I finally had a chance to pick up the first of the Slayers movies. I was pretty let down by it. See, to me, the Slayers never really had much of a plot. It was all about the interaction with the quirky characters, Lina Gourry and Amelia in particular. Now without them, and Naga (Who you know nothing about, the way she just appears) trying to take their place, an almost impossible feat at which she abysmally fails, there's nothing left other than the dry bare bones plot. All the things that makes the Slayers series so special is gone from the movie.
But hey, there's at least 3 others, and two OVAs right? They've gotta be better, right? RIGHT? I sure hope so.
Seriously, I'm absolutely obsessed with the tv series. I'd have to disagree though, it does have a good plot with Lina's beef with the mazouku. But yes character interaction is by far its greatest trait. But, I also didn't like the movies as much, not at all. However, Slayers Great is the best out of all of them. This one was hilarious and the interaction between Lina and Naga actually makes the movie. Also you'll probably dig Slayers Premium because it has all of the tv cast (well, save for Filia and Sylphiel) and its pretty funny aswell.
Last edited by jsyxx on Thu Nov 25, 2004 12:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
Eh, I find that's true for a lot of series-based movies, that they try to be "bigger" than the series, which is usually the purpose of the exercise since a movie is "bigger" than an episode of the show in terms of length, budget, and screen size, and that's fine as long as they preserve what gave the show its appeal in the first place, but too many series-based films have the focus shift too much towards the apocalyptic or earth-shattering "event" on a scale much larger than anything that ever happened in the series proper, and, often, the normal character interactions get lost in the shuffle.
Case in point: the Ah! My Goddess! movie, where one of the characters we know and love was not herself for most of the film and too much screen time was spent on two characters not from the manga who I could never muster all that much sympathy for. Plus, the goddesses all became much more generic action anime "girls with powers" (and the sex kitten, well, the younger-and-less-skanky-than-Urd-sex-kitten, Peorth was reduced to being a celestial hacker, which, yes, she is in the manga too, but she's so much more than that; you see Peorth in her official role, but you don't get many glimpses of the aspects of Peorth that made you like the character in the first place). So, as a big fan of the AMG manga, I was pleased with the production values of the film but was somewhat disappointed by seeing only small glimpses of the kind of character interactions I love from the comic book itself. It was more generic an action anime film than it had any right to be. (And, what's worse, for anyone that's read ahead of the Dark Horse/Proteus translation of the manga, as I have in French, after around the 22nd volume, which I believe includes stories published in Afternoon around the same time that the movie was released in theatres in Japan in the summer of 2000, without giving any plot details since I don't care much for using spoiler text, Kosuke Fujishima began introducing storylines that were a lot more action-oriented than anything previously seen in the manga, keeping more in line with the tone of the movie than with what made the manga great. You still get some low-key "small" moments, but they are getting fewer and further between.)
Likewise, I was disappointed by the You're Under Arrest movie because of the shift in tone towards a very serious stories where the characters, who usually either patrol the streets on traffic duty or find themselves caught up in investigating misdemeanours of the panty-theft variety, have to prevent rather serious attacks from happening. It tries to be a serious drama like the Patlabor films, but the You're Under Arrest characters, who were designed for light comedy, just aren't as versatile as the Patlabor characters, who can pull off both comedy and drama.
Not that every series-based anime film that takes a chance by telling a story that isn't too much like a typical episode of the series is disappointing; I think Urusei Yatsura: Beautiful Dreamer is the greatest anime film of all time, and it's actually one of the few anime films with a deeper meaning I can get into because the characters, who are still pretty much the same characters they were in the series though in a unfamiliar environment, offer comic relief that makes the philosophy so much less dreary and ponderous and pretentious, and, as such, the "message" is a lot easier for me to swallow.