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NEWS: Gonzo's Parent Firm on Notice for Possible Delisting

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Anime World Order

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:41 am Reply with quote
This quote from the ADTRW thread where I first heard about this sums it up best. If that forum's not viewable to the public, then I'll paste the key sentence here:

Mandoric wrote:
So, basically, Gonzo has 9 months beginning today to secure ¥399,000,000 in capital plus at least break even in operations---about 80% of their total profit ever, 20% of their current market cap, or diluting the stock with an extra share for every five that currently exist at today's price---and this needs to be done on the back of Strike Witches, Linebarrel, and Rosario season 2, overcoming a 50% drop in share price over the past month.

Why, who could have guessed that if you churn out show after show that can be summed up by the phrase "a good idea executed horribly" for years on end that eventually nobody will bother buying the stuff? Considering they're one of the most highly prolific studios around, it's pretty sad that I can probably count the number of good Gonzo shows on one hand and have several fingers to spare. Presumably The 5 Killers was left off that list because I don't think any sort of release date for that was ever stated.

Now if only Bee Train would follow suit.
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Industry Insider

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:43 am Reply with quote
I don't think that Gonzo is really a bad company, Gonzo haters aside, but in the current market I'm not sure I see a way for them to turn profitable in less than a year.
The question is: Do they make serious cuts in staff and productions in order to maintaining their listing, or do they just go ahead in the red and hope to get relisted later on when times are good again?

I'm not so familiar with the Japanese stock market, so I don't know what the real consequences for getting delisted are.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:53 am Reply with quote
Gonzo doing bad....geee....I wonder how THAT happnend...maybe the horrigle shows they've had?
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:58 am Reply with quote
Clearly what should happen (however, knowing Dai Nippon as it is, will never happen) is that AIC should take the staff who worked on thier co productions, like Seto No Hanayome, and give them jobs at AIC so they can do awesome nonsence like Seto No Hanayome on constant instead of, say, totaly dickingn over everyone who spent the time to watch (and/or donate money to download the HQ of) Tower of Duraga by suddenly pulling a sequel out of your ass for no given reason whatsoever.

(There's no excuse for even looking Blastreider or however the hell that's spelt, though. If you can't make your mind up what your monsters are going to be called in episode 1 then you can just forget it, you cheap ass Guyver ripoff)

So in short, if Gonzo were to finish the OVA for Seto and keel over dead, that'd be great.
It would be awesome if, say, KyoAni then went and did Seto No Hanayome: The second wave (I know it's an awful pun, sue me).

But Knowing Japan as it is, no, Gonzo won't die and KyoAni's next project will be Retarded Key Game Adaptation X.
What the hell are KyoAni doing this seaon anyway?
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Joined: 15 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:01 am Reply with quote
Gonzo's titles are aimed more for Western audiences than a lot of other studios so this may not be a time to be happy that Gonzo is losing money.

Maybe this is a reason for them being online and charging for their material in R1.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:08 am Reply with quote
hikaru004 wrote:
Gonzo's titles are aimed more for Western audiences than a lot of other studios so this may not be a time to be happy that Gonzo is losing money.

Maybe this is a reason for them being online and charging for their material in R1.
Given that all thier shows are a massive pisstake, I would be glad for Gonzo goign the way of the dodo regardless of where they aim.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:15 am Reply with quote
Gonzo makes good programs. They may not be to your liking that's all. Cheering that a studio may face closure or other bad event if they are delisted isn't a logical thing to do at all.

It does make you wonder how the other studios are actually doing.

Last edited by hikaru004 on Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:17 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:16 am Reply with quote
Er... so...

The news is about GDH, not GONZO. What other... things does GDH actually do? Or is it purely GONZO' fault that this is happening?

But anime NEVER makes money, so I'm not surprised ._.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:18 am Reply with quote
hikaru004 wrote:
Gonzo makes good programs. They may not be to your liking that's all. Cheering that a studio may face closure isn't a logical thing to do at all.

It does make you wonder how the other studios are actually doing.
Yes, because Every Gonzo show that isn't made with AIC threatening to slap them across the face for ther nonsence is an exercise in taking a decent primace and crashing it like a plane going a stright 90 degree angle.
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Teriyaki Terrier

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:28 am Reply with quote
DmonHiro wrote:
Gonzo doing bad....geee....I wonder how THAT happnend...maybe the horrigle shows they've had?

Most likely, that is what caused their financial troubles. But then again, that failed investment with Crunchyroll didn't help any either.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:28 am Reply with quote
minakichan wrote:
Er... so...

The news is about GDH, not GONZO. What other... things does GDH actually do? Or is it purely GONZO' fault that this is happening?

But anime NEVER makes money, so I'm not surprised ._.

Apparently GDH is the animation side. It has 3 branches off it apparently according to the English website. The video game side is another branch off the Gonzo Rosso tree.

I'm betting that Crunchyroll wasn't a failure at all.
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:33 am Reply with quote
A company doesn't have to be a publicly listed company to operate, and indeed being delisted could actually be what GDH could need to pull their bacon out of the fire, simply because they will not have that added pressure of keeping the shareholders happy, like the host at a big party making sure everyone is fed, watered, and having a good time. That's why some companies will buy back their own shares just to regain control. BTW, where is it stated that AIC are any better off?
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:47 am Reply with quote
Mohawk52 wrote:
A company doesn't have to be a publicly listed company to operate, and indeed being delisted could actually be what GDH could need to pull their bacon out of the fire, simply because they will not have that added pressure of keeping the shareholders happy, like the host at a big party making sure everyone is fed, watered, and having a good time. That's why some companies will buy back their own shares just to regain control. BTW, where is it stated that AIC are any better off?
No where, but when every show that Gonzo makes except for the ones where AIC have a stake in it seem to crash fantasticly, 1+1 ususaly adds up to 2.
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:53 am Reply with quote
Conan-san wrote:
Mohawk52 wrote:
A company doesn't have to be a publicly listed company to operate, and indeed being delisted could actually be what GDH could need to pull their bacon out of the fire, simply because they will not have that added pressure of keeping the shareholders happy, like the host at a big party making sure everyone is fed, watered, and having a good time. That's why some companies will buy back their own shares just to regain control. BTW, where is it stated that AIC are any better off?
No where, but when every show that Gonzo makes except for the ones where AIC have a stake in it seem to crash fantasticly, 1+1 ususaly adds up to 2.
And it could just be coincidence. AIC are just as likely to churn out some howlers as well, Tenchi in Tokyo, or Girls Brovo anyone?
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Joined: 27 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:57 am Reply with quote
Anime World Order wrote:
...show after show that can be summed up by the phrase "a good idea executed horribly" for years on end...

lol, loved that phrase; Gonzo in a nutshell.
hikaru004 wrote:
Gonzo makes good programs. They may not be to your liking that's all. Cheering that a studio may face closure or other bad event if they are delisted isn't a logical thing to do at all.

Cheering that a bad studio that makes bad decisions with bad anime, repeatedly, over the course of the last decade is finally getting smacked in the face is a logical thing to do. People tote Gonzo on such a high pedestal for stupid reasons such as HELLSING WAS EPIC or LAST EXILE WAS ORIGINAL, but if you really think of it, how memorable are these shows after they've aired?

minakichan wrote:
But anime NEVER makes money, so I'm not surprised ._.

I wouldn't go as far as to say NEVER, but it isn't often.
For starters, the majority of Gonzo's shows are BAD and of the occasional few that don't resemble a train wreck, Gonzo does nothing to give them staying power in the market, effectively eliminating the possibility of figures, toys, games, and all the other random crap merchandise that Otaku waste living money on.

The fact of the matter is that this is a company in serious need of an internal overhaul and if this notice isn't the red flag that'll open their eyes, then good riddance to a bad anime studio.
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