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Coolest Character Tournament - Post-Mortem

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Joined: 23 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 10:25 pm Reply with quote
Just checking in to say I haven't forgotten the minigame stuff, I've just been too busy today to get to it. I'll be sending a pm to the top three probably tomorrow, and the final score posting will go up then, too.

Also, I've got some things I want to weigh in on regarding the post mortem, but I'm a little tired right now. I will bring up now, and will expand later, that I am amazed we overlooked Karura from Utawarerumono in the nominations.
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Joined: 18 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:38 am Reply with quote
Key wrote:

1) Is/are there any character(s) whom you feel were glaring omissions?
2) Has anything that you've learned about characters over the course of the tournament made you reconsider your earlier voting selections?
3) Is there any new series you have watched, or expect to watch, because of discussions and/or video clips in this tournament?
4) New Quesion. How much did you actually use the video clips?

1. A few: Vash from Trigun, Kagero from ninja Scroll, I still wish I had nominated Olivier Armstrong from FMA Brotherhood, but there were already a few FMA characters nominated, Talho from Eureka 7...

2. There was a number of characters I had never seen in action, so yes, a lot of my first votes were a bit random. There were a few characters I over and underestimated.

3. Yup- I sped up Black Lagoon thanks to the tournament, watched half of Bastard, watched the whole of Baccano, ordered Moribito (hopefuly will come soon), and watched Planetes, although by the time I received my DVDs, its only character in the tournament was already out.

4. A lot. There were a few characters I was totally unfamiliar with and clips were a great help in getting to know something more about them. For some characters it was a bit unfortunate- Henshiro's and Captain Harlock's clips discouraged me from voting for them, while Balsa's and the Count's clips definitely made me more interested in the characters.

It was my first tournament and I really enjoyed it, I am very pelased with the resutls, although seeing some of my personal favourites getting voted out quite early in the tournament was a bit of a surprise.

Looking forward to the next one!
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Joined: 23 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:11 pm Reply with quote
First thing's first: results.

Half of all participants accurately predicted the final winner of the tournament, which is a record since I've been keeping score at least. Olliff also broke the previous record for individual high score by 10 points (set by velocet in the Cleverest Character Tourney) with a total of 215. In addition, this is the first time one person has held first place for the entire tournament. This is also the first time everyone has score in the triple digits, with the lowest score being 118. For the entire tournament, average accuracy in predictions was 62%, the second best.

In light of the frequency of repeat winners (Olliff, mow, and Key have all placed at least twice prior, and all three placed last tournament), I'm going to add a runner-up prize in future tournament mini-games to go to the highest scoring person who has not previously won if the top three are all previous winners. This will not affect the prizes awarded to the top 3 winners.
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Joined: 23 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:29 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
1) Is/are there any character(s) whom you feel were glaring omissions?

T.K. (Angel Beats) - Perhaps a shallow entry, but nearly everyone who watched Angel Beats loved the Engrish-shouting, bandana-wearing member of Yuri's anti-angel brigade. Despite minimal screentime, few lines, and even fewer lines that made sense, T.K. was a highlight of the series on account of his attitude and style. And he isn't too bad in a fight, either.

Daisuke Aurora (Heat Guy J) - I can manage to justify Daisuke for most of the tournaments we hold, but it's a little harder to convince other people to support him, and when I finally had time to write up a nomination for him, we were already in the tail end of nominations. Even so, I think Daisuke's laid back attitude, smooth fighting style, and level head would have made him worthy of at least the second round. This is a guy who regularly goes up against hardened criminals with a pistol and less than half a dozen bullets, yet still wins.

Benika (Kurenai) - Balalaika lite. While the obvious comparison seems to work against her, having much of Balalaika's confidence and toughness but without the bloodthirsty ruthlessness could have been a considerable selling point.

Mister (Coyote Ragtime Show) - Danny Ocean, but in space. My friend likes to describe him as a man who looks like he's always posing for a television commercial. He's got an imposing figure and a broad, hearty smile. He's shown at one point surfing a tidal wave as part of his scheme to rob a bank. He's a man so dashing, the real reason a crack detective is so determined to track him down is because she fell in love with him upon seeing him in action. Even the people who want to hate him can't help but eventually admiring or liking him. Well, except for the evil robots, but they're evil robots.

Karura (Utawarerumono) - Especially notable as a badass. Similar to Guts, she wields a massive sword (so heavy it took five men to carry it after it was forged to her specifications). She's nearly unmatched in one-on-one combat in the series. Of course, she's more than just strong, she's also smart enough to figure out who the main character is well before he does himself. She manipulates him into leading a campaign in her homeland to overthrow an oppressive ruler. And then when she has downtime, she's playful, relaxed, and looking for fun.

Birdy Cephon Altera (Birdy the Mighty/Decode) - A rather glaring oversight leaving a character known in-series as "Berserk Killer" out of a competition featuring badasses. This super-powered interplanetary police officer could have made a significant impression.

Captain Bravo (Buso Renkin) - In a Shonen Jump series where humans with powerful weapons and powers battle incredibly powerful and intelligent monsters, Captain Bravo is the only good guy with a purely defensive ability; meaning he fights and defeats deadly creatures using only his own fists as weapons. Not only that, but he is near the top of the heroes' organization and personally trains the protagonist. On top of that, he's a massive ham.
2) Has anything that you've learned about characters over the course of the tournament made you reconsider your earlier voting selections?

I saw the first episode or two of Giant Robo some time after the first round, and while Alberto didn't have much screen time to give me a different impression than what was presented here, I was underwhelmed by Taisou and might have voted against him. Actually, the monk guy and the blue person (shapeshifter?) struck me as more interesting (although they had almost no screentime).
3) Is there any new series you have watched, or expect to watch, because of discussions and/or video clips in this tournament?

I think The Third is in my list now because of what people have said about Honoka and the clip we got to see. Maybe Beast Player Erin, too.
4) New Quesion. How much did you actually use the video clips?

By the time we got to the video clips, most of the characters remaining were ones I already knew about. I did use the clips in a couple of cases to help refresh my memory about some from shows I hadn't seen in a while, or ones that I really liked watching. Maybe about a third all together.

The voter turnout for this tournament is the lowest we've had. It started off pretty well, but around round 3 we really lost a lot of interest. I think part of this was the lack of consensus on what the tournament was intended to judge. I think this in part stems from the various categories labeling the brackets. This was a somewhat unique situation, but I would suggest we do not attempt to do this again in the future. Also, as I will now not distract from the tournament voting, I'm going to respond to a comment Key made a few rounds ago.
Key wrote:
To address some other concerns: Dorcas_Aurelia, if you're talking about mixing the Bad-Ass component in the Cool Character concept, people had plenty of opportunity to register input on that. If you're referring to making a Bad-Ass-specific bracket, I did ask for opinions on that at the time I proposed doing it but didn't see much objection to it.

From your original suggestion to "meld" a badass tourney into a general cool one:
If there are concerns about the Bad-Ass subgroup dominating, we could divide the field into Bad-Ass and non-Bad-Ass Groups.

The phrasing of the sentence implied that the default distribution wouldn't distinguish between the types at all. One person voiced support for the idea of splitting the types. There were no other comments either way. The decision to split the tournament into to distinct groups occurred on the day the voting began, and that only lasted for essentially two days. When I raised an objection to it during the nomination phase, it took a week before you came to enough of a decision to present the method we used, at which point the nominations were just about over. Plus, you had stated at the outset that you had wanted to begin the tournament in a months time, leaving a smaller window than usual to discuss and organize everything.
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Joined: 28 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:29 pm Reply with quote
Just wanted to make a quick post reminding everyone that the final brackets as well as the final Mini-game scores can be found here:

Thanks to everyone for participating and of course a special thanks to Key and Dorcas_Aurelia for their contributions.

See you all next time! Wink
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:13 am Reply with quote
Firstly, thanks to Key and ccdx for all the work they put in. I didn't play the minigame but full credit to Dorcas_Aurelia also.

I enjoyed this tournament much more than the last one, partly because I am more knowledgeable about anime than I was then, but mainly because it was a far more interesting contest. Weighing up the different types of cool was heaps of fun. You had the slacker cool of Spike v the strong woman cool of Balsa v the fighting hero cool of Guts v the strange charismatic cool of the Count v lots of other characters with their unique brand of cool. I thought all 5 semi-finalists fully deserved to be there.

It was quite a challenge at times to mount a case where disparate characters were pitted against each other. Even in the final, it was a case of deciding which kind of cool I preferred.

A couple of observations.

1. There were fewer instances of people publicly changing their mind compared with the last tournament. On the other hand, people seemed to be withholding their votes to see how others vote. Perhaps it was to consider the arguments being put.

2. Until the quarterfinals I thought people didn't argue well enough for their choices. People sometimes expressed disappointment in the outcome of a vote but the same people hadn't put up strong arguments. Dark Schneider v the Major was an example. Given that, according to the ANN encyclopedia, fewer than 2000 people had seen some or all of Bastard compared with over 8000 for the Ghost in the Shell original movie and first series, DS was always up against it yet his backers' arguments were feeble. I really didn't understand their subsequent surprise.

Getting to Key's 4 questions:

Key wrote:
1) Is/are there any character(s) whom you feel were glaring omissions?


2) Has anything that you've learned about characters over the course of the tournament made you reconsider your earlier voting selections?

Good example: Balalaika. I had only seen the first series of Black Lagoon. Someone pointed out something she did in the second series that changed my vote. Other than that, on a couple of occasions people's arguments made me look at a character in a new light.

3) Is there any new series you have watched, or expect to watch, because of discussions and/or video clips in this tournament?

I have ordered Moribito. I re-watched Samurai Champloo but gave it up about half-way through because I was bored. That didn't help Mugen's cause. I watched Claymore after Theresa was eliminated and probably would have supported her ahead of Triela had I seen the series earlier. (Not that it would have made a difference.) I would have nominated Clare also. I've also started the Rurouni Kenshin TV series (I'm up to episode 37) thanks to a private message exchange with his nominator. Having previously seen the OVAs and the movie, I know understand better why people were reluctant to vote for him (although I am enjoying the Kyoto arc).

4) New Quesion. How much did you actually use the video clips?

Overall not a lot but they were crucial to me in some instances: Roronoa Zoro; Letopanyu Spoor; Medicine Seller; Akira Tokizawa; Roy Focker; November 11; Reinhard von Lohengramm; Lupin; Duke Togo; Yang Wen Li; Honoka; Kamina; and, of course, Balsa. More often than not, the videos swayed me against the character.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:42 am Reply with quote
Key wrote:

1) Is/are there any character(s) whom you feel were glaring omissions?

Nanami Yasuri from Katanagatari
Key wrote:

2) Has anything that you've learned about characters over the course of the tournament made you reconsider your earlier voting selections?

Key wrote:

3) Is there any new series you have watched, or expect to watch, because of discussions and/or video clips in this tournament?

I may watch Giant Robo, because of what has been said about Alberto piqued my interest.
Key wrote:

4) New Quesion. How much did you actually use the

My internet is moody, so only sometime, mostly for characters I didn't know, but it usually discouraged me from voting for them.
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Generic #757858

Joined: 03 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:08 am Reply with quote
Yes, watch Giant Robo. It's an acquired taste, but a damned good show if you got what it takes to appreciate it.

Key wrote:
1) Is/are there any character(s) whom you feel were glaring omissions?
2) Has anything that you've learned about characters over the course of the tournament made you reconsider your earlier voting selections?
3) Is there any new series you have watched, or expect to watch, because of discussions and/or video clips in this tournament?
4) New Quesion. How much did you actually use the video clips?

1. Some, mostly old school Super Robot pilots like Kabuto Kouji or the Getter team. Though I doubt that they'd have done too well considering how the tournament turned out and what criteria people used for voting.

2. Not really. Some of the arguments used against Guts made me shake my head, but they didn't make me change my position.

3. This tournament once again reminded me that I need to get around to watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes. If only it wasn't so damned long...

4. Nope.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:05 am Reply with quote
This thread has now gone 24 hours without a new post, so it's losing its stickied status. Feel free to continue to comment, but this just won't get featured status anymore.
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