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Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero is the Sequel Fans Will Want to Play

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Joined: 23 Dec 2005
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Location: PA / USA
PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2024 7:51 am Reply with quote
There was something about the original Phantom Brave, and I think it might have been the time limit system, that Makai Kingdom ultimately wound up doing away with or revising.... A quick search seems to imply that was it.

It's tricky because Marona's story was originally a bit removed from the larger Disgaea series. When Makai Kingdom released, they focused waaaay more on Netherworld stories, but players usually stated they thought it was too unfocused a tale, and that Marona's goings on had been written better at the time - in spite of the time limit in battle that no one seemed to like.

Overall, the original Phatom Brave is very solid if you grab it on PC now, it's more or less the definitive version of the game (Switch has some tech problems).

One of the things I'm excited about is that in the original, Marona feels a bit like "I'm gonna stand here and watch" - kind of like she's useless. "Confriending" legitimately seems like an exciting way to overcome that problem and keep her feeling special. If they go the route of giving her special DLC outfits and "Confriends" too, I'm not opposed to them utilising the idea to the fullest.

We're otherwise in a waiting period for any sort of news on the Disgaea 7 expac that's coming, and if this Phantom Brave is successfully received, I hope it signals to NIS that we want to return to those halcyon days of NIS PS2 RPGs where they can make new side story games for Disgaea. It should also be pointed out that there are two major Disgaea games still missing from modern systems that also need releases, and I hope they can get everything figured out soon.
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