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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (TV) (w/ index).

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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:50 am Reply with quote
Just in case, I rated the first FMA series as "masterpiece" and haven't changed it yet even if I appreciate it a less more after starting reading the manga.

And I'm really enjoying the new series so far, I don't need to fake liking it, it isn't the only anime I watch, and I follow so many manga that I really don't need to "force" my own opinion to find something I like.

What are (some of) you thinking? That I'm a 10 years old who is watching anime for the first time in her/his life? Wink
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Joined: 03 Oct 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:47 am Reply with quote
I have to say I liked the first two episodes but episode 3 was just atrocious and complete bullshit. spoiler[Cornello turning into the hulk was complete bullshit. How can someone have bigger muscles than Armstrong? Just ridiculous and has completely destroyed the continuity of the manga!]

I'm done with this series.
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Joined: 04 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:26 am Reply with quote
Charred Knight wrote:
Really the Mustang and Hawkeye thing just shows how unreasonable it is.

Its been two episodes what do you want?

Him to light the Elric brothers on fire?

The only thing I can think of is that his pissed that Mustang doesn't act like a childish dick to Riza only to Riza to regret ever meeting Mustang.

Count me one who doesn't need the not-so-nice-person Mustang from the first anime series.

I want the death of Trisha Elric to carry the proper emotional weight that it should considering it's the one event that catalyzed the entire story of the series.

In the remake, it just happens.
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Joined: 05 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:54 am Reply with quote
Westlo wrote:
I have to say I liked the first two episodes but episode 3 was just atrocious and complete bullshit. spoiler[Cornello turning into the hulk was complete bullshit. How can someone have bigger muscles than Armstrong? Just ridiculous and has completely destroyed the continuity of the manga!]

I'm done with this series.

Ohhhh, the irony. that episode was actually the one that give back my believe that this new series can actually be as good as the first one.

Okay, just kidding Laughing

The truth is.. I already said in a different forum that epicnes is not FMA's style (except for the battles against the spoiler[big Envy]), and this new series is clearly trying very hard to be epic very often... even if it dosen't fit, so it's a recipe for failure and this episode is the proof Confused
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Joined: 18 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 1:13 pm Reply with quote
I rather like the Brotherhood series more so far, the first series really bored me and the manga was fine after 8-9ish volumes, but not something I care to read anymore. I just lost interest. But I seem pretty keen on continuing this one.

It may be superficial, but the crisper animation and foreshadowing/faster pace is certainly helping. I can understand a discontent with even MORE discontinuity from the manga 's beginning ...but I'm happy with a fresh start, personally.

That being said, I need to watch 3. >>;
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Joined: 23 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 1:19 pm Reply with quote
emotional weight

From what I have seen, this side to the story has suffered the most. Not to mention the stupidly timed humor which pops up at the wrongest moments, washing away any hope of a serious moment. The moment when Ed went into his speach about the properties that make up the human body for example. Apart from the fact that I was watching something completely unorigional, they decide to plop rose, musing over his observations in the back ground with comical gesticulations to boot. It really does not make an effort at all in some places.
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Joined: 11 May 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:05 pm Reply with quote
Well I just got as far as half-way through the opening titles of the first episode and gave up. Maybe I shouldn't judge a series on how it begins, but I always do. I don't know why on earth they assumed the audience would understand who all the characters were, and what was going on in that first minute of cramming loads of stuff in, when this is meant to be a stand-alone series (and even though I have seen the other series, that was years ago now, so I can hardly remember a thing about it). And on top of that the animation looked really cheap somehow. Probably the worst opening of an anime I've ever seen.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:15 pm Reply with quote
retty wrote:
Well I just got as far as half-way through the opening titles of the first episode and gave up. Maybe I shouldn't judge a series on how it begins, but I always do. I don't know why on earth they assumed the audience would understand who all the characters were, and what was going on in that first minute of cramming loads of stuff in, when this is meant to be a stand-alone series (and even though I have seen the other series, that was years ago now, so I can hardly remember a thing about it). And on top of that the animation looked really cheap somehow. Probably the worst opening of an anime I've ever seen.

I don't like Yui, but this is a damn good opening sequence. I don't have any stakes in whether you watch the anime or not, so I don't really care what you do with it, but it's not that you shouldn't judge a series based on how it opens but that you simply can't. You don't have enough information to do so.
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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:21 pm Reply with quote
Westlo wrote:
I have to say I liked the first two episodes but episode 3 was just atrocious and complete bullshit. spoiler[Cornello turning into the hulk was complete bullshit. How can someone have bigger muscles than Armstrong? Just ridiculous and has completely destroyed the continuity of the manga!]

I'm done with this series.

Admittedly it was an extremely stupid addition (and further proof that Bones is incapable of faithfully adapting anything) but it doesn't destroy the continuity of the manga all that much. I did miss the awesome statue though.

I also disliked the addition of spoiler[Rose with a gun]

But this anime already messed up the manga continuity by adding Gary Stu Isaac and moving the flashback scene up so early.

But I still liked this episode better than the first anime's version which had all these stupid additions (most notably that awful weird bird) and Ed & Al were much more in character here.

I also liked the humor that everyone is complaining about and it didn't ruin the dramatic moments for me at all. But this director really needs to work on his pacing.
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Joined: 11 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 3:03 pm Reply with quote
Charred Knight wrote:
penguintruth wrote:
I don't know, as cool as I thought the part with Edward charging the Fuhrer was in the manga and in this newest episode, I sort of preferred the idea of many people taking part in a big test, and the whole atmosphere provided in the first series around that exam, the arc that surrounded it and such, and even the callback to it later in the series.

Also, they missed a good scene after that scene from the manga, in which Edward points out that Roy didn't really get up to help the Fuhrer, and Roy uses the opportunity to blackmail Ed about his brother's body. It wasn't a necessary scene, mind you, but it would have been nice to include it. Well, there's still the future, I guess.

I actually like this episode, though. It covers what it covered fairly smoothly, even in its speed.

I was bored with the whole exam just because the Elric brother's are genius alchemist, theirs no tense moment in the exam in the first anime since Ed is such a genius that failure is not an option.

Exams really only work if the person whose taking it is an idiot like in GTO, or Love Hina.

I didn't see it as something intended to be suspenseful. If anything, we already know that he's a state alchemist from the very first episode - it's a foregone conclusion. I saw it as being about building Edward and Alphonse's characterization. And that's why I loved it so much.
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Joined: 11 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 3:16 pm Reply with quote
Maidenoftheredhand wrote:

But this anime already messed up the manga continuity by adding Gary Stu Isaac and moving the flashback scene up so early.

But I still liked this episode better than the first anime's version which had all these stupid additions (most notably that awful weird bird) and Ed & Al were much more in character here.

Isaac isn't a Gary Stu. He would have had to have been more than a one-shot character in order to be one. He would have also have to have made Edward and Alphonse fall in love with his manliness and vision and whatnot, which I don't believe happened. So yeah, not even close to a Gary Stu.

Also, to say that Edward and Alphonse were "out of character" in the first series is silly, because they had completely different characterizations. They were IN character for anime!Ed and Al. Saying that they're OOC is sort of like saying the movie version of Forrest Gump is OOC because he was less sarcastic than the book version, or that the movie version of Jo in Little Women is OOC because she's a feminist.

Two different versions of a canon means two different versions of the characters (unless you're dealing with something that's supposed to be true to the original, like Naruto or Bleach) and their ICness can only be determined with regard to what's been shown within the canon itself, not in relation to the source material that it's somewhat loosely based upon (as is the case with FMA).

Not saying you have to like the way the first anime had Ed and Al behaving, just saying that they aren't the same characters as Ed and Al from the manga, and they shouldn't be treated like they are.
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Joined: 05 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 4:08 pm Reply with quote
Maidenoftheredhand wrote:
Westlo wrote:
I have to say I liked the first two episodes but episode 3 was just atrocious and complete bullshit. spoiler[Cornello turning into the hulk was complete bullshit. How can someone have bigger muscles than Armstrong? Just ridiculous and has completely destroyed the continuity of the manga!]

I'm done with this series.

But I still liked this episode better than the first anime's version which had all these stupid additions (most notably that awful weird bird)

seriously? this episode was *way* too fast and it makes some scenes look silly (like the meeting of Ed and Al with Rose) and the story wasn't interesting this time around and make Ed and Al to reveal the truth about their body again was really un-necessary Confused
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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 4:26 pm Reply with quote
kpk wrote:

seriously? this episode was *way* too fast and it makes some scenes look silly (like the meeting of Ed and Al with Rose) and the story wasn't interesting this time around and make Ed and Al to reveal the truth about their body again was really un-necessary Confused

Notice how I said the director needs to work on his pacing. I just said I enjoyed it more than the 1st anime version which I did not really like. I didn't like the 1st anime until the 3rd episode.

I still don't think this episode was as good as the manga version but it's still closer to the manga adaption than the 1st anime which I prefer.

Isaac isn't a Gary Stu. He would have had to have been more than a one-shot character in order to be one. He would have also have to have made Edward and Alphonse fall in love with his manliness and vision and whatnot, which I don't believe happened. So yeah, not even close to a Gary Stu.

The fact that he somehow knew Xing alchemy makes him Gary Stuish to me. Overall he was not a very good character, I am just happy he did not last long and I really hope they do not mention him again.

Not saying you have to like the way the first anime had Ed and Al behaving, just saying that they aren't the same characters as Ed and Al from the manga, and they shouldn't be treated like they are.

Fine then I think the way the anime adapted many of the characters was awful. Anime!Ed I didn't mind as much (although he lost a bit of his devious side) but Anime!Al is just horrible to me and so are a bunch of other characters like Anime!Rose. Although by giving her a gun in this episode Bones sort of ruined her again for me.

So even though this episode was far from perfect and they screwed up a bunch of things I still like it better than the 1st anime's version. I am sorry that I don't worship the 1st anime like some of you. I don't hate it and it does have its good points (better pacing then this that's for sure) but there is a lot I dislike about it. So even seeing a flawed version of the manga chapters is better for me than the anime version.

But if you want my honest opinion than the manga is the best version of all and Bones does not know what they are doing when it comes to adapting manga series.
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Joined: 11 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 4:41 pm Reply with quote
Maidenoftheredhand wrote:

Isaac isn't a Gary Stu. He would have had to have been more than a one-shot character in order to be one. He would have also have to have made Edward and Alphonse fall in love with his manliness and vision and whatnot, which I don't believe happened. So yeah, not even close to a Gary Stu.

The fact that he somehow knew Xing alchemy makes him Gary Stuish to me. Overall he was not a very good character, I am just happy he did not last long and I really hope they do not mention him again.

Not saying you have to like the way the first anime had Ed and Al behaving, just saying that they aren't the same characters as Ed and Al from the manga, and they shouldn't be treated like they are.

Fine then I think the way the anime adapted many of the characters was awful. Anime!Ed I didn't mind as much (although he lost a bit of his devious side) but Anime!Al is just horrible to me and so are a bunch of other characters like Anime!Rose. Although by giving her a gun in this episode Bones sort of ruined her again for me.

A good definition for a Gary Stu/Mary Sue can be found http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MartyStu?from=Main.GaryStu <-- here. Seriously, not liking a character does not mean that he's suddenly a Gary Stu. Isaac isn't even close.

As for the first anime's characterization: I actually preferred it. Anime!Al became a much more interesting character to me. I thought the choice to make him so sensitive and adverse to violence made him an excellent foil to Edward, and also made Edward's desire to protect that innocence much more fitting to me.

I loved that fact that anime!Rose actually had a backstory and character beyond "lol her boyfriend is dead how sad". She became a fleshed-out character in her own right. But they needed her to be, in order to make her appearance later in the story more significant. In the manga, she's just a one-shot character, so it would be silly to flesh her out like that.

You don't have to agree, but there's a very frustrating tendency on both sides of this debate to assume that, because they personally like one portrayal over the other, the portrayal they prefer is somehow superior. But the truth is that both the characterization in the anime and manga are good, and all it comes down to in the end is which you like better.
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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 4:59 pm Reply with quote
amarielah wrote:
Seriously, not liking a character does not mean that he's suddenly a Gary Stu. Isaac isn't even close.

Did you read what I wrote? I said the whole Xing thing makes him Gary Stuish to me not that I dislike him. But perhaps Gary Stu is the wrong term.

As for the first anime's characterization: I actually preferred it. Anime!Al became a much more interesting character to me. I thought the choice to make him so sensitive and adverse to violence made him an excellent foil to Edward, and also made Edward's desire to protect that innocence much more fitting to me.

He is a year younger than Ed and they made him way too naive. I prefer the more intelligent and resourceful Al of the manga. In the anime he seems to always side against Ed. How people think Ed & Al have a closer relationship in the 1st anime than the manga I have no idea. Whereas in the manga they act like a team and are always on the same wave length. But I guess some people like how Ed is so protective of Al in the anime. I prefer how they protect and rely on each other in the manga but they are both capable of doing their own thing as well.

Also Ed is not that violent (except for comedic purposes) he has a strong value on all life.

I loved that fact that anime!Rose actually had a backstory and character beyond "lol her boyfriend is dead how sad". She became a fleshed-out character in her own right. But they needed her to be, in order to make her appearance later in the story more significant. In the manga, she's just a one-shot character, so it would be silly to flesh her out like that.

What back story? You mean spoiler[the rape?] That was just horrible, even Arakawa has said how much she hated that storyline. And she has generally been pretty silent on what she thinks about the 1st anime.

In the manga you can actually see spoiler[how Rose actually learned something from her experience with Ed and is moving forward]. Although she is much more of a minor character.

You don't have to agree, but there's a very frustrating tendency on both sides of this debate to assume that, because they personally like one portrayal over the other, the portrayal they prefer is somehow superior. But the truth is that both the characterization in the anime and manga are good, and all it comes down to in the end is which you like better.

Notice how I said "to me" throughout my post. These are my own feelings I am not saying you are wrong either. I realize what is better is a matter of opinion I just like the manga more. I don't even hate the anime as I said earlier in this thread I rated it 8 out of 10. Although I admit over time I seem to enjoy it less and less.

Last edited by Maidenoftheredhand on Sun Apr 19, 2009 5:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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