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Kenja no Mago (TV).

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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 3:42 am Reply with quote

Kenja no Mago (TV)

Genres: Action, Comedy, Magic, Fantasy

Plot Summary:
A powerful wizard and sage comes upon a baby whom he adopts and names Shin. The baby is actually a man from our world reincarnated into the sage's world. The sage raises Shin, separated from the rest of society, and teaches him in the ways of magic. It is only when Shin turns 15 years old and sets out on his own journey that the sage remembers that he forgot to teach Shin the common sense and ways of this particular world. And so, Shin goes the capital of the Alsheid Kingdom to enroll in the capital's magic academy.

Light novel adaptation of the same name.
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Joined: 29 Mar 2019
Posts: 21
PostPosted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 8:55 am Reply with quote
Shin's magic skills ought the best amongst the other characters appeared in episode 1.
His social skills lacking in the past 15 years will make him behaving awkwardly when interacting with the others, especially the opposite gender.
this anime seems worth watching.
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Joined: 26 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2019 4:35 pm Reply with quote
I started watching this on a recommendation from a friend. So far I like it even though the premise has been played to death in recent years. I always end up liking the guy/gal out of no where blows all away with there skills and becomes the hero. The main characters are fun of course the secondary characters are not getting much development I assume they won't in the future being I expect this show will be a one season show to be honest have not looked into what the plan is. I will just enjoy it for what it is.
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Joined: 29 May 2018
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 4:11 pm Reply with quote
as far as i know, the Manga has more Depth. Its not an bad Anime and avoid some cliches, but fall in some others ^^. That Schtorm (?) Guy seems ,im just Evil, bwar har har`, hope he get an reason (hey, ist 2019, villains had an bad past xd). Also i thought an Love Triangle with Hero / Sizilia / Maria would give the whole Thing more Drive ^^
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 11:55 pm Reply with quote
Episode 12 (finale)

So the end. I watched it too. A sort of there is going to be more, so read the novels, thing. Where they fought back the demon people, but they also showed them as being a danger, where they will make pacts with other countries to have alliance made. It hasn't been the worst isekai anime ever, totally out doing Master of Ragnarok, which has been one of the worst that I have seen, but I still think that this show has some problems. I was actually just the other day talking to my sister about things that I have a problem with, and how I think that it could be really improved, and I could find direct things in the finale that I could point towards.

First, Shin is way too powerful. Now a powerful protagonist is not always a huge problem, often it becomes a juggling act of where you need flaws, ways to make things feel interesting, and maybe a dollop of good humour. I think that all it really had was some okay humour, where they could play up how big things could be with him compared to what should be the norm, but even still I think not the best it could be. The show did try and do flaws too, but it honestly feels like those things made no sense, and contradicted itself. How is it that Shin's amazing ability comes from how he remembers things like concepts from modern Earth society, yet his flaw is that he does not have awareness of things that normal people do. Is he an adult man who was born again and remembers everything, or is he a kid that was raised by powerful people and doesn't understand how society works? If he remembers how an atom bomb goes off, why can he not understand the danger of just being able to create one? Or really other interactions, as well as if it is creepy that he fell in love with the 15 year old girl on first sight, where instead he is portrayed as just a teenager. It is conflicting information.

A scenario I thought up to myself was that it could maybe be cool if he did not have a monopoly on his super power, where there could be another person from Earth who had different knowledge to him, and could use it with magic in ways he could not. I specifically thought an idea could be someone who had medical knowledge, where they could have healing magic that would outshine others, which I thought might as well create some balance by making them female. And yet, kind of funny how opposite in the last episode, Sicily is unable to heal someone, before he takes over and apparently with his knowledge of biology is able to heal instead, it just so has to make the main character so perfect that he has to outshine everyone. It kind of becomes aware with Sicily feeling bad that she can not match him, where then throws constellation prize up by saying she healed all these other people that happened to be standing as a group.

I also thought that it has thematic problems where it tries to make it specific that they don't want his powers monopolised to make the military more dangerous, where if it was being used for state purposes it could create conflict from spooking other countries. I thought that this could have been mitigated if he created an alliance group from different nations that work together to not just be for one. But this idea does not seem to come up until the very end, after he already created a group of his powerful sages for the kingdoms protection, and I think sent them into another kingdom. It feels like this already should have caused the political problems it was hinting at earlier, but apparently completely forgot about. Just like how apparently their household has a full staff of servants, yet never seem to come up again, rather a scene of Shin and his classmates crowding his grandparents. Something a little small, but I also saw that mansions in this show not only look exactly the same, but also exactly the same as the one from Konosuba, as well as the capital city of this anime, looking incredibly similar to the town of Konosuba.

But to analyze this show on its own merits, not the worst, some moments that worked, but others that were groan worthy. Main characters were especially kind of dull in the perfectness of them or whatever, while I was much more interested in the group of girls that would sometimes make mistakes and self destruct. Much better than perfect anime girlfriend Cecily, who Shin actually gets engaged to, because it is apparently that romantic and these kids know what they want. I give the anime a rating of Decent (6/10), I didn't lose my time.
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