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Joined: 30 Aug 2003
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Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 11:55 am
I know this has been brought up before and I did try to search for the previous post, but it has started to annoy me.
What is your opinion on viz doing the effects translations at the back of there recent releases. I might be a minority, but I find flicking back and forth to double check my interpretation kind of distracting in my enjoyment. I'm all for not tampering with the artwork but would prefer to have them as a footnote below the frame. I should be thankful that viz is at least giving a glossery at the back because most of tokyopops release don't have any kind of translation.
I know the majority of the time you can make an educated guess as to what the FX is trying to imply, but sometimes it isn't always obvious.
Please don't hate me.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 12:33 pm
I really don't like it, but then again it's better then no translation of the sound effects at all. I wish they'd do what ADV does with the sound effects *has the translation floating around the sound effect somewhere*, or I wish Viz would do what they usually do, and that's a great job of editing in the sound effect. There's plenty of sound effects that can be easily edited in without tampering with the art work. They just seem to be going the lazy/easy just add the sound effect in the back route.
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Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 2:04 pm
I really don't care about the sound effects. Like you said...they are usually easy enough to figure out. If I HAVE to know what "WHOOSH" or "BUZZ" or "CRUCH" thing is going on, meh...I can look in the back after I finished reading the book. As long as the story's intact, I'm good to go.
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Joined: 09 Aug 2003
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Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 1:13 am
Personally, I like how Tokyopop handled Vol.#4 of Love Hina, where there were translations of all the sound effects in little partheneses under/beside/near the sound. Unfortuately, all the other volumes don't seem to be translated. One of them was halfway, but the rest were just ignored. Viz's stardard of editting them into English didn't really bother me too much. I understand it fine, so it's good. And they don't change it into stupid things like 'bam/boom', which is nice.
In all honesty, I notice the sounds are there, but since many are untranslated, I just glaze over them or assume noises and it doesn't really make a difference. The only time it really irks me is when they're in what seems like an important panel and I can't figure out what they mean or if they're even important. This would be the only time I'd flip back to a glossary. I mean, I don't even look up any unfamilar words while I'm reading, unless it pops up at least 3 times in a few pages. (That pertains more to actual books than manga.)
Last edited by Shorty22 on Wed Mar 10, 2004 1:44 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 08 Oct 2003
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Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 1:52 am
Truthfully i HATE when some sound effects aren't translated in the manga. It can have the same effect as suddenly leaving a dialog bubble untranslated. It leaves you trying to figure out what is going on. Sometimes there will be someone pointing a gun, you see a sound effect, everone gets a look of shock and horror on their face, and then the guy runs away. By the look of things you assume that he shot the person and then fled the scene. Only later do you find out that the gun was out of ammo and the sound effect was a simple "click". I wish i could think of an actual example from a manga that i own, but for now this will have to do.
The way Tokyopop does their sound effect translations is pretty good. Shonen Jump also does a really good job. It makes it easy to understand what's happening. However, i do not like how Viz does the Excel Saga with the translations in the back. I don't even bother looking at them. It's too much of a hassle to flip back and forth while reading, and by the time you are done with the manga, it seems pointless to look at the translations.
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Joined: 30 Aug 2003
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Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 6:44 am
Excel Saga is the one that made me decide to bring this up. I know there was a poll here about how people wanted sound effects translated, but VIZ's decision to have them listed at the back of the book isn't they way I would prefer it done.
What I find more concerning if this seem to be becoming a trend for VIZ as I believe the Nausicaa re-issues are going to use the same system, but can't speak for any other VIZ manga as Excel is all I'm reading from them atm.
I did quite like the way Tokyopop and Comics One used to do the translation which was in or just below the original, but last Tokyopop manga I read (Ai Yori Aioshi) didn't translate anything if memory serves me. I have also heard good things about ADVmanga but haven't read any of there stuff.
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Joined: 04 Jun 2003
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Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 9:50 am
I recently read Excel Vol1. I have to say I found this method annoying at first, but cementing my finger in between the pages with the sound effects on, I quickly got used to it. If there's any sound effects I can't figure out, I can flick to the back and get a decent description of what the sound is. If you just footnote it around the sound, space is limited.
But hell, I like any of the methods more than goddamn not translating them....
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Joined: 12 Jun 2003
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Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 11:29 am
It's a difficult situation, but I'm glad there is at least a translation somewhere. the context is usually gained from the artwork. Sometimes when I go back for a 2nd read, I'll go ahead and check on sound effects based on curiosity alone. The thing is, I don't wind up learning much more than when I read it the first time around. If the artist has done the job properly, the artwork and dialogue will have already "told" you everything you really need to know. (I'm sure there are exceptions to this, but let's not make a mountain out of a molehill.)
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Joined: 09 Jun 2003
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Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 5:23 pm
Since fx seem to be much larger than other effects, it can often change the art work when the fx is translated, when that happens, I am unhappy.
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Joined: 02 Nov 2003
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Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 5:50 pm
I really like what ADV does for their sound effects. They just have some small translation right next to the FX.
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Joined: 30 Jun 2003
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Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 11:03 pm
I'd prefer to have most of the sound effects translated too. Viz seems to be cheating and letting lots of easy sound edits slip through. Luckily there's a survey form in back so you can them what you like best.
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Joined: 18 Jan 2004
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Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 1:57 am
I don't mind translated sound effects, to a point. However, when the sound effects disrupt the art of the manga, it DOES bother me. Especially with VIZ's sound effects on X/1999. When a title is so heavily stylized, and the art so detailed; adding in large, block-lettered FX detracts from the manga. So, yes, by all means translate the sound effects, but at least keep the style consistent with the artwork. If that is impossible, I really would rather have them leave it alone. I love manga both for its storytelling and its artwork, and I hate to see either compromised. And besides, with stellar FX like "WHOOOOM", "KRAAASH" --- or my personal favorite, "SKKEEEEEEE" , it really does bring a whole new dimension to the manga. I really did enjoy the "SKEEEEEE", though. That one was just funny.
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