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NEWS: Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas Video Anime Green-Lit

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Joined: 07 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 8:29 am Reply with quote
yeah...can you feel my cosmo!! Im the first!!!

I'm so glad Saint seiya can give this much anime!!!
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 9:09 am Reply with quote
And most of it has stayed in Japan. Hopefully Toei and ADV will put this series online for viewing.
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Daimao Raki

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:13 am Reply with quote
hikaru004 wrote:
And most of it has stayed in Japan. Hopefully Toei and ADV will put this series online for viewing.
I want ADV to get the rest of Saint Seiya so bad...
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Joined: 03 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:20 am Reply with quote
Who cares if it's ADV?
I want ANY of the licensees to bring the rest of Seiya over & all this other stuff.
I don't even care if there's a dub.
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Joined: 20 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:37 am Reply with quote
Its about time we should get this-its been around like (forever) and still rolling.

Even if its a dub or sub titled by AVD i could care less.As long as Seiya still runs thats what i care the most.
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Daimao Raki

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 12:54 pm Reply with quote
CCSYueh wrote:
Who cares if it's ADV?
I want ANY of the licensees to bring the rest of Seiya over & all this other stuff.
I don't even care if there's a dub.
Who else is going to take a chance on it?
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Joined: 26 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:00 pm Reply with quote
Daimao Raki wrote:
CCSYueh wrote:
Who cares if it's ADV?
I want ANY of the licensees to bring the rest of Seiya over & all this other stuff.
I don't even care if there's a dub.
Who else is going to take a chance on it?

I agree, don't worry I want more of Saint Seiya in the U.S. too, Kurumada rules!!

Oh, and to prove my being a Saint Seiya fanboy, I can do a dead on imitation of Seiya ( I sound just like him) , as well a Dragon Shiryu, and pretty much every guy in that show, I have yet to cosplay as them!!
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Joined: 03 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 6:14 pm Reply with quote
Daimao Raki wrote:
CCSYueh wrote:
Who cares if it's ADV?
I want ANY of the licensees to bring the rest of Seiya over & all this other stuff.
I don't even care if there's a dub.
Who else is going to take a chance on it?

MB has been known to rescue dropped stuff.
Funi picked up One Piece, although it was a title they wanted already.
I'm just not so trusting of ADV that it's all Toei's fault we never got more of Seiya. ADV sort of mangled it (Knights of the Zodiac killed it for a lot of people here. I know a lot of people who found the purple "cosmic energy" or whatever they tried to pass the blood off as as just stupid. No, they aren't Seiya fans who say that, but just look at the number of people with seeming fond memories of Ronin Warriors.)
Seiya could have more fans here if they did the license right. Maybe they need to pick up this new title & if it does well, people will want to see the older stuff.
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 7:01 pm Reply with quote
CCSYueh wrote:

I'm just not so trusting of ADV that it's all Toei's fault we never got more of Seiya. ADV sort of mangled it (Knights of the Zodiac killed it for a lot of people here. I know a lot of people who found the purple "cosmic energy" or whatever they tried to pass the blood off as as just stupid. No, they aren't Seiya fans who say that, but just look at the number of people with seeming fond memories of Ronin Warriors.)
Seiya could have more fans here if they did the license right. Maybe they need to pick up this new title & if it does well, people will want to see the older stuff.

You do know that Knights of the Zodiac was not ADV's doing and that ADV never truly had the license itself, right?

DiC was the company who licensed Saint Seiya, technically episodes 1-60 only, and turned it into KotZ. ADV then sub-licensed the show from DiC to give it a proper, uncut release... Just like when they, and Geneon, did the same for Sailor Moon.

ADV could only do what DiC licensed, and there was no indication that DiC didn't want to license more... Hell, DiC never even used all 60 episodes that were licensed for KotZ.

Now what comes beyond that is my own theory, but I think that Toei didn't let ADV license anymore of Saint Seiya mainly due to the fact that DiC licensed the first half, and Toei didn't want one show licensed by two different companies. That would certainly explain why Toei wasn't letting ADV license beyond what DiC did. Now, DiC doesn't exist, as it was bought by the Cookie Jar Company, and the CJC website makes absolutely no mention of KotZ, or any other of the animes DiC licensed, which makes me think that CJC decided not to renew the license to Saint Seiya.

If DiC/CJC doesn't have the license to the show anymore, then that could only mean that ADV has the license fully now... Which could mean the possibility of episodes 61-114 being released finally. Note that this is mostly speculation, but it all seems possible.

Anyway, ADV did a fine job with Saint Seiya (with the exception of the uncut dub, which is kind of lackluster and filled with a number of name mispronounciations). DiC is the company who messed up Seiya, and ADV tried to give it a good name after it was stained by DiC.
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Joined: 09 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 8:18 pm Reply with quote
i used to love Saint Seiya 15 or 14 years ago. But now i lost interest on it since they didn't the the Hades Chapter like 15 year ago. I didn't even watch the Hades OVA.
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Joichiro Nishi

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:50 pm Reply with quote
Spotlesseden wrote:
i used to love Saint Seiya 15 or 14 years ago. But now i lost interest on it since they didn't the the Hades Chapter like 15 year ago. I didn't even watch the Hades OVA.

The first arc, Chapter Sanctuary, is one of the best shounen I've ever seen. It was directed by Shigeyasu Yamauchi (The same director of Casshern Sins). It has the serious tone of the original series and more stilized action secuences. Yamauchi also directed Saint Seiya Overture, an awesome movie. Unfortunately, after that movie he was fired and the next arcs (Chapter Inferno and Chapter Elysium) were awful.
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Joined: 28 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 12:00 am Reply with quote
im loving this...da manga is awsome.....and now an anime video .....damn even better.......=*) cant wait....
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Joined: 03 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 12:35 pm Reply with quote
Spotlesseden wrote:
i used to love Saint Seiya 15 or 14 years ago. But now i lost interest on it since they didn't the the Hades Chapter like 15 year ago. I didn't even watch the Hades OVA.

People's tastes change, but just because they didn't do Hades 15 yrs ago seems like a dumb reason to dislike the series. Animation techniques have advanced in that time meaning it CAN look better IF the company making it chooses to use state-of-the-art. You can argue the quality & all, but the gap between the original Star Wars trilogy & the 2nd allowed for a leap in the capabilities of special effects.

Really, in a lot of the shonen stuff now one can often see the influence of DB/Z, Fist of the North Star or Seiya. One Piece was obviously influenced by DB. It appears Kubo was a Seiya fan when younger, although I've never researched it. I just see a lot in Bleach that is reminiscent of Seiya.

Anyway, ADV did a fine job with Saint Seiya (with the exception of the uncut dub, which is kind of lackluster and filled with a number of name mispronounciations). DiC is the company who messed up Seiya, and ADV tried to give it a good name after it was stained by DiC.

So if DiC was totally at fault over KotZ (why did ADV release it? We never got Shaman King on DVD beyond 2 dvds. Tokyo Mew Mew. It would have been better in that limbo) & ADV only did the uncut dvds, how could one say they did a fine job if they messed up the uncut dub? That's half of it, isn't it? I really didn't mind the dub, but preferred the Japanese track (Ryo Horikawa for one. Hirotaka Suzuoki for another)

Seiya just fits ADV's pattern of not finishing what they start like all those manga they licensed & dropped. There have been titles from time to time ADV has licensed & sat on. Considering how long the Seiya dvds have been in the clearance sales at ADV & Right Stuf, it either sold very poorly or they massively overproduced the amount to sell. It's sort of like Case Closed. Funi's saying buy it & we'll license more, but they don't seem all that interested.

Realistically it's sort of missed the boat. It's an amazing title, but one sees comments all the time "Recommend anime-nothing before 2000". Had it come in behind DBZ, it might have taken off, but now only the fans of old school will likely give it a try which is horribly sad since it is such an incredible title--way better than DBZ for my money. If this new title is good & someone here takes a chance on it, then there's a possibility Seiya can make it over here as follow-up.
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Joined: 01 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 1:46 pm Reply with quote
CCSYueh wrote:

So if DiC was totally at fault over KotZ (why did ADV release it? We never got Shaman King on DVD beyond 2 dvds. Tokyo Mew Mew. It would have been better in that limbo) & ADV only did the uncut dvds, how could one say they did a fine job if they messed up the uncut dub? That's half of it, isn't it? I really didn't mind the dub, but preferred the Japanese track (Ryo Horikawa for one. Hirotaka Suzuoki for another)

Seiya just fits ADV's pattern of not finishing what they start like all those manga they licensed & dropped. There have been titles from time to time ADV has licensed & sat on. Considering how long the Seiya dvds have been in the clearance sales at ADV & Right Stuf, it either sold very poorly or they massively overproduced the amount to sell. It's sort of like Case Closed. Funi's saying buy it & we'll license more, but they don't seem all that interested.

Why are you mentioning 4Kids titles? You can't compare the two. DiC allowed their titles to be released Uncut for the most part (much like Nelvana), I didn't see 4Kids doing that for every title.

Toei and DiC thought KotZ was going to be huge, so DiC wanted a home video release, ADV was there with open arms with the requirement of them being allowed to release the series Uncut Bi-Lingual as well as TV-Edited. That is why both KotZ and Saint Seiya were released on DVD.

The presentation of Saint Seiya's DVD were fine, the show was available uncut, unedited, and bilingual. The quality of the English adaptation doesn't affect the quality of the bilingual release, since you know, there is a whole nother language track with subtitles on the same disc...

Case Closed is also a horrible example, a better one would be Kodocha. Since Conan is a show that is still on-going after a decade, and because of that is highly expensive to release only on DVD.

What Lord Geo is arguing is that since ADV only got the sublicense from DiC they could only release what DiC licensed, which were the first 60 episodes, and what could have happened was that when ADV asked to get more episodes, Toei could have slapped them with a "DENIED". Toei is odd like that, the company is known for doing weird stuff (cancelling DVDs, taking licenses back, etc.). Hell, one reason that could have stopped Saint Seiya from being completely released could be because Toei demanded a TV Deal for the whole series (This is from my arse, not concrete info), and because DiC's version flopped the TV Deal didn't exist (this is my theory again, from my arse) anymore so neither did the option of getting more episodes.
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:10 pm Reply with quote
I'm not going to quote all of that, but I have to agree with Primus with what he said. Toei has a work habit of letting some shows get released with no problems (Xenosaga, Air Gear, One Piece, etc.) and then giving all sorts of problems with other shows (Sailor Moon being the msot obvious example of this).

And CCSYueh, don't go using ADV Manga as an example of ADV not fully releasing titles. ADV Manga started off in the worst way possible by licensing a ton of titles through a licensing deal with Mag Garden and thinking that having a lot of titles would equal getting a lot of money. When it comes to anime ADV has been pretty consistent with releasing titles fully. Sure, there are times when they haven't released everything within a series, but that has happened to a number of other companie as well.

As for all the copies available of clearance, I think it's more of a case of over-production... As was the case with many other animes that were released within the time span of 2003-2006 (when Saint Seiya was being released, roughly) and didn't do well. The companies thought too large and it hurt them all in the end.

ADV has wanted to do more Saint Seiya, as people within the company are also fans of the show. I also think the fact that ADV is re-releasing the collections that were released back in early 2006, while leaving other older shows like Dunbine and City Hunter behind, shows that ADV still has hope in the anime. And with DiC gone, it's great to see any bit of Seiya being released.
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