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Best Supporting Character Tournament: Minigame

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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 1:43 am Reply with quote
Past tournaments have typically focused on lead protagonists and/or antagonists. This one is strictly for the little(r) guys n' gals.

By definition, any character that isn't a primary protagonist or antagonist, or part of a lead duo/ensemble, is a supporting character. That leaves an immense field of potential options which cuts across nearly every anime title ever made, so weeding the field down to the truly worthy ones is going to be a difficult task. For this reason, very tight definitions on what kind of characters can qualify will be enforced.

Eligibility Standards
1. Must be a specifically named character.
2. Must not reasonably be considered one of the primary protagonists, primary antagonists, or a member of the primary duo or ensemble. (Examples of series which have an ensemble rather than a true lead include Tokyo Majin, Yokazura Quartet, Red Garden, and Baccano!) As a rule, being listed in the top character group in the cast listing on ANN's Encyclopedia page for the title is an indication that the character is a primary protagonist or primary duo/ensemble member.
2a. In cases where there is a primary ensemble but there is still technically one lead character (e.g. Sailor Moon), the ensemble takes precedence and eliminates all involved characters.
3. If the source title is a series then the character must have a prominent regular or recurring role in the series; one-shots or brief appearances are not allowed unless there is an immensely compelling argument. If the source title is a movie or one-shot OVA, the character must be present and involved in a significant portion of the story (as a rule, at least a quarter of the time).
4. The character must make a significant contribution to the story (whether directly or indirectly) or must have significant influence on the lead protagonist(s) or antagonist(s). This can include being a key comic relief character.
5. The character must have distinctive traits (visually and/or behaviorally) which could distinguish the character in a crowd.

In general, keep in mind that the character's presence, effectiveness, and entertainment value despite comparatively limited screen time are three of the key factors that should be looked at when we get to the actual tournament. The best candidates are ones who are strong in all three. Also keep in mind that many individual judgment calls will have to be made on whether or not a character is truly a supporting character, so negative votes will be as important as ever before.

Nomination Standards
1. Any forum member in good standing (i.e. not currently banned) may nominate, vote for, and/or vote against any number of candidates.
2. Each nomination or vote in favor scores one point. Each vote against scores -1 point. Top 128 scorers make the tournament, with negative votes used as tiebreakers. (High scores may also be used to help determine seeds for the bracket, but that is not a transparent process.)
3. A list of active candidates and their scores will be posted once per day, possibly more often in the early stages. Any candidate who has a score of 0 on an update will be moved to the Cut List if still there 24 hours later; candidates in this condition will be shown in red. Any candidates with a negative score on an update will automatically be moved to the Cut List and won’t go back to the active list until they get a positive score.
4. A voter/nominator must state “Nominate,” “Vote For” or “Vote Against” (as appropriate) in bold when taking any of these actions or the vote/nomination will not be counted. Using one of these as a heading before listing multiple votes of the same type is acceptable.
5. Every nomination must be accompanied by a write-up (see below) and a link to a picture for that character (Note that this is a major change compared to past tournaments.)
6. Votes in favor can be justified but do not have to be. Votes against must be justified or they will not be counted.
7. Nominations and voting will continue for approximately two weeks, until no new votes or nominations have gone up for more than 24 hours, or until 128 candidates have multiple positive votes, whichever comes first. (If the latter case happens quickly then voting may be extended, but so far we’ve never had a tournament where someone with a score of 2+ and no negative votes didn’t make it.)
8. No more than three characters from the same title/franchise can make the cut, so be selective in picking only the strongest possible choices from a particular series, movie, or franchise.
9. NEW! Only series which have had at least one full season (typically 12-13 eps) released, or movies or OVAs which have been released in their entirety, are eligible for consideration.

The biggest pain in the butt about setting up these tournaments is doing the write-ups that I’ve been doing for each character over the past few tournaments. Since the last couple have left me scrambling to piece together write-ups for some characters at the last minute, write-ups and pics are now being required up front. The write-up should identify the character, the source title (or franchise, if the character appears in one franchise), a brief explanation of the character’s role (e.g. Comic Relief, Inspirational Figure, Love Interest, etc.), and a 1-2 paragraph description of how the character fits into the title and what makes the character a great supporting character; please minimize spoilers here!

Two examples of the format expected are given below. They show characters from the same series who are worthy in different ways. (These can also be considered the first two nominations.)

Wakaba Tsukishima, Cross Game pic
Primary Role: Inspirational Figure
What Makes Her A Great Supporting Character: At the start of the series Wakaba is the 5th grade love interest of male protagonist Kou Kitamura (with whom she shares a birthday) and the older sister of female protagonist Aoba Tsukishima. Though she dies during the first episode, she appears frequently in flashbacks or pictures over the course of the series and is often mentioned and/or discussed by other characters. More importantly, though, the feelings she engendered and the inspiration she gave the protagonists and some other key characters deeply resonates across the next several years, shaping much of what goes on in the series in both direct and more subtle ways and giving motivation to the actions of many. The series is, in a very real sense, as much about Wakaba’s legacy as it is about the main characters.

Osamu Akaishi, Cross Game pic
Primary Role: Enabler, Teammate
What Makes Him A Great Supporting Character: Though initially portrayed as a bully, Akaishi is changed into a more heroic figure by falling in love with Wakaba and being inspired by her death and the dream of hers which transcended it. He helped push lead male protagonist Kou along through this early baseball days in the early going, set up the circumstances which led to the ultimate removal of an unpopular and prejudiced coach, and served as pitcher Kou’s battery mate throughout the series. Though driven by Wakaba’s dream, he has an instrumental role in the push to make it a reality and is one of the series’ two most prominent characters after the leads.

Candidate List - FINAL

NOTE: A breakdown of the bracket can be found here.

Akemi, SaiKano
Akio Furukawa, Clannad franchise
Akira Ferrari, Aria franchise
Akira Kogami, Lucky Star
Alex Rowe, Last Exile
Ami Kawashima, Toradora!
Armblast, Kiddy Grade
Autor, Princess Tutu
Balalaika, Black Lagoon
Chourou, Hare + Guu
Christopher Armalite, Scrapped Princess
Cologne, Ranma 1/2
Colonel, Akira
Cornelia li Britannia, Code Geass
Doug, Kurau Phantom Memory
Dr. Richwein, Monster
Dryden Fassa, Vision of Escaflowne
Edel, Princess Tutu
Elfriede, Moon Phase
Eri Ninamori, FLCL
Euphemia li Britannia, Code Geass
Fool, Kaleido Star
Franz d'Epinay, Gankutsuou
Fred Lou, Outlaw Star
Gai Daigoji, Martian Successor Nadesico
Genkai, Yu Yu Hakusho
Gilliam II, Outlaw Star
Gouzaburou Seto, My Bride is a Mermaid
Hajime Saito, Ruroni Kenshin
Haruka Tenoh/Sailor Uranus, Sailor Moon
Hiko Seijiro, Ruroni Kenshin
Hiroshi Uchiyamada, GTO
Hosaka, Minami-ke
Ichiro Mihara, Angelic Layer
Itoko Osakabe, School Rumble
Jack Vessalius, Pandora Hearts
Jiriya, Naruto
Joun the Beekeeper, The Beast Player Erin
Jung Freud, Gunbuster
Kamaji, Spirited Away
Kaname Chidori, Koi Kaze
Kanami Yuta, sCRYed
Kashiwa Hitomi, Welcome to the NHK
Kazuko Yoshiyama, The Girl Who Leapt. . .
Kikyo, Inuyasha
Kimura, Azumanga Daioh
Kisuke Urahara, Bleach
Kittan Bachika, Gurren Lagann
Kiyori Torioi, Sasemeki Koto
Kokone Takatsu, Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Komui Lee, D-Gray Man
Kouichiro "Coach" Ohta, Gunbuster
Kurotawa, Nausicaa of the Valley. . .
Kurz Weber, FMP franchise
Kuu, Haibane Renmei
Kyoji Ida (cameraman), Millenium Actress
Kyosuke Irie, Higurashi franchise
Leopold Scorpse, Scrapped Princess
Letopanyu Spoor, Crest/Banner of the Stars
Lory Takarada, Skip Beat!
Lt. Yamamoto, Irresponsible Captain Tylor
Lyuze, Casshern Sins
Maes Hughes, FMA
Maestro Stresemann, Nodame Cantabile
Mao, Darker Than Blackfranchise
Meme Oshino, Bakemonogatari
Mendoza, Mysterious Cities of Gold
Minoru Kokunbunji, Chobits
Minoru Shiraishi, Lucky Star
Misaki Kirihara, Darker Than Black franchise
Miss Yoshinoya, Hidamari Sketch
Miwako Sakurada, Paradise Kiss
Mr. Cat, Princess Tutu
Mr. Yotsuya, Maison Ikkoku
Mrs. Ichinose, Maison Ikkoku
Myoga, Inuyasha
Nabeshin, Excel Saga
Nabuca, Now and Then, Here and There
Nagi, Time of Eve
Nana, Elfen Lied
Naru Osaka, Sailor Moon
Neya, Infinite Ryvius
Noboru Yamaguchi, Cromartie High School
Nobu, Lovely Complex
Norman Burg, Big O
Nov. 11, Darker Than Black
Oji-san, Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Olivier Mira Armstrong, FMA: Brotherhood
Osamu Akaishi, Cross Game
Osono, Kiki's Delivery Service
Patrick Colasour, Gundam 00
Pedro, Excel Saga
Pero, Metropolis
Peter Spikes, Starship Operators
Professor Itsuki Keizo, Moyashimon
Rakushun, The Twelve Kingdoms
Reika Mishima, RahXephon
Reiko Natsume, Natsume's Book of Friends
Reira Serizawa, NANA
Renge Hoshakuji, OHSHC
Rick Thunderbolt, Oban Star-Racers
Roy Focker, SDF Macross
Sakae Jinnouchi, Summer Wars
Satoshi Miwa, Marmalade Boy
Seitaro Sakaki, Mobile Police Patlabor
Setsuna, Shingu: Secret of the. . .
Shihouin Yoruichi, Bleach
Shikamaru, Naruto
Shuichi Natori, Natsume's Book of Friends
Shuuei Ran, Story of Saiunkokou
Straight Cougar, sCRYed
Takumi, NANA
Tanda, Moribito
Tatiana Wisla, Last Exile
Tetsu, SaiKano
Toki, Princess Mononoke
Tomoyo Daidouki, Cardcaptor Sakura
Toya Kinomoto, Cardcaptor Sakura
Ushio Okazaki, Clannad After Story
Vanilla, Kaiba
Wakaba Tsukishima, Cross Game
Walter C. Dornez, Hellsing franchise
Walter von Schenkopp, Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Winry Rockbell, FMA
Wizardmon, Digimon
Yashima, Kamichu!
Yasushi "Yasu" Takagi, NANA
Yue Ayase, Negima franchise

Total Candidates: 128

Cut List
Xellos, Slayers franchise, -1
Miyo Takano, When They Cry, -2
Holland Novak, Eureka Seven, -1
C.C., Code Geass, -4
Yuzuki, Chobits, 0
Daisuke Aramaki, GITS, -1
Hiroyasu Ueda, Chobits, 0
Misora Kasuga, Negima!, 0
Don Kanoji, Bleach, -1
Mune-Mune, MSA Abenobashi, -1
Louis Mashengo, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, 1
Sakura Kuriyagawa, Key The Metal Idol, 0
Shuichi Tataki, Key The Metal Idol, 0
Kei Odagiri, Koi Kaze, 0
Hercule, DBZ, 0
Precia Testarossa, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, 0
Sanosuke Sagara, Ruroni Kenshin, 0
Rossiu Adai, Gurren Lagann, -1
Emily, Strain: Strategic Arm Inf, 1
Ki-Kama, Brave Story, 1
Martina Xoane Me Navratilova, Slayers Next, 1
Masaru "Dai" Odawara, Stellvia, 1
Maya Sudo, Mamoru-kun ni Megami no. ., 1
Meilin Li, Cardcaptor Sakura, 1
Monsley, Future Boy Conan, 1
Ren Seto, My Bride is a Mermaid, 1
Shione Sudo, Mamoru-kun ni Megami no. ., 1
Shirou Nishi, Whispers of the Heart, 1
Shohei Tarada, Touch, 1
Slash, Mahoromatic, 1
Sousuke Ajino, Piano no Mori, 1
Suiseiseki, Rozen Maiden, 1
Suzuri Uchida, RideBack, 1
Tobi, Noein, 1
Yayoi Fujisawa, Stellvia, 1
Misaka Mikoto, A Certain Magical Index, 0.9
Ryo-Ohki, Tenchi Muyo! franchise, 0.9
Frederica Greenhill, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, 1.9
Hildegard von Mariendorf, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, 1.9
Mechazawa, Cromartie High School, 1.9
Yoko Kayabuki (PrMin), GITS: Stand Alone Complex, 2
Kunihiko Kimishima, sCRYed, 2
Blue, Wolf's Rain, 2
Futaba Anzai, Koi Kaze, 2
Hilda, Outlaw Star, 2
Yuichi Tate, My-HiME, 2.9
Piccolo, Porco Rosso, 2
Akemi Roppongi, Maison Ikkoku, 2
Conrad Walker, Kyo Kara Maoh!, 2

Last edited by Key on Mon Apr 12, 2010 11:42 pm; edited 10 times in total
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 2:23 am Reply with quote

Reika Mishima, RahXephon.


Reika Mishima, RahXephon Picture 1, Picture 2.
Roles: Spirit Guide, Enabler, Mover of Plot
What Makes Her a Great Supporting Character: Reika certainly makes an impression, both on the show and on the viewer. Enigmatic to the last, upon watching the first three episodes, many in the audience will likely be asking themselves "Just who the heck IS she?". Her primary role is to guide, protect, encourage and speed the growth of the protagonist Ayato, with the aim of enabling him to to fulfill his destiny. She also helps influence events - altering memories, showing certain characters certain things, activating special powers in the Xephon, giving cryptic but useful advice - in order to advance the plot. She is instrumental (in more ways than one; hah) in making the show work; despite being a supporting character she is one of the most important.

Last edited by dtm42 on Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:49 am; edited 4 times in total
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Joined: 18 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 2:56 am Reply with quote

Lory Takarada, Skip Beat picture 01 picture 02 picture 03
Primary Role: Comic Relief
What Makes Him A Great Supporting Character: Duo to his bizarre outfit and flamboyant character it's impossible not to notice him. Every time he appears the sheer weirdness of his clothes attracts attention of everyone around and make their jaw drop. He also helps the main character to regain her ability to love and make her go to a high school.

Last edited by Aylinn on Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:18 am; edited 4 times in total
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Justin Bailey

Joined: 29 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:20 am Reply with quote

Yuichi Tate, My-Hime pic
Primary Role: Miserable Failure
What Makes Him a Great Supporting Character: Tate is at the center of a love triangle between a clingy jealous girl and the tsundere female lead. Throughout the series, Tate cannot decide who to go with, stringing both along without making an end of the matter. Tate has a great knack for promising to do something, then failing at it, be it attempting to help the Hime repel enemies or devoting himself to Shiho. Tate draws all the hatred of the My-Hime fandom upon himself so that we can all enjoy watching the protagonists--it's all about the Hime.

Peter Spikes, Starship Operators pic
Primary Role: Corrupt Business Executive and Bad Boss
What Makes Him a Great Supporting Character: Peter is the producer of the reality TV show in which the protagonists participate. Driven by ratings, Peter presses the ship of students into dangerous encounters and reap the profit from the dangers they encounter. He is responsible for much of the tension in the series, yet his decisions are not entirely dictated by profit--some of the best moments result from from his sometimes clashing interests of producing a great show and producing one with the greatest profits.

Last edited by Justin Bailey on Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:54 am; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:52 am Reply with quote
I just re-read Key's post, and I noticed that we must put "Nominate" when, er, nominating, otherwise our vote will not count. I certainly don't want my hard work wasted because I didn't put in a single word, and I am sure others would feel the same way.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:56 am Reply with quote

Reiko Natsume, Natsume's Book of Friends pic
Primary Role: Troublemaker
What Makes Him A Great Supporting Character: Even thought she is dead, Reiko is still a source of trouble for her grandson because of her tendency to play tricks on spirits which live much longer than humans and often harbour resentment towards Reiko for many years. Due to her ability to see spirits, she was considered to be a freak. However the lack of acceptance from humans, never made her glum and she remained to be in high spirit.

Xellos, Slayers Next, Try pic
Primary Role: Manipulator
What Makes Him A Great Supporting Character: At first glance, the mysterious priest that appears and disappears whenever it is convenient for him makes an impression of a harmless person. He seems to have an interest in following Lina and the rest. However he uses them to get what he wants, being from the race of demons, mazoku, he is not too much concerned with their well-being and would kill them if it was profitable for him.

Last edited by Aylinn on Fri Apr 09, 2010 1:29 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Old Regular

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:31 am Reply with quote

Torioi Kiyori, Sasameki Koto pic
Primary Rôles: Comic Relief, Reliable Friend
What Makes Her A Great Supporting Character: Apart from Kiyori's constant rôle as comic relief (e.g. the recurring jokes about her insatiable appetite), Kiyori's main contribution to the story is as the neutral third party in a story of romantic entanglements. As the only girl in the story who is not part of the romance, Kiyori is a stable supporter of the main characters. She never condemns anyone or plays along with them when they're up to something foolish or ill-intentioned. She just laughs ditzily and moves right along, ignoring any attempts to make her a player in the drama. Even so, she repeatedly reveals that there is far more going on below that ditzy surface than is immediately apparent. When she does play a part in the ongoing affairs, it is invariably successful and helpful. We should all be so lucky as to have a friend like this.

I'm sure I'll have more nominations later, but I wanted to get this one in nomination first.

- abunai
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 5:08 am Reply with quote
Would Kisuke Urahara be an acceptable nomination? (Note that I'm not nominating him at this time, just asking what people think of his eligibility.)

Bleach has such a massive cast that even though there is an ensemble (arguably several; the cast is frickin enormous), a good argument can be made that Urahara is not one of the main ensemble. And he contributes so much to the show. Much of what happens is basically spoiler[because of his attempts to fix one mistake he made a long time ago.] Plus he is a comic relief character, a mentor to various young men, a fount of plot-important information (if only he was a fountain, if you know what I mean), an armourer along the lines of Q from James Bond, and he also fulfills he role of the plot's go-to guy in several instances where it needed to be advanced (like him spoiler[building the gates that allow Ichigo and pals to travel to Soul Society and Hueco Mundo]).

If people are okay with him, I'll do a formal writeup.

Last edited by dtm42 on Sun Mar 28, 2010 5:11 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 5:09 am Reply with quote

Kazuko Yoshiyama (aka Auntie Witch), The Girl Who Leapt Through Time pic
Primary Roles: Mentor, comic relief
What Makes Her A Great Supporting Character: As the original Girl Who Leapt Through Time (hinted at in the anime but never made explicit other than by her name) Auntie Witch is one of only two people who understand the nature of Makoto's time leaping. The other, of course, is spoiler[Chiaki] but Makoto doesn't know that until it is almost too late. So, Auntie Witch is able to gently push Makoto in the right direction when the heroine can't see what's right in front of her nose. She also guides Makoto when the latter makes her social gaffes. This is all very nice but Auntie Witch is not only one cool woman but the scenes with her and Makoto are some of the wittiest around.

Kyoji Ida (aka The Cameraman), Millenium Actress pic
Primary Roles: Comic relief, audience point of view
What Makes Him A Great Supporting Character: With the two protagonists, Chiyoko Fujiwara and Genya Tachibana, constantly taking off on their flights of fancy it is up to Kyoji to keep things grounded by his continuous commentary on proceedings. Although Kyoji doesn't have a major role in how the story develops he gets all the best lines. His wisecracks (and they are wise, as well as funny) help bring the fantasy back to earth ("When did this become a movie?" - one of the all-time great post-modern jokes) or put into words what we are thinking ("I feel like a stalker" as Genya forces him to follow and film the young Chiyoko's every movement).
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Joined: 28 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:23 am Reply with quote
I personally have no qualms about the inclusion of Urahara since I agree with your argument that he lies outside Bleach's ensemble cast.


Daisuke Aramakii, Ghost in the Shell pic
Primary Roles: Leader, Strategist
What Makes Him A Great Supporting Character:Aramaki is the leader of Section 9, a secretive intelligence department in the Ghost in Shell Universe. Section 9 also homes the lead protagonist and the ensemble cast, and its existence is essential to the progression of the plot. Aramaki is a shrewd, well-spoken, decisive leader, that maintains a perfect balance between issuing authoritative orders and having confidence and faith in his team to make the best decisions. Aramaki's roles also extends to that of a strategist, as he is usually one of the key planners for Section 9's many missions. Aramaki's top-notch communication and information broker skills also continually aid Section 9 whenever they are in need of a tidbit of information or guidance. His unwaveringly calm demeanor, and ability to make on the spot decisions make him one of the most effective leaders in anime despite the fact that the spotlight is rarely centered on his head.

Hosaka, Minami-ke pic
Primary Roles: Comic Relief, Wannabe Love Interest
What Makes Him A Great Supporting Character: Hosaka is a very eccentric third year high school student, who happens to have a very disturbing one crush on Haruka. Because of this, he wants to become the high school's volleyball team's manager. Hosaka's level of eccentricity and just plain old delusional behavior quickly outshines many of the show's main characters. His bouts of melodramatic behavior, and his tendency to overdo just about everything is as entertaining as it plain old weird. Hosaka is first and foremost a perfectionist and narcissist in full bloom. Perhaps, his most remembered gags are his demonstrations of his superior cooking skills and his tendency to slowly strip off his jacket randomly while creeping out pretty much everyone else in the process.

Voting For

Lory Takarada
Kazuko Yoshiyama (aka Auntie Witch)
Kiskue Urahara
- pending dtm's eventual nomination

Last edited by Olliff on Sun Mar 28, 2010 10:13 am; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:50 am Reply with quote
I have a question about the write-up process. Are we allowed to copy and past from a wiki page?
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Joined: 28 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:59 am Reply with quote
albert35077 wrote:
I have a question about the write-up process. Are we allowed to copy and past from a wiki page?

A simple copy and paste from wikipedia probably wouldn't be a good idea. However, as general reference and guide a wikipeidia entry or even a MAL list character entry could do the trick. Also these write-up are supposed to be persuasive. They are meant to answer to question of: What makes your character an amazing supporting character?
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 10:10 am Reply with quote
Tomoyo Daidouji, Cardcaptor Sakura pic
Primary role: Main character's best friend.
What Makes Her a Great Supporting Character: Being the best friend of Sakura Kinomoto, Tomoyo is the first to learn of Sakura's adventures in capturing the Clow Cards. A mature and smart girl for her age, Tomoyo quickly becomes accepting of her best friend's status as a "magical girl" and supports her best friend for Clow Card battles by providing battle outfits and communication devices for Sakura's use at most points of the series. Being a strong admirer of Sakura, Tomoyo records many of her Clow Card battles which she keeps in a personal collection for her viewing. She is also around to provide advice and emotional support for the other major characters in the series, such as when Sakura deals with her fear of ghosts when having to capture a new Clow Card or helping Syaoran dealing with his new found love interest in Sakura later in the series.
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Joined: 28 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 10:21 am Reply with quote

Balalaika , Black Lagoon pic
Primary Roles: Leader, Strategist
What Makes Her A Great Supporting Character:
Balalaika is the leader of the Russian crime syndicate 'Hotel Moscow', a branch of the Russian mafia based on Thai soil. Before joining the mafia, she had numerous exploits as a paratrooper in the Soviet Army while serving in Afghanistan. Balalaika is a cold-hearted ruthless leader who has a tendency to be brutally effective and get things done with the efficiency to match. She has no qualms about using fear and terror as weapons, and she is a firm believer in using surprise and shock and awe techniques to overwhelm her opponents. Though she is invaluable as a leader, she rarely is directly involved on the ground with any of her syndicate's missions.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 10:25 am Reply with quote
Daisuke Aramaki
Reika Mishima

Doing nominations for the tourney this way's gonna make it a bit of a chore to quickly churn out nominees for me.

Last edited by Ggultra2764 on Sun Mar 28, 2010 10:26 am; edited 1 time in total
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