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NEWS: ADV Films Reportedly Selects Blu-ray Disc Format

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Joined: 04 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:55 pm Reply with quote
I'm planning to buy a PS3 for Disgaea 3. This announcement is like icing on the cake. ^^

Last edited by Zhemos88 on Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:00 pm Reply with quote

What I don't understand is why so many companies are supporting Blu-Ray when it's such an uber crappy media format.

I guess all people really care about is settling for more disc space over the quality, of which upon comparasion and inspection Blu-Ray looks like complete inferior crap compared to HD-DVD.

But again, like I mentioned... I guess companies really don't care about the actual image quality of the format just as long as they can fit more on it.

Even if we thought ADV was having financial trouble before but turned out to be mistaken, they still will once the bottom falls out of the Blu-Ray market once the consumer gets tired of space over quality.

Then again, I guess SOMETHING has to validate the PS3's rather worthless existence.

Oh well, at least ADV won't be alone when they eventually go bankrupt over choosing Blu-Ray. Several publishing companies, as well as Blockbuster and Sony will be joining 'em.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:02 pm Reply with quote
KarmaRocketX wrote:

I guess all people really care about is settling for more disc space over the quality, of which upon comparasion and inspection Blu-Ray looks like complete inferior crap compared to HD-DVD.

They're identical in terms of picture quality. It's literally the same transfer on both discs. There is no difference. You're spouting obnoxious format warrior talking points, please don't.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:21 pm Reply with quote
So this is the surprise that ADV had for the fans eh? To get everybody hyped up about how something was up, and then they come up with this for the big comeback. Interesting, I'd like to see if it works.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:28 pm Reply with quote
I do hope that any Blu-Ray releases that ADV makes, at least for their current properties, will be direct-to-boxset. The last thing we need is more singles of back catalogue titles.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:30 pm Reply with quote
Bah - nobody around here is buying BlueRay anything - they are all buyng HD stuff - wont be anyone but gamers with BlueRay stuff, gonna piss a lot of people off. And still no cheap BlueRay players on the horizon, while you can now get a HD player for under $100 the NEW BlueRay players are $899 and $1299 - NOBODY going to buying BlueRay for a LONG LONG time.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:39 pm Reply with quote
kokuryu wrote:
Bah - nobody around here is buying BlueRay anything - they are all buyng HD stuff - wont be anyone but gamers with BlueRay stuff, gonna piss a lot of people off. And still no cheap BlueRay players on the horizon, while you can now get a HD player for under $100 the NEW BlueRay players are $899 and $1299 - NOBODY going to buying BlueRay for a LONG LONG time.

Laughing Guess I must be imagining things then when I look at the charts from the last three weeks that show BD is outselling HD DVD 4:1.

ADV chose the correct format--there's no doubt about that. That being said, I don't see anime BD releases flourishing when anime on normal DVD's are struggling.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:42 pm Reply with quote
kokuryu wrote:
Bah - nobody around here is buying BlueRay anything - they are all buyng HD stuff - wont be anyone but gamers with BlueRay stuff, gonna piss a lot of people off. And still no cheap BlueRay players on the horizon, while you can now get a HD player for under $100 the NEW BlueRay players are $899 and $1299 - NOBODY going to buying BlueRay for a LONG LONG time.

Your "around here" must be different from the rest of the world, where Blu-ray Disc outsold HD DVD in January. Amazon is selling a new Samsung Blu-ray player for $330.00. There are several Blu-ray Disc players under $400, including both dedicated players and the Sony PlayStation 3. We can "now" buy a HD DVD player for under $100--only because Toshiba had to slash its prices after Warner's exclusive Blu-Ray announcement last month.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:43 pm Reply with quote
Zoe wrote:
kokuryu wrote:
Bah - nobody around here is buying BlueRay anything - they are all buyng HD stuff - wont be anyone but gamers with BlueRay stuff, gonna piss a lot of people off. And still no cheap BlueRay players on the horizon, while you can now get a HD player for under $100 the NEW BlueRay players are $899 and $1299 - NOBODY going to buying BlueRay for a LONG LONG time.

Laughing Guess I must be imagining things then when I look at the charts from the last three weeks that show BD is outselling HD DVD 4:1.

ADV chose the correct format--there's no doubt about that. That being said, I don't see anime BD releases flourishing when anime on normal DVD's are struggling.

Format war's over. I don't see why there's still arguments about this.

ADV, however, while admirably ahead of the curve, seems to be causing themselves a bit of financial and negotiative annoyance in the process. Maybe they should have taken FUNi's stragety and waited till years end.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:48 pm Reply with quote
Zac wrote:
They're identical in terms of picture quality. It's literally the same transfer on both discs. There is no difference. You're spouting obnoxious format warrior talking points, please don't.

There are other notable differences between Blu-Ray and HD-DVD however. The biggest difference being cost, the thinner protective covering on Blu-Ray discs (Durabis) makes them more expensive to produce, but you kind of get your money's worth when you consider the extra data space (of course, for one movie, not counting extras, that doesn't really matter).

Not only the discs, but the blu-ray machines cost more. About double the cost of an HD-DVD player.

On the positive side, Blu Ray devices must have built in Java support, (BDJ) and all Blu Ray menus are made in Java. BDJ can do a lot more than HD-DVD's "advanced content," but to date more HD-DVD discs include advanced content than Blu Ray discs with BDJ. I assume this is because advanced content is simpler to author.

On the negative side, Blu Ray discs have region coding, whereas HD DVD discs do not have region coding.

Blu Ray discs have a higher transfer speed than HD-DVD, and are expected to be more durable due to Durabis.

All in all, I'd say that Blu-Ray is a better format, but not by a significant margin.

The most important aspects are image and sound quality, as Zac said, the image is identical. On the sound side, they're more or less identical, each supporting some different high end platforms.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:50 pm Reply with quote
This has the same ringing sound as the Betamax v VHS wars from back in the early 80's. I remember the reason many refused to buy the Betamax was because it was expensive and one could only buy a Sony VTR. Being a techy type geek I bought one because I could see the quality was better than VHS, but as more and more VHS machines were being sold, fewer and fewer movies were being copied onto Beta. I ended up selling it for £50 quid with stacks of tapes to go with it. What other manufacturer makes a Blu-Ray player/recorder other than Sony?
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:55 pm Reply with quote
tempest wrote:
On the negative side, Blu Ray discs have region coding, whereas HD DVD discs do not have region coding.

However, most companies do not enforce the region coding.

That's why a lot of people were importing Paprika from France when it first came out.

Mohawk52 wrote:
What other manufacturer makes a Blu-Ray player/recorder other than Sony?

Panasonic, Samsung, LG, Pioneer
(may be more, just going down Best Buy's list)

The situation was reversed this time. Toshiba's pretty much the only one making HD DVD players unless you count the combos.
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Joined: 01 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 3:10 pm Reply with quote
wasnt one of the big reasons beta lost was because of the lack of space on the tape. were i think vhs had like double the run time

i guess soney made up for it this time around
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 3:23 pm Reply with quote
rg4619 wrote:
I'm not ready to believe everything is okay now. This may be nothing more than an attempt to delay things long enough to work out the problems they're having. This news alone doesn't mean the problems are gone, but that they may have more time to deal with them.

Although I do admit this seems to be a sign of good things. Plus I'm glad they picked Blu-Ray since I will eventually buy a PS3. (Although given the ammount of time that will probably pass before I do, they might be rolling out the PS7 by then. Wink )

Sorry to be a doomsayer, but my confidence is shot lately.

Yes, this announcement seems like a good PR move to divert attention away from the recent panic.

It reinforces the notion that ADV intends to continue its current and upcoming lineup, but until the company states otherwise, we can't assume that they've resolved their licensing issues.

Those are very good points. You're probably right. Now I'm worried again.
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Joined: 17 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 3:28 pm Reply with quote
ADV has seen who the format war's victor will be and joined the winning side. A logical business decision.

In the larger sceme of things, adoption of the Blu-Ray format for HD TV isn't going to kill off DVDs immediately. With a recession coming on, lots of technophiles who'd jump to HD won't be doing so anytime soon. Having an HD television is an essential prerequisite for adopting a Blu-Ray player. Meanwhile, standard-def TVs still work just fine. Okay, so you can't count the hairs on the butt of the fly that just landed on the villain's face, distracting him from his evil. So what? Regular TV will be satisfactory for a long time to come.

And content producers aren't ready to stop supporting DVDs, which is the only thing that will force Blu-Ray into every video household.

As to what you get on a Blu-Ray disc, I doubt anime producers will take advantage of the extra space at all, so long as people keep on buying discs with 3 or 4 episodes. And people will keep buying that way if that's all that is available. (^_*)
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