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NEWS: CMX on Tenjho Tenge Edits Again

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megumi's guy

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:00 pm Reply with quote
The best and simplest way to show you displeasure with CPX's edits is not buy it since complaining apparently has no affect.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:12 pm Reply with quote
Possibly not reading it could do them the bigger insult.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:19 pm Reply with quote
On Tenge edits "Again" Question From what I remember their previous comments have been "We can't discuss that". So a year after the fact or more, they're finally saying a couple of paragraphs about it? I love reading manga and I bought the first volume of Tenge, but when I heard about all the editing, I didn't even bother reading it and gave it to the public library and have never bought another volume. I'm sure I'm not the only one who did this so that's a lot of money they're losing. I would have conflicting feelings about buying even the unedited version because I feel like DC ripped off the consumer by not putting out the original version much as Dark Horse ripped off the consumer by editing the original Ghost in the Shell, and then putting out an overpriced "restored" version years later.

DC of course is not going to change the content in Tenge midstream, because I think that title is the only book that makes money for them. They've pretty much been reduced to picking through Tokyopop and Viz's shojo leftovers. I don't remember the last time I picked up a CMX title that struck me as high quality. Testarotho is about the only title I read regularly from them. CMX to me is just a bunch of AMERICAN comic book carpetbaggers trying to cash in on manga that have no idea how to pick good titles. Dark Horse is an example of how an american comic book company CAN do a good job of publishing manga, GITS aside.

What American comics consider cutting edge is old hat in Japan, whether its nudity, violence, or language. What is "cool" in American comics has been done for decades in Japan. So of course a mainstream publisher like DC is going to let the Puritan tendencies of its staff interfere in their editing decisions. I mean you're talking about a company who thinks showing a woman in bed with a blanket over her is sexy. Or their idea of violence is to show a knife cut, or when they cuss in their books they replace the profanity with "%$^@#%&^#!" I mean DC and Marvel think that a character dying is big whoop! In Japanese titles, characters die all the time. Just look at Fullmetal Alchemist, Eden, or Battle Royale. Manga take life and death much more seriously, whether its love, death, or duty. And they also have something American Comics miss.

Humor! Very Happy

As for OH Great giving his permission to DC to make edits, I'm sure he just listens to them, thinking they know the American market better than some manga-ka in Japan. Unfortunately, the main culprits in this controversy are the people buying the edited books. If there were enough readers that would have boycotted Tenge and demanded an unedited version, they would have stopped printing it and given the fans what they wanted. But since it is one of the best-selling manga from any publisher, the fans are mostly responsible in my view for the corrupted version.

I do give some thumbs up to DC finally making some comment about it, but its pretty meaningless, much like the Vatican admitting that the Earth revolves around the sun hundreds of years after the theory was put forth.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:20 pm Reply with quote
I would have to disagree with the statement they addressed the issue at the 2005 ComicCon. Perhaps it's in reference to something other than their panel. They pretty much shied away from anything Tenjou Tenge related. In fact, they listed EVERY last one of their titles EXCEPT TenTen. And when people wanted to ask questions, they flatly said they weren't going to discuss it.
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Storm Princess

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:10 pm Reply with quote
freshkazuki wrote:

I would have conflicting feelings about buying even the unedited version because I feel like DC ripped off the consumer by not putting out the original version much as Dark Horse ripped off the consumer by editing the original Ghost in the Shell, and then putting out an overpriced "restored" version years later.

Um...if I remember right wasn't the only thing they cut out was a couple of female cyborgs making out with each other? And didn't Masamune Shirow tell them to take the two pages out depicting this himself? If so, then it's nothing like the TenTen edits or the Pokemon: Den-Geki Pikachu edits that Viz did way back when (which if you think about it the level of stupid edits it had, it can sort of compare to TenTen's edits in a way.).

I haven't read Tenjo Tenge, When it first came out I thought about getting it, but I remember what I herd about all the edits the fans that were with it since it was out in Japan had spotted, so I just went for another title. Since I herd about the edits have really stayed away from CMX manga other then Sword of the Dark Ones.

I find all these edits kind of funny. I mean, think about it, a company known for having racism (during WWII, the cold war, and maybe Vietnam) and sexual innuendos in their own comic books and didn't give two shakes about it at the time the comic books were published...and yet, then they turn right around and the edit out a bunch of the same stuff in the manga they publish.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:45 pm Reply with quote
"What American comics consider cutting edge is old hat in Japan, whether its nudity, violence, or language. What is "cool" in American comics has been done for decades in Japan. So of course a mainstream publisher like DC is going to let the Puritan tendencies of its staff interfere in their editing decisions. I mean you're talking about a company who thinks showing a woman in bed with a blanket over her is sexy. Or their idea of violence is to show a knife cut, or when they cuss in their books they replace the profanity with "%$^@#%&^#!" I mean DC and Marvel think that a character dying is big whoop!"

end quote.

So a woman in bed with a blanket over her is NOT sexy?
A knife cut isn't violence?

If you actually believe that then perhaps you have more pressing concerns than comic books being edited.

This whole rant essentialy betrays a distinct ignorance in regards to American comic books in general, and DC in particular.

It is like someone reading a few DBZ trades and thinking they can define all of Asian culture.

DC has been producing "adult" mature comics for decades now, and winning critical acclaim and prestige within the world of sequential art.

Your knowledge of said material would appear, based on your comments, to be limited to a few "general audience" titles.

Just because Superman doesn't cuss or show nudity doesn't mean other American comics don't.

I am surprised at your ignorance, especially in light of more recent hollywood portrayals of decades old comics like V for Vendetta, or the more recent Sin City.

Also, for instance...
Superman dying is a big deal, because Superman, unlike ANY manga character ever created, he is both an internationaly recognized icon, and a universally observed icon for his nation.

It is sad that so many manga fans treat American and European comic books with the same blatant prejudice and ignorance that they complain about when it is shown towards Japanese comic books.

American comics have ALWAYS done
what you think manga has been "doing for years."

As far back as the 1930's in fact.

You should know what you are talking about before you decide to form such a hardened and bigoted opinion.

Read something like Fables, Y the Last Man, God loves Man Kills, Watchmen, or really any number of stories that are not part of your perceived notion of American comics.

And in regards to the edits...
They did it so that it could be released to a much larger audience, thus getting more fans into the medium.

If you think that the entire worth of a series is destroyed by editing out some blatant sexual imagery...then perhaps you don't really respect the work at all. Especially considering that the person who created the art itself has approved these edits.

I would offer that if you were concerned with genuine storybased edits, which have happened in other forms in the past, then you would have a valid argument.

But essentially you are angry that they are taking out the porn-like aspects of the manga, and that shows alot more about you as a "fan" than it does about CMX as a company.

Last edited by Lackshmana on Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:46 pm Reply with quote
It would make a great poll for ANN. I would definitely vote "not interested in CMX."
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Joined: 29 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 2:23 pm Reply with quote
daggerbob wrote:
It would make a great poll for ANN. I would definitely vote "not interested in CMX."

Yeah, hate them ass-holes, hope they just die...don't buy any of their other shit, who knows, it might be Edited secretly.

"We are aware that some manga fans"

SOME, "SOME?!?", MOST more like.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 2:33 pm Reply with quote
for those of us that haven't been following this what was edited out? nudity? panty shots? sex? Violence?
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Magus Darkstar

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 2:39 pm Reply with quote
All of the above
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Joined: 10 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 2:49 pm Reply with quote
I really have to agree with Lackshmana. It's not like what's been edited detracts from the story in any meaningful way. Isn't it more important that the story is able to reach the book's target audience? I'd think that's worth giving up some "mature" content for. It's not like TenTen is some kind of sophisticated literature or high art anyway. And the author himself says sure, go make these edits, so it's not censorship either. It's just adapting the material so it can be taken in more effectively by the younger target audience in the US, since it really is a book targeted to teenagers and while that content is okay for them in Japan, it's not so here. Sure, nothing they haven't seen, but do you really think their parents are gonna be cool with it? And if not, then plop plop plop go the book's sales. No publisher in their right mind is going to want to do that if they can help it.

I've read both the original and edited versions, and I have to say there really isn't any big loss here except some cheap titillation.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 3:03 pm Reply with quote
If I were still someone who's about to be 18, I'd say something like, "Why bother releasing the series outside of Japan if you're going to edit?" but seeing that I'm hardly the renegade I once was, here's the thing. I think the point about the edits has been said already. I can see why this batch of edits was done.

Here's the problem though. There are a few people outside of Japan that read "Tenten" before it got an official translation. People are used to seeing the original visuals. I know that the mangaka accepts the edits, but some fans don't. Personally, if I wanted to read "Tenten" now, I'd have to read the original. Of course, I don't remember if it has furigana.

I know that a profit has to be made, but at the same time, you can only make certain moves to appeal fans. "Initial D" is like this also, even outside of the Eurobeat music, I don't like the series in general. I can't remember if I saw some bit here a while back, but it did show why a reversal was made.

Random note: yes, I was puzzled for a bit on "Negima" when it was first released outside of Japan. The thing I was puzzled at is the rating here. Of course, when you consider how different the cultures are, it makes sense.
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ANN Past Staff

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 3:15 pm Reply with quote
orobouros wrote:
I would have to disagree with the statement they addressed the issue at the 2005 ComicCon. Perhaps it's in reference to something other than their panel. They pretty much shied away from anything Tenjou Tenge related. In fact, they listed EVERY last one of their titles EXCEPT TenTen. And when people wanted to ask questions, they flatly said they weren't going to discuss it.

Then what of this?
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 3:22 pm Reply with quote
There are many people who enjoy CMX version Tenjho Tenge, who might otherwise be unable to read it, and in fact, it is one of our best-selling titles. We don’t think it would be fair to deprive some of those loyal readers of their favorite title so far into the series.

yeah, i'm sure all five of them would be pretty upset. the rest i'm sure bought it cause they thought it was unedited.

Last edited by v1cious on Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 3:25 pm Reply with quote
Oh yeah, and it hasn't really been pointed out but they kind of left the door open for a possible unedited version in the future. They didn't say it wouldn't ever be done, just that the first release needs to be completed as is.
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