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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:29 am Reply with quote
......Sheep Man? Confused ......Yeah.....well, I have to be honest: the name itself is just as ridiculous as the robot design along with it. I just hope that the rest of the Robot Masters don't look as corny as (ugh) "Sheep Man". I can't possibly imagine what the special weapon would be like. Heck, it won't surprise me if there would ever be a Shark Man if CAPCOM ever decides to do another sequel.

Well, despite my reaction to this, I am excited to hear that MegaMan 10 is well on its way in a few months.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:37 am Reply with quote
Yeah, a friend of mine had a frustrating time on that Fist game. My pain in the ass was the Acclaim X-men. And I'd like that Retro game thingy, if the rpg thing wasn't such a bitch.

Last edited by GATSU on Wed Dec 16, 2009 1:47 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 1:28 am Reply with quote
It definitely was a shame that Knights in the Nightmare, Retro Game Challenge, and Covenant of the Plume were ignored this year and I'm no sure which one was the most deserving of attention. They all had unique hooks either in concept, gameplay, or plot.
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Joined: 15 May 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 1:34 am Reply with quote
Pretty stoked about the Telenet news. Disappointing that it's only a Wii-exclusive (at least for now?), but not surprising. Looks like I might need to start saving up for a Wii.
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Joined: 28 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 2:33 am Reply with quote
YES!!! Retro Game Challenge! Buy this, people! Buy it NOOOOOOOW!!! So we can get the sequel!! RGC is a REALLY good and addictive game! Just like the tv show it's based on (which, you should watch the fansubs of if you plan on getting the game since you'll be able get the references made to the tv show)!

Also, I remember arguing with a kid in middle school over the correct pronounciation of Gradius. I, of course, was completely correct in thinking it was pronounced, Grah-di-us, but HE believed it was pronounced, Gray-di-us. Sadly, with this arguement occuring in the early 90s, there wasn't an internet or any other source to back up my pronounciation so I couldn't prove my case... :\ But I was right! And that's all that matters! Anime hyper Gu-Ra-Di-U-Su. Anime hyper
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Joined: 02 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 3:04 am Reply with quote
Regarding the Sakura Wars name changes in the English dub and the reaction from some people (negative), I have to ask... Why do they act so surprised? NISA changes the name of at least one or two things in every game they release. This is nothing new.
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leafy sea dragon

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 4:21 am Reply with quote
Demonic+Elemental wrote:
......Sheep Man? Confused ......Yeah.....well, I have to be honest: the name itself is just as ridiculous as the robot design along with it. I just hope that the rest of the Robot Masters don't look as corny as (ugh) "Sheep Man". I can't possibly imagine what the special weapon would be like. Heck, it won't surprise me if there would ever be a Shark Man if CAPCOM ever decides to do another sequel.

Well, despite my reaction to this, I am excited to hear that MegaMan 10 is well on its way in a few months.

I find Sheep Man to be hilarious, and I'd bet Capcom designed Sheep Man to be ridiculous. I don't like the seriousness that the Mega Man X series took, and I enjoy the fact that Capcom is keeping the Robot Masters in the original series lighthearted and comical.
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Joined: 22 Aug 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 5:38 am Reply with quote
Demonic+Elemental wrote:
......Sheep Man? Confused ......Yeah.....well, I have to be honest: the name itself is just as ridiculous as the robot design along with it. I just hope that the rest of the Robot Masters don't look as corny as (ugh) "Sheep Man". I can't possibly imagine what the special weapon would be like. Heck, it won't surprise me if there would ever be a Shark Man if CAPCOM ever decides to do another sequel

Yeah, lord knows the Mega Man franchise is a bastion of seriousness. How dare they defile such a grounded, realistic game with something ridiculous like an animal-themed robot.

Dimlos wrote:
Regarding the Sakura Wars name changes in the English dub and the reaction from some people (negative), I have to ask... Why do they act so surprised? NISA changes the name of at least one or two things in every game they release. This is nothing new.

Because the name changes don't make any sense at all. It'd be one thing if they were better or more...realistic, I guess? That'd be a good reason to change them. But instead they're just as ridiculous as the Japanese version, if not more so.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 6:28 am Reply with quote
Commando Man? Sure looks like he's wearing underwear.
(Oh, come on, I can't be the only one who thought that!)

Capcom loosing interest in Rival Schools makes me really sad. It was a fun (though short lived) franchise that I would love to see revisited again. Not sure why music or voice acting would prevent the game from being re-released, don't those tracks belong to them, couldn't they just pay royalties? How can a game that's only a little over 10 years have lost it's audio rights when old movies and cartoons (and other video games and anime) are being remastered and reissued all the time. I can understand something like Marvel vs Capcom, but doesn't Capcom OWN everything in Rival Schools? Just seems like a lazy excuse.

Loving the whole PS2 package for Sakura Wars, I don't mind paying an extra $10 even if I never will play the Japanese disc. I hope RosenQueen.com offers some sort of exclusive package deal, maybe a bonus soundtrack or something.

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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 6:29 am Reply with quote
Vent wrote:
Yeah, lord knows the Mega Man franchise is a bastion of seriousness. How dare they defile such a grounded, realistic game with something ridiculous like an animal-themed robot.

Well, I appreciate both the original series and the X series; It's two of my favorite game series that I enjoy playing a lot of (with a few exceptions). I mean the animal Robot Masters in the original series aren't supposed to look too animal-like like the Mavericks in the X series.

I'm just saying that Sheep Man just looks weird to me. If not for his face and horns, he would look like a rejected version of Cloud Man from Mega Man 7.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 9:02 am Reply with quote
Demonic+Elemental wrote:
......Sheep Man? Confused ......Yeah.....well, I have to be honest: the name itself is just as ridiculous as the robot design along with it. I just hope that the rest of the Robot Masters don't look as corny as (ugh) "Sheep Man". I can't possibly imagine what the special weapon would be like. Heck, it won't surprise me if there would ever be a Shark Man if CAPCOM ever decides to do another sequel.

Well, despite my reaction to this, I am excited to hear that MegaMan 10 is well on its way in a few months.

Thing about that is there is a Shark Man out there, but he only exists in the Battle Network universe (and is actually one of the anime's more charming characters).

Yeah Sheep Man, yeah. Obvious dreaming of electric sheep joke aside, I was about to say this could be have been some kid's idea for a Robot Master but Capcom hasn't held a "Design a Robot for Rockman" contest since 8. So yeah, some Japanese guy at the development studio thought him up. Well he couldn't be much worse than Top Man.

I feel bad I never played MM9 though, if only because my systems don't have net connections. And now I'll miss out on 10 it seems.

Avalon Code and Valkyrie Profile CotP, both great games from what I've heard. Avalon Code's artwork and premise are pretty interesting. It's like Dark Cloud, only you have no one telling you how to remake the world. You're making it with your choices. That's pretty interesting if you ask me. Unfortunately, I heard the book system is very clunky and unorganized, so it got on some people's nerves.

As for VP, well, the series is one of the staples in the RPG player of today's drawers. If you never played VP and never intend to, all I can say is you're missing out on a creative retelling of the Norse mythos. 'Course, Silmeria was a letdown, not a horrible letdown mind you, but it just didn't have the magic of Lenneth. And we still need a Hrist game, if any plans are being made to make one at all. I can't say Covenant redeemed the series either, but it was still better than Silmeria if you want my opinion. Silmeria just dumped too much on the player with hasty explanations.
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Joined: 15 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:59 am Reply with quote
The PlayStation 2 one features the softer, penciled style of Kosuke Fujishima, while the Wii game gets brighter, anime-like artwork.

That's actually Hidenori Matsubara's artwork. He did all of the artwork for Sakura Wars V, not Kosuke Fujishima.

And I, for one, wholeheartedly approve of the name changes. Very Happy They've nicely corrected the "did not do the research"/Engrishy stench emanating from the original names. Especially when the point of two of the names was to have a cutesy Hispanic name and a James Bond-esque sex pun of a name, respectively - in that case, Rosarita and Cherry Cocker work much better than Rikkarita and Plum Spaniel. Not so sure about "Cheiron," though - it doesn't sound any more or less authentic than "Sagitta" did in the first place.
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Joined: 20 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:01 am Reply with quote
The complaints about Sheep Man for Mega Man 10 are nothing short of hilarious. I honestly thought that every fan of Mega Man would've known by now that CAPCOM always has one joke robot master for each game. Let's look at the rap sheet, shall we?

Mega Man: Cut Man
Mega Man 2: Wood Man
Mega Man 3: Top Man
Mega Man 4: Toad Man
Mega Man 5: Charge Man
Mega Man 6: Plant Man
Mega Man 7: Spring Man
Mega Man 8: Clown Man

So again, what's the problem with Sheep Man?
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:30 am Reply with quote
That last bit about people mistaking Metal Gear for being awful on the NES made me laugh. I suppose that is one of the fun things about hindsight, you only figure out you had a gem on your hands afterwards.
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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:30 am Reply with quote
Good things coming during the last half of 2009 to 2010.
Final Fantasy XIII looks amazing as usual. I saw the vid of the game at Game Center CX. I wish there was a translation because they were just going crazy over the monsters. It seems that creating an environment where you and the monsters roam freely gives it a further sense of realism. Seems a lot of the ideas that came out of FFXI would be incorporated here. I find it strange that the game only got a 39 out of 40. I'm curious to know how Famitsu's judging system works.

Good to see more retro games making a comeback.

Once again delays, hopefully Sakura Wars V will make it out soon. Now I wish they would port the OVAs. They were highly entertaining.

Always room for more 'Mega Man'.
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