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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (TV) (w/ index).

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Joined: 29 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:05 pm Reply with quote

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (TV)

Genres: adventure, comedy, drama, fantasy, thriller
Themes: alchemy, conspiracy, Homunculi, military, steampunk, tragedy

Plot Summary: Two brothers lose their mother to an incurable disease. With the power of "alchemy", they use taboo knowledge to resurrect her. The process fails, and as a toll for using this type of alchemy, the older brother, Edward Elric loses his left leg while the younger brother, Alphonse Elric loses his entire body. To save his brother, Edward sacrifices his right arm and is able to affix his brother's soul to a suit of armor.

With the help of a family friend, Edward receives metal limbs - "automail" - to replace his lost ones. With that, Edward vows to search for the Philosopher's Stone to return the brothers to their original bodies, even if it means becoming a "State Alchemist", one who uses his/her alchemy for the military.

For those who have been living under a rock for the past few months, this show will reboot the anime franchise, while following the manga storyline. Bones will be handling the production on this series as well. Seiji Mizushima (director) and Michiru Oshima (music composer) will not be returning from the first FMA series. Yasuhiro Ire will be the director instead and Akira Senju will be the composer.

I'm excited for this new series, especially now that FUNimation is streaming the series a few days after the JP broadcast. At the least, I'm expecting that this series will be better than the first series simply because it sticks closer to the manga. Razz Or maybe it's thought of a new composer coming in that's giving me that expectation.

I kinda wished that this series would be longer, considering that it's starting from the beginning, but it could work at around 50 episodes (which is what I've heard it'll be). We'll see. Can't wait for April 9. Very Happy Very Happy

EPISODE INDEX (Clicking the links below will take you to the approximate post where we start discussing the content - story, characters, production, etc.)

Note: This thread has plenty of manga spoilers, therefore spoiling future events even when all that's supposed to be talked about is the corresponding episode. With that in mind, read at your own risk.

Episode 1- Fullmetal Alchemist
Episode 2- The First Day
Episode 3- The Heretic City
Episode 4- An Alchemist's Distress
Episode 5- Rain of Sorrow
Episode 6- The Road of Hope
Episode 7- The Hidden Truth
Episode 8- Research Laboratory 5
Episode 9- Created Feelings
Episode 10- Separate Paths
Episode 11- The Miracle at Rush Valley
Episode 12- One is All, All is One
Episode 13- The Beasts of Dublith
Episode 14- Those Who Lurk Underground
Episode 15- Emissary From the East
Episode 16- The Footsteps of a War Comrade
Episode 17- Cool-Headed Flames
Episode 18- On the Palm of an Arrogant Human Being
Episode 19- The Death of the Undying
Episode 20- The Father Standing Before a Grave
Episode 21- The Fool's Progress
Episode 22- Distant Backs
Episode 23- The Girl of the Battlefield
Episode 24- Within the Stomach
Episode 25- The Door of Darkness
Episode 26- Reunion
Episode 27- Interlude Party
Episode 28- Father
Episode 29- Struggle of the Fool
Episode 30- The Ishbal Annihilation Campaign
Episode 31- The Promise Made For 520 Cenz- N/A
Episode 32- The Son of the Führer
Episode 33- The Northern Wall of Briggs
Episode 34- Ice Queen
Episode 35- The Shape of This Country
Episode 36- Family Portrait
Episode 37- The Original Homunculus- N/A
Episode 38- Clash in Baschool
Episode 39- Daydream
Episode 40- The Dwarf Inside the Flask
Episode 41- Hell
Episode 42- The Signs of a Counterattack-N/A
Episode 43- Bite of the ant
Episode 44- A Full Recovery- N/A
Episode 45- The Promised Day
Episode 46- The Creeping Shadow- N/A
Episode 47- Messenger of Darkness- N/A
Episode 48- An Oath Made in the Underground
Episode 49- Familial Affection- N/A
Episode 50- Upheaval in Central
Episode 51- Army of Immortals-N/A
Episode 52- Everyone's Power
Episode 53- The Flames of Revenge
Episode 54- Beyond the Raging Fire
Episode 55- The Adults' Way of Life
Episode 56-The Return of the Führer-N/A
Episode 57-Eternal Leave-N/A
Episode 58-Sacrifices-N/A
Episode 59-Lost Light and Episode 60- Eye of Heaven, Gateway of Earth
Episode 61- The One Who Swallowed God
Episode 62- The Violent Counterattack
I'm not exactly how far I'll go with this index, but for now I'll try to keep it up to date.

Edit: Fixed an error.

Last edited by braves on Mon Jun 21, 2010 7:52 am; edited 54 times in total
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Joined: 20 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:59 pm Reply with quote
ok, so i know nothing about FMA. I would see bits here and there on adult swim, but really, I don't know anything about the show (plot, charaters, etc). But I keep hearing how good it is. so the question is: do I need to watch the original series before this one? or can i start watching this brotherhood installment?
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:13 pm Reply with quote
David.Seth wrote:
But I keep hearing how good it is. so the question is: do I need to watch the original series before this one? or can i start watching this brotherhood installment?

Erm, I'm pretty sure that's up to you. No one knows how good the new series is going to be, so it's tough to make a comparison right now. I would treat them like separate series, so if you're in the mood for one of the best fantasy shows out there, go ahead and watch the original.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:18 pm Reply with quote
oh i will get to the original series. believe me. but since this brotherhood franchise is right around the corner, i was just wondering if i would need to watch the first to understand this one.
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Joined: 29 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:34 pm Reply with quote
David.Seth wrote:
but since this brotherhood franchise is right around the corner, i was just wondering if i would need to watch the first to understand this one.

If that's the case- then no. The original series was based off of the manga to begin with (at least for most of the first half). So no prior knowledge will be needed to watch this one seeing as it'll start over with the manga's storyline.
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Joined: 20 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:46 pm Reply with quote
ah thanks. it always seems I'm a few years behind in anime. but this time i wanted to take advantage of the fact Funi is streaming this almost simultaneously as its being premiered in Japan. I figure the more people who visit Funi's website, the more this type of distribution may occur in the future.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:29 am Reply with quote
This series will have to be quite a bit longer than fifty episodes if it's going to follow the manga storyline, even if they skip some of the material that we already saw in the first one. I'm guessing one episode per chapter, and there's ninety-three thus far, even though may be wrapping up (maybe Arakawa is doing one hundred?).

Anyway, I'm equally a fan of the manga and the first series, so I really didn't see the point of entirely new series, and feel like it's probably just a big cash grab. Nevertheless, I'm still jazzed about having more FMA to watch. Especially since Romi Paku is returning as Edward Elric! God, what an amazing voice actress.

For those of you who need reminding of FMA's key elements...

("Brotherhood" is a strange subtitle for the new show, since I always felt the Elric brothers seemed closer in the first series than in the manga.)
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Joined: 28 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 2:22 am Reply with quote
Seeing how it's by BONES, we are guaranteed a high quality production animation-wise no matter how it turns out, which is enough to get me excited at least.

I am happy the voice actors of the brothers are the same as in the original series. I am curious how the new secondary character roles will do, especially Winry having a less experienced VA.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:00 pm Reply with quote
I've been looking forward to this series for a while, mainly to see if it ends up being any good. I have a strong fear that Brotherhood wont be as good.

Also, I know that most people say it's going to be closer to the manga this time. But I never saw any statement saying this. So I think the plot is still up in the air. Of course I think it's more likely that it's faithful to the manga, but I'm just keeping my mind open here. It could go and do what the first series did and take it in a whole new direction.

I'm happy that they decided to change the director this time. I'm really not a fan of Seiji Mizushima. And I'm looking forward to seeing how Yasuhiro Irie does in the driver's seat.

Also, I'm glad that Funimation is going to be streaming the episodes on their website so quickly. They've really been on top of this stuff lately and I hope it stays that way.
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 5:08 pm Reply with quote
I'm just glad Funi licensed "FMAB" flat out upfront before any episodes aired. That way we avoid the fansub chaos that the first series degraded into. Sure, it'll probably still get subbed despite the existence of Funi's streams, but it least it won't be like FMA1 where you had groups stopping and starting it all over the place. Back in late 2004, I wasn't DLing any anime for myself, so I got the whole series on 14 or 15 CDRs from a friend. I remember watching along through the first half, thinking, "Hey, these files are pretty good," and then once the mid-30s/early 40s eps came around, it was "wtf is this crap?!? Winly? Ishvaru?"
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 5:49 pm Reply with quote
braves wrote:
Yasuhiro Ire will be the director instead and Hiroshi Ohnogi will be the composer.

Hiroshi Ohnogi is the writer for FMA, the composer is Akira Senju who I think will do a goob job based off all the bgm they have used in the CMs.
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Joined: 21 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 5:59 pm Reply with quote
I haven't really gotten into FMA, but I have friends that rave about it. I've seen a few seconds here and there, and at the very least I think the visual quality will be quite high.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:39 pm Reply with quote
Zalis116 wrote:
I'm just glad Funi licensed "FMAB" flat out upfront before any episodes aired. That way we avoid the fansub chaos that the first series degraded into. Sure, it'll probably still get subbed despite the existence of Funi's streams, but it least it won't be like FMA1 where you had groups stopping and starting it all over the place. Back in late 2004, I wasn't DLing any anime for myself, so I got the whole series on 14 or 15 CDRs from a friend. I remember watching along through the first half, thinking, "Hey, these files are pretty good," and then once the mid-30s/early 40s eps came around, it was "wtf is this crap?!? Winly? Ishvaru?"

To be fair, the licensed translations don't make perfect sense either. There is absolutely no reason for the name Elizabeth to be abbreviated into Riza, and I feel that Resembool had something to do with the word "Resemble." Winley also makes more sense than Winry, and I also think Ishvar is a better transliteration than Ishbal, but your mileage may vary.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 9:23 pm Reply with quote
(To be fair, the licensed translations don’t make perfect sense either. There is absolutely no reason for the name Elizabeth to be abbreviated into Riza, and I feel that Resembool had something to do with the word “Resemble.” Winley also makes more sense than Winry, and I also think Ishvar is a better transliteration than Ishbal, but your mileage may vary.)

Actually, I’ve heard of Resembool being written as Leisenburg (German for City of Giants) before.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 9:38 pm Reply with quote
Altorrin wrote:
Actually, I’ve heard of Resembool being written as Leisenburg (German for City of Giants) before.

"Lei" would be pronounced as "lie," though, wouldn't it? But the German city suffix makes sense. Good call!
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