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Joined: 09 Jul 2006
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Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:12 pm
I hope someone rescues MD Geist and re-issues it for dirt cheap.
I don't see why there's so much hate for it. I LOVED MD Geist! (Saw it on Sci-Fi a few nights ago; shit was SO cash.)
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Joined: 14 May 2005
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Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:19 pm
It was on Sci-Fi's Ani-Monday this week. I watched the first five minutes, then didn't pay attention for awhile until someone's head exploded, continued to not pay attention until the very end where I couldn't stop laughing at the Token Female Character's wooden performance.
Apparently, I didn't miss much.
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Joined: 09 Jul 2006
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Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:36 pm
Julia-the-Great wrote: | It was on Sci-Fi's Ani-Monday this week. I watched the first five minutes, then didn't pay attention for awhile until someone's head exploded, continued to not pay attention until the very end where I couldn't stop laughing at the Token Female Character's wooden performance.
Apparently, I didn't miss much. |
Yeah, well, I paid attention to the whole film and enjoyed every minute of it.
People these days just don't appreciate the classics....MD Geist could use more love.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2008
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Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:37 pm
Quote: | The main person ballyhooing the title throughout the history of anime in the United States is of course my former boss John O'Donnell, founder and managing director of the once mighty Central Park Media. The man has made Geist, the title character, the logo of his company since day one, and made sure the title was consistently the one held up for all to see. It can be seen pivoting lifelessly at the start of every U.S. Manga Corps DVD in a hilariously dated CG sequence to this day. |
I always wondered why on earth he was the mascot/logo for Central Park Media/U.S. Manga Corps. It's nice to know, although at the same time it makes me feel sort of sad that the reason was not "well, there wasn't anything else to use, so. . . ."
Quote: | My favorite moment is towards the beginning, when a man that narrowly misses death at Geist's hand freaks out and proceeds to scream an elaborate plot recap for episode one. |
I. . .I think I need to see this. Maybe not the rest of M.D. Geist, but definitely this part.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 12:03 am
Quote: | I'm reminded of one particular incident where we were asked for suggestions in naming the forthcoming Urotsukidoji boxed set. |
Not that I really care about Urotsukidoji, but does the fact that a set is coming out mean that CPM is out of its coma? I'll comment on the rest some other time. [I still haven't read the last "Chicks on Anime", either, sigh...]
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Top Gun
Joined: 28 Sep 2007
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Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 12:09 am
I have this taped from Sci-Fi the other night and didn't get to see it yet, but the few of my friends who sat through it didn't exactly have any kind words for it. I find these ****ty 80s OVAs to be rather hilarious, so I'm looking forward to watching it.
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Joined: 17 Jul 2007
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Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 12:14 am
Well, I've seen a few good 80s OVAs but yeah, this one is just horrible. I like Genocyber, but MD Geist is just barely watchable, though I guess some people like it in a so-bad-its-good sort of way. I'm just glad that they finally put it in Buried Garbage; I've been waiting for a while for it to happen so this is rather exciting. But I guess if it was the guy's first anime then maybe we should cut him some slack.
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 12:29 am
watched it on Sci Fi the other day, and i was laughing my ass off. i'm not sure if it's the movie so much as the dub itself that makes it so horrible.
Last edited by v1cious on Thu Oct 02, 2008 12:30 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 09 Jul 2006
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Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 12:30 am
Lee1981 wrote: | Well, I've seen a few good 80s OVAs but yeah, this one is just horrible. I like Genocyber, but MD Geist is just barely watchable, though I guess some people like it in a so-bad-its-good sort of way. I'm just glad that they finally put it in Buried Garbage; I've been waiting for a while for it to happen so this is rather exciting.  But I guess if it was the guy's first anime then maybe we should cut him some slack. |
I still don't get all the hate for this good OVA. And I don't view MD Geist as "so-bad-it's-good", but rather, I genuinely enjoyed it. How such a good OVA could get so much hate is beyond me. If you want something BAD, go watch Sword for Truth.
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Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 12:54 am
I like both MD Geist OVAs. For the first time ever I have to disagree with Justin with this article. True the animation quality is not the best, and the English dub is terrible (watch it with subs). But it has action, a good enough story for a OVA, and MD Geist is one crazy MF (and he is still cool in my book).
What more can you ask for in a 80s OVA!!?? If you want to bash for it for being too violent there's the Black Lion OVA and the Violence Jack OVAs (FYI I like both of them). Want to bash it for not making sense there's Harmagedon (which I hated big time). Want to bash the animation in OVAs there's the infamous Angel Cop OVAs.
Justin Sevakis wrote: | There is no sport left in ripping on M.D. Geist. It's hard to fathom how someone can see MD Geist and consider it good, or even watchable. |
I LOL when I read this comment (and I knew you were going to crack on MD Geist sooner or later).
But I'll say this: If you watch newer animes this is not for you. If you like 80s action flicks you'll most likely like MD Geist. Remember, watch it in Japanese with subs.
I should buy the DVDs sooner or later. Genocyber was good stuff (except episodes 4 and 5, they are skipable). Cybernetics Guardian is Koichi Ohata's weakest work. Good ideas, just didn't work out.
AirCooledMan_2006 wrote: | I still don't get all the hate for this good OVA. And I don't view MD Geist as "so-bad-it's-good", but rather, I genuinely enjoyed it. How such a good OVA could get so much hate is beyond me. If you want something BAD, go watch Sword for Truth. |
I like Sword of Truth, and Vampire Wars (another OVA that gets bashed a lot). Apocalypse Zero and Ninja Resurrection people should stay away from.
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Joined: 09 Jul 2006
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Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 1:24 am
Descent123 wrote: | I like both MD Geist OVAs. For the first time ever I have to disagree with Justin with this article. True the animation quality is not the best, and the English dub is terrible (watch it with subs). But it has action, a good enough story for a OVA, and MD Geist is one crazy MF (and he is still cool in my book).
What more can you ask for in a 80s OVA!!?? If you want to bash for it for being too violent there's the Black Lion OVA and the Violence Jack OVAs (FYI I like both of them). Want to bash it for not making sense there's Harmagedon (which I hated big time). Want to bash the animation in OVAs there's the infamous Angel Cop OVAs. |
NOBODY fucks with MD Geist. Not even Chuck Norris.
I like the dub--don't see what's terrible about it. But you have to remember that, this being made in the '80s, the conditions for dubs were different from how they are now.
Quote: |
Justin Sevakis wrote: | There is no sport left in ripping on M.D. Geist. It's hard to fathom how someone can see MD Geist and consider it good, or even watchable. |
I LOL when I read this comment (and I knew you were going to crack on MD Geist sooner or later). |
I've disagreed with Justin on Mad Bull 34 and Angel Cop (Both of which I enjoyed), and I disagree with him on MD Geist. The more any reviewer on here bashes any given anime, the more I want to watch it. Just because they're reviewers doesn't make them right about anything.
Quote: |
AirCooledMan_2006 wrote: | I still don't get all the hate for this good OVA. And I don't view MD Geist as "so-bad-it's-good", but rather, I genuinely enjoyed it. How such a good OVA could get so much hate is beyond me. If you want something BAD, go watch Sword for Truth. |
I like Sword of Truth, and Vampire Wars (another OVA that gets bashed a lot). Apocalypse Zero and Ninja Resurrection people should stay away from. |
Eh, if you liked Sword for Truth, more power to you. But at least we agree on Vampire Wars. It may not be a masterpiece, but it was still enjoyable.
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Joined: 10 Dec 2007
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Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 3:38 am
Descent123 wrote: | I like both MD Geist OVAs. For the first time ever I have to disagree with Justin with this article. True the animation quality is not the best, and the English dub is terrible (watch it with subs). But it has action, a good enough story for a OVA, and MD Geist is one crazy MF (and he is still cool in my book). |
God. I caught this on Sci-Fi this week, first time I've seen it in close and.. wow. I was surprised at how much I liked it. I think most of that was due to what you hit on in the last sentence above. Geist is just ridiculously bad ass! Watching him take down power armor with nothing but a pistol and knife, while callously sacrificing gang members to get into position.. AWESOME!
And I don't care what anyone says, the Geist "tech-suit" is hella cool.
The second one was pretty crap though.
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Joined: 22 May 2008
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Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 3:45 am
If its out of print, does CPM still have the rights to have it broadcasted on American TV? It looked like Sci-Fi was going back to showing some of their titles like they did in the 90s, but it was only a brief run so far with Negadon, N&T/H&T, and both MD Geists. It would be nice to see Venus Wars on TV again.
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Joined: 06 Jan 2008
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Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 3:48 am
Descent123 wrote: | I should buy the DVDs sooner or later. Genocyber was good stuff (except episodes 4 and 5, they are skipable). Cybernetics Guardian is Koichi Ohata's weakest work. Good ideas, just didn't work out. |
By association with Geist, should I assume Genocyber isn’t worth watching in this day and age?
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Pale Horse
Joined: 02 Apr 2006
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Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 3:51 am
LostPhrack wrote: | Geist is just ridiculously bad ass! Watching him take down power armor with nothing but a pistol and knife, while callously sacrificing gang members to get into position.. AWESOME! |
I think that's a main focal point... Geist's time may have come around again. Now, I remember it fondly (it was among the first anime I ever watched, along with Vampire Hunter D, Vampire Wars, etc.) but it was bad.
But it was Rambo manly. Anime seriously lacks Rambo-ness nowadays. Why are there so many Chuck Norris jokes today? He's really tame; in the 80's Norris was lame. But he rocks now not because he actually does, but because so many others don't.
And that's why Geist could fill a niche. The Tenchi clones have ruled, the cool Spike clones have ruled, but the macho Mad Max (I love Road Warrior, thank you very much) clones have vanished in anime. Or at least dwindled to insignificance.
There is no more silly fun and violence like Vampire Wars, Fist of the North Star, Wicked City, or even the fondly remembered Ninja Scroll.
Geist has his place, but I sure would like someone to one-up him. We need an Anime Conan. Not kind of, but seriously macho. Not a parody, but the real "chew bubblegum and take names, and I'm all out of bubblegum type."
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