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The Licensing Thread.

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Bargain Hunter

Joined: 07 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:59 am Reply with quote
I don't know about you, but one of my favourite news items is when a distrib announces they've licensed a never before released show (in North America) or rescued a lapsed license. With AX happening pretty soon, licensing is very much on my mind since a lot of distribs use it to roll out new announcements. I'll never forget AX 2010 when Funi unveiled an amazing slew of titles: (Index, Railgun, Shiki, Shana II plus the movie and ovas, Darker Than Black II, Roberta's Blood Trail just to name the ones that stood out for me, not to mention the rescues of Hellsing and Serial Experiments Lain among others). Ever since then, I have a Pavlovian response to AX even though there has never been another year like 2010.

Anyway, this thread is to discuss anything that touches on licensing: the ones you crave (and why), speculation on who you think might get what - whatever licensing related convo. you can think of.

Here's what would blow my mind coming out of AX: the announcement that Hyouka has been picked up. I don't even care who gets it - even AoA. I just want to own that show so badly. I'd say it is No.1 on my want list now that both Bakemonogatari and Lovely Complex were picked up. I want Hyouka because I liked the visual look of it (especially whenever the show represented Oreki's inner thoughts) and Chitanda is one of my favourite female characters ever. I loved her character design and her seiyuu, Satomi Satou.

Could this be the year that Skip Beat! finally gets picked up??? Yeah, I don't think so, either. Both NISA and Nozomi would do a great job with it.

My dark horse, long shot hope: Maiden Japan gets Zombie-Loan. It's in line with what they first licensed when the line started up a few years ago. I loved the humour of that show although it is heart-breaking that the OVAs started an awesome story line that will never get an animated finish.
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He started it

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:02 am Reply with quote
well, Funi just got Brothers Conflict and Danganronpa
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:09 am Reply with quote
Heh, ANN hasn't even reported that yet. Guess we'll have to call you getch "Scoop" man from now on. I'm surprised they are making any announcements with AX just around the corner.
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He started it

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:13 am Reply with quote
maybe they picked up more than 6 shows this season
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Joined: 26 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:31 am Reply with quote
My dream license rescue would be Maison Ikkoku. It looks like the first blu-ray boxed set comes out in Japan this December. Maybe a title for Maiden Japan? They brought back Patlabor, which I thought would never see a re-release.

shawnek hinted in the latest RightStuf specials thread that he may have a licensing announcement at Anime Expo. I'm excited about that.

shawnek wrote:
Hints and Notes from Shawne:
There's still a group in this spot. Was told the contract has been sent to legal for approval. So here's hoping! (It's down the wire!)
Another one goes here. This one is now done. See you at AX. (Emphasis added)
This one actually may happen. Still waiting on feedback though.
Another classic. I love the classics, don't you? Let's talk about this next week.

I'm also kind of hoping Funimation will announce a physical media release for Railgun II and pick up Index II.

Last edited by murph76 on Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:41 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:39 am Reply with quote
getchman wrote:
well, Funi just got Brothers Conflict and Danganronpa

Here's the source for that.

As for Summer predictions, I can see Funimation licensing Kingdom 2 since they have the first series; I don't know how well the series fared for them though so that may be something to consider. Crunchyroll obtaining the streaming rights third season of The World God Only Knows wouldn't be a surprise to me either since they have the previous two seasons. Of course, that might mean that Sentai Filmworks will get the distribution rights.
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Macron One

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:23 pm Reply with quote
Blood- wrote:
Here's what would blow my mind coming out of AX: the announcement that Hyouka has been picked up. I don't even care who gets it - even AoA. I just want to own that show so badly. I'd say it is No.1 on my want list now that both Bakemonogatari and Lovely Complex were picked up. I want Hyouka because I liked the visual look of it (especially whenever the show represented Oreki's inner thoughts) and Chitanda is one of my favourite female characters ever. I loved her character design and her seiyuu, Satomi Satou.

Hyouka is also the title i would most like to see licensed, though i would be a little pickier as far as which company i want to see announcing it. For this series especially, a Blu-Ray release is an absolute must. Hyouka has the most consistently impressive animation of any series from 2012 and was one of the first anime TV series to be produced in nearly full HD. DVD is simply not going to cut it here, so i would prefer that Nozomi does not license it, as much as i love a lot of their releases and extras.
I would also be extremely suspicious of Sentai, considering their poor track-record regarding disc authoring as of late. They also seem fond of letting streaming numbers decide which titles they're going to dub and release on Blu-Ray, which doesn't bode well for a series like Hyouka, which has never been legally streamed in the US. With Sentai having a number of Kyoto Animation titles already in their catalog, they do seem like the most likely company to license it though.
The company that IMO would be best-suited to licensing Hyouka is NISA, as they're great at doing Blu-Ray authoring and producing quality packaging. Hyouka would also be a good fit for their catalog, which contains a good number of impressive slice of life/drama series.
Funimation would probably be a decent choice too, though this isn't the type of series they normally go for.

I'm also eagerly anticipating Nozomi's license announcements, as they frequently manage to get their hands on some old-school gems. Considering they've previously acquired Rose of Versailles and Space Adventure Cobra TV, i'm very curious to see if they'll add more Dezaki classics, such as Aim for the Ace! or Dear Brother.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:49 pm Reply with quote
@ Macron One: oh man, if NISA got Hyouka, I'd be absolutely over-the-moon. Thing is they tend to either go for titles that are more overtly comic (Our Home's Fox Deity, Wagnaria!!) or more overtly romantic (Toradora!, Kimi ni Todoke) or more overtly actiony (Persona - trinity soul, Pandora Hearts). I'm not sure Hyouka falls within their self-perceived wheelhouse, but would I ever love them to get their mitts on it.
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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:44 pm Reply with quote
What I would throw money at the screen if it would get licensed Smile

Chihayafuru *
Dennou Coil *
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Mononoke *
Nodame Cantabile.
Shirokuma Cafe
Story of Sainkoku Season 2

The * means the following are licensed in Australia. I have not imported these titles yet but plan to in the future but maybe something in me is still holding out hope they will be picked up in NA.

NISA and TRSI are always my first choices for licensing companies, then Funimation. But I would take any company for the above titles.
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Macron One

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 2:19 pm Reply with quote
Maidenoftheredhand wrote:
The * means the following are licensed in Australia. I have not imported these titles yet but plan to in the future but maybe something in me is still holding out hope they will be picked up in NA.

There's also an official Region 3 DVD release of the first Nodame Cantabile series (by Sony IIRC). It has english subtitles and the Animax english dub too. I'm not sure if it is still in print, though.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 2:34 pm Reply with quote
My problem with Siren's releases of Dennou Coil and Mononoke is that they are DVD-only. The JP re-release of Mononoke, with the three Bakeneko episodes that preceded it, is a remastered Blu-ray. Dennou Coil was televised in HD and is available on Blu-ray in JP as well. I've been holding out for an American distributor in hopes it would release Blu-ray versions of those shows now that the masters are available in Japan.

I've seen a couple of episodes from rips of the BDs for both shows, and they are stunning.

I own the Bakeneko DVD, and I bought the OST for Dennou Coil when it was originally released. As much as I love both these shows, I cannot really bring myself to spend the $500-600 it would cost to own the JP versions especially since neither of them includes an English subtitle track.

As for Saiunkoku S2, I find it unlikely that will ever be released over here since the first series has gone of out print. I can't say that I found it as compelling as the first season either, though the relationship between spoiler[Eigetsu and Kourin] was very appealing.

One item that I'd also like to see in the US is a Blu-ray version of Mononoke Hime. Apparently the licensing for that movie is now a mess. I keep hoping that NISA might pick it up some day.

The dubbed Animax version of Nodame is streamed at Crackle. Annoyingly none of the OP/ED songs, nor any of the signage, is translated.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:09 pm Reply with quote
Topping my "Why the hell isn't this licensed?" List are:

Legend of the Galactic Heroes-Awesome space epic with good characters and intricate storyline
Real Drive-Created by Masamune Shirow, enough said.
REC-Short, but yet still manages to be an excellent romantic comedy which was both funny and mature.
Library War-A pretty good slice of life/romance show with a good cast and even some occasional action.
Kemonozume-Despite the really quirky, oddball artstyle, I also thought this one was pretty good.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:08 pm Reply with quote
Im still hoping for a license rescue (preferably dubbed) of Gosick. One can hope lol
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:39 pm Reply with quote
Kruszer wrote:
Topping my "Why the hell isn't this licensed?" List are:

Legend of the Galactic Heroes-Awesome space epic with good characters and intricate storyline

I'll agree the other series have no real excuses, but LoGH is an elusive target for monetary reasons beyond what most licensees would want to pony up for. It's a lot of show, and it's still extremely popular in Japan. I'd consider just licensing the movies to be massive progress on that front.

I hope Media Blasters takes notice of Ladies Versus Butlers, but I'd only bite if it's on BD and all of the special extras are guaranteed to be included. It's just what they'd want: pervy good fun with a decent fanbase.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 4:40 am Reply with quote
That's the great thing about having Sentai/Maiden Japan, Nozomi and Discotek around: all three companies have demonstrated the willingness to "reach back" and pick up older shows. That always holds out hope that some grizzled fave that's been overlooked for some reason might still get snapped up.

As for LotGH, I remember Justin Sevakis mentioning on an ANNcast that there were some sort of thorny rights problems that made an R1 (or any territory outside of Japan) release pretty much impossible.
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