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NEWS: Exclusive Trading Card in Fullmetal Alchemist Vol. 6

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Joe Mello

Joined: 31 May 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:14 pm Reply with quote
Wow. FMA's getting all the swag.

Are the manga sales that bad or are they just willing to cross-promote with anything and everything?

Speaking of crossing... ^__~

Last edited by Joe Mello on Mon Oct 10, 2005 2:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 22 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 2:02 pm Reply with quote
Viz has no one but itself to blame for poor sales...they take so freakin' long between volumes of FMA that most people probably figure they've cancelled the series, like they've done in the past. (I know I thought they cancelled Inuyasha...took 10 months between volumes at one point...)

Ironic you should say something like that, since FMA #1 did make the best-seller lists...apparently Viz has a monkey somewhere along the pipeline that figured they should milk each volume for as much as they could before releasing the next one.

Right, anyway. Volume 6? Volume 4 isn't even out yet. Why are they announcing a TCG card for a volume that won't be due out until Summer 2007 or thereabouts?
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Necros Antiquor

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 2:02 pm Reply with quote
Maybe if the FMA card game was as big as Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh were, then I could see this significantly increasing sales of the volume. Then again, maybe the point here is to get the card game more popular. *shrug*

Joe Mello wrote:

Heh...I was just going to mention that. Wink

Permanent link, since the site will update in a week and a new comic will be at that address.

Last edited by Necros Antiquor on Mon Oct 10, 2005 3:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Kuroro IX

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 2:20 pm Reply with quote
Um, Ryusui, they're talking about volumes of the *anime*, not the manga. And IIRC all manga volumes of FMA thus far have sold extremely well.
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ANN Executive Editor

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 2:56 pm Reply with quote
1. Fullmetal Alchemist manga and anime both are consistant chart-toppers. The manga usually sits in the top 10, and the top 10 anime DVDs for any given period generally has at least two volumes of the show in it.

2. Why would you suspect that a cross-promotion means that the manga is failing or not selling? Do you assume that because you can buy toys from Disney movies at McDonald's that means one company or the other is in grave financial trouble? It's called "promotion", it isn't an indicator of success or failure.

I'm trying to figure out how you'd manage to arrive at that conclusion with even a basic understanding of marketing.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 3:23 pm Reply with quote
Joe Mello wrote:
Wow. FMA's getting all the swag.

Are the manga sales that bad or are they just willing to cross-promote with anything and everything?

Speaking of crossing... ^__~

VG Cats for the ultimate win. =P

And it never quite occured to me that people acctually played Trading Card games anymore. Especially for specific anime series, one game out of a massive bunch of mediocre ones. Bleh.

Then again, they sometimes make good collectors items. Sometimes
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 3:43 pm Reply with quote
Shiki MSHTS wrote:
Joe Mello wrote:
Wow. FMA's getting all the swag.

Are the manga sales that bad or are they just willing to cross-promote with anything and everything?

Speaking of crossing... ^__~

VG Cats for the ultimate win. =P

And it never quite occured to me that people acctually played Trading Card games anymore. Especially for specific anime series, one game out of a massive bunch of mediocre ones. Bleh.

Then again, they sometimes make good collectors items. Sometimes

Exactly my thoughts.

I'd like to know which fans are still buying TCGs. I know they're still around, but most of them are just cookie-cutter copies, aren't they?
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Joined: 11 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 3:30 am Reply with quote
Ryusui wrote:
Viz has no one but itself to blame for poor sales...they take so freakin' long between volumes of FMA that most people probably figure they've cancelled the series, like they've done in the past. (I know I thought they cancelled Inuyasha...took 10 months between volumes at one point...)

Ironic you should say something like that, since FMA #1 did make the best-seller lists...apparently Viz has a monkey somewhere along the pipeline that figured they should milk each volume for as much as they could before releasing the next one.

Right, anyway. Volume 6? Volume 4 isn't even out yet. Why are they announcing a TCG card for a volume that won't be due out until Summer 2007 or thereabouts?

Don't forget the fact that unlike most American manga licensors who actually bothered to pick up licenses for places like Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the UK, Viz [and I still can't believe they're supposedly the biggest publisher of English language manga in the world after all the screwups they've done in the past few years alone!] haven't even bothered to pick up licenses for the rest of the English- speaking world and I still find their so-called attempt to make their manga popular in the UK pitifully laughable considering I believe they're only trying to make inroads now that they've seen how popular TokyoPop has become [TokyoPop even going as far as setting up a office in London PLUS pricing some of the manga in British Pound Sterling PLUS attending events like London Sci-Fi Expo and next month's Brighton Comic Expo.

If Viz want to make serious inroads into the UK market for example, they have to stop being half-assed about it and realise that a lot of people who buy their import manga, some kids included, get the imports from various comic shops here who in turn get their stock from other sources...

I agree with you that Viz have only themselves for poor sales and if they want to get back on track, they have to consider catering to people outside North America, not just their own turf otherwise things will go bad to worse for them...
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Joined: 23 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 11:14 am Reply with quote
Ryusui wrote:
Viz has no one but itself to blame for poor sales...they take so freakin' long between volumes of FMA that most people probably figure they've cancelled the series, like they've done in the past. (I know I thought they cancelled Inuyasha...took 10 months between volumes at one point...)

You DO realize that the manga still has not even finished in Japan, and a new tankobon is released approximately only once every four months over there, right? There's no reason for Viz to rush releases, if they catch up with Japan they'll have to sit and wait four months between releases anyway.

I'd like to know which fans are still buying TCGs. I know they're still around, but most of them are just cookie-cutter copies, aren't they?

Actually, I think a fair number of fans buy it, but not taking it seriously, just for fun. I can say that the FMA TCG is very entertaining and has great potential for being a fun game to mess around with with fellow fans (for example, with a group of cosplayers each playing as their own character), but it's definitely not something that lends itself well to a lot of serious competition, I think, so I hope they don't try to push too hard for that and rather just let it be the fun silliness it is.
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