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Teriyaki Terrier

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:26 am Reply with quote
Difficult game? After fifteen years, I think I can remember a few. Even if I don't win, I am sure Todd and others might either laugh or relate to one of those games.

It's pretty neat that Todd is doing this though, so I am probably going to enter to simply tell an old gamer's time spent on video games.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:26 am Reply with quote
Kira Kira Rock 'n Roll Show

All I read was "crossdressing" and "high school band."

This is officially my favorite game that I have never played.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:50 am Reply with quote
It still baffles me how some game designers can take fun IPs like Appleseed and Ghost in the Shell and turn them into terrible/boring games. Really now?

Why can't these producers just cherry-pick some of the great ideas that came out of games like Metal Gear Solid, Mass Effect, Fallout, Gears of War and Devil may Cry?

Then again, maybe a lot of what made those games fun to play were trademarked or patented. I honestly don't know, but I'm just bitching anyway.

It's funny how X Button mentioned that insane Battletoads race because it reminded me of how batshit insane the first TMNT game for the NES was.
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Captain Crotchspike

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:52 am Reply with quote
It's too bad there didn't end up being a review for King of Fighters '98 Unlimited Match in this week's column, since I'm sure all the advertising today might have some people who haven't heard of it before wondering what's up, so I guess just in case such people are reading this: There was a blurb about this in last week's new release section, so look there. And if you ask me? Buy this. It's twenty bucks for what ranks among the most finely tuned fighting games out there, plus extra characters and individual improvements, and it acts as an excellent introduction to SNK's personality packed characters. I've gotten a ridiculous amount of mileage out of the original game, and that's before all the new stuff Unlimited Match brings to the table. It's good! Really!

On Samurai Shodown Anthology: I'm probably not the only one who's a tad worried this won't come out on time, as it's not unusual for SNKP USA to end up delaying games within the week they were due to come out (KOF 98UM was supposed to come out in January, after all). I'm just going to expect it to be delayed, and if not...what a nice surprise!

In regards to the games within it, IV's way of fixing III's ridiculous damage problem (you could kill people in two to three hits if you played your cards right) was...er...giving you two lifebars. Brilliant! IV is not a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, but it is a fun entry in the series, and I do think there are going to be people who prefer it over the others (if "some other guys I know" are any indication", I guess). VI ended up getting less play than it possibly deserved for whatever reason, but it's quite an interesting title, and it gives us playable Andrew Jackson. And that's awesome.
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Unit 03.5-ish

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:53 am Reply with quote
I haven't followed KOF in years, precisely BECAUSE it recycles graphics and characters and moves. Is this one gonna be different enough, or will it be the same old same old? So technically, SFIV could be argued as the same old as before but at least it doesn't throw in a cast of thousands in a ridiculously convoluted story -- OK, SFA3 did that...I'm rambling now...

On another note, is it just me or is Ceodore the dumbest name for a Squeenix character yet, even worse than Cloud, Squall, or Lightning? Or even Snow? Yes, I realize their son was named after spoiler[Cecil's brother whose real name was Theodore and looked like a wimpy git when they revealed what he looked like under the armor in the end of FFIV DS], but still...
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Captain Crotchspike

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:16 am Reply with quote
I assume you're talking about KOF XII...just head on over to any old site that offers Game Trailers (hint hint) and take a look around - a new one came out recently, in fact. It's been a long time since they started development on it (after XI came out, November 2005, to be precise), and for most of that time, they were dedicating their efforts just to drawing all the characters and backgrounds. It shows...every character is not only very detailed, but also ridiculously well animated, and there are nice little touches like lighting effects depending on where the characters are standing on the stage.

It's got a "back to basics" stance on gameplay (not unlike SFIV, although I believe as was said before, it's fairly arguable in that particular case), and it's back to 3-on-3 teams without tagging or any of the other systems introduced in 2k3/XI. Quite a number of characters have move lists more similar to that of their earlier incarnations (although some are completely or mostly different from anytime in the past, like Iori and Kensou, respectively). It does introduce a new system - "Critical Counters", which allow you to interrupt an opponents special move and follow up with either a free super or a custom combo. You can only do this when you have your CC gauge full, and that depletes once it hits the maximum, so it's a relatively small window. That seems fair enough, though, since it looks like you can do quite a bit of damage through this system.

Er, yes, I am looking forward to this. :B
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Joined: 22 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:18 am Reply with quote
Ah, I wish Kira Kira Rock 'n Roll Show had a chance to be published over here. The H-game seems more possible. Too bad it's not a PS3 title so all you have to do is import.

So, SamSho is the last game SNK-USA will publish for the U.S.? I guess that's okay if Ignition Entertainment handles them from now on. They seem to have more than 6 people on their team.

Jake Hunter Detective Chronicles: Memories of the Past is being released, this time with scenarios left off from the first game and a little more flair to the dialogue of the 3 scenarios in the original.

Cross Edge was also pushed back to May.
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Joined: 17 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:19 am Reply with quote
I'm dissapointed that Kira Kira Rock n' Roll show is not tied to Kira Kira Music Hour, the pinky:st game. (I collect them, so...)

On an unrelated note, I'm also sad I can't make any friends in Little Big Planet... I've only had the PS3 a week, but still- I want those 2-player bubbles! Crying or Very sad

Last edited by DuelLadyS on Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:15 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:29 am Reply with quote
And will Rydia and Edge finally hook up?

As long as it's a better sequel than Lunar 2... Rolling Eyes [Though I know most of you will replace that number with that DS game.]

Japanese cell users paid for each of those chapters separately, and I'd expect Square to sell the game in similar chunks over WiiWare. I'd also expect Final Fantasy IV's fan base to buy every one of them.

At this point, I'd rather just pay for Wii ports of the DQ spin-offs like the Torneko dungeon crawlers. I know some people don't like the original game being slightly
open-ended[though not as horribly open-ended as FF7], but I personally don't see what's left for most of the main characters. Look what happened when they tried to do a "sequel" to Xenogears, after all. Man, was that pointless.
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Joined: 17 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:04 am Reply with quote
For shame Todd, how dare you take such a cheap shot at my beloved Mana Khemia and make a joke with Harry Potter involved. D< /end fake anger

That being said, Avalon Code looks interesting... I'ma make note of it next time I wanna check out a good time consumer for my DS.

Anyways, are you playing Star Ocean IV yet? Cause honestly... It's good and all but I'm being heavily disappointed. Even SOIII with it's mediocre endgame plot twist was more epic feeling that this game...

And both Lymle and Meracle are making the game mildly... unbearable at times. It feels like the game might've not fallen short of seriousness would those two characters to have been axed.

Oh and furthermore, the removal of the anime HUD and status images, was a complete mistake. The CG isn't bad, but... it's boring.
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:27 am Reply with quote
so far KOF XII just looks like style over substance. not only has the entire roster of characters been gutted, but the franchise still hasn't received any significant overhaul. it still plays exactly the same as it did in every other game of the last ten years.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:28 am Reply with quote
bleuster wrote:
Ah, I wish Kira Kira Rock 'n Roll Show had a chance to be published over here. The H-game seems more possible. Too bad it's not a PS3 title so all you have to do is import.

The PC-version has very high chance of getting an English release, because MangaGamer has released Edelweiss from the same makers. It's one of the best visual novel I have played and I really hope that MangaGamer fixes the quality issues they have had before it's possible release.

Absolutely loved the part where the band tried to act punk-like by inserting random swear words in sentences.

Shikanosuke: Yo, bitches!
Sarina: Good morning. Today is a truly f***ing morning.
Chie: Morning! I saw a really shitty dream last night!
Kirari: Fakku! Fakku! Fakku!
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:34 am Reply with quote
Heh, been gaming for so long it's hard to remember the most aggravating experience I've had.

And I'm so excited for Resident Evil 5! They might not be survival horror anymore but RE4 was such a great game (for me behind 2 in terms of my favorite) that I'm really looking forward to more.
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Unit 03.5-ish

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:38 am Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
Seething rage and railing against several games just to be an ass

So like, do you ever make a post that's not full of negativity, or hatred, or a combination of both? Just curious.
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Joined: 22 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:01 am Reply with quote
4nBlue wrote:
bleuster wrote:
Ah, I wish Kira Kira Rock 'n Roll Show had a chance to be published over here. The H-game seems more possible. Too bad it's not a PS3 title so all you have to do is import.

The PC-version has very high chance of getting an English release, because MangaGamer has released Edelweiss from the same makers.
That's great to hear! Even if they only release it in Europe it's not like it'll be difficult to import or download. They seem to try to at least get capable people and have a steady schedule so I'll be keeping an eye on them.
Thanks for the tidbit.
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