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Shelf Life - Just Because!

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Angel M Cazares

Joined: 23 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 1:29 pm Reply with quote
I liked Just Because! but did not enjoy it quite enough to want a BD copy, but I will probably rewatch it with the dub. It is nice for me that a Sentai dub is getting praise; fans usually ridicule them and refuse to accept that Sentai dubs have improved significantly in the last 4 years.

And while I agree that Just Because! is well directed and has a good soundtrack, the animation was not particularly noteworthy to me. The characters tend to go off model, and that makes they look ugly.
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Joined: 23 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 1:42 pm Reply with quote
Definitely agree on the direction.

Overall I really liked just because, I'm sick and tired of over dramatization where every character take the smallest little problem and make a mountain out of it. Just because was far more grounded which made the character, to me, more human and made me care about them.
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Joined: 31 Aug 2014
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 2:34 pm Reply with quote
Why not change Rental to Stream, I mean when was the last time anyone rented a Blu-Ray?
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Joined: 16 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 2:58 pm Reply with quote
I thought Just Because was fine up to episode 10 but I kept thinking all through it "Is this going to True Tears it? It feels like it's going to True Tears the character interactions." I'd say "spoiler" but I'm not sure if anyone remembers True Tears but even on top of that, there are two further problems I have with the story:

I could actually see the writers of this show drag the characters out of where they were going and put back into place to the point where even the characters were confused by the choices they made.... especially Eita. spoiler[He personally went to the exhibit to check out Ena's photo? "She lost with my photo but her club still won the prize? I guess I don't love her after all." Best friendship in the series and this is how it ends? Mind blowing for all the wrong reasons.]

Everything that defined Mio as a person happened in the past so the only way we the audience know her is through her studying. This is the production meeting about her character as I imagine it:

"How can we show that she's pretty important to the school?"
"Let's have one character call her 'President'. We can also make Mio selfish and entitled befitting her school position. Previous position."
"But why should we do that?"
"It's a turn on for me. Also, to set up the probability she won't get what she wants. I know, we'll use foreshadowing where every that can go wrong on her way to the test will go wrong and then... she falls down! Oh no! But then Eita comes along to pick her up! Foreshadowing!"
"But she only tripped on her way to the train so why should one guy make a difference..."
"But she wasn't doing it for Eita so why would any of his pithy pep talk work on her? How does any of this make sense?"

Suffice to say, I haven't hated a character quite as much as I hate Mio in awhile. And for that to be the heroine of the series is quite the feat, opposite of what should happen I'd say. Was I supposed to find her "it's all about me" sense of entitlement and self seclusion to be endearing?
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Joined: 06 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 4:00 pm Reply with quote
MarshalBanana wrote:
Why not change Rental to Stream, I mean when was the last time anyone rented a Blu-Ray?

That could lead to some inconsistencies, since not all titles sold on home media are available to stream.
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Joined: 04 Jul 2013
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 4:44 pm Reply with quote
Bunny Girl Senpai was my favorite anime last year for it's incredibly grounded storytelling despite the prominent use of supernatural mumbo jumbo, but I'd be lying if I said that same mumbo jumbo wasn't the hook for me. Without that, I'm not sure I would've given it a chance.

It's the same problem, or "problem" because it's very much a me thing, that I have with acclaimed romance shows like Tsuki ga Kirei. Down to earth characters are fine but I also need something to really grab my attention so that I can actually start focusing on appreciating those same characters. Now that I've watched Bunny Girl Senpai however, I'm more likely to give Just Because a chance.

Also I should mention that, beyond superficial similarities, Monogatari and Bunny Girl Senpai have little in common.
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Joined: 01 Jun 2014
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 8:08 pm Reply with quote
Animegomaniac wrote:
I thought Just Because was fine up to episode 10 but I kept thinking all through it "Is this going to True Tears it? It feels like it's going to True Tears the character interactions."

Haha, that's exactly the thought that crossed my mind watching Just Because. But, unlike True Tears, I wasn't that bothered by who won in the end.

But, in the case of both, it should've been the girl who the MC was friends with, rather than the one he was "chasing".

Especially in the case of True Tears. Just Because is something I will be adding to my disc collection of anime, True Tears will never get there, as I only buy series that I will re-watch. Sadly, True Tears isn't something I wish to experience again.
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Joined: 07 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 3:16 pm Reply with quote
TheAncientOne wrote:
MarshalBanana wrote:
Why not change Rental to Stream, I mean when was the last time anyone rented a Blu-Ray?

That could lead to some inconsistencies, since not all titles sold on home media are available to stream.

Red Box.

Finding discs is getting challenging for either owning or renting. Mushishi 2nd season is licensed by Aniplex, but there have never been discs. Samsung recently announced it's not going to market any new models of disc players in N America. How long will it be before they don't sell any old models, either?

Maybe change "Rental" to "Bootleg." It won't happen, but it might be more realistic when the licensor refuses to take anyone's money.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 3:47 pm Reply with quote
The Navy Military Exchange no longer sells physical media (DVD and BD), at least in CONUS they don't. Will probably be only a matter of time before AAFES (other service exchange) doesn't either. The loss of the Navy Exchange though hurts more, since they usually had a better selection of anime.

Be a sad day, when we can only buy physical media of anime online. Or really any other BD title and genre.
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