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NEWS: Netflix's Resident Evil Live-Action Series Reveals Cast

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Joined: 13 Apr 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 1:30 pm Reply with quote
Performance-wise Lance Reddick is perfect for Wesker, but people will probably complain about the casting. I mean, I would've preferred Wesker matching the games but it is what it is.

Although the premise of Wesker and his teenage daughters is kind of weird.
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Joined: 13 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 1:51 pm Reply with quote
MFrontier wrote:
Performance-wise Lance Reddick is perfect for Wesker, but people will probably complain about the casting. I mean, I would've preferred Wesker matching the games but it is what it is.
Considering the leaked pilot episode script, it's better to not even think about the game Wesker at all, let alone the type-cast for the characters. If Anderson movie series was the mockery to the franchise, if this series gonna follow by this level of "quality", it will be the literal crime just because how horrendous it is.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2019
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:16 pm Reply with quote
WANNFH wrote:
MFrontier wrote:
Performance-wise Lance Reddick is perfect for Wesker, but people will probably complain about the casting. I mean, I would've preferred Wesker matching the games but it is what it is.
Considering the leaked pilot episode script, it's better to not even think about the game Wesker at all, let alone the type-cast for the characters. If Anderson movie series was the mockery to the franchise, if this series gonna follow by this level of "quality", it will be the literal crime just because how horrendous it is.

It has not even come out. I think this is going to be only tangentially related to the series. He is probably not playing that Wesker. I am willing to give it a chance. It could be good. It will be really hard to do worse than Anderson Honestly.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:43 pm Reply with quote
MFrontier wrote:

Although the premise of Wesker and his teenage daughters is kind of weird.

When you remember that the original Wesker got around to the point he fathered an illegitimate child it's not that weird.

RockSplash wrote:

It has not even come out. I think this is going to be only tangentially related to the series. He is probably not playing that Wesker. I am willing to give it a chance. It could be good. It will be really hard to do worse than Anderson Honestly.


The second, more than a decade into the future sees less than 15 million people left on Earth. And more than 6 billion monsters — people and animals infected with the T-virus. Jade, now 30, struggles to survive in this new world, while the secrets from her past — about her sister, her father and herself — continue to haunt her.

This was more or less the same premise with Apocalypse.

Apparently writers don't get that you can tell a story with Zombies or other horrors and not have the world be a shithole where Humanity is on the brink of extinction.
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Artemis X

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 3:12 pm Reply with quote
Andrew Dab? Ok count me out.
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Joined: 13 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 3:19 pm Reply with quote
RockSplash wrote:
It has not even come out. I think this is going to be only tangentially related to the series. He is probably not playing that Wesker. I am willing to give it a chance. It could be good. It will be really hard to do worse than Anderson Honestly.
The problem is while it not come anytime soon, the draft scripts written by same writers rarely change even over years in production - and yes, what was written was basically horrendous to the point that it can pass as the April Fools joke. It's just outright screams BAD, and I not even sure who even try to pass that on Netflix, cause it probably on the same level of crappy writing of the recently cancelled Powerpuff Girls live-action pilot - and it have literally nothing with Resident Evil except the names, and while Anderson movies were a B-level popcorn flicks, this surpass them in a long way of the hitting the bottom.
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Joined: 14 Oct 2019
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 4:54 pm Reply with quote
I'm predicting this show is actually going to cause the Paul W.S Anderson films to be re-evaluated. With everyone beginning to look back at them in a more positive light. Because while those movies were definitely silly there no goofier than some of the shit you'd see in the games. And there definitely a step above this potential dumpster fire in the making.

Thank god we have the games to look forward to.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 5:43 pm Reply with quote
JonDoe wrote:
Because while those movies were definitely silly there no goofier than some of the shit you'd see in the games.

The most absurd thing people cite from the game is Chris Punching A Boulder. The films have a lot of goofy stuff that outclasses what the games have done.....Alice having Clones for example?

JonDoe wrote:
Thank god we have the games to look forward to.

You mean the ones people half the fanbase complain about not being exactly like the PSOne Era games?
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Joined: 10 Nov 2018
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 6:21 pm Reply with quote
BadNewsBlues wrote:

JonDoe wrote:
Thank god we have the games to look forward to.

You mean the ones people half the fanbase complain about not being exactly like the PSOne Era games?

Do they? I find most complain that every game after RE4 isn't RE4 again.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 7:36 pm Reply with quote
Gem-Bug wrote:
Do they? I find most complain that every game after RE4 isn't RE4 again.

I most definitely haven't seen too many of these people. Almost every complaint I've seen the last 16 years has people complaining about after RE4 instead of going back to the same style from the original games Capcom continued to make the games less scary.....and less awkward to play.

Even RE2 & 3 Remake get heat despite both games retaining the horror aspect those people claim to loved. Though admittedly Making MrX. a recurring threat in all routes and their variants and RE3 feeling less like it's own thing and more of a DLC expansion are legit issues.

Last edited by BadNewsBlues on Fri Jun 11, 2021 7:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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El Hermano

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 7:43 pm Reply with quote
WANNFH wrote:
Considering the leaked pilot episode script, it's better to not even think about the game Wesker at all, let alone the type-cast for the characters. If Anderson movie series was the mockery to the franchise, if this series gonna follow by this level of "quality", it will be the literal crime just because how horrendous it is.

It didn't sound as bad as the CW Powerpuff Girls script leaks. Honestly, Riverdale + Walking Dead is silly, but Resident Evil is used to a lot of silly and stupid adaptions so I don't consider it as awful as it could have been.
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Joined: 14 Oct 2019
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 8:14 pm Reply with quote
BadNewsBlues wrote:
JonDoe wrote:
Thank god we have the games to look forward to.

You mean the ones people half the fanbase complain about not being exactly like the PSOne Era games?

The only people who complain about that are a vocal minority especially if Resident Evil 8's chart topping dominance is anything to go by. Besides, I don't care who complains about what I was talking about how much I personally love and look forward to these games.
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Joined: 10 Nov 2018
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 8:21 pm Reply with quote
BadNewsBlues wrote:
Gem-Bug wrote:
Do they? I find most complain that every game after RE4 isn't RE4 again.

I most definitely haven't seen too many of these people. Almost every complaint I've seen the last 16 years has people complaining about after RE4 instead of going back to the same style from the original games Capcom continued to make the games less scary.....and less awkward to play.

Even RE2 & 3 Remake get heat despite both games retaining the horror aspect those people claim to loved. Though admittedly Making MrX. a recurring threat in all routes and their variants and RE3 feeling less like it's own thing and more of a DLC expansion are legit issues.

Oh, you meant how beginning with RE4 they slowly moved away from survival horror until going back to it with RE7. That is in fact a legitimate complaint, as there are tons of generic action shooters and this franchise didn't have to be another. RE4 still has a good amount of tense horror, but RE5 and 6 get into real goofy action territory. RE7 is a wonderful return to form(As is the RE2 remake), but the RE3 remake and RE8 have their moments of ham mixed in.

But I guess I'm that half of the fanbase.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 9:45 pm Reply with quote
Gem-Bug wrote:
That is in fact a legitimate complaint, as there are tons of generic action shooters and this franchise didn't have to be another.

Except 4,5,&6 weren't generic action shooters though. If they were they would've faded into the annals of history along such titles as Black, Winback, or Headhunter. Plus the original game's style of gameplay as is was not overly accessible or sustainable.

Gem-Bug wrote:

RE4 still has a good amount of tense horror, but RE5 and 6 get into real goofy action territory.

7 has a chainsaw duel in the middle of one it's boss battles ripped straight from the 2nd Texas Chainsaw Massacre film and from what I've read about VIII it has a couple of goofy action scenes too.
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Ultimate N

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 12:17 am Reply with quote
Okay, so I am lacking in a lot of information so if I'm wrong about anything please correct me and I'll take any Ls. From what this article and photo are telling me, the show is going to consist of an almost exclusively all female cast with the only exception being Albert Wesker, whom I know to be one of the most iconic villains in Resident Evil. So unless I'm mistaken, this is going to be a show about a cast of nothing but females fighting against a male villain. Now, look, I'm sure people are going to come out and try to cancel me for saying this, but Resident Evil is a franchise where (unless I'm wrong) every single major installment has in some way been an equal opportunity for women AND men. Pretty much every game either had a women that was one of, if not THE protagonist, with at least one competent male side character, or if the main protagonist was male, still featured playable or at least still badass and competent females within the story. Also while I could be wrong, I don't think Mila Jovovich was the only character in the Resident Evil movies to be competent and I'm at least some of them were men. My point in all of this is that a Resident Evil series having an exclusively female cast on the protagonist side comes across as them trying too hard to be diverse. KEEP IN MIND. I am NOT saying there should be a MALE lead. The lead can ABSOLUTELY be female. The problem is Resident Evil has both female AND male characters on the hero side of things so I don't exactly think excluding the male side of things is how representation should be done. I HOPE I've made it clear I am not anti-female representation, nor am I championing some kind of male supremacy or anything.
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