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Joined: 22 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 10:58 pm Reply with quote
Grea read. Also like the Kekkaishi shout out Wink
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:13 pm Reply with quote
it's sort of baffling to me that they chose to have a screening in LA for the Haruhi movie ONE WEEK before Anime Expo.

Probably as baffling as throwing an Answerman column amidst all the AX talk going on.

Luckily, I didn't miss it, despite it being... late. Damn computer.

PS: I recommend Dell.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:34 pm Reply with quote
I'm absolutely with you on this - it's sort of baffling to me that they chose to have a screening in LA for the Haruhi movie ONE WEEK before Anime Expo.

I'm guessing Namdai wanted to see if there was enough of an audience for it to justify paying the licensing fee. And that sort of makes sense, given that it's probably been long torrented by now.

I don't know why they've missed out on such an obvious win-win situation, considering they have a captive audience that would form a flash mob around the opportunity to see the new Haruhi film before it hits the internet and the hard drives and streaming sites of every anime fan in the West. My best guess? There's some marketing reason behind it all that's talked about sotto voce behind the closed doors of Bandai Entertainment.

Well, if it was screened on the same POS display you had to stand up to read the subs for with the Trigun movie, then I totally get why they wouldn't want to play it there. But let's be honest here. Haruhi is just not as much of a phenomenon as it was a while back. It still makes money, but now everyone's cosplaying as Hetalia characters this year. And as I said earlier, it's likely been torrented to death, so there was no guarantee of a big crowd showing up for it there. Hell, I was surprised people showed up for that Advent Children thing a while back, even if it was free.

and the new Trigun movie probably needs it,

Oh, FUNimation will definitely not have to worry about Trigun making money. It seemed like 1998 all over again when everyone showed up for that screening.

Spirited Away is the only one.

Spirited Away is the only full-length anime feature which won an Oscar. Afro Samurai 2 did win an Emmy, though.

Anybody who has seen The Girl Who Leapt Through Time cannot, in good conscience, tell me with a straight face that it is in fact an inferior animated film than "Happy Feet," that same year's Oscar winner for animated feature.

I don't even think they even submitted that one for an award, which was a damn shame. But I know how you feel. Millennium Actress could have at least had a chance to compete with Nemo if DW had supported it instead of House of Sand and Fog.
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Teriyaki Terrier

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:40 pm Reply with quote
PetrifiedJello wrote:
it's sort of baffling to me that they chose to have a screening in LA for the Haruhi movie ONE WEEK before Anime Expo.

Probably as baffling as throwing an Answerman column amidst all the AX talk going on.

Luckily, I didn't miss it, despite it being... late. Damn computer.

PS: I recommend Dell.

I've seen much more confusing events in my life.

I also recommend Dell and Window's Seven. Giant improvement from XP.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:07 am Reply with quote
PetrifiedJello wrote:

Probably as baffling as throwing an Answerman column amidst all the AX talk going on.

Luckily, I didn't miss it, despite it being... late. Damn computer.

A series of miscommunications meant I didn't see it until I got home today - sorry for the delay on that, but better to put it up now rather than just not use it.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:15 am Reply with quote
I don't know what's worse, that the person bothered to watch the Zeta Gundam movies that butcher the TV series or that they actually want to find the English dub for the original series movie trilogy. There is not enough distance in the world between me and that dub. Though I will admit, Steven Blum was a decent Char, but that was about the only charm it had.

It is weird that the 0079 TV series is dub-only and the 0079 movies are sub-only, while Zeta TV is bilingual and the Zeta movies are sub-only. But given the awfulness of the Zeta TV English dub, maybe it's for the best.

As for Tomino, yeah, he's a little nutty, but he's directed more of my favorite anime than anyone else, and that should count for something.
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Teriyaki Terrier

Joined: 26 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:17 am Reply with quote
Zac wrote:
PetrifiedJello wrote:

Probably as baffling as throwing an Answerman column amidst all the AX talk going on.

Luckily, I didn't miss it, despite it being... late. Damn computer.

A series of miscommunications meant I didn't see it until I got home today - sorry for the delay on that, but better to put it up now rather than just not use it.

Thanks for working on the problem though Zac. You probably don't even thanks that often, but thanks anyway for all your hard work.
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Joined: 03 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:30 am Reply with quote
Has Funimation even commented on their upscaling? Or are they just keeping hush and hoping nobody notices?
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 4:07 am Reply with quote
Glad to know that Brian built his own computer. I absolutely refuse to buy one that is fully assembled since you can usually get more for less if you're willing to do it yourself. Plus it's fun, too.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 4:20 am Reply with quote
PetrifiedJello wrote:
it's sort of baffling to me that they chose to have a screening in LA for the Haruhi movie ONE WEEK before Anime Expo.

Probably as baffling as throwing an Answerman column amidst all the AX talk going on.

Luckily, I didn't miss it, despite it being... late. Damn computer.

PS: I recommend Dell.

My friend likes Dell too. It keeps their repair shop profitable. Laughing

Build your own again. Start on a fresh empty hard drive, no bloatware. And keep to standard interchangeable parts, not proprietary that companies put in. Less headache for you in the future when you know everything that was installed or done to your own computer. I build a new computer every couple years, and you could now easily find good deals on more powerful parts for less total money.
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Joined: 06 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:01 am Reply with quote
And because he made This Thing, nobody in any position of power seems to be able to stop him and say, "Hey, actually, this is kind of stupid and weird, what you're doing with all this."

This part made me laugh really hard.
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Joined: 02 Aug 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:41 am Reply with quote
Seljuk wrote:
Has Funimation even commented on their upscaling? Or are they just keeping hush and hoping nobody notices?

I don't believe they ever commented, but I think they realize a nice chunk of people know about the upscales. They're still making something off the market, though, and I suppose there might be some contract messes that we don't know of.
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Encyclopedia Editor

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:43 am Reply with quote
Brian Hanson wrote:
I wish I could find it, but that reminds me - there was a terrific article written on Akadot before it was little more than a storefront for Digital Manga, that was very thorough and informative about how and why anime usually gets shut out of the yearly Annie Awards

A bunch of digging on the Wayback Machine produced the article to which I believe you are referring:

"In the Eye of the Beholder: Anime in animation's most high-profile awards" by Shawna James (03/09/01 (9 March 2001))


See also "The Academy痴 Lack of Vision" (sic—"痴" = "foolish, stupid, dumb, silly")/"The Academy's Lack of Vision: Vampire Hunter D narrowly manages nomination eligibility" by Luis Reyes (01/11/02)


There are a couple more articles on the Academy Awards:

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:37 am Reply with quote
Am I the only one who doesn't particularly give a rat's ass about any of those Hollywood award shows? For the most part they just use it to pat their own back (putting it lightly, what I was originally gonna use would have probably gotten me banned...) and make political statements. I admit that a lot of people watch those shows and actually make viewing decisions based on what gets an award, but the ONE time an anime (Spirited Away) won something, I don't recall anyone who is not already a Miyazaki fan deciding to go watch it because of that.

That being said, anime could use some positive mainstream exposure. A typical conversation about anime with non-anime fans usually goes something like this:

Me: You should really watch Claymore, you would probably like it.
Friend: I have never heard of that movie before, what is it about?
Me: It is an anime about...
Friend *cutting me off*: Aren't you too old to be watching cartoons?
Me: Confused You watch Simpsons and Family guy, what are you talking about?
Friend: That's different
Me *pulling my brain trying to process that*: Confused
Friend: They are just like normal sitcoms, but they use animation to do things the live action ones can't
Me: Anime does that too, you would know if you actually watched it
Friend: I don't have time to watch childish cartoons
Friend: I told you that's different
Me *realizing this is going in circles, tries something different*: Fine, watch Ghost in the Shell, it is an intelligent, very non-childish anime that was even on American TV for a while, and still is actually
Friend *looks it up on his computer, sees picture of Motoko in her usual revealing outfit*: Why would I watch animated porn when I can watch the real thing?
Me *brain is fracturing fast*: Shocked Watch it before you judge, AT LEAST READ THE DESCRIPTION! And weren't you just saying how anime is just a bunch of childish cartoons?
Friend: That's different
Me *brain shatters*: Anime cry

Yeah... they will say anything to avoid watching it, no matter how little sense it makes, apparently they are so afraid of the alleged stigma that goes with it...
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Joined: 06 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:11 am Reply with quote
Hardgear wrote:
That being said, anime could use some positive mainstream exposure. A typical conversation about anime with non-anime fans usually goes something like this:

Me: You should really watch Claymore, you would probably like it.
Friend: I have never heard of that movie before, what is it about?
Me: It is an anime about...
Friend *cutting me off*: Aren't you too old to be watching cartoons?
Me: Confused You watch Simpsons and Family guy, what are you talking about?
Friend: That's different
Me *pulling my brain trying to process that*: Confused
Friend: They are just like normal sitcoms, but they use animation to do things the live action ones can't
Me: Anime does that too, you would know if you actually watched it
Friend: I don't have time to watch childish cartoons
Friend: I told you that's different
Me *realizing this is going in circles, tries something different*: Fine, watch Ghost in the Shell, it is an intelligent, very non-childish anime that was even on American TV for a while, and still is actually
Friend *looks it up on his computer, sees picture of Motoko in her usual revealing outfit*: Why would I watch animated porn when I can watch the real thing?
Me *brain is fracturing fast*: Shocked Watch it before you judge, AT LEAST READ THE DESCRIPTION! And weren't you just saying how anime is just a bunch of childish cartoons?
Friend: That's different
Me *brain shatters*: Anime cry

Yeah... they will say anything to avoid watching it, no matter how little sense it makes, apparently they are so afraid of the alleged stigma that goes with it...

It's actually the reverse of the "Only japanese animation is anime and it is so superkawaaiimoebakanekospeshiaru that cartoons and other series and movies suck compared to it, especially the Amerikkkan ones." otaku japanophile weaboo.
But in this case it's more widespread, they thni kthat majority defines normalcy and you can't avoid these people if they're family or friends.
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