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NEWS: Hypnosis Mic Franchise Inspires 2 Stage Plays

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Joined: 08 Jul 2018
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Location: Ikebukuro
PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 8:49 am Reply with quote
People are freaking out about this on twitter, because the prices are about twice the standard cost of a ticket. Apparently they come with a lot of special goods (t-shirts, I think?) but still.

Ahh, also, one of the best plays I've ever seen was at the same theater around the same time last year (or, 10/18-11/4) and it actually had a lot of HypMic references sort of, so that's funny Anime smile;

edit: So, apparently the fans are really not happy for reasons other than the price.

Some of them are upset because the series always called itself a "seiyuu rap battle" project, and they're angry to see the characters played by someone other than the seiyuu (which... I mean, Tsukiuta is also a seiyuu project, it's "seiyuu x vocaloid producers" basically just like that, and the stage plays are brilliant, so like... I dunno, there are probably non-stage-fan Tsukiuta fans, too, but...)
Anyway, the HypMic twitter changed its profile to say "character rap battle" instead of "seiyuu rap battle", after the stage play was announced.

People are also saying that the stage actors don't look as good as cosplayers, but like... hmmmm that seems like a possessive-fan thing more than anything...

It's interesting, because now Idolish 7 seems to be the only big music series without a stage play. Idolish 7 and Marginal #4 get the seiyuu in costume for the concerts a lot more than other series do - actually, King of Prism does, too, and that has a stage play. Idolish 7 fandom is massive, don't know how volatile they are... Magi4 fandom is small, but volatile and possessive, from what I've seen.

So, I wonder how they'd react to a stage play announcement...

(B Project's stage plays seem to have either only had one play, or had two with different casts. UtaPri has done some things with the characters acting in plays, so like, full-length show-within-a-show, I think they had three or four, and one of them was pirates. UtaPri and StarMyu both had stories in the anime where the characters played pirates in something before making a pirate stage play. I don't know if that's the case for Ensemble Stars, but Ensemble Stars is currently having a pirates stage play...

Meanwhile, Tsukipro is the only one that's really done super innovative stuff with the stage plays in the music genre (outside the music genre, there's Touken Ranbu, Prince of Tennis, Haikyuu, etc.); TouRabu, Tsukipro, and UtaPri seem to be the only ones doing really interesting extra plots, as opposed to adaptations of the game/manga/anime story. StarMyu had some side stories, but they weren't that interesting, and EnStars seems to be trying to go towards that kind of thing...

It's an interesting industry to watch, but I can see why there's backlash, especially since the majority of these things are badly acted, badly sung, badly directed money grabs, but the few that aren't (Touken Ranbu and Tsukipro, at least) are some of the most interesting, most satisfying pieces of media in production anywhere today.

Also, HypMic is joining Ensemble Stars and A3 in getting stage plays way before anime. Tsukiuta's stage play announcement and anime announcement were close, but the first plays happened about two months before the anime (~April and July 2016). A3 has had at least 3 stage plays and their anime is coming next January. Ensemble Stars had stage plays for years - a series of four covering the first story arc of the game, then a side story focusing on a different group (which apparently had great acting), and now the pirate thing; and their anime was this season, though it was delayed for particular reasons. HypMic has no anime announcement yet.
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