Um, yeah, I was slightly emotional. Which is why I wrote that. However, I don't think I would be saying things like "starvation and death."

I mean, that seems idiotic to me anyways.

Ignoring the flippancy, let me break it down for you:
Author creates Black Butler as her primary occupation. She relies on it for her income.
People illegally source the material, and so do not pay anything, either directly or indirectly, for it.
Employer sees drop in income, lays author off.
Author cannot pay bills, buy food.

There we go!
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Otaku Teahouse

Joined: 30 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:51 pm Reply with quote
ayashe wrote:
Good to know she's a complete idiot. I'm still a Kuroshitsuji fan, but I won't waste my fangirling on her. And I won't bother to buy any of her manga either the original or stateside, or the crappy anime. I'll save my money for better mangaka.

Wait, let my try to follow your logic here... You say you're still a fan, but you won't buy the product. Congrats, you are part of the problem. It's really sad to see people who claim to be fans, but will actually go out of their way to not support the people who bring them the content.

If you are not supporting the industry, you are not the demographic they are going for, and they owe you nothing and do NOT need to please you.
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Joined: 14 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:52 pm Reply with quote
zeonozero wrote:
All these companies and creators are really getting upset now at all of the illegal showings and uploads. Thats how i get into the show though. Sorry, but after i watch it online and like it i may go and buy it depending on price and language. Sorry if you don't get to eat right away, but i promise you will get your money in the end

Not the ones whose works you decided to swipe "free" views of and deemed not worth your money. Which, for the majority of you, means just about every title.
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Joined: 29 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:54 pm Reply with quote
Elliotpage wrote:

Ignoring the flippancy, let me break it down for you:
Author creates Black Butler as her primary occupation. She relies on it for her income.
People illegally source the material, and so do not pay anything, either directly or indirectly, for it.
Employer sees drop in income, lays author off.
Author cannot pay bills, buy food.

There we go!

Dude, show me the news story where mangaka dies from lack of manga selling. Its called, "find another place of employment."

I said it once, and I'll repeat myself. Over the top drama.

I mean, is she that dense to think this stuff doesn't happen? This isn't news you know. Not at all. So why the comment? Rough day?

Just musing over what in the world she could possibly mean, since logically she can't really mean what she says. And would have to be a complete fool to think that her work wouldn't be pirated. Welcome to the real world folks.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:54 pm Reply with quote
ZiharkXVI wrote:
Wow, talk about being overly dramatic. Its existed for years and I don't remember any stories of mangaka dying....

It is not "overly dramatic", it is a person defending their copyrighted work. How would you like it if you patented and copyrighted a one-of-a-kind invention that people loved, but then someone leaked the blueprints and now the invention is made without your consent, and you don't receive any royalties from the subsequent creation of you said invention.

You would be pissed and outraged and would seek legal action.

It is just that once an item goes digital and gets on the net, it can be copied and downloaded to so many people and places so many times, it is practicality impossible for any legal team to seek legal action.

The only thing the creators of manga and anime can do is plead to their fans, to stop doing these illegal activities, and find a legal method.

And the point about mangaka and anime prouduces/directors dieing from scanlations and fansubs, we don't hear about that, but we do hear mangaka having longterm leave because of stress and other health related issues, and this might just be speculation, but i bet some of the stress is from knowing that they are not going to revive the royalties that they deserve but will never receive. (finical stress is one of the worst kinds of stress.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:57 pm Reply with quote
Otaku Teahouse wrote:
Wait, let my try to follow your logic here... You say you're still a fan, but you won't buy the product. Congrats, you are part of the problem. It's really sad to see people who claim to be fans, but will actually go out of their way to not support the people who bring them the content.

If you are not supporting the industry, you are not the demographic they are going for, and they owe you nothing and do NOT need to please you.

I'm a fan. I buy Kuroshitsuji merchandise. I've bought import manga. I was also planning on buying the box set whenever Funi comes out with it, for my anime club.

I did all of these things because I saw the fansub first, and if I hadn't, I'd probably be up a hundred bucks.

And honestly, you know what, the Kuroshitsuji anime sucked. I was only planning on buying it because I DID watch it pirated first, and I wanted to support the mangaka because the manga is actually good. But I'm not too sure I want to give her MORE of my money if she's going to call me a thief.

Just my 2 cents.
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