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Otakon 2007 - Eminence Concert Part 3

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Joined: 22 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:20 pm Reply with quote
While I can see a bit of the appeal of anime/video game orchestras, I'm pretty sick of the huge influx of these kinda concerts, and the fact that most people who go to these don't really seem to appreciate orchestral scores for their musical merits, just which games/tv shows/movies they're from. I mean, if you're saying you're appreciating a score from a musical standpoint, yet only listen to scores from anime/video games, what frame of reference do you honestly have?

Kind of a weird phenomenon, and I don't see why people can't branch out and listen to classical music of all kinds, if music appreciation is really their motive.

Though I'm not really one to pidgin-hole myself into one particular group anyway, so maybe I'm missing the point.

*I know I'm going to get flamed for this*
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:22 pm Reply with quote
I only have a limited knowledge of classical/symphonic/orchestra/(whatever-the-term-is-supposed-to-be) music, but I can say that hearing a live orchestra (regardless of what it's playing, be it Handel or Hisaishi) is awesome. In my opinion, one can know nothing of orchestra music and still be amazed by a live performance, especially if it's an arrangement of music not normally done by one.

To take a personal example, I went to see the Honolulu Symphony perform Beethoven's 9th a couple years ago, after hearing it in Eva's 24th episode and on CD. That is how you blow someone's mind.
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Joined: 22 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:23 pm Reply with quote
Using it as a gateway to experiencing actual non-anime/game orchestrated music is totally cool to me (hell, we all have to start somewhere).

I was more referring to people who exclusively listen to/attend concerts for music in anime/video games, and claim they like "classical music" as if it's supposed to impress anyone or something.
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Joined: 17 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 12:45 am Reply with quote
“And I also knew that you guys would feel at home in Baltimore. You know why? Because Baltimore's a lot like an RPG, too. People in Baltimore are so much like RPG characters that the townsfolk think nothing of walking into each other's houses and taking stuff without asking.” I don't care that the audience cheered. That was out of line.

I agree 100%. Piano Squall definitely stepped over the line with that one.

Great review (and I RARELY agree with ANN writers lol). Other than what I mentioned above, I thought the concert was flawless.
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Joined: 18 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:41 am Reply with quote
Would it be shallow of me to say I'm disappointed he didn't play anything from FFXII? I loved his score for it, the best FF score to date for me, with a much more orchestral sound than the previous games.
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Xenofan 29A

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:14 am Reply with quote
RogueJedi86 wrote:
Would it be shallow of me to say I'm disappointed he didn't play anything from FFXII? I loved his score for it, the best FF score to date for me, with a much more orchestral sound than the previous games.

It's in the same vein as Final Fantasy Tactics, Ogre Battle, and Vagrant Story (my personal favorite of Sakimoto's), but yeah, I suppose it's more traditionally orchestral than those.

I listen to classical, film scores, and video game scores all equally. They all have great music in them, and I think that it's fine with me if people don't want to listen to classical because they enjoy VGM more.

I've got a personal love for Bach, Beethoven, Stavinsky, Bruckner, and right now, Mahler. However, I also love Yasunori Mitsuda's music, along with that of Uematsu, Hisaishi, Sagisu, Sakimoto, and Kajiura. I mainly just love music in general.
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Joined: 03 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 12:46 pm Reply with quote
Doesn't seem like the reviewer liked Piano Squall too much . . .
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Joined: 23 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 10:21 am Reply with quote
I must say, this was one of the best concert reviews I've read anywhere in a long tome. The reviewer paid so much attention to describing the details and techniques for the readers' benefit that I can only hope that he didn't have to give up enjoying the concert just to review it!
As for using concerts like this one as a gateway to discovering classical music, the road can be travelled both ways. My in-laws are both professional musicians, and i completely stumped them both with the cd of Uematsu's piano treatment of FFVII soundtrack. Even if they don't become fans of anime or gaming, they at least have a little more respect olr the music involved.
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11 Sky

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 1:29 pm Reply with quote
Although I did not attend the concert, I did manage to watch a few video clips of the concert — it was indeed eminent. Just hearing the nostalgic tunes of past video games and anime series such as, Radical Dreamers and Princess Mononoke was indeed pleasing to the ears and brings back memories. I'm looking forward to attending their concerts live as well, since they very well deserve the support and audience.
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Joined: 27 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 1:56 pm Reply with quote
Wow, so much Romeo x Juliet music... wish I would have been there.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 6:12 pm Reply with quote
mhermance wrote:
I must say, this was one of the best concert reviews I've read anywhere in a long tome. The reviewer paid so much attention to describing the details and techniques for the readers' benefit that I can only hope that he didn't have to give up enjoying the concert just to review it!

Glad you enjoyed the review.

I used a program called Ulysses that lets me type orange text on a black full-screen background. It's much easier to take notes (and to enjoy the concert) than when I have to scribble stuff on a small pad of paper.
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Joined: 10 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 9:11 pm Reply with quote
Yes, this was an absolutely incredible review for a really really incredible concert. Reading over everything, I can remember exactly everything (with the exception of the really technical stuff about the music, such as the key changes and what not =P) as I read the review. I'd agree, the Eminence concert was probably one of the most enjoyable concerts I've ever been to.

And I'd agree with you, Piano Squall was really rather lame and out of line, especially taking a direct jab at the city he was in (not that I don't have my own reservations about Baltimore, but I'd refrain myself from making any real public comments), I'd be highly surprised if someone high up didn't get pissed off at him and would affect his chances of coming back. :o

But yes. Wonderful and very in depth review. Kudos. I totally still marvel at how you were able to take such notes, or have such an insane memory. :o

Last edited by Shiki MSHTS on Wed Aug 22, 2007 9:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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11 Sky

Joined: 22 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 9:41 pm Reply with quote
Thank you for the wonderful in-depth review jmays! Please do keep up the hard work; we fans do appreciate the time and effort put into these reviews.
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Joined: 14 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:50 am Reply with quote
scortia wrote:
Wow, so much Romeo x Juliet music...

That's because Eminence recorded the OST.
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Joined: 01 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:51 am Reply with quote
Invader_Spooch wrote:
While I can see a bit of the appeal of anime/video game orchestras, I'm pretty sick of the huge influx of these kinda concerts, and the fact that most people who go to these don't really seem to appreciate orchestral scores for their musical merits, just which games/tv shows/movies they're from. I mean, if you're saying you're appreciating a score from a musical standpoint, yet only listen to scores from anime/video games, what frame of reference do you honestly have?
They've yet to see the Nodame Cantabile live action. Wink

Seriously, who knew a series about actual classical music could be so good?

Anyways, I remember when I used to subscribe to Nintendo Power, they sent me a SSBM orchestral OST as a bonus. And hearing Fire Emblem in full orchestra was pretty awesome. I was just wowed by how good it sounded. Whether it was from a game or not, it was performed well and majestically.

I guess these people are like that. They hear the full orchestra version, and they're wowed regardless of its origin, because the music itself sounds so grand.

I understand your point though. There's probably those who only listen to and listen because of the origin, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt about the appreciation of the talent and sound these orchestra has.

Besides, just because one thinks Fire Emblem sounds awesome in orchestra doesn't necessarily mean one has to seek out Bach and Rachmaninoff to be "well-rounded."

Ooh, by the way, this bassist is insane.

Czardas by Monti.
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