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REVIEW: Sailor Moon R Movie

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Joined: 06 Jan 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:26 am Reply with quote
Songs remain in Japanese for both features, with character songs playing in the background of each person's introduction during the short and “Moon Revenge” remaining one of the best of the franchise's insert songs.

Okay but really, to everyone who likes the Japanese, I get it, and I'm so happy we get to see the original in all it's glory. Moon Revenge is a pretty awesome song... but dammit, this new dub is SUCH A JARRING TRANSITION, and I'm not talking about the voices. If I have to get used to calling Moon Usagi and Chibi Moon Chibi-Usa, I would have at least liked to have had Power of Love show up for this movie.

My point isn't to rag on the Japanese version. I like the Japanese version a lot, but I played Promise of the Rose on VHS SO MUCH as a kid, that the tape is stretched and It's pretty much unwatchable now, and thanks to the whole decade of non-available content, trying to get the old dub on DVD is REALLY annoying and/or expensive.

My annoyance is with the licensors who have pretty much assured that the Sailor Moon I grew up with is NEVER coming back, and even though I've bought the collector's edition of every season, and will get everything on bluray, because I REALLY, REALLY love this franchise, it continues to dishearten me greatly that something I loved so much as a kid and had to wait so long to be able to own it is still so dramatically different from the series I grew up with. (And before anyone talks about buying it when it WAS available, I'm not made of money here, and by the time I had saved up enough to get season 1, the series was no longer available state side)

Last edited by machetecat on Thu Jan 19, 2017 12:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 14 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:29 am Reply with quote
I must confess that I'm ambivalent about expending the effort necessary to see this film. Sailor Moon was not my gateway anime (that was Robotech) so I've never been naturally inclined to try and explore the franchise. Everything that that I've read has led me to believe that I would find more cons than pros.

Of course, everyone's tastes are different.
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Joined: 01 Feb 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 12:04 pm Reply with quote
nobahn wrote:
I must confess that I'm ambivalent about expending the effort necessary to see this film. Sailor Moon was not my gateway anime (that was Robotech) so I've never been naturally inclined to try and explore the franchise. Everything that that I've read has led me to believe that I would find more cons than pros.

Of course, everyone's tastes are different.

Actually, if you know the characters and their general relationships, SMRM:POTR is probably the best gateway to the series, with the S Series a close second.
It's a good classic encapsulation of what made the characters appealing, and the battles are a good representative of the show's battles--It's always gone on my list of "Best TV-to-Feature Translations" (alongside "Macross: DYRL"), for those who want to save time and Cliff-Notes sample an essential series ahead of time.

And while it is the least bad song of the 90's dub, Power of Love is probably original to the DiC dub and couldn't be licensed. Maybe they should have, but seems more like Can't than Shouldn't.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 1:03 pm Reply with quote
nobahn wrote:
I must confess that I'm ambivalent about expending the effort necessary to see this film. Sailor Moon was not my gateway anime (that was Robotech) so I've never been naturally inclined to try and explore the franchise. Everything that that I've read has led me to believe that I would find more cons than pros.

Of course, everyone's tastes are different.

I sort of agree with you there, Robotech was also my gateway.

But after Madoka Magica and Magical Girl Raising Project, my thoughts about magical girl shows have changed. This movie seems to be different from the main series, so I might give it a go.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 2:41 pm Reply with quote
My girlfriends from high school and I are SO going to see the premiere on Saturday Smile

We're totally excited. The DiC dub really sucked. I liked Crystal's dub so I'm sure I'll love this new version of the movie ♥

My annoyance is with the licensors who have pretty much assured that the Sailor Moon I grew up with is NEVER coming back

It can't be helped. A lot of people hated it. Even people who first loved it when it came out, hate it now (like me) after they saw the unedited version.
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Joined: 22 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 2:53 pm Reply with quote
nobahn wrote:

Of course, everyone's tastes are different.

Just keep that in mind and you'll do MUCH better than a lot of people into anime as a hobby/collector.
There are people who DO sneer down at others who don't share their tastes... More than a few of that ilk post on these forums.
I frankly don't care... I didn't care for these guys when I started this hobby (and met them at Anime Expo in the mid-1990s), I still don't care for them now. Thankfully, they are a distinct MINORITY in anime fandom and generally isolated. The hardcore ("I only like subs! All dubs suck! I import ONLY Japanese releases!") are at least as clueless as the crowd whose tastes begin and end with strictly ninjas and/or fighting. You gotta live with these groups but you don't have to watch what they do or listen to them... Chances are, they won't be in the hobby 2-3 years from now. They'll be moving on and irritating people somewhere else!

Stick to what you like, whether it's dubbed or not, a classic series or new.
That's the key... Don't make the mistake of going into things blind or just following the trends.
There's plenty of new stuff I don't like that I won't pick up or see because my time is limited as it is and I only have patience for so much... The one good thing about the Internet is that it's easy to pick up and see well over half the anime out on the market. The problem is picking and choosing what to see. If you have an idea of what you like, that makes choosing a lot easier!

I find it harder to FIND THE TIME to sample newer shows but usually when they still have buzz going on about them after 2 years, it's a good sign.

Madoka Magica seems to be one of those newer, durable standards.

Of course, Sailor Moon has been held up the ultimate OR at least defining Magical Girl Show of the present era even though it debuted a quarter-century ago.
Don't expect it to be deep -- it's like DBZ. It's written about to death like it's the perfect masterpiece by diehard fans. Just like DBZ is basically anime for professional wrestling fans, SM isn't going to be for everybody. It IS a girl-centric show based around a main character who frankly is a DITZ. If you have any clue about girls in that age range (13-16), she's actually fairly normal and likeable if you can last past the whining. Past that, SM is basically a superhero team or sentai ranger-type series only this time they're wearing girls school outfits/sailor uniforms and don't use powerful mecha.
There's been a lot made about some of the questionable costuming choices in SM but, hey, it's Japanese! They definitely wouldn't make a series like this outside of Japan!

Sailor Moon is as much a joke about magical girls as it is a defining series. There's been better shows produced since it was released but it has this air around it that nothing else before or since has, including the Sailor Moon Crystal remake.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 3:48 pm Reply with quote
GeorgeC wrote:
The hardcore ("I only like subs! All dubs suck! I import ONLY Japanese releases!") are at least as clueless

Lol I was like that in my teenage years....and now as an adult, people like this bug me. Anime hyper

My main reason for disliking the DiC Sailor Moon dub is........they basically destroy the characters and turn them into valley girl stereotypes or change their genders, not to mention butcher and change lots of scenes or cut out entire episodes. Twisted Evil
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Joined: 14 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 3:57 pm Reply with quote
GeorgeC wrote:
I find it harder to FIND THE TIME to sample newer shows [...]
Ain't that the truth!
GeorgeC wrote:
[...] but usually when they still have buzz going on about them after 2 years, it's a good sign.

Madoka Magica seems to be one of those newer, durable standards.
I adore that TV series. Rebellion? Not quite so much.
GeorgeC wrote:
Don't expect it to be deep -- it's like DBZ.
I try to be non-judgmental; but, regrettably, whenever I see a video clip from the Dragon Ball franchise I go into epileptic convulsions.....

Thank you for taking the time to post your thoughts on the matter!
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Joined: 07 Oct 2016
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:03 pm Reply with quote
I sort of just want to see this for Ben Diskin. To make the wait for K: Missing Kings seem less awful.

..... except now he's seducing Nagare, and his love interest from K is a cat...
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:05 pm Reply with quote
GeorgeC wrote:
The hardcore ("I only like subs! All dubs suck! I import ONLY Japanese releases!") are at least as clueless as the crowd whose tastes begin and end with strictly ninjas and/or fighting.

The so-called "hardcore" are generally pretty ignorant of Japanese culture and the language to humorous degrees. Some are stupid enough to think that VAs talk the same in real life as they do when they're voicing a character or some other such nonsense. It goes beyond mere cluelessness, but it makes for an amusing circus act seeing them piss and moan online about how "dubs ruin everything" and then not being able to support any of their claims beyond baseless fallacies. XD

Chiibi wrote:
My main reason for disliking the DiC Sailor Moon dub is........they basically destroy the characters and turn them into valley girl stereotypes or change their genders, not to mention butcher and change lots of scenes or cut out entire episodes.

For what it's worth, the dub did those things due to cultural differences at the time (flipping your teacher's dress lol) and the fact a lot of the original Japanese dialog isn't really that exciting to begin with (kids in the 90s weren't all that thrilled with speeches about love and friendship). I find myself quoting the first dub's script by heart quite a bit at times and it's still some funny stuff even in this day and age.

Last edited by belvadeer on Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 19 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:18 pm Reply with quote
belvadeer wrote:
and the fact a lot of the original Japanese dialog isn't really that exciting to begin with

But it was less stupid. :/

It is a problem if changing the dialogue makes the characters way more stupid than they actually are and Usagi was the biggest victim who suffered this....poor thing.

I might be overstepping my boundaries here, nobann but if Momoji doesn't annoy you, it's doubtful that Usagi will. They're pretty similar; the immature, energetic blonde who cries whenever someone picks on them. Laughing
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:41 pm Reply with quote
Chiibi wrote:
But it was less stupid. :/

It is a problem if changing the dialogue makes the characters way more stupid than they actually are and Usagi was the biggest victim who suffered this....poor thing.

I assume those changes were made because DiC wasn't sure how younger viewers would react to such a vastly different culture and its portrayal of girls. Probably they went with the "valley girl" approach because that's what most folks were familiar with at the time.
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Joined: 18 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:44 pm Reply with quote
Going to have to disagree with Stephanie Sheh's opininon regarding Usagi 'finally' being a princess. While the S series ending would have been a strong contender if they actually showed what transpired between the flashes in the battle with Pharaoh 90, I don't think you can really call her a princess until Episode 199. Even during "Moon Revenge", Usagi hasn't lost everyone. Her friends are still there. The man she loves is still there. Yeah, there's the whole "the world and our lives are at stake" thing, but that was present and amplified during the ending of the first season. Emotionally, Usagi hasn't overcome anything more in this movie than she has in the past two seasons.

Don't know if this is really necessary after the ending has been out for 20 years, but whatevers...

spoiler[In Episode 199, after Galaxia has killed every Sailor Senshi (minus the Starlights), Mamoru and Chibichibi, for Usagi to abandon every weapon that would give her the upper hand and still insist on helping Galaxia, made her a princess. This was the first and only instance in the series where Usagi had not only lost everyone but didn't seek to destroy the enemy in return for that action.]

As an aside, I would have really enjoyed it if Viz included some interviews with the animators that worked on the movie for this release. Kazuko Tadano has some interesting stories about the process and Ikuhara. I consider myself fortunate to have been at her panel at PMX in 2014.
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Joined: 29 May 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 5:25 pm Reply with quote
Farewell, Power of Love. You will be missed.

As for the movie proper, I remember seeing the old version recently and being kind of stunned at how much more violent it felt than the TV series; seems like most of the sexually violent undertones went totally over my head as a kid. Regardless, this is definitely my favorite of the Sailor Moon movies, and it seems to have aged decently well. The part where all the Senshi reflect on their time with Usagi always hit me right in the feels.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 6:29 pm Reply with quote
machetecat wrote:

My point isn't to rag on the Japanese version. I like the Japanese version a lot, but I played Promise of the Rose on VHS SO MUCH as a kid, that the tape is stretched and It's pretty much unwatchable now, and thanks to the whole decade of non-available content, trying to get the old dub on DVD is REALLY annoying and/or expensive.

For what it's worth, I have the old DVD, and it only has the old uncut dub which uses Moon Revenge. It does include the sequence with "Power of Love" as an extra, though. If you want the whole movie with that, you would have no choice but to find a better copy of the VHS.
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