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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 11:30 pm
I actually hated Yurara by the end. It stopped being charming, and started being melodramatic.
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Joined: 18 May 2004
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Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 11:35 pm
Tsubasa 17 was a good volume, after moving as slowly as humanly possible it seems like things are happening again, even if the happenings don't seem to change the basic plot all that much (searching for some unknown myriad of feathers? check. Still lots of clamp-y cameos and worlds? check. Still same basic party?- characterwise, check.) So I hope we will use the drama to move this plot forward, as opposed to some other shocking plot points that have went functionally nowhere.
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Teriyaki Terrier
Joined: 26 Mar 2008
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Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 11:40 pm
I remember reading the Dragon Ball manga in the smaller version and watching that series live on telvison.
Always a great review as always Mr. Santos.
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Joined: 19 Feb 2006
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Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:37 am
Now that I've collected all of the original Dragon Ball, I'd like to get the omnibus versions of DBZ (maybe just up until the end of the Cell saga).
As for Reader's Choice, I plan to write a review of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3 (the one released by Viz), if I can find the time.
Last edited by Alucalb on Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 08 May 2004
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Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:40 am
My friend let me borrow TWENTY (!!) volumes of yaoi from her, so when I'm through the pile, I'll let you know which one I liked the best So far, I've loved "Hot Steamy Glasses" and "Love Bus Stop" the most, if you want some blind recommendations
"Children of the Sea" looked the most appealing to me this week. And gosh, I am now like 6 volumes behind on Tsubasa. And I kind of don't care. I was selling my stuff at Anime North, and a kid came up and looked at "Kamui" by Shingo Nanami and said "there's a character called Kamui in Tsubasa" and I nearly died. I mean, first of all, these two manga aren't even related, and KAMUI IS FROM X. It is killing my CLAMP fangirl soul having these kids recognize Tsubasa before the original CLAMP series. It took all I had to smile and nod, while the kids' friend was like "Uhhh...different artists...". I realize that I'm getting older, and the anime fandom is going to move on, but REALLY? Tsubasa before X? REALLY? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
But hey, the kid bought Kamui, so I shouldn't complain too much, right?
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Big Hed
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Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:57 am
I'm glad I'm not the only one who sometimes finds CLAMPs artwork in Tsubasa/Holic confusing -- albeit brilliant. Can't wait for volume 18 to come around. And yeah, the purpose that the water jugs played was quite awesome. I remember saying "Oh, I see. That's what they were for."
I'm surprised that there are so few submissions coming in for Reader's Choice. I'll try and come up with something for the next column. Although maybe the mailbox will be crammed with submissions from the VKDF.
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Joined: 01 Feb 2008
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Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:40 am
Is it wrong that tsubasa made me want to read all the other CLAMP works so I'd get the references?
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Encyclopedia Editor
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Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 3:51 am
kazana144 wrote: | Is it wrong that tsubasa made me want to read all the other CLAMP works so I'd get the references? |
My friend recently said the same thing. Perhaps it is just CLAMP's diabolical plan to get people to read their earlier works!
Which amuses me, because I'm only familiar with their older stuff and have only read a single volume of Tsubasa. Oops.
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Joined: 15 Aug 2006
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Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:41 am
Bara_Megami wrote: | My friend let me borrow TWENTY (!!) volumes of yaoi from her, so when I'm through the pile, I'll let you know which one I liked the best  So far, I've loved "Hot Steamy Glasses" and "Love Bus Stop" the most, if you want some blind recommendations
"Children of the Sea" looked the most appealing to me this week. And gosh, I am now like 6 volumes behind on Tsubasa. And I kind of don't care. I was selling my stuff at Anime North, and a kid came up and looked at "Kamui" by Shingo Nanami and said "there's a character called Kamui in Tsubasa" and I nearly died. I mean, first of all, these two manga aren't even related, and KAMUI IS FROM X. It is killing my CLAMP fangirl soul having these kids recognize Tsubasa before the original CLAMP series. It took all I had to smile and nod, while the kids' friend was like "Uhhh...different artists...". I realize that I'm getting older, and the anime fandom is going to move on, but REALLY? Tsubasa before X? REALLY? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
But hey, the kid bought Kamui, so I shouldn't complain too much, right? |
I wish I could read X! But I don't really want to read it online and I'm not wasting money on the old releases so I'm just going to have to hope it gets rereleased at some point like Clover is. And I did buy the anime.
Tsubasa really did get me reading all CLAMP's older stuff. I saw it when it was first coming out and went "Oh, Sakura and Li from Cardcaptors!". And then I bought Cardcaptor Sakura (and the uncut anime), Rayearth (and the rubbish OVA), RG Veda (and the OVA) xxxHolic, Tokyo Babylon, Wish, Chobits, Shirahime, Suki, Legal Drug, CLAMP no Kiseki and Man of Many Faces. So their marketing ploy worked on me. Not that I mind, it's mostly really good stuff and it certainly improves the Tsubasa reading experience.
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Big Hed
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Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 7:16 am
Yeah, CLAMP's marketing ploy has worked on me to some degree as well. Although I haven't yet, I'm interested in picking up RG Veda, X, Tokyo Babylon, and Magic Knight Rayearth.
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Joined: 18 Sep 2005
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Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 7:57 am
I purposely avoided reading Tsubasa until I had read some other CLAMP manga in order to get the references. And then I read Tsubasa and...didn't like it that much. I haven't given up on it, but I'm not rushing to catch up to the English release like I did with xxxHolic.
King of Thorn sounds really interesting. I guess this is yet another series to put on my WAY TOO LONG to-read list.
I've considered writing something about Vampire Knight for RTO, maybe one of these days I'll stop being lazy and actually do it
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Joined: 17 Nov 2003
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Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 8:42 am
kazana144 wrote: | Is it wrong that tsubasa made me want to read all the other CLAMP works so I'd get the references? |
I'd say reading both Cardcaptor series for the history of the Sakura and Syaoran in our dimension before reading Tsubasa/Holic, as well as the xxxHOLiC crossover while you're reading Tsubasa, are the only "musts". The other works will enhance the experience but aren't quite as necessary. Interestingly, I've noticed a bit of a spike on in Tokyo Babylon (the story of our dimension's Subaru) sales subsequent to AU Subaru's arrival in Tsubasa. I imagine readers unfamiliar with TB and X now understand why alot of us adore him and had been waiting for him to show up ever since Seishiro's arrival.
As for Tsubasa - how awesome was this volume - let me count the ways! Kurogane's decision - what a whammy! The expressions that crossed his face as he tended to Fai and watched him wake up were a remarkable rollercoaster. Sakura finally living up to the potential she showed in Spirit and Piffle World. And a seriously ticked off Fai with his "if anything happens to Sakura-chan because you let her do this I'm kicking your rear" glares at Kurogane. And the final, heartbreaking frames between Fai and Sakura at the end. What a long way from the relative lightness of the previous arcs. The next volume is probably going to be something to see, as I imagine it will deal with the gang's reaction to the changes in Fai as Kurogane starts living up to his part of the deal for Fai's life, as well as where the real Syaoran fits into the group.
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Joined: 02 Nov 2006
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Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:20 am
Ahh, I'm really behind on Tsubasa. I just started collecting it, though I had read a bunch of volumes previously at the library. It's enjoyable enough; I don't love it though for a couple of reasons... and the crossover gimmick wears thin after a little while. Though it is fun to point out all those characters, since I'm a fan of their's...(oh, there's Kamui! There's Chii! There's Tomoyo! There's CLAMP character#253!) As for the current series CLAMP is doing, I like xxxHolic and Kobato much more; xxxholic is my 2nd favorite CLAMP work. CCS will always be number 1.
King of Thorn does seem very interesting and it's been a title I've been eyeing for a while. Maybe I'll pick it up.
And Children of the Sea does look fascinating. Gorgeous cover art.
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Joined: 02 Apr 2008
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Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:13 pm
I would defend Vampire Knight but my persuasive skills suck.
I hope someone does a good deal with it.
It really isn't that bad,it's just the first volume doesn't do the whole series justice.It's one of those series that gradually get better and more complex by each volume.
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Joined: 21 Jan 2008
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Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 3:03 pm
An interesting read, as usual, it's nice to be able to read reviews of so many manga in one place. And count me among the "I'm going to write a review for the readers choice someday," I bet the day I do is the day everyone does and then your inbox shall be a happy full inbox!
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