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Most Clever/Intelligent Character Tourney Post-Mortem

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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:13 am Reply with quote
Damn, you beat me to it!

Group A: L. I'll be sticking with him through this round, as I have faithfully.

Group B: The Count. The Count is awesome, he just is. To me the way he's been planning stuff just doesn't let Horo compare.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:14 am Reply with quote
Group A Final: L (Death Note)
L has Light to match wits with and has demonstrated more complexity with his thoughts than the foresight of Shikamaru's plans.

Group B Final: Count of Monte Cristo
I'm out of the tourney so I can care less about my bracket now. From what I'm hearing of the Count, his series seems to give more depth into his thoughts and manipulations, more so than Horo.
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Joined: 28 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:36 am Reply with quote
Group A-31
L, Death Note vs.
Shikamaru, Naruto
Voting For: L
Reason: because he is better...but I'm feeling rather "blah" about Death Note right now
Possibility of Change: maybe

Group B-31
The Count of Monte Cristo, Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo
Horo the Wise, Spice and Wolf
Voting For: The Count
Reason: Because I don't think that Horo should have gotten this far. And the Count is far smarter anyway.
Possibility of Change: none
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Joined: 17 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:43 am Reply with quote
Group A Final
L, Death Note [ Video Clip ]
Shikamaru Nara, Naruto [ Video Clip ]

Voting for: Shikamaru Nara

Reason: Honestly I expect L to win this match-up fairly easily, but Shikamaru has a pretty flawless record when it comes to intelligence shown versus screen time. His exploits in Shippuden are the highlight of that series, and I think he deserves a few votes at the least. L, who is actually my pick to win the whole thing, does make a few mistakes, even though his overall plans take the mistakes into account, I believe that this should be one of L's tougher matches in the tournament.

Group B Final
The Count of Monte Cristo, Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo [ Video Clip ]
Horo the Wise, Spice and Wolf [ Video Clip ]

Voting for: Horo

Reason: Ok, I've been giving this matchup some thought after finishing Gankutsuou. The Count, while one of literature's most well established masterminds, seems to lose quite a bit of his edge in the anime. Fairly major spoilers ahead, so read at your own risk. spoiler[ Edmund starts out as a nieve character, tricked by his best friend and his co-workers, taking the fall for a crime he is not guilty of. In the anime we aren't shown how he becomes a world-wise man who can take wealth and turn it to his revenge, he just becomes possessed and then suddenly intelligent. Also, without ruining either ending, I don't see that the Count really follows the same path of character growth at the end, and as such he doesn't really "learn the lesson" that he should. The only solid ground the Count has is the steps that he takes for his revenge, and honestly only his manipulations of the economy really showed all that much "intelligence" in my mind. ] Granted, Horo is not that much better, but her cleverness is a positive for her series, while The Count's "dumbing down" was a strike against his.

Both of my votes are probably going to go against the flow, but I'll keep an eye on the comments over the next few days and may change my mind.
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Joined: 28 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 3:19 am Reply with quote
All brackets and Mini-game scores updated at: http://home.comcast.net/~unirizer2/
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Joined: 28 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 4:13 am Reply with quote
Group A Final
L, Death Note [ Video Clip ]
Shikamaru Nara, Naruto [ Video Clip ]

Well it was fun, but this is where Shikamaru's ride ends. He slightly impressed me, but at it's heart it's still Naruto. There is no way a character from Naruto, even the smartest of them, should be making it past this point. Especialy against the likes of L. L is so far beyond his scope in every area, except maybe people skills, that Shikamaru is doomed.

Group B Final
The Count of Monte Cristo, Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo [ Video Clip ]
Horo the Wise, Spice and Wolf [ Video Clip ]

Well I'm going to go against the grain here and voting for Horo. Not because I want to be a rebel voter, but because I honestly think she is smarter. Certainly more clever and tricksy.

I'm not a big fan of revenge intelligence. Especially one as broad as The Count's master plan. There really isn't any thinking on his toes in the series:

1. Everything was planned out from the beginning and went exactly according to plan. It seemed much too easy. The Count never really encountered any major obstacles where he could show off his "on the fly" thinking. There basically was no opposition. They kind of just let it happen dumbfounded the whole time as to what was going on.

2. I do think your opponents in a series have something to do with it. What better way to show off your smarts than to beat other geniuses at their own game. And lets be honest, they weren't the smartest bunch and certainly didn't put up much of a fight.

3. Adding on to the point above, The Count had the huge advantage of his enemies believing he was dead. How could they adequately combat someone who's attacking them if there is no way of ever figuring out who it is. If they had figured out The Count was really Edmond Dantés of the past sooner, and realized the gravity of the situation, then perhaps they would have respond quite differently and more appropriately.

4. In the anime's case I have to bring up the question of how much of it all was The Counts genius and how much of it was Gankutsuou's? It's one thing to be bestowed a magical power and use it to your advantage, it's another when that magical power has a mind of it's own. It's kind of like a split personality, as clearly shown near the end of the series.

5. Overall I didn't find his master plan for revenge all that brilliant anyway. He kind of just found out bad things about each guys past, probably with the help of Gankutsuou I'm guessing, and let events take their natural course while he just sat back and made sure everything progressed.

6. One last more personal point. It's really hard to be amazed and wowed by a characters intelligence when you already know the story quite well. Sure it was told in a unique way, with fancy art, and had a great intriguing story backing it, but it's a story many I'm sure have already heard. Don't get me wrong, The Count of Monte Cristo is a genius story of revenge, it deserves much praise. But I couldn't escape the fact the first time I ever watched it that I knew pretty much what was going to happen start to finish. It just sorta, takes the thrill of it all away you know. I like Anime for it's absolutely crazy and thought provoking original stories.

What's the argument for Horo? Well it's tough to put it into words. There is just a intelligence and cleverness about her that I think is quite evidently shown. How else could she have defeated the likes of Aizen last round. People see something there.

She obviously has gained a ton of knowledge from her many many years and she knows how to use it when called upon. It's made clear throughout the series that she is out of her element after her long slumber, but she still manages to turn fairly intelligent traders and con artist schemes to her advantage. And of course it helps that spoiler[she can turn into a giant super powerful wolf that can defeat any enemy in combat...] but that is beside the point Smile

I particularly like her interaction with Lawrence throughout the whole series. It really shows off her cleverness into tricking just about anyone into getting what she wants. It's quite entertaining to watch. Like Key said in an earlier post she is probably the most clever of the characters left and I agree. I think she deserves to make it at least one more round.

Now that I've said my peace, bring it on! Twisted Evil
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 4:13 am Reply with quote
Group A Final
L, Death Note [ Video Clip ]
Shikamaru Nara, Naruto [ Video Clip ]

This one is pretty much a big fat "meh" for me... but given the choice, I guess I'll go with L.

Group B Final
The Count of Monte Cristo, Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo [ Video Clip ]
Horo the Wise, Spice and Wolf [ Video Clip ]

I honestly don't see how Horo made it this far. Maybe I should start calling myself "Abunai the Wise", and everybody would swallow that BS just as easily? Never mind, my vote goes unequivocally to The Count ("Vun, Two, Three, Muahaha! Four, Five, Six, Muahaha!").

- abunai
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Joined: 26 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 7:37 am Reply with quote
Group A-31
L, Death Note vs.
Shikamaru, Naruto
Voting For: L
Reason: Not much to think about here.
Possibility of Change: no

Group B-31
The Count of Monte Cristo, Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo
Horo the Wise, Spice and Wolf
Voting For: The Count
Reason: I still think The Count isn't good enough for the last 4 since he didn't really demonstrated his intelligence, more like he only seemed that way, but since so many people say Horo shouldn't be here i'll have to vote for him.
Possibility of Change: slim
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 9:26 am Reply with quote
Group A Final
L, Death Note [ Video Clip ]
Shikamaru Nara, Naruto [ Video Clip ]

I actually thought about this one a lot. I can see either advancing, both demonstrate cleverness and intelligence far beyond most.In the end though, I will vote for "L".

Group B Final
The Count of Monte Cristo, Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo [ Video Clip ]
Horo the Wise, Spice and Wolf [ Video Clip ]

Never mind, my vote goes unequivocally to The Count ("Vun, Two, Three, Muahaha! Four, Five, Six, Muahaha!").

- abunai

I was voting this way anyway, and this way I get to see this again, which made me laugh...loudly. Thanks abunai.
The Count ftw.
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Joined: 18 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:27 am Reply with quote
Group A Final
Voting for: L, Death Note

Reasons: Even with the inability to act on his unsupported hunch that Light is Kira, I still think L is the smartest character I've ever encountered in anime. And while Shikamaru certainly seems to have his support, he has also had enough detractors to make me pretty certain in this vote.

Group B Final

Voting for: The Count of Monte Cristo, Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo

Reasons: Another competitor I'm familiar with (actually, I know half of the characters left in the tournament!). Everything that this man does is just so controlling and so brilliant, that even my love for the trickster character type isn't enough to sway me away from voting for him.
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Joined: 13 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:06 am Reply with quote
Group A Final
L, Death Note [ Video Clip ]
Shikamaru Nara, Naruto [ Video Clip ]

L may be a bit of a nutter, but he's a smart nutter in a series that's all about outsmarting. I rate Shikamaru very highly, but the poor beggar has a great big orange rock around his neck labelled 'Naruto', and that means he doesn't get as many chances to show how smart he is.

Group B Final
The Count of Monte Cristo, Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo [ Video Clip ]
Horo the Wise, Spice and Wolf [ Video Clip ]

Never mind, my vote goes unequivocally to The Count ("Vun, Two, Three, Muahaha! Four, Five, Six, Muahaha!").

- abunai

Can I vote for this Count too? The guy's a mathematical genius!

Seriously though, The Count is a strong candidate. I like practical smarts, but I as I haven't seen the sum-total of Horo's, I'm not convinced by her at this level through the clips. Low level exploitation and fast banter is fun, but could she really outsmart the Count? I don't hold a lot of weight in terms of the scale of his plans because of the sheer amount of time he had to lay his traps, but even still, his plans were laid with a lot of guesswork - the follow-through was all on the spot manipulation to keep things going exactly as he planned, and done by a guy who hasn't had centuries to perfect his poker face.
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Joined: 28 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:50 am Reply with quote
marie-antoinette wrote:

Reasons: Even with the inability to act on his unsupported hunch that Light is Kira, I still think L is the smartest character I've ever encountered in anime.

Group A Final
Voting for: Shikamaru

Reasons: I disagree. I believe that this drawback prevents L from being nearly as intelligent as people make him out to be. L's inability to act on his on his hunches is a serious weakness. This same weakness afflicted some of the same characters that dropped out of this tournament at a very early stage, such as Alex Rowe. There is no doubt in my mind that L possesses a high level of raw intelligence. However, in terms of accomplishments that resulted from this intelligence, L has very few. Arguably, his only significant accomplishment was figuring out that Light was Kira. It is true that L also figured out that spoiler[ Misa was the second Kira. ] However, she was so careless that this was bound to happen.

I also suspect that L will most likely win because of his sheer popularity rather than on his own merits. According to myanimelist.net, L is the most popular character in anime.

On the other hand, Shikamaru is by far the most underestimated seed in this tournament, I honestly believe that he deserves to beat L. I also agree with Guet. Shikamaru shows more intelligence in his short clips that most of the other remaining characters. Despite this, Shikamaru will likely loose. L is too popular and too many people in this forum associate Naruto with stupidity. However, before you decide to vote for L over Shikamaru please re-watch all of L's and Shikamaru's clips. I believe from these clips alone not only does Shikamaru have the advantage; he has the clear edge.

However, I suspected that this would happen. This is why I decided to support L in my bracket despite him being the weaker pick. Even if L was to lose, which would cause me to lose points in the tournament, I would still be happier because I would know that the more deserving character had won.

Group B Final

Voting for: The Count

Reasons: Horo has gone far enough. Though she is undeniably sly, she is no match for the Count. Additionally, Horo has many things that go against her intelligence such as her impulsiveness, and her severe lack of maturity despite her supposedly old age.

The Count was also able to accomplish much more than Horo ever dreamed of accomplishing; his plan was executed with almost complete perfection. Very little went wrong due to his meticulous planning. Like I have said before, the Count is very intelligent in a number of areas such as manipulation, planning, and persuasion. I also do not believe that the fact that the Count is based on a classic piece of literature negatively affects his intelligence. The Count is a powerful contender, and I believe that it is not his time to leave this tournament.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:04 pm Reply with quote
Group A-31
L, Death Note vs.
Shikamaru, Naruto
Voting For: L
Reason: I've seen Death Note, haven't seen Naruto (past like, the first 3 episodes)
Possibility of Change: low

Group B-31
The Count of Monte Cristo, Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo
Horo the Wise, Spice and Wolf
Voting For: The Count
Reason: I wasn't impressed by Horo, going based on hearsay, since Count stuff sounds like spoilerific stuff to me.
Possibility of Change: low
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Joined: 29 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:35 pm Reply with quote
A-31 : L

B-31 : Horo

Everyone being overwhelmingly in favor of the count, I don't think any argument I offer in favor of Horo will do much. I'll just say The Count is one notch below Horo for being a lesser version of the character in the books, and Horo being impulsive shouldn't diminish her intelligence. She has the edge.
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Joined: 31 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:59 pm Reply with quote
A-31: I think neither of these should've made it this far, and I've voted against them consistently. So, coin toss time... L won.

B-31: I think Horo is definitely the smarter character.
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