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Hey, Answerman! [2010-03-12]

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Joined: 10 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:58 pm Reply with quote
In my opinion, a good dub is a dub that is more watchable than the japanese version. A bad dub, is a dub where you would rather watch the japanese version.
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Joined: 17 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:15 pm Reply with quote
newly-formed NIS America

I know you know NISA is not newly "formed", maybe "newly-entered" is a better way to word that.

Anyhow, Japan's got like, ten novels, and in America, the time between the release of the 2nd and 3rd Haruhi novels is going to be seven months, which concerns me a bit.

Just be glad there's an actual release schedule here in the US. Japan has been waiting years for the next novel to come out.

There are dozens of shows and movies and one-offs out there, even outside of the current spate of moe-fart garbagefests that comprise the majority of anime's output

Or you could, you know, have an open mind and watch those too.
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Joined: 09 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:15 pm Reply with quote
Ooooh Brian said "moe-fart"!!!!! Anime hyper

...okay, now that I'm done being 5, Otaking09: Buy them Marmalade Boy DVDs!!!! I had to lurk around ebay to find a seller that was selling all 4 "scrap books" for a decent price. I eventualy bought them at around $100 (which wasn't bad considering that other listings for each individual "scrap book" were selling for $40 or in pairs for $80). But that was back in summer '08, so I don't know if the situation's gotten better or worse. -_-;
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:22 pm Reply with quote
Kingakuzutto wrote:
In my opinion, a good dub is a dub that is more watchable than the japanese version. A bad dub, is a dub where you would rather watch the japanese version.

If I had these standards, I'd hardly ever watch a dub.

I think it should be as watchable as the Japanese version, or close to it.
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Joined: 24 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:31 pm Reply with quote
Otaking09: Buy them Marmalade Boy DVDs!!!!!

Yes sir!!!

I'm going to post a reply to this weeks question too. I am a serious dub-fan.
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Joined: 09 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:41 pm Reply with quote
Otaking09 wrote:
Otaking09: Buy them Marmalade Boy DVDs!!!!!

Yes sir!!!

Good luck soldier, & Godspeed. Anime hyper
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Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:58 pm Reply with quote
Didn't we do that Answerfan dub question before?

Didn't I do that dub question before?

Joking aside, the biggest problem for getting into voice acting for people like me would be location. The majority of all voice acting companies are in the bigger cities and Texas for some reason. Getting to these places takes a lot of effort and patience. Let alone screenwriting. I feel for ya though.

And, good God, I'd forgotten how much I looked forward to seeing Nicketc's Arcade everyday (I was simple when it came to video games). Apparently I'd forgotten how dumb these kids were as well. Knome? God, those poor kids had to struggle in front of a green/blue screen all through it; and I actually enjoyed this?

Oh my God! That poor Billy's face after watching the Witch Doctor!
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Joined: 20 Jan 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:38 pm Reply with quote
H***s yeah, Nick Arcade! And I thought I played too many vidya games as a kid, those guys were idiots. By the way Answerman, next time you're looking for goofy vids to fill a Flake section, use Botchamania.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:55 pm Reply with quote
While I'm on record really disliking virtually all dubs period, I think what makes a passable dub is what makes any movie well done, employing people who can actually act to do the job. That's why the Disney dubs of Miyazaki films are so well done, they actually hired real actors who can do more than phone in their performances, something I don't think most TV dubs even make an attempt to do.

Of course, that kind of thing costs money so most American anime companies don't bother and they're not alone. That's what makes most cartoons on Cartoon Network so painful to watch. None of the voice actors could act their way out of a soggy paper bag.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:10 pm Reply with quote
Hmmm, good vs bad dub....it's easy for my ears to tell me which is which, but describing it in words?

....well this is quintessential bad dub, the most embarrassing thing about this dub being that it's actually the only reason the show is worth watching, and then something like Cowboy Bebop is quintessential good.

Guess it just has to capture their personalities and sound natural to me, but I tend to overly favor dubs anyway because I like hearing it in English. So far I've only encountered three dubs in my anime collection that I consider too bad to listen to and make me wish they had either given it a good dub or has just went ahead and released it sub only.

Astro Boy 1980 must have been dubbed at a time when no one gave a damn about dubbing kids shows, every line just sounds forcibly awful and Uran sounds like a 30 year old woman (Astro sounds like a 20 year old she-male or something so it's not much better). Even the sound quality sounds terrible compared to the sub and god bless Manga Ent. for putting a sub on that set because god knows that show would be unwatchable without it despite being pretty good. Go, let your ears bleed!, and I've heard older dubs before, but man I think this one is especially bad. Even the music sounds better in the original.

And then there's Fantastic Children, that dub was outsourced if that tells you anything. I think there were a few decent voices but man did they really mess up Gherta's voice to the point where you hated her just for her dub voice (she was fine in sub). And the third dub I hate is actually Baccano!, who's dub tends to get universal thumbs up from everyone but me. Sorry, I don't like the accents, I think it makes everyone sound too forced and I think it sounded more natural in sub for me.

Most of the time though, I don't tend to care, I liked Higurashi equally well in dub and sub, didn't have a problem with either one. I hear a lot of people don't like Higurashi's dub, but I think it was perfectly fine, I can watch it either way.
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Sailor S

PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:25 pm Reply with quote
5 Centimeters Per Second goes for over $60 now? I found it enjoyable and all, but really? Guess I'm glad I tend to buy stuff as soon as it comes out. I probably wouldn't pay that much for a single movie no matter how good it's supposed to be.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:21 pm Reply with quote
According to whatever nutty marketing mathematical juju the publishers and the retailers came up with, it simply made more economical sense to space the intervening novels out in that way.[code]
Can I borrow this phrase for the next time I see someone complaining about a release schedule? Please?

Funny that the dub writers seem to come more from a VA background than, as the asker imagined, someone who understood English and Japanese pretty well. It all works out in the end I guess but huh, imagine that.

Last edited by wandering-dreamer on Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:21 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, I remember doing a submission for this involving Full Metal Panic Fumofu (good) and Green Green (Jesus Christ Aldamnmighty!). It was fun.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:44 pm Reply with quote
classicalzawa wrote:
Hmmm, good vs bad dub....it's easy for my ears to tell me which is which, but describing it in words?

....well this is quintessential bad dub, the most embarrassing thing about this dub being that it's actually the only reason the show is worth watching, and then something like Cowboy Bebop is quintessential good.

Guess it just has to capture their personalities and sound natural to me, but I tend to overly favor dubs anyway because I like hearing it in English. So far I've only encountered three dubs in my anime collection that I consider too bad to listen to and make me wish they had either given it a good dub or has just went ahead and released it sub only.

Astro Boy 1980 must have been dubbed at a time when no one gave a damn about dubbing kids shows, every line just sounds forcibly awful and Uran sounds like a 30 year old woman (Astro sounds like a 20 year old she-male or something so it's not much better). Even the sound quality sounds terrible compared to the sub and god bless Manga Ent. for putting a sub on that set because god knows that show would be unwatchable without it despite being pretty good. Go, let your ears bleed!, and I've heard older dubs before, but man I think this one is especially bad. Even the music sounds better in the original.

And then there's Fantastic Children, that dub was outsourced if that tells you anything. I think there were a few decent voices but man did they really mess up Gherta's voice to the point where you hated her just for her dub voice (she was fine in sub). And the third dub I hate is actually Baccano!, who's dub tends to get universal thumbs up from everyone but me. Sorry, I don't like the accents, I think it makes everyone sound too forced and I think it sounded more natural in sub for me.

Most of the time though, I don't tend to care, I liked Higurashi equally well in dub and sub, didn't have a problem with either one. I hear a lot of people don't like Higurashi's dub, but I think it was perfectly fine, I can watch it either way.

I agree with ya, except for the Baccano bit. lol
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Joined: 30 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:00 am Reply with quote
Ranma824 wrote:
newly-formed NIS America

I know you know NISA is not newly "formed", maybe "newly-entered" is a better way to word that.

Indeed, NISA has been around for a long time, and that wording could confuse new fans or fans finding out they do games.

As for a dub, I'm also in the camp of it feeling natural and the dialogue is formed very well. Ones with barely any pauses or don't use overly wordy honorifics gain a plus as well. Just a preference thing for me.
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