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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 4:18 pm Reply with quote
Great episode this week. It was nice to hear about Hellsing a bit more now that Ultimate is finally finished. (It's weird knowing I don't have more of it to look forward too.) I always like New Generation's work, and I appreciate that the effort was made to make bridges between the LA and NY actors for Ikki Tousen.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 4:40 pm Reply with quote
The Hellsing TV series and the Hellsing Ultimate OVA are two of what I consider the "grand pantheon" of English dubs for anime. It's almost difficult to watch the show in anything but English (though Yoshiko Sakakibara and Norio Wakamoto are in the Japanese versions, so it's great in either language). These dubs are up there with the English dubs for Cowboy Bebop, Big O, Black Lagoon, and any of the better English dub versions. They're well-scripted, well-cast, and well-acted all around.

RoD The TV's dub is nothing to sneeze at, either.

Thank you, New Generation Pictures.

Not that interested in Bayonetta, but way to go the extra mile to get the original voice of the title character. More than a mile. Many, many miles.
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Greg Aubry

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 5:49 pm Reply with quote
New Generation's dubs of Paranoia Agent, Haibane Renmei, Texhnolyze and Ergo Proxy are all great, especially the latter. I remember the dub of that first Ergo Proxy DVD really impressing me. A later episode has English voice-actor William Frederick Knight (GitS's old man Aramaki) turning one of his single greatest single-episode performances as the proprietor of a bookstore in the middle of nowhere. Bayonetta sounds like mindless fun, and more Victoria Harwood is always welcome to these ears.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 7:31 pm Reply with quote
Not nearly enough people have seen GunxSword, unfortunately, but that was another series with a great dub from New Generation Pictures.

I have no active interest in Bayonetta at this point in time, yet I will definitely pick up the last volume of Hellsing. Looking forward to how the cast handled the final two episodes of that show. Based on the ones for previous entries, those commentaries should be fun too.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 7:40 pm Reply with quote
Dubs by New Generation have always been great. It's a shame they don't get more work.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:00 pm Reply with quote
nightjuan wrote:
Not nearly enough people have seen GunxSword, unfortunately, but that was another series with a great dub from New Generation Pictures.

I have no active interest in Bayonetta at this point in time, yet I will definitely pick up the last volume of Hellsing. Looking forward to how the cast handled the final two episodes of that show. Based on the ones for previous entries, those commentaries should be fun too.

I was rewatching GunxSword recently, and it was fun to see New Generation's name on there since I didn't know much about the work they had done the first time I watched it.

FireChick wrote:
Dubs by New Generation have always been great. It's a shame they don't get more work.

That is something that really bummed me out about Geneon going under. For a studio that has done work that oftentimes is held up as some of the best English dubs have to offer, it really is a shame that they don't get to do more. I know it was mentioned that Aniplex hasn't approached New Generation to do anything so far, but it would really be nice if they could get back into it somehow, especially since there are several actors that did good work for them that don't otherwise seem to be very active in the anime scene.
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:17 pm Reply with quote
Greed1914 wrote:
That is something that really bummed me out about Geneon going under. For a studio that has done work that oftentimes is held up as some of the best English dubs have to offer, it really is a shame that they don't get to do more.

Unfortunately, with a constant rate of quality comes a constant rate of cost, and NGP has generally been named as one of the more expensive studios out there. With FUNimation & Sentai relying on their own local studios, in-house or not, those who don't have their own have to keep cost in mind when looking into dubbing their anime releases. While I'm sure Klein is right about Ikki Tousen Season 2 being a long, long story, I'm sure part of it comes down to Media Blasters only having so much money on hand, even back then. As much as getting NGP to dub Season 2 would have been awesome, I'm sure cost was one of the (likely many) factors that lead to Sirabella using a local NYC studio. It's kind of the same with NYAV Post on the East Coast, who doesn't get anime work like they used to; guaranteed quality, but money has to be spent to get that quality.

That's not meant to be a knock against NGP, because their dubs do tend to be that damn good, but there's always a cost to get that kind of quality, and in the world of anime it's rare to find a product that is worth that cost & not be a waste. If anything, that might also be part of the reason why Aniplex hasn't used them yet, even though they know Klein & the kind of quality NGP delivers.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:30 pm Reply with quote
Lord Geo wrote:
Greed1914 wrote:
That is something that really bummed me out about Geneon going under. For a studio that has done work that oftentimes is held up as some of the best English dubs have to offer, it really is a shame that they don't get to do more.

Unfortunately, with a constant rate of quality comes a constant rate of cost, and NGP has generally been named as one of the more expensive studios out there. With FUNimation & Sentai relying on their own local studios, in-house or not, those who don't have their own have to keep cost in mind when looking into dubbing their anime releases. While I'm sure Klein is right about Ikki Tousen Season 2 being a long, long story, I'm sure part of it comes down to Media Blasters only having so much money on hand, even back then. As much as getting NGP to dub Season 2 would have been awesome, I'm sure cost was one of the (likely many) factors that lead to Sirabella using a local NYC studio. It's kind of the same with NYAV Post on the East Coast, who doesn't get anime work like they used to; guaranteed quality, but money has to be spent to get that quality.

That's not meant to be a knock against NGP, because their dubs do tend to be that damn good, but there's always a cost to get that kind of quality, and in the world of anime it's rare to find a product that is worth that cost & not be a waste. If anything, that might also be part of the reason why Aniplex hasn't used them yet, even though they know Klein & the kind of quality NGP delivers.

Very true. It was also mentioned that Hellsing Ultimate and Bayonetta both ended up being union productions, so there is the added cost there. Given how thin profits oftentimes are for anime, I'm sure those mandatory minimums for actors can be pretty unappealing.

Ultimately, I can respect what Jonathan Klein said about choosing to turn down some of the things Geneon had near the end since the budget wouldn't have allowed for their usual quality. A few duds might have made it a lot harder to get the work they have now.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:42 pm Reply with quote
Greed1914 wrote:
Ultimately, I can respect what Jonathan Klein said about choosing to turn down some of the things Geneon had near the end since the budget wouldn't have allowed for their usual quality. A few duds might have made it a lot harder to get the work they have now.

It could have also taken time away from some of the video game work that's kept them in business the last few years.

I don't remember all those last titles that came out, but stuff like Nanoha was clearly made on the super-cheap, and I don't even know anymore which studio supposedly had a hand in that work.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:25 pm Reply with quote
Karen Thompson is the alias for Megan Hollingshead. She might be best known as Officer Jenny in Pokemon (before she moved from NYC to LA) and Mai in Yu-Gi-Oh! before the Orichalchos episodes.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:46 pm Reply with quote
Thank you guys for making an amazing dub for Texhnolyze, I've enjoyed several of your other dubs, but Texhnolyze's was the one that leapt out to me in your list of stuff. The first time I watched it subbed, and a large chunk of the characters are Japanese middleaged men who all kinda sound the same, and the anime has a tendency to not show who is talking onscreen, which really inhibited my understanding of the already complex show.

I watched it a second time but instead with the dub, and now it's one of my favorite anime series of all time. Great performances across board, and some hilarious outtakes that rival Berserk's in terms of enjoyment.

Nice podcast. The voice acting/dubbing aspects don't usually interest me too much, but this was neat to listen to
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Joined: 15 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 11:51 am Reply with quote
It is certianly not true that complaining about shows with no merit beyond fanservice is dead.

I ran across this the other day for video games.

Edit: That actually mixes up several different complaints and blurs them together, One is a complaint about games that depict women badly, but another is about games that merely depict them in ways that merely lack goodness.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 12:47 pm Reply with quote
arromdee wrote:
It is certianly not true that complaining about shows with no merit beyond fanservice is dead.

Well that isn't what I was saying. You're right that complaining about shows with no merit beyond fanservice isn't dead, because that's a valid criticism.

Complaining about bog-standard T&A fanservice just because it exists, not because it's a hindrance to the show, that's what I was talking about. And no me saying that does not mean you haven't and never will hear it again ever, it means by and large those complaints have generally gone away.
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Student no.0

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 12:53 pm Reply with quote
Really interesting show this week especially with the mention of R.O.D. Man, I really hope that gets released in R1 sometime soon again with its dub.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 1:50 pm Reply with quote
The show game me the impression that Ikki Tousen was considered to have no merit beyond fanservice.
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