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NEWS: Microsoft Adds Backward Compatibility for Over 70 Xbox/Xbox 360 Games

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Joined: 27 Mar 2018
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:25 pm Reply with quote
I know I'm not the only person to say this but Sony seriously needs to have backwards compatibility with the current gen systems. That's where Microsoft is owning Sony right now.
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Joined: 22 Jun 2017
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:35 pm Reply with quote
JohnRhogan wrote:
I know I'm not the only person to say this but Sony seriously needs to have backwards compatibility with the current gen systems. That's where Microsoft is owning Sony right now.


i have to keep my ps2 slim to play ps2 games, my ps3 to play ps1 and ps3 games and now my ps5 to play ps4 and ps5 games >.<
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Joined: 31 May 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 11:43 pm Reply with quote
Great to see more games, but too bad this is it. I still have plenty of titles that aren't supported. Too bad the can't just make an xbox/xbox 360 emulator that just plays off the disc to avoid licensing issues
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Joined: 26 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 11:49 pm Reply with quote
Covnam wrote:
Great to see more games, but too bad this is it. I still have plenty of titles that aren't supported. Too bad the can't just make an xbox/xbox 360 emulator that just plays off the disc to avoid licensing issues

Wouldn't there be a performance hit with emulation, though? Not really sure how BC works on the Xbox family. I think the BC patches recompile the executable for the game or something.
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Lord Vaultman

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 11:56 pm Reply with quote
fuuma_monou wrote:
Covnam wrote:
Great to see more games, but too bad this is it. I still have plenty of titles that aren't supported. Too bad the can't just make an xbox/xbox 360 emulator that just plays off the disc to avoid licensing issues

Wouldn't there be a performance hit with emulation, though? Not really sure how BC works on the Xbox family. I think the BC patches recompile the executable for the game or something.

The way its been explained from my understanding is when the disc is popped in the emulator makes the series x think its actually am xbox 360 or an original xbox so no there isn't really a performance hit. They've actually been making waves where they managed to find a way to force the framerates to go higher.
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Joined: 31 May 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 12:40 am Reply with quote
Lord Vaultman wrote:
fuuma_monou wrote:

Wouldn't there be a performance hit with emulation, though? Not really sure how BC works on the Xbox family. I think the BC patches recompile the executable for the game or something.

The way its been explained from my understanding is when the disc is popped in the emulator makes the series x think its actually am xbox 360 or an original xbox so no there isn't really a performance hit. They've actually been making waves where they managed to find a way to force the framerates to go higher.

As far as I'm aware, when you put in a BC disc, you download a digital version that's been patched to work. That's why they can't simply make all games BC this way, since the dev/publisher or whomever controls the rights to the game has to sign off on it.

I remember reading that MS takes care of all the work and that it is fairly easy for MS to do at this point. Presumably that work takes care of the performance hit you would get with an emulator if the hardware isn't powerful enough to simply compensate.

Running it straight from the disc probably would be a greater performance hit, but I'd hope that the Series X has enough under the hood to take care of that. I guess even for MS though, that's more then they'd like to invest in something that probably wouldn't give the same experience as the current BC does
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Joined: 26 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 12:40 am Reply with quote
Lord Vaultman wrote:
fuuma_monou wrote:
Wouldn't there be a performance hit with emulation, though? Not really sure how BC works on the Xbox family. I think the BC patches recompile the executable for the game or something.

The way its been explained from my understanding is when the disc is popped in the emulator makes the series x think its actually am xbox 360 or an original xbox so no there isn't really a performance hit. They've actually been making waves where they managed to find a way to force the framerates to go higher.

Wish they'd add Lollipop Chainsaw and a few other 360 era games that aren't BC yet.
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Joined: 21 Feb 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 1:46 am Reply with quote
I have Super Robot Wars XO (for Xbox 360) cd and unfortunately I cannot play it on the Xbox Series X! any help?
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Joined: 26 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 1:52 am Reply with quote
DarkLordDragon wrote:
I have Super Robot Wars XO (for Xbox 360) cd and unfortunately I cannot play it on the Xbox Series X! any help?

Japanese release for the game, U.S. console for the Xbox Series X, I'm guessing? BC doesn't obliterate region-locking, which I think is due to licensing restrictions.

ETA: 2017 article from Eurogamer about Xbox BC:

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 5:27 am Reply with quote
It's a shame they can't seem to make any of the Project Gotham Racing games backwards compatible for those of us with physical copies considering advertising for the first Project Gotham Racing game was plastered all over McGill Metro station in Montreal when the XBox was first released 20 years ago and I presume PGR was also one of the marquee launch titles elsewhere.

As far as I'm concerned, Project Gotham Racing will always be the first racing franchise I associate with the XBox in general, even if there haven't been any new games in the series since PGR 4 in 2007 due to Microsoft's split with Bizarre Creations and then the dissolution of that studio after Blur failed to be a breakout hit (though I believe their final title was one of those EA Bond games).
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Joined: 26 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 5:35 am Reply with quote
Tenchi wrote:
It's a shame they can't seem to make any of the Project Gotham Racing games backwards compatible for those of us with physical copies considering advertising for the first Project Gotham Racing game was plastered all over McGill Metro station in Montreal when the XBox was first released 20 years ago and I presume PGR was also one of the marquee launch titles elsewhere.

As far as I'm concerned, Project Gotham Racing will always be the first racing franchise I associate with the XBox in general, even if there haven't been any new games in the series since PGR 4 in 2007 due to Microsoft's split with Bizarre Creations and then the dissolution of that studio after Blur failed to be a breakout hit (though I believe their final title was one of those EA Bond games).

Things like this is why I'm holding onto my Xbox 360 even if I get a Series X.
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 9:19 am Reply with quote
DarkLordDragon wrote:
I have Super Robot Wars XO (for Xbox 360) cd and unfortunately I cannot play it on the Xbox Series X! any help?

SRW XO isn't BC at all, so it'll simply never work. You have no choice but to play it on a Japanese Xbox 360, since it's a region locked game. The Xbox Series & One BC program is a per-game deal, not an overall emulator (like the 360 was for OG games, for the most part), so if it isn't on any of the compatibility lists you can find online, then it isn't playable. There are only a handful of Japan-exclusive Xbox games that are BC, namely the three Steins;Gate titles, Clannad, & Virtual-On.

As for this list being the end of new additions, I'm OK with that. Absolutely no one was expecting 76 games to be added yesterday (all of the leaks only indicated about 20, at most), so Microsoft truly went above & beyond for this last hurrah of BC.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 1:18 pm Reply with quote
Siegfriedl88 wrote:
JohnRhogan wrote:
I know I'm not the only person to say this but Sony seriously needs to have backwards compatibility with the current gen systems. That's where Microsoft is owning Sony right now.


i have to keep my ps2 slim to play ps2 games, my ps3 to play ps1 and ps3 games and now my ps5 to play ps4 and ps5 games >.<

This is why I never got a PS4 and stayed with Microsoft. Up until the last gen I had both sets of consoles for each. The BC aspect from X-box sold me over. Especially since there are not nearly as many console exclusives anymore to make that big of a difference. I plan to get a Series X and just keep my PS3 and PS2 for my older games from Sony (rather then get a PS5, especially since I skipped the PS4).
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 3:54 pm Reply with quote
Just a reminder that the Xbox Series consoles do allow to run emulators for $20 and now even for free (technically the Xbox One consoles can do it too, but it's less powerful hardware)

However, Xbox 360 emulation is still at early stages
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