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REVIEW: Romeo x Juliet: Romeo Collection

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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 9:31 am Reply with quote
Sounds great. I'm in.

As a result, the almost desperate first kiss of Romeo and Juliet, framed by fireworks and tinged by heartbreak for the well-meaning person who gets left out, will stand as one of the all-time great anime smooches.
I've gotta see this...
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 11:13 am Reply with quote
I saw the first two episodes of this at Anime L.A. 2007, so I'm totally up for getting this. Believe me, RxJ has been done in so many ways (the Suikoden 3 interpretation was short but fun to play with) that I hope it never stops. Shakespeare really needs to somehow see this, as absurd as that sounds. Anime hyper
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Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 11:48 am Reply with quote
I just started the first six episodes last night. Good timing, I guess.

It's pretty interesting thus far. The last minute save thing does wear off quickly though. Still good though.

Also saw Indian Summer; a bit different.
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Joined: 28 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:03 pm Reply with quote
This is bullshit. This should not be. This takes an okay but nonetheless iconic piece of english literature and throws all but the skeleton on the ground and then pisses on it. What it does is takes one the most important pieces of english writing and fucks it up to make it all anime-y, which is [expletive] wrong. Juliet is NOT a crossdressing masked her and Romeo does not play second fiddle to her. AND THERE ARE NO CUNTING DRAGONS. There's too much ridiculousness and butchery of the original piece her to actually be enjoyable. And "Neo-Verona"? And the Montagues don't hold a dictatorship over Verona, for fudge's sake. If this is watched more, it will inspire ever more disloyal adaptations that simply borrow the name and disgrace the fanbase and original work. And that is terrible. Just because the Bond movies did it doesn't mean you can do it to SHAKESPEARE. And the Bond movies were good.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:43 pm Reply with quote
CornbreadTheMan wrote:
This is bullshit. This should not be. This takes an okay but nonetheless iconic piece of english literature and throws all but the skeleton on the ground and then pisses on it. What it does is takes one the most important pieces of english writing and fucks it up to make it all anime-y, which is [expletive] wrong. Juliet is NOT a crossdressing masked her and Romeo does not play second fiddle to her. AND THERE ARE NO CUNTING DRAGONS. There's too much ridiculousness and butchery of the original piece her to actually be enjoyable. And "Neo-Verona"? And the Montagues don't hold a dictatorship over Verona, for fudge's sake. If this is watched more, it will inspire ever more disloyal adaptations that simply borrow the name and disgrace the fanbase and original work. And that is terrible. Just because the Bond movies did it doesn't mean you can do it to SHAKESPEARE. And the Bond movies were good.

Speaking as a Moderator, CornbreadTheMan, you need to watch your mouth. Some of the language you are using is not appropriate for these forums, no matter how strong your feelings may be about the issue.

Speaking as a regular forumite, I think you're being overly sensitive here. If radically reinterpreting the source material bothers you that much then this is definitely something you don't want to watch. (Guess you can't stand West Side Story or the anime Basilisk either, then?) I honestly feel that Gonzo was rather clever in what they did, as they managed to retain the full essence of the source material while still telling an essentially different story. The balcony scene and the marriage scenes (both in this set) are, to my mind, even more elegantly and emotionally well-handled here than in the original. And this version does just as good at showing the effects that love has on the two leads.
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Joined: 28 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:54 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
CornbreadTheMan wrote:
This is bullshit. This should not be. This takes an okay but nonetheless iconic piece of english literature and throws all but the skeleton on the ground and then pisses on it. What it does is takes one the most important pieces of english writing and fucks it up to make it all anime-y, which is [expletive] wrong. Juliet is NOT a crossdressing masked her and Romeo does not play second fiddle to her. AND THERE ARE NO CUNTING DRAGONS. There's too much ridiculousness and butchery of the original piece her to actually be enjoyable. And "Neo-Verona"? And the Montagues don't hold a dictatorship over Verona, for fudge's sake. If this is watched more, it will inspire ever more disloyal adaptations that simply borrow the name and disgrace the fanbase and original work. And that is terrible. Just because the Bond movies did it doesn't mean you can do it to SHAKESPEARE. And the Bond movies were good.

Speaking as a Moderator, CornbreadTheMan, you need to watch your mouth. Some of the language you are using is not appropriate for these forums, no matter how strong your feelings may be about the issue.

Speaking as a regular forumite, I think you're being overly sensitive here. If radically reinterpreting the source material bothers you that much then this is definitely something you don't want to watch. (Guess you can't stand West Side Story or the anime Basilisk either, then?) I honestly feel that Gonzo was rather clever in what they did, as they managed to retain the full essence of the source material while still telling an essentially different story. The balcony scene and the marriage scenes (both in this set) are, to my mind, even more elegantly and emotionally well-handled here than in the original. And this version does just as good at showing the effects that love has on the two leads.

Sorry. I understand. But, I still don't feel that this does any justice to the source material at all, in any way. And it's not that I can't stand things like this but this is too much. Kind of like the new Alice in Wonderland movie that's being driected by Tim Burton.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:06 pm Reply with quote
CornbreadTheMan wrote:
Sorry. I understand. But, I still don't feel that this does any justice to the source material at all, in any way. And it's not that I can't stand things like this but this is too much. Kind of like the new Alice in Wonderland movie that's being driected by Tim Burton.

Have you actually seen the series, or are you basing your comments on the reviews and/or other descriptions of it?
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Joined: 28 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:09 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
CornbreadTheMan wrote:
Sorry. I understand. But, I still don't feel that this does any justice to the source material at all, in any way. And it's not that I can't stand things like this but this is too much. Kind of like the new Alice in Wonderland movie that's being driected by Tim Burton.

Have you actually seen the series, or are you basing your comments on the reviews and/or other descriptions of it?

Yes, I have but I've only seen maybe 5 episodes, if I remember correctly. Honestly, I couldn't watch anymore.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:15 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
Have you actually seen the series, or are you basing your comments on the reviews and/or other descriptions of it?

Who need any of that when you have knee-jerk fan reactions?

Seriously, though - seeing how much GONZO changed The Count of Monte Cristo into Gankutsuou while still keeping so much of it true to the original and making a brilliant masterpiece, I am more than willing to give this a try. Heck, Shakespeare had enough crossdressing female heroines in his other plays that he might have given his thumbs up to that innovation!

So why not mess things up? I'd rather they do that than artificially graft on robots without realizing how much that should change the rest of the story, like with Samurai 7. This is the second thing on my list of anime to get when I get my new Netflix account.
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Joined: 09 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:21 pm Reply with quote
I never liked Romeo and Juliet, but I'd be willing to watch this. Especially since Gankutsuo was so fantastic.
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Joined: 28 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:21 pm Reply with quote
[EDIT: This has been changed to a link because the original posted image was big enough to be affecting the thread width on some settings. - Key]


This is how I feel about most of the anime fanbase, at least the one's who only watch subs and think that Japan is superior to everything. I don't know about you people of course. And by the way I do watch anime. I'm not just messing with you people.
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Joined: 28 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:24 pm Reply with quote
I probably would watch Gankutsuo if I got a hold of it. It looks interesting.
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Joined: 09 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:26 pm Reply with quote
This was a really long review, but very well-deserved. I watched the series in its subbed entirety on Funimation online (and it's actually the first whole series I've ever watched through there), and loved every minute of it. I happen to like all the changes for this version of the story, including Romeo and Juliet having their roles reversed. I think it makes it more interesting and I also think it's important Gonzo made the story its own rather than have us slog through the same exact story that even 5-year-olds would know. I also think their romance in this anime was more convincing and well-done, whereas in the original story it seemed like they fell for each other's superficial beauty and that was all there was to it. And the ending of the series, which I won't go into here, just plain fits so beautifully. I got the first set and will soon get the second set.

Last edited by pachy_boy on Tue Jul 28, 2009 6:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 28 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:31 pm Reply with quote
I'm not asking for an EXACT retelling of the story, just one that's more faithful to the source material. I mean, "Neo-Verona?"
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Joined: 26 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 4:18 pm Reply with quote
Heh. Funny comic strip. Did you make it?

Hmm... More faithful to the source material? Why didn't you say so long ago? It would make sense that you'd want that, but I would think that Gonzo wouldn't want to have a story that's almost exactly alike. They would probably make a few twists so that even Romeo and Juliet fans would wonder what would happen next. I mean, I think that's what they did with Gankutsuou.

In fact, think of Romeo x Juliet as a show just using the base of Romeo and Juliet and inserting some Shakespearian dialouge. Like what Key said in the review.
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