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Naruto May be Licensed by Funimation

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Joined: 21 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 8:29 pm Reply with quote
Found an article that you guys may be intrested in.... anywhoz here it is.

"NARUTO! I've found out that Sabat is a huge, HUGE fan of the series. He watches fansubs every week they come out, along with reading the manga scanslations. He's familiar with the series inside and out, really enjoys it, and follows the pulse of the Naruto online community quite closely. Now, this doesn't automatically prove they have it. However.... between Funimation scripting, directing, releasing and promoting and conventions and having to be familiar with Full Metal Alchemist, Kodomo no Omocha, Spiral, Detective Conan, Gunslinger Girl, and all of Funimation's other future releases that haven't been announced yet, (Dr. Slump, Gantz, possibly Sailor Stars and many others....) then why would he be spending so much time with just Naruto like he previously did with One Piece?

The last thing I'll point is that Animation Insider had this to say a while back ago- "Animation Insider has learned from a FUNimation Productions representative that the company will be unveiling three new anime acquisitions this summer at different anime conventions.

The first announcement will come May 30 at AKON in Dallas, Texas. A second acquisition will be named on June 20 at the Fanime convention in Santa Clara, California and the final acquisition will be announced at Anime Expo in Anaheim, California on July 3, 2003.

While no additional information is not known at the present time, we do know that at least one of these announcements will be a "major" acquisition for the company."

The schedule they gave wasn't necessarily set in stone. However, at A-Kon they announced that they had Gunslinger Girl and the rights to uncut dual-version DVD's of 4Kids properties YGO and Shaman King. Funimation has also announced Spiral and Full Metal Alchemist was announced by Square-Enix beforehand as they retain strong control over it in America. (let's just pray that they don't give Funimation the "Final Fantasy 7" movie, shudder. Damnit, Sean Schemmel should NOT play Sephiroth!) And, thanks to ADV apparently stealing Funimation's thunder away from them (http://v2.animesuki.com/licensed.php?browse=gk#124- heh heh heh. See? I told you guys ADV and Funimation don't like each other. "Forecast of the future," heh heh, you one sly fox David Williams!), we now know that Funimation has licensed Gantz. There's only one major convention left then.... Anime Expo. And you all know the old saying, "save the best for last." In addition, "Major" would probably constitute something bigger than Full Metal Alchemist which is designed for older audiences (yes, it's true all of you "all animes were made strictly for kids" fanatics out there) and will be appearing on Adult Swim. It could be Full Metal Alchemist they were talking about but then again, what's the only title on the fansub circuit left that hasn't been announced and could be considered truly "Major"?..... Naruto.

Taking all of this into account... I've decided that Funimation will be the ones to license Naruto and that they will probably do so during Anime Expo, and thus I officially repudiate my past considerations that 4Kids will be the ones to license it. That's my two cents and I'm sticking with it."

You can find the original page here http://www.dbzoa.net/modules.php?op=modload&name=Sections&file=index&req=viewarticle&artid=156&page=1
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Company Representative

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 9:31 pm Reply with quote
yeah, that really doesn't say much of anything, especially considering the fact that ADV has Gantz, not FUNimation as that article claims.

Naruto is a big property and the fact of the matter is everyone is after it.

I'll also mention that I'm a huge fan of naruto, I watch the fansubs, read the manga, have all the original Japanese volumes and get the weekly chapters straight from Japan. I also happen to work for a major anime company. You can't just put those 2 together to suddenly shout, "that company must be getting naruto!"
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Big Towers

Joined: 14 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 10:05 pm Reply with quote
I assume this to be from GSM777, the same clever genius who claimed a poster on here and various other places was infact Gen Fukunaga? Cripe
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 10:41 pm Reply with quote
BlitzKid623 wrote:
"NARUTO! I've found out that Sabat is a huge, HUGE fan of the series. He watches fansubs every week they come out, along with reading the manga scanslations. He's familiar with the series inside and out, really enjoys it, and follows the pulse of the Naruto online community quite closely. Now, this doesn't automatically prove they have it.

As Allen pointed out, this means nothing.

However.... between Funimation scripting, directing, releasing and promoting and conventions and having to be familiar with Full Metal Alchemist, Kodomo no Omocha, Spiral, Detective Conan, Gunslinger Girl, and all of Funimation's other future releases that haven't been announced yet, (Dr. Slump, Gantz, possibly Sailor Stars and many others....) then why would he be spending so much time with just Naruto like he previously did with One Piece?

I dunno, maybe he's, you know, a fan? And look where his fondness for One Piece got them with that title.

There's only one major convention left then.... Anime Expo. And you all know the old saying, "save the best for last." In addition, "Major" would probably constitute something bigger than Full Metal Alchemist which is designed for older audiences (yes, it's true all of you "all animes were made strictly for kids" fanatics out there) and will be appearing on Adult Swim. [u]It could be Full Metal Alchemist they were talking about but then again, what's the only title on the fansub circuit left that hasn't been announced and could be considered truly "Major"?..... Naruto.

And instead of Naruto they announced Burst Angel and Tenchi OAV 3.

And what's with that person saying that AX is the last major convention? Otakon and San Diego Comic Con don't count?

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Joined: 04 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 11:13 pm Reply with quote
I still see Bandai getting Naruto (if I'm not mistaken they are releasing the dvds and toys in Japan) plus it has a Bandai sort of feel for the show like Scrapped Princess did... but I could be hoping a little bit too much. Sad
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 11:36 pm Reply with quote
Too bad AX is already over.

So... I'm going to say "no" to this thread. Sorry guys, but these rumour threads never went anywhere. Besides, just because a studio rep is a fan of a series doesn't mean that they're going to get it for their company.
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