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Funimation Premieres Attack on Titan The Final Season Anime's English Dub on January 10

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Joined: 23 Dec 2020
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 6:31 pm Reply with quote
Toonami is also showing episodes starting the 9th as well. Which honestly should be more prominent than Funimation streaming it, since Toonami will exclusively air it first.
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Punch Drunk Marc

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 7:12 pm Reply with quote
cherriiontop wrote:
Toonami is also showing episodes starting the 9th as well. Which honestly should be more prominent than Funimation streaming it, since Toonami will exclusively air it first.

Not really. Funi is still dubbing it so its all the same thing.
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Joined: 19 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 7:23 pm Reply with quote
Still, it's kind of strange and, to a degree, insulting that the FUNimation streaming date gets its own article while the Toonami announcement, which by all means came first, is flat-out ignored.
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Joined: 27 Jan 2020
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 7:59 pm Reply with quote
Takkun4343 wrote:
Still, it's kind of strange and, to a degree, insulting that the FUNimation streaming date gets its own article while the Toonami announcement, which by all means came first, is flat-out ignored.

It is odd Toonami wasn't mentioned at all here on ANN. What's happening is nothing new for Attack on Titan (the arrangement to air on Toonami first and Funimation the day after was the same for season 3, and I forget if it was the same for season 2 or not). But it should still be newsworthy.
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Aura Ichadora

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 8:01 pm Reply with quote
I'm not surprised that the dub episodes are going to start airing on stream this soon. But, since it was also brought up, I am surprised that they're going to air on Toonami this soon as well. I knew that S4's dub would air on Toonami's block eventually, but I figured we were going to have a similar situation as what we have with Fire Force S2: give it a few months for several episodes to be dubbed so Toonami can air them without having to force marathons in between episodes (as what happened with the final 4-something episodes of MHA S4) or being forced into a hiatus (such as with Black Clover). As it is, new dubbed episodes of Fire Force are coming out every 2-3 weeks (this seems to be the pattern for almost every show they're dubbing from home, as well), so having the few months of buffer between the announcement and the airing date (and then the 3-4 weeks of marathons on top of that) is going to do the block a lot of good to make sure the show can air with little interruptions.

I do worry we might have a situation like what happened with MHA with AoT S4 because there's really not that much of a buffer between episodes dropping and the dub's airing. Unless Funi is going to give massive priority to dubbing the episodes so that they stream/air weekly, and hence basically erasing the potential of the 2-3 weeks of waiting like with the other shows. Which I could see Funi doing because of how huge AoT is, although it's potentially going to be more taxing on the at-home crews. But without a confirmation that this is going to happen (since they're saying it's going to be part of their "dub at home" initiative, my line of thinking is that it'd be the same as any other show), I still have this concern. I mean... since it's the only logical way for my husband and I to see AoT S4, we're going to roll with the punches on however it works on Toonami, so whatever happens happens. I'm still just wondering.
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Punch Drunk Marc

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 8:19 pm Reply with quote
I'm wondering/hoping that everything with Trina Nishimura and she's out of the hospital to record.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 9:22 pm Reply with quote
surprised no ones complained about the screen shot.
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Aura Ichadora

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 11:03 pm Reply with quote
Nordhmmer wrote:
surprised no ones complained about the screen shot.
... May I ask why you think this? This has been the promo poster that's been going around for months, and had been one of the two main images used by Funi, Crunchyroll, and other sites they've been using when promoting the new season. With how much I've seen this trending and going all over my different social media feeds, I'm definitely curious how this could be something one would complain about at this juncture? o.o
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 1:01 am Reply with quote
Punch Drunk Marc wrote:
I'm wondering/hoping that everything with Trina Nishimura and she's out of the hospital to record.

The GoFundMe put out an update on December 11 saying that Trina and Justin are at home now.
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Joined: 26 Jun 2017
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 1:41 am Reply with quote
Aura Ichadora wrote:
I'm not surprised that the dub episodes are going to start airing on stream this soon. But, since it was also brought up, I am surprised that they're going to air on Toonami this soon as well. I knew that S4's dub would air on Toonami's block eventually, but I figured we were going to have a similar situation as what we have with Fire Force S2: give it a few months for several episodes to be dubbed so Toonami can air them without having to force marathons in between episodes (as what happened with the final 4-something episodes of MHA S4) or being forced into a hiatus (such as with Black Clover). As it is, new dubbed episodes of Fire Force are coming out every 2-3 weeks (this seems to be the pattern for almost every show they're dubbing from home, as well), so having the few months of buffer between the announcement and the airing date (and then the 3-4 weeks of marathons on top of that) is going to do the block a lot of good to make sure the show can air with little interruptions.

It’s highly speculated and basically an all-but-verified fact that Funimation sold premiere rights of the AoT dub to Toonami for the remainder of the series into the future, likely back when season 1 was airing and when Funimation didn’t value its streaming service as much. Every season Toonami always gets dub episodes weekly first, with Funimation streaming the day after (less than 12 hours I believe).
As for it only being 5-6 or so weeks behind the sub, yea I agree it feels like a gamble. I wouldn’t be surprised if, even with Funimation basically the majority of anime this next season, dubbing for AoT S4 may take priority and less shows will get dubbed within this next season and may be postponed to the season after. Crunchyroll consistently dubs 4-5 shows each season weekly without any hiccups so far, just 6 or so weeks after the sub. If Funimation gives it the priority I don’t doubt they can do the same (but definitely more than 5 shows will be dubbed next season by Funi, that’s for sure).
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