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This Week in Games - Gimme (PlayStation) Five

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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:25 pm Reply with quote
I do wish they hadn't gone with white. The two-color thing is neat, but white is the last choice for me for electronics, especially for a controller. The accent lighting looks nice though. Honestly, the lighting is what bumped the design into "acceptable" for me.

I do wonder if the stand(s) will be included this time? Prior consoles didn't come with one, so you had to buy an accessory to place it vertically. The horizontal image shows a stand under it, which confirms my suspicion that the curves mean it doesn't sit evenly on its own. I kind of think that means that at least one type will be included, but Sony makes enough questionable choices to where I could see them not including it to reduce production costs or because it sort of sits on its own without one.
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Joined: 13 May 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:41 pm Reply with quote
White doesn't go with 99% of the entertainment systems in the world. Stands out way too much, honestly.

Anyway, the system is a lot weaker than the XSX so my hype is tempered. Demon's Souls already confirmed to have a lower graphics mode so that it actually runs decent FPS. That's not a good sign - games should be able to run smooth at the default settings.

All the best games are already confirmed to be coming to PC.

The biggest thing that annoyed me was honestly a lot of games that had extremely fast-paced movement as if to show off the SSD. But it didn't seem to actually make gameplay more interesting. It reminds me of when every game for awhile shoehorned in Motion Controls after the Wii came out even when they didn't ehnance gameplay tall. Project Athia looks most promising tbh - probably helps that it was the only one that actually had next-gen graphics. Even Gran Turismo 7 had a lot of shadow and object pop-in despite the SSD. It will likely take years before games properly make use of this.

Spider-Man was lately confirmed to be more like DLC than a new game, so that was a huge let-down as well.
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Custom Apex

Joined: 30 Jun 2019
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 4:25 pm Reply with quote
Kougeru wrote:
White doesn't go with 99% of the entertainment systems in the world. Stands out way too much, honestly.

Anyway, the system is a lot weaker than the XSX so my hype is tempered. Demon's Souls already confirmed to have a lower graphics mode so that it actually runs decent FPS. That's not a good sign - games should be able to run smooth at the default settings.

All the best games are already confirmed to be coming to PC.

The biggest thing that annoyed me was honestly a lot of games that had extremely fast-paced movement as if to show off the SSD. But it didn't seem to actually make gameplay more interesting. It reminds me of when every game for awhile shoehorned in Motion Controls after the Wii came out even when they didn't enhance gameplay tall. Project Athia looks most promising tbh - probably helps that it was the only one that actually had next-gen graphics. Even Gran Turismo 7 had a lot of shadow and object pop-in despite the SSD. It will likely take years before games properly make use of this.

Spider-Man was lately confirmed to be more like DLC than a new game, so that was a huge let-down as well.

So you're saying that the PS5 event was not that good to you?
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Joined: 02 Apr 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 4:56 pm Reply with quote
Kougeru wrote:
Anyway, the system is a lot weaker than the XSX so my hype is tempered. Demon's Souls already confirmed to have a lower graphics mode so that it actually runs decent FPS. That's not a good sign - games should be able to run smooth at the default settings.

All the best games are already confirmed to be coming to PC.

It sounds like you have a PC so I am not sure why it even matters how the XSX compares. Almost all of those games will have the superior experience on the PC (I'd say all but someone is going to shit the bed...). Aside from PS5 exclusives, what point is there in either?
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Joined: 31 May 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 5:04 pm Reply with quote
It's not just you, I don't like the white either and the fact that all their accesssories are a similar color scheme just makes it more annoying. Even if you don't like the design, a black console would blend in better than a bright white one.
I hope the lights aren't bright or can be turned off personally. I don't want a light show from my console while I'm gaming.
Hopefully we get a black version soon after launch.

Games looked good (though nothing blew me away), and some peaked my interest to keep an eye on, but no system sellers for me yet.

There was no mention of backwards compatibility (even for PS4 titles) and no RPGs (Western or Japanese), which is a big miss for me.

Greed1914 wrote:
I do wonder if the stand(s) will be included this time? Prior consoles didn't come with one, so you had to buy an accessory to place it vertically. The horizontal image shows a stand under it, which confirms my suspicion that the curves mean it doesn't sit evenly on its own. I kind of think that means that at least one type will be included, but Sony makes enough questionable choices to where I could see them not including it to reduce production costs or because it sort of sits on its own without one.

Some people think it's the same stand, which would be convenient. Since both horizontal and vertical seem to need a stand, I think they'd have to include at least one if not both in the box. With the ps3 and ps4 you could at least put it horizontal, so a vertical stand accessory was at least somewhat justifiable. If it's required out of the box for either orientation, I don't think they can justify leaving one out.
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Joined: 02 Mar 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 5:07 pm Reply with quote
Yeah that looks weird to me, almost like a futuristic internet router
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Joined: 20 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 5:36 pm Reply with quote
I don't have any problems with white consoles at all (like, really people? The Wii or Xbox One S look fine, for instance), but this thing has a real "early 00's device trying to look FUTURISTIC with extraneous plastic crap and weird shapes" look to it. The disc drive looking like a tumorous growth is even worse.
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El Hermano

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 5:58 pm Reply with quote
White consoles are fine, although I usually associate them with Nintendo (DS Lite, Wii, Wii U)

My only concern is while the design certainly looks interesting, I worry they sacrificed ventilation and performance just to look cool. The new Xbox is just a brick, but so is a PC tower, and I'll take that so long as it has enough space on the inside for the components to distribute heat properly and vent out the hot air. I can see the PS5 having poor ventilation and sounding like a jet engine just like the PS4 did because they prioritizes aesthetics over funtionality by making it compact and curvy.

I see it also comes with a HD camera and has a no disk drive version. So basically they're doing what they made fun of Microsoft did last gen with the bundled Kinect and the lack of sharing games. I'm only really interested in the not-Kojima Capcom game and the Demon's Souls remake, but I can wait a year or two for there to be more games on it. I waited about as long to get a PS4 since the only game I was interested in was Ground Zeroes.
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Silver Kirin

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 6:00 pm Reply with quote
- PS5: I have a white PS2 Slim funnily enough and I kinda of like the mix of colors that Sony chose for the PS5, it reminds me of the PSVR headset (perhaps that was the inspiration), although I'm not a fan of it's shape it's too asymmetrical, especially the normal model. As for the presentation, I thought it was pretty cool, RE VIII and Ratchet & Clank were the highlight for me. I don't pay too much attention to the hardware specs but some people say that the new Xbox has superior hardware, but in my opinion Sony has more wide appeal and looking back at their home console history I think they will lead the next generation unless something unexpected happens.
- Alex Kidd: I'm not too sure about this remake, I played some of the games for the Master System and Genesis and I could see why Sega wanted to make a new mascot, I mean they weren't bad games but they weren't as solid as Mario. Still, I always wanted Sega to make a new game with their original mascot and although a remake is fine I would have preferred a new game with improved gameplay. At least some Sega mascots are being revived, I wish they announce a new Virtua Fighter, Ristar, Vectorman and Skies of Arcadia.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 6:01 pm Reply with quote
Also, this is just me, but I hate white colors for consoles, and electronics in general. Yes, I know that the Dreamcast was a white console,

Maybe I've gone senile being I just turned 31 but I vaguely remember the Dreamcast being grey. The other thing is I find it curious people are complaining about them using white as the default color for the system it's like the last 30-42 years of Black & Grey colored video game consoles (and handhelds) never happened. I mean I empathize with why it is people aren't too fond of white colored objects but Black isn't a much better option either.

Kougeru wrote:

Spider-Man was lately confirmed to be more like DLC than a new game, so that was a huge let-down as well.

Which is interesting because Insomniac came out and stated it was a full fledged title.

Covnam wrote:

There was no mention of backwards compatibility (even for PS4 titles) and no RPGs (Western or Japanese), which is a big miss for me.

System was confirmed to be backwards compatible with PS4 titles months ago.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 7:03 pm Reply with quote
Why oh why are they bringing back the “All-Stars” titling after PlayStation All-Stars crashed and burned?

Isn't this literally a game about crashing and burning, though?

Anyway, my interest in getting a PS5 anytime soon (and maybe at all) is highly dependent on more details about its backwards compatibility.
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Joined: 09 Jun 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 7:27 pm Reply with quote
BadNewsBlues wrote:
System was confirmed to be backwards compatible with PS4 titles months ago.
Well, sort of. It looks like they're doing the same thing Xbox did this generation where they'll approve PS4 games as backwards compatible gradually over time (and we don't know how comprehensive that's going to be. Specifically calling out "the 100 most popular games" was a warning flag). It's not launching with full backwards compatibility, which I was sort of disappointed by. If I would have been able to just retire my PS4 the moment I got the PS5, it would have been easy for me to justify buying it at launch. Now, I'm not so sure, because there are only so many plugs and spaces and cords I want to have.
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Joined: 11 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 8:20 pm Reply with quote
My takeaway from the PS5 event was just that the action RPG seems to have wiped out almost all the other genres. Beyond that, there was one sports game, two driving, a bit of platforming, and whatever Goodbye Volcano High and Stray turn out to be. But no fighting, no extreme sports, no music games, no puzzles, no VR.

And as for action RPGs… I really only have time to save the world once or twice. A lot of these are going to get a pass from me just of the basis of bandwidth and self-sameiness.
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Joined: 23 Feb 2019
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 8:25 pm Reply with quote
The last few GT titles were really weak compared to Forza, so they'd better hit this out of the park.

Ain't that the truth.
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Joined: 11 May 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 11:06 pm Reply with quote
The first thing I thought when I saw it is, did alienware design this? It's not that I don't like the design it's just... not what I imagine a playstation looking like. Oh well I don't plan on getting it at launch price so hopefully there's a few color variants to choose from when the price drops.

RE8 looks amazing.
Project Athia, Returnal, Kena: Bridge of Spirits, Ghostwire Tokyo all look interesting.
Pragmata and Horizon: Forbidden West looks really good and I'm really interested.
Also i'm glad not the only one who thought it gave death stranding vibes. I was seriously expecting for the kojima productions logo to drop at any moment. At any moment.

Also did anyone else notice there were alot of how do I say, powerful human female characters in the new games? I've got nothing against it as long as the game and story is fun but it certainly struck me as... noticable.
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