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NEWS: 'How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift?' Anime Unveils More Cast, Song Info, July 3 Debut

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Joined: 15 Aug 2014
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PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2019 1:48 pm Reply with quote
A flat and ripped Asahina Aoi.
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Joined: 17 Jun 2015
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PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2019 2:01 pm Reply with quote
HYPER-FOCUS: There's a guy in this show.
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Akabane Atal'AI

Joined: 27 Sep 2018
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PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2019 2:11 pm Reply with quote
lol i know this anime from pewds live streaming on DLive
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Joined: 02 Apr 2012
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PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2019 2:44 pm Reply with quote
Seems odd that a girl gets told she is fat then starts weight lifting. Aren't there other exercises much better for burning calories? Whatever, sounds potentially funny enough to check out.
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Kitsu Kyouno

Joined: 22 Dec 2018
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PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2019 2:50 pm Reply with quote
ChrissyC wrote:
HYPER-FOCUS: There's a guy in this show.

none of them has the slightest interest in this guy, one just says a couple of things and then he goes.t
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Joined: 07 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2019 2:53 pm Reply with quote
ChrissyC wrote:
HYPER-FOCUS: There's a guy in this show.

And? You say that like it's a bad thing.

I'm am curious if the premise of this show will be seen as problematic by the body positivity crowd.
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Joined: 23 Oct 2012
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PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2019 3:17 pm Reply with quote
Vaisaga wrote:
ChrissyC wrote:
HYPER-FOCUS: There's a guy in this show.

And? You say that like it's a bad thing.

You're watching too much crappy harem.
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Joined: 06 May 2013
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PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2019 4:19 pm Reply with quote
Silver Man Gym is presenting the project.

I guess we can expect some amount of product placement in this, then?

Not expecting anything from this beyond mild moe fanservice, but at least it's a somewhat unique take on that theme.
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Estelle the White Mage

Joined: 01 Mar 2015
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PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2019 4:26 pm Reply with quote
Can't "weight" for the show to air! The manga's humorous take on the gym and dieting sounds like it would be an entertaining show.

SilverTalon01 wrote:
Aren't there other exercises much better for burning calories?

There is. Reducing number of sets of the fabled "fork-to-mouth exercise" is by far the best for weight loss.
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Joined: 26 May 2017
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PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2019 4:36 pm Reply with quote
This thread is roughly the reverse of the reaction to the reveal of a female teacher for the cheerleading squad in last year's Anima Yell, check out these posts Razz

Relevant previous comments on this show's manga source:

mangamuscle wrote:
The running joke is how the male trainer goes incredible hulk mode in an instant bursting his clothes more times than you have fingers in your body, to show an specific muscle group; but one of the girls does it only once WITHOUT showing any mass or muscle at all, only the clothes burst and that scene might be even beyond the one cour scope of this adaption.

My bet is that we might see more abs than in the manga (since they have become fashionable as of late thanks to AoT), but once again we will see girls pumping more weight than their slim body mass would allow.

teferi wrote:
It's not exclusively about the girls. There's a dichotomy between the men and there girls where they have the girls enjoying learning about working out while it's clearly a competition for the men (although to be clear it's with each other; the girls are always portrayed as amateurs by comparison). Eventually they start forcing the girls into competitions too. It starts off pretty tame with a lot of explanations about dieting and working out then descends into madness.

FilthyCasual wrote:
It's about girls in varying stages of lifting with buff dudes as a backdrop rather than some sort of competition. The only real battle is between Hibiki and her waistline.

Zimmer wrote:
Psycho 101 wrote:
If there's anyone who's read the manga maybe you can answer this question. Does the series go more of the "tournament" route with the girls trying to win some sort of contest, or is it more just slice of life/club activity in nature?
Just slice of life at the gym. There are a couple of small competition type things as quick jokes.

VImistXI wrote:
So am i gonna be in for some sweaty fanservice squats or is this more wholesome with normal camera angles and reasonable amounts of sweat?
Kinda both. The manga gives you a detailed explanation of each work out before ending the demonstration with some message about working hard or something similar with the girl in a fanservice shot.
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Joined: 22 Jul 2018
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PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2019 4:41 pm Reply with quote
Vaisaga wrote:
ChrissyC wrote:
HYPER-FOCUS: There's a guy in this show.

And? You say that like it's a bad thing.

I'm am curious if the premise of this show will be seen as problematic by the body positivity crowd.

Your question will already get the answer above: Many people in the CGDCT fandom are panicked by male characters because they sincerely believe that girls become lesbians only if there are no men near them. So the presence of boys causes them to fear for their shiping.

Wellington wrote:
Vaisaga wrote:
ChrissyC wrote:
HYPER-FOCUS: There's a guy in this show.

And? You say that like it's a bad thing.

You're watching too much crappy harem.

When a moe show fan tries to absolutely seriously hate harems, for me personally it looks like "hey, I'm not a drug addict, I prefer opium, not cocoain."
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Joined: 26 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2019 6:25 pm Reply with quote
Vaisaga wrote:
I'm am curious if the premise of this show will be seen as problematic by the body positivity crowd.

If the last two seasons are any indications, accusations of the show being “problematic” will make it the most popular show of the summer.
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Joined: 26 May 2017
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PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2019 7:12 pm Reply with quote
#HayamiLover wrote:
Your question will already get the answer above: Many people in the CGDCT fandom are panicked by male characters because they sincerely believe that girls become lesbians only if there are no men near them. So the presence of boys causes them to fear for their shiping.

Having a male trainer means we don't get an older female trainer, which is lamentable in its own way. Wink Recall mentions of the volleyball champion mom/coach in Harukana Receive, in that Anima Yell thread I linked.

There also may be the factor that part of the appeal can be taking a break from having to look at or listen to males, independent of yuri. I've never cared much about yuri, especially when it's clearly never going to come to anything in the show. And I've seen very little actual yuri romance; exploring it has never been a priority. I've never seen the popular yuri CGDCT Sakura Trick.

I can only guess whether this represents merely an extreme fringe of moe fan psychology, but for me it's rare for a male human anime character to rise much above tolerable in my, uh, estimation... unless it's a cool grandpa. (Examples in Yamato, Nausicaa, Tenchi Muyo.) And I mean specifically in anime - I like watching male live action actors just fine. I'm at 131 days of anime watched on MAL (probably about 120 in Japanese) and I honestly can't instantly call to mind a single male seiyuu's name. Okay, I thought about it for a bit and remembered Norio Wakamoto, due to Woolie Madden's praise on his podcasts. I'm neither proud nor ashamed of this, it's just the way I am. I recently joked:
nDroae wrote:
Perhaps CGDCT will yet turn me into a proper self-hating misandrist. Razz

And yeah, CGDCT is not a high ground from which to look down on harems. There are consensus-approved quality examples of both. (Not that my own preferences reflect that at all!)

p.s. Despite all that, my longtime favorite anime series was Clannad (male MC 7/10 I guess), my current favorite is Nodame Cantabile (male lead maaaybe 8/10, if I'm being generous), and my AOTY 2019 is probably going to be Dororo.
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Joined: 13 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2019 7:38 pm Reply with quote
kotomikun wrote:
Silver Man Gym is presenting the project.
I guess we can expect some amount of product placement in this, then?
It's not real gym, but the fancy name for production commitee of the anime, like Iwatobi High School for Free.
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Joined: 23 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2019 7:39 pm Reply with quote
Estelle the White Mage wrote:
SilverTalon01 wrote:
Aren't there other exercises much better for burning calories?

There is. Reducing number of sets of the fabled "fork-to-mouth exercise" is by far the best for weight loss.

They might reduce the number of sets, but will increase then the weight of each, so that is a dead end.

Beatdigga wrote:
Vaisaga wrote:
I'm am curious if the premise of this show will be seen as problematic by the body positivity crowd.

If the last two seasons are any indications, accusations of the show being “problematic” will make it the most popular show of the summer.

.. and IMO this might make females hit the gym. Yeah, you read that right, fat chance the average guy will be motivated by this anime to do anything but jack off; but my bet is that girls watching this series after seeing the male trainer might think after seeing the well explained exercises "well, she does not look so different from me, maybe I can do some weight lifting to get rid of this love handles".
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