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The Best and Worst Anime of Spring 2017

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Joined: 30 Jun 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 9:36 am Reply with quote
Here are some of my favorites from the last season (I didn't watch any of the Anime Strike shows for obvious reasons)
1. My Hero Academia S2 - it's more MHA and that's great
2. Attack on Titan S2 - It lost a lot of steam around the halfway point, but still much better paced than the first season imo.
3. The Royal Tutor - Really great character study with tons of humor and drama. I'm also glad that it had a conclusive ending.
4. Sakura Quest - It felt like it wasn't making any forward momentum a lot of times, but otherwise very good.
5. Tsugumomo - Really fun and well paced (if a bit outdated). The constant, terrible underage loli fanservice was super disgusting though.
6. Tsukigakirei - good, but moved too slowly for my tastes
7. Kado - Biggest disappointment. Started so well.
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Joined: 17 Sep 2016
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 9:42 am Reply with quote
Best: Rage of Bahamut: Virgin Soul

Runner-up: Gundam Thunderbolt

Worst: Literally every other show this season (except for The Eccentric Children and maybe My Hero Academia since I at least found the latter to be fun to watch despite it thematically being a poor man's Naruto)

I found Winter better than this season, this Spring completely lacks the novelty of good, original shows and could only carry itself through sequels. I am excited for Summer since all the titles I anticipate are brand new shows, hopefully they won't disappoint.
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Joined: 17 Apr 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:07 am Reply with quote
My favorite this season was Alice & Zoroku, and it's probably going to be the only show this season I pick up on Bluray. It essentially fixed every problem I previously had with the "psychic girl escapes from a secret research facility" subgenre.

Second place was either Attack on Titan or My Hero Academia, although honestly I prefer both of those stories in their original manga forms. Their animated versions' tendencies to draw things out may be fine for some, but since I already knew what is going to happen, I found myself impatiently hoping they'd just "get on with it".

None of the shows I ended up watching this season turned out to be "bad", so I would be hard pressed to pick a "worst" show. Re:Creators and Rage of Bahamut both had their own particular problems, but I'm still interested in sticking around and seeing how they wrap themselves up in their next coeurs.

When all is said and done, I guess I'm just glad that this season is finally over... bring on Teekyu Season 9!
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Joined: 26 Mar 2016
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:20 am Reply with quote
I understand everyone has different opinions on the series, but for me I cannot comprehend why you said some series are the worst, because I love all sorts of anime: shounen, comedies, fantasy, shoujo etc. so it is hard hearing bad opinions on stuff I love. For me I cannot give the worse grade to show I laughed more than to show I cried more, because they both fulfilled their goal at entertaining.

As I've seen 23 anime of this season, I'll try being short. For me best series were:
1. AoT
2. Boku no Hero
3. Kado
4. King's Avatar
4. Natsume 6
5. Yowapeda
6. Starmyu 2
7. Royal Tutor
8. Kenka Banchou.

Best comedies were:
Royal Tutor, Rokudenashi, Renai Boukun, Busai Shoujo, Eromanga.

Best fantasy:
Kado, King's Avatar, Boku no Hero, AoT, Zero kara hajimeru, Bahamut 2, Oratoria.

Best heartwarming anime were:
Natsume 6, Alice x Zoroku, Eccentric Family.

Best shoujo:
Kenka Banchou, Starmyu 2, Royal Tutor,

Best ecchi:
Sin Nanatsu, Busou Shoujo, Eromanga.

Best for crying out:

Best sports:
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Angel M Cazares

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:33 am Reply with quote
Spring 2017 was a great anime season. I pretty much liked all the 13 shows that I ended up following.

Best: Attack on Titan season 2 - This second season was amazing and better than the first season in all aspects. AoT 2 is easily my number one candidate for best anime of the year.

Runner-up: Sakura Quest - Another enjoyable and lovely looking slice of life show from P.A. Works that is solid but could be better.

Worst - Grimoire of Zero - This is not a bad anime, but it is the least good I watched.
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Joined: 19 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:36 am Reply with quote
The only shows I've watched this season were Eromanga Sensei and Attack on Titan S2, the latter via Toonami. I'm not surprised Eromanga got on some of your "worst" lists, but I'm still a little disappointed, considering I actually liked it. Confused
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Joined: 01 Jun 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:40 am Reply with quote
Best: MHA Season 2

Runner Up: Re:Creators

Worst I Watched: Grimoire of Zero. Three episodes in I had to force myself to watch it in an "oh yeah, that exists and I'm keeping up with sort of fashion", and the meandering first half did the show no favors. The second half picked up dramatically, but Thirteen's and Holdem's aboutfaces into goodguyhood were laughable.
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Beansprout Midget

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:59 am Reply with quote
Out of the six (technically five) shows I watched, I didn't really hate any of them. I enjoyed them all.

Best: Rage of Bahamut
I was going to put MHA here, but when I sat and thought about which show I looked forward to the most every week, it easily goes to Virgin Soul. I love Nina, I love all of the new characters and the old ones. The animation looks slick. I love everything about this show right now; I'm looking forward to next season to see what happens.

Runner-up: MHA
I'm caught up on the manga, and because I read it so long ago, I kinda forgot what happened. This was a great refresher, and it help solidify MHA as an awesome series that I am on the verge of buying. Looking forward to next season.

Worst: Akashic Records
I don't normally watch light novel adaptions, but this season I ended up watching two. Something about it caught my eye, so in the past day and a half I watched it all. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great (especially since I also watched SukaSuka, which I thoroughly enjoyed). The story in general is kinda forgetful, but the world was cool and Glenn was interesting to watch.
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Joined: 23 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 11:12 am Reply with quote
This season didn't work at all for me, I started around 10 shows, only finished 2 and barely at that. Well it makes picking pretty easy.

Best: Love tyrant, wasn't all that good, but I didn't drop it. Some episode were really funny and some were super boring. Overall the more it tried to have a real plot the worse it was.

Runner up: Eccentric family 2, again barely finished it but the first half was excellent. Then second half started and I swear they must have copied the plot from the most mundane and imaginatively bankrupt soap opera. It still look pretty, but urk.

Worst: Well I drop show pretty quickly, so the show that I followed the longest but ended up dropping is SukaSuka, interesting premise that's squandered almost immediately in favor of just making it into another generic rom-com half the time.

I'm not including gundam thunderbolt cause that was just 2-3 episodes, but it was damn good, one of the best if not the best gundam show ever, was afraid S2 would suck, but no, it's still really strong.

Maybe I'll revise some of the stuff I didn't pick up in the first place, maybe royal tutor would work.
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Joined: 10 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 11:21 am Reply with quote
Using ANN's format my picks are as follows:

Best: Tsukigakirei
Runner-up: The Eccentric Family
Worst: Yowapeda(I still enjoyed this, this is just the weakest of the shows I finished this season. I refuse to pick a show I dropped because there are too many to consider if I picked from that group)
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Joined: 20 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 11:47 am Reply with quote

Best: Attack on Titan -- I don't consider it as good overall as the first season, but still it was very good and its pacing was better. Welcome home, Connie.

Runner-up: My Hero Academy -- I don't expect much out of it (as I'm not really a super-hero fan), but it is pretty consistently good, and sometimes much better than that. I think not having any expectations allows me to enjoy it more simply as entertainment.

Worst: Akashic Records -- Now, as with others on this thread, I don't mean worst on an absolute scale, but rather compared to other anime that I actually watched this season. I only watched a few anime this time around, and I did watch it all the way through. It wasn't *bad*, just not as good as the other stuff I was watching. I still largely enjoyed it and would watch a subsequent season if that were to happen. I liked the characters and the setting, though the plot... that could use some work.
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Joined: 21 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 11:53 am Reply with quote
I'm still enjoying Bahamut, MHA, Sakura Quest and Re-Creators very much, but since they are all ongoing, i'm leaving them out. So here we go:

Best: The Eccentric Family - the 2nd season had it ups and downs but it's been one of the shows i was looking forward to the most every week and i loved it very much! My weekends will be less excitings without my regular dose of tanuki sillines. "What's fun is good!"

Runner-up: Attack on Titan - as a manga reader, it was a bit hard for me to really get excited about events that seemed like ancient history, but there's no denying that it was a very strong season and i'm glad the wait for the next one won't be quite as long.

Worst: i dropped quite a few shows halfway through, but of the ones i was unfortunate enough to finish KADO was definitely the worst. The show started strong with a really unique premise but turned into a ridiculous trainwreck in the last couple of episodes.

EDIT: how did i forget Natsume?! Probably because it's a given that it's good, it's simply in a category of its own. Natsume forever~! Very Happy

Last edited by Merida on Fri Jun 30, 2017 12:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 11:59 am Reply with quote
Best: Re:Creators
Runner-Up: The Royal Tutor
Runner Runner Up: Attack on Titan
Worst: Tsugumomo

I stuck the last one out for six episodes until the loli fanservice got too gross. Was really hoping for a throwback supernatural romcom with a little fanservice but when it got to the loser game with the licking I bailed.
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Joined: 05 May 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 12:11 pm Reply with quote
It's been a great season as far as I'm concerned. It's pretty much a three-way tie between Attack on Titan S2, My Hero Academia S2, and Rage of Bahamut: Virgin Soul for me. I enjoyed all of these immensely, making this one of the best Spring seasons I've seen.

On an episode-to-episode basis, I'd have to say I enjoyed AoT the most, but the fact that it's a definite midpoint of a much longer series means that overall it lacks as much impact as some other series. This one specifically feels very incomplete (which of course it is), but in a way that makes you step back and say "OK, now what? What have we accomplished here?", and the answer is not a whole lot. That said, it's still excellent, and even better than S1, I'd say.

MHA is also an improvement on S1, and I think for largely the same reasons as AoT: better pacing, and a greater focus on the side characters and their psyches, personalities, and ideologies. Also, the tournament helped.

RoB: VS is the only one that isn't a distinct improvement on it's first season, but that's because the first season is so damn good. This one takes a very different tack, and tells a different kind of story while maintaining the positive qualities that made the first season such a joy.

I also watched and enjoyed Re:Creators (runner-up to the top three), Suka Suka, Atom the Beginning, and Boruto. I also watched and tolerated Berserk, which I guess gets my "worst of the season" vote.
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Joined: 04 Oct 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 12:54 pm Reply with quote
Best: AoT season 2 - A improvement upon the first season, reaffirming my love for the series, with some very stellar animation.
Runner-up: Rage of Bahamut Virgin Soul - A very fun show that like the previous season goes to show that mobile game adaptions can be not just good but great.
Worst: Clockwork Planet - I could point to its frustratingly poor "science" behind much of the world and some plot developments but what I return to is episode 9 which is encapsulated in these two images

What Shocked

Runner-up Worst: Sagrada Reset - the only show that felt like a chore week in and week out. Possibly the driest show ever in every aspect (writing, acting, character animation, direction). I'll have to seriously consider if I will continue watching it.

James Beckett wrote:
I didn't hate Clockwork Planet, mostly because, after dealing with both Big Order and Hand Shakers, my standards have been irreversibly lowered.

You got to think more positively, Mr. Beckett. Think of it more as your standards for badness have been raised. Every other bad show looks merely mediocre compared to such glorious awfulness as Chaos Dragon, Big Order, Hand Shakers, and Chargeman Ken, the last of which is to me the highest standard in badness.

As for some others mentioned: Re:Creators, Tsuki ga Kirei, Eccentric Family, My Hero Academia, and Natsume were all great, and I enjoyed Sakura Quest, The Royal Tutor, and Kenka Bancho Otome as well.

I couldn't put Eromanga in contention for worst personally, though being as it is, its production was never an issue, and probably better any anyone even wanted. It had some very good character animation, if you look past the..you know. Though admittedly I don't mind the siscon elements, though her age was a little off-putting.

Armed Girls Machiavellianism was certainly not a great show and I can't imagine it becomes better for anyone who dropped it, but I actually enjoyed it, especially compared to Sagrada Reset which came out about the same time every week. It mostly stayed away from the whole emasculation thing after the start, aside from an episode or two, though the direction it went, building an all tsundere/yandere harem via successive fights, is probably no more appealing to those who dropped it. It had a delightful absurdity which I enjoyed, though nowhere near close to something like Keijo!!!!!!!! or Inferno Cop (though the former eventually becomes straightforwardly good and the latter transcends delightful absurdity to exuberant insanity).

I think Hinako Note was a perfectly fine CGDCT show and nothing more, the strength of the story of Berserk shined through its flawed adaptation, and Yowapeda New Generation was definitely a downgrade from the first two seasons.

Best Donghua: King's Avatar - the only Chinese production to make me want to not only watch it but also watch a second season.
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