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Joined: 17 Dec 2007
Posts: 11
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Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:35 pm
Name:KrissTale(just call me that)
Blood type:dunno
Hobbies:Reading books,swimming and Anime
Fav.anime:Air gear,gakuen alice,fushigi yuugi,there so many.
Fav. books:there are many books that i like.
Fav. drink:hot chocolate
if you want to ask anything else just send me a private message because this is just something simple about me.......
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Redbeard 101
Oscar the Grouch
Forums Superstar
Joined: 14 Aug 2006
Posts: 16979
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 9:09 pm
Well a nice holiday greeting and ANN welcome to chichiriNoDa, Twilight's Chapter 13, wanda_tail, Shadowrun20XX, bluecrescent, and KrissTale. I see some of you have started posting which is nice to see. Hopefully you're all enjoying your time here. As part of your welcome here you luckys boys and girls have the joy of receiving your very own mystery welcome bag of goodies. ::hands them each a brown bag:: As we're nearing closer and closer to the big day your bags are full of wonderful holiday items. Items such as a small container of eggnog (from last year), a handful of dried pine needles from a x-mas tree, a small handful of used holiday roast coffee grounds, and the red light from the nose of an outside display of rudolph the reindeer (that'll teach them hehe). I hope you enjoy your gifts and while you do remember these words of wisdom; "As she lay there dozing next to me, one voice inside my head kept saying, 'Relax, you're not the first doctor to sleep with one of his patients', but the another kept reminding me, 'Howard, you are a veterinarian!'"
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The Frankman
Joined: 19 Sep 2004
Posts: 1160
Location: Binary Culture HQ
Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 12:23 am
Wow, how did I miss this? Eh, I'll bite:
Name: Lets just go with Delta for now, I am sure some of you already know my name thanks to Mr. Sexy voice.
Name: The Frankman (also known as The Game)
Sex: Male
Blood Type: what the frick? This ain't no hospital!
Location: Staten Island, New York
Religion: Agnostic, used to be JW eons ago.
Job: Between jobs, currently finishing up my degree
Likes: Reading, computers, wrestling, watching and playing sports (including baseball, basketball and wrestling), animation, ang laying the SMACKETH DOWNETH on ALL VIDEOGAMES that DARE challenge MY MADSKILLZ!! ... also writing reviews/news about video games/animation for Binary Culture. I'm always on the lookout for interested writers so shoot me a PM!
Dislikes: Fansubs, hypocrisy, elitist fans, the New York Yankees, Jack Thompson, and ... I can't remember but I hate a lot of stuff.
Favorite Animation: So many .... [adult swim] and OLD Toonami shows get props from me (even though they suffered some edits), anything by Brad Bird is awesome, the guys at Disney (most of the time), Pixar, Dreamworks, and all the shows I'd religiously watch back in the day should could so throw DBZ, InuYasha, Outlaw Star, and a bunch of shows in the mix. The Venture Bros., Futurama, The Simpsons, Family Guy, .hack//SIGN, Space Ghost: Coast to Caost (R.I.P Sonny Sharrock ), Naruto, Bleach, Blood+. Batman: TAS, Samurai Jack, and the Justice League series deserves a huge nod for great music/animation/storytelling ... I'm an animaniac, so it's impossible to list every show I like.
Favorite Manga: I'm not a manga guy only because I don't really search for em. But anything related to videogames will probably hook me. I do plan to get anything related to the .hack// series but don't know the order. Also By The Sword, Yotsuba!, and the Devil May Cry mangas look great.
Favorite Books: Anything by Koontz, Saul, or King. The unholy triumvirate or terror. Throw Grisham and game-related books also. And I can't forget any book on the subject of voice-acting, it's my passion.
Favorite Video Games: This is tough. The game that started me me on the path of video gaming was Super Mario Bros. and Tetris. Blaster Master, the Double Dragon series and Bases Loaded were great also, but the game series that made me the gamer I am today were the Resident Evil series, Metal Gear Solid series, Parasite Eve series (DAMN YOU CELLPHONES!), Grandia series (DAMN YOU SQUARE-ENIX!), Xenogears (DAMN YOU NAMCO!), stuff like that. I can't even name all my fave PS2 games, I own like 50 and there are too many to count.
Favorite TV shows/Movies: Not really a movie guy becaue I hate their prices. I like The Boondocks, Smallville, One Tree Hill[b] (back when it revolved around an actual story and had black people), [b]Law and Order series, South Park, Aqua Teen Hunger Force[b], [b]Metalocalypse ... ok basically most anything [as], SportsCenter, X-Play (only to laugh at Morgan Manjaw), and the CinemaTech shows.
Favorite Drink: Milk. It does a body good, yo.
Non-Alcoholic Drink: ... wait, so the above was for alcoholic beverages??
Favorite Foods: Tuna/turkey sandwiches, hamburgers, most anything digestible.
Favorite Sites: NeoGAF (Believe), Adult Swim, eBay, GaiaOnline i guess, and Binary Culture, lolz!
Favorite Sport (to watch): Baseball, basketball, football ... most any sport.
Favorite Sport (to play): Baseball, basketball, football ... most any sport except hockey.
Favorite Music: Pretty much everything except country.
Fun Facts: Self-proclaimed hardcore gamer, wants to become the VA that saved English dubs since 1994, believes a conspiracy is keeping him from attending any New York City animation cons, believes black people seem to be always portrayed horribly in Japanese animation, and thinks a Japanese animated show will actually win an Emmy when the industry actually does something about fansubs.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
Posts: 108
Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 2:30 am
Hello! Um, here goes:
Name: Arnab Dasgupta
Age: 18
Location: New Delhi, India
Occupation: Student, Anime-lover
Favorite Anime: Jigoku Shoujo, Fate/Stay Night, Trinity Blood, Cowboy Bebop, Blood+, Slam Dunk,Ghost in the Shell.
Favorite Manga: Midori no Hibi, Black Cat, Gunslinger Girl, Appleseed, Gunslinger Girl.
Likes: Books, music (J-Pop, alt-rock) and watching anime/reading manga of course)
Dislikes: Losers, whiners, tattle-tales, braggarts and downright obnoxious people.
Religion: Hinduism (None right now)
Favorite Books : Stephen King, William Shakespeare, the poetical masters, Jules Verne, and John Grisham.
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Joined: 06 Dec 2007
Posts: 89
Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 12:32 pm
Name: n/a
age: 27
Gender: M
Location: Chicago
Marital status: married
Religion: Athiest
Drink/Smoke: Smoked when I was a kid, drink sometimes.
Favorite music: Michael Jackson lol
Favorite sports: Baseball
Favorite games: mmorpg, dragon quest, board games
Favorite anime: Haibane Remni, Planetes, Gankutsou, Angelic Layer,..few others check my list (demonroach)
Favorite manga: I tend not to read comic books
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Joined: 15 Oct 2007
Posts: 125
Location: U.S...maybe
Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 2:55 am
demonroach wrote: | I tend not to read comic books |
Not comic books! Graphic novels...Welcome.
The Frankman wrote: | Favorite Music: Pretty much everything except country |
I've already expressed my possition on country(I despice it with such a passion). If you love your country, I really don't want to imagine how you live your every day life. So welcome to ANN.
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Joined: 15 Jan 2004
Posts: 153
Location: The Bebop with Spike
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 7:35 am
ok here's my profile
Name Mary
Age 41
Marital Staus Single
Location Pinehurst, NC
Blood Type A negative
Religion Catholic
Drink/Smoke Not Really/ No
Ethnicity 1/2 Italian 1/2 Scottish
Pets No
Likes Anime, manga & chatting online about anime and manga
Dislikes Rude People
Favorite Anime Saint Seiya, Saiyuki, Ouran High School Host Club, FMA, Gravitation & Trinity Blood
Favorite Manga Saint Seiya, The Wallflower, FMA & Trinity Blood
Favorite TV Shows Modern Marvels, Glenn Beck & CNN news
Favorite Drink Kaluha & Milk
Non-Alcholic Drink Milk, Pink Lemonade, Seirra Mist Free, OJ & Ocean Spray Light Juices (Cran-Grape, Cran-Apple & Cran Raspberry)
Favorite Foods Most anything Italian, Chinese and American
Favorite Sites ANN (of course), & (to get my news fix)
Favorite Music Classic Rock ie Queen, Styx, Def Leppard, Kiss and also music from anime shows ie Gravitation, FMA, Saint Seiya
Job Chef
My Pic
This is a pic of me and Greg Ayres. This was taken at Anime Boston 2007 in April
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Joined: 22 Oct 2007
Posts: 68
Location: USA
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 8:37 am
Name: just call me Young
Sex: Male
Blood Type: i think A negative, not sure
Location: OC
Marital Status: Single
Age: 18
Ethnicity:100% korean
Religion: protestant, but not very religious
Pets: 2 fish
Drink/Smoke:don't smoke, don't drink much at all
Likes: watching anime, hanging out with friends, watching football (go Pats)
Dislikes: anime haters, ignorant people who talk like they know what they're talking about
Favorite anime: too many to list but some are Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto, Death Note...
Favorite Manga (Light novels): don't really read manga, only time i do is when i enjoyed the anime, and i want better closure or something, but i liked all the ones i've read which are Great Teacher Onizuka, Chobits, and Love Hina
Favorite Books:don't really read, haha, but i did enjoy Kite Runner, The Hobbit, and Of Mice and Men
Favorite game: Madden, Diablo II (used to be addicted), Guitar Hero
Favorite TV shows/Movies: House, Scrubs, South Park, Family Guy, Futurama, 300, The Departed, Spiderman, Shrek, and many others
Favorite Drink: only alcohol i've ever drank was a martini, so i guess that
Non-Alcoholic Drink: coke, orange soda, green tea, water
Favorite Foods: burgers, fries, mexican, korean, japanese, chinese, thai, indian, greek...let's just say i'm not that picky
Favorite Sites: animenewsnetwork, nfl, google, webmd, youtube
Favorite Sport (to watch):football, fighting(anything except boxing)
Favorite Sport (to play):football, wrestling (real wrestling, not WWE)
Favorite Music: listen to almost anything, lots of rock, little pop, not really any hardcore stuff, j-pop, j-rock
Job: college student
Hobbies: watching anime, collecting state quarters, working out
Favorite Quotes: "The best-laid plans of mice and men go oft awry." from Robert Burns' To a Mouse
"never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee" from John Donne's Meditation XVII
"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get" from Forrest Gump (movie)
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Joined: 03 Jan 2005
Posts: 64
Location: Texas
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 10:47 am
Name: Whitney
Sex: Female
Location: Mt. Pleasant, MI
Marital Status wishing he would propose already
Age: 21
Ethnicity 1/4 Austrian (Hungarian yes that actually does make sense), 1/4 Irish, 1/4 Swedish, 1/4 German
Religion Agnostic I like god I just don't get to sleep alot during the week
Pets: Sofie, Ludy, Sabine (cats)
Drink/Smoke I'm in college and no I don't smoke
Favorite anime: Sailor Moon, Patlabor, Slayers, Yakitate Japan, Karin, and at the moment Claymore
Favortie manga: Crying Freeman, Yotsuba, Tsubasa,
Favorite books: everything by Mercedes Lackey, Alice in Wonderland and through the looking glass, Hard Boiled Wonderland and The end of the World by Haruki Murakami, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Juniper and Wise Child by Monica Furlong
Favorite Food: good sushi, Eel, gnocchi, Pizza rolls, bad chinese food
Favorite Sport: Hockey, College Football
Favorite Music: The best of every genre except for maybe rap
Favorite Game: at the moment Cooking Mama 2 for DS
Job: Music Major in College
Hobbies: selling cosplay jewelry on ebay, watching anime, writing, attempting to get in shape
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Joined: 28 Dec 2007
Posts: 1
Location: Columbia, SC
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 3:35 pm
Name: Japp Jones
Sex: Male
Blood Type: B+
Location: SC
Marital Status: Not Married
Age: 26
Ethnicity: Black American
Religion: raised Catholic
Drink/Smoke: Drink yes, smoke no
Likes: Cold weather, Sex, Miller High Life, Vinyl Records, having a great movie theartre experience, LIFE.
Dislikes: bigots, fansubbers, women w/ ugly feet, peanut butter, olives, and people who talk to damn much at the movies.
Favorite anime: All time macross, but I love anime from the 80's and mid to early 90's espcially any anime from AIC.
Favorite Manga: Cant fake I really like Naruto manga, I find it to be a thrill for me, Kenshin, Wind and Cloud, Hokuto no Ken, Berserk, and various Marvel titles
Favorite Books: anthing from Dean Koontz
Favorite Drink: Brandies and cognac- brown liquors in general. If i do drink white , gin and vodka.
Non-Alcoholic Drink: COKE and juices
Favorite Sport (to watch): basketball, american football and rugby.
Favorite Music: deep, funky, soul house music, anime op and endings, Washington DC go-go music and R & B. Rap makes me sick now and country is another story.
Job: Tier2 PC technician for Carolina First Bank
Hobbies: EDM (mostly house music) DJ, of couse anime, and anything tech related
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Joined: 22 Dec 2007
Posts: 36
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 1:45 am
Name: Rainbow
Sex: female
Blood type: does it even matter?...well if it does, I honestly don't know what my blood type is
Location: Philippines
Marital status: single
Age: 16
Ethnicity: half human, half beast
Religion: uhmmm...this is maybe? I guess I'm a little bit confused about my faith ...just a little bit xxxsarcasmxxx
Pets: a dog
Likes: anime, L'Arc~en~Ciel, Hyde (he is so cool and he has such a wonderful singing voice), my younger sister, sweets (especially chocolate bars), lavender and sky blue, jpop and jrock, mostly anything japanese, world history, literature, stars, shopping, eating, sleeping, being a couch potato, and being the center of attention (I just love the limelight!)
Dislikes: math and numbers (it makes me feel dizzy ), banana (I strongly despise this fruit because I hate its taste, smell, and texture), music (except for jpop and jrock), sports (or anything which requires me to sweat too much), injuries and wounds, scary stuff (e.g. ghosts), anything that is too gross and morbid, my parents, and household chores.
Favorite anime: There are actually quite a lot, but to name a few: Honey and Clover (season 1 and 2), Naruto, Death Note, Gundam Seed, Gakuen Alice, Ouran High School Host Club, Fushigi Yugi, DNAngel, Fruits Basket, Prince of Tennis, and Hayao Miyazaki's works (especially Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, and Howl's Moving Castle)
Books: Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot, and the Iliad by Homer
Non-alcoholic drink: anything sweet and cold
Food: I absolutely love sweets
Site: ANN
Sports (to watch): watching sports evokes a feeling of excitement in most people, but for me it is the opposite! No matter what sport it is, watching it evokes in me a feeling of boredom
Sports (to play): I'm a klutz and I hate to sweat a lot that was why I never took any sport seriously
Music: the only kind of music I appreciate is jpop and jrock (L'Arc~en~Ciel is my favorite band because they're simply fantastic! I like almost all of their songs especially Winter fall)
Job: to promulgate peace and to make this world a better place to live in xxxapplausexxx
Hobbies: what else? ofcourse doing anime related stuff like watching anime, listening to anime soundtracks, and posting on forums
Favorite quotes:
"Small minds discuss ideas, medium minds discuss events, great minds discuss ideas"
"Beauty in things exists in the mind which contemplates them"-David Hume
"I've never had a humble opinion. If you've got an opinion why be humble about it?"-Joan Baez
"The great consolation in life is to say what one thinks"-Voltaire
"Equality may perhaps be a right, but no power on earth can ever turn it into a fact"-Honore de Balzac
"Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't"-Erica Jong
"All intellectual improvement arises from leisure"-Samuel Johnson
"Almost always it is the fear of being ourselves that brings us to the mirror"-Antonio Porchia
"Every man has a right to utter what he thinks truth, and every other man has a right to knock him down for it"-Samuel Johnson
"Forgiveness is the fragrance that the flower leaves on the heel of the one who crushed it"-Mark Twain
"If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself, what isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us"-Hermann Hesse
Fun facts:
-I'm tone deaf but I love to sing japanese songs, as a result my friends often tell me to shut up
-Before I became addicted to anime, I was hooked on Korean dramas.
-I am very afrais of ghosts and the supernatural. In fact, ghost stories can easily make me cry in fear
-If I dislike someone, I'm never afraid to show it
-I can call myself an expert at lying and deceiving my parents
-It was my childhood dream to become a famous scientist...but I already gave up on this dream a long time ago
-I am fascinated with figure skating
Greetings to ANN and to you who is reading this post! Here are some words to ponder on: "When you can do the common things of life in an uncommon way you'll command the attention of the world" (George Washington Carver)
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Joined: 29 Dec 2007
Posts: 16
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 12:55 am
Name:Just call me God, Slayer, Hiro, or D
Location:New York
Blood type:no idea
Ethnicity:Scottish, Irish, Italian
Religion:Catholic I think
Pets:a Dog, Gecko, and a bird
Drink/Smoke:I like milk, water, Orange Juice, Chocolate Milk, Arizona, and Snapple
Likes:Manga, Anime, Gundam Models, Zoid Models, Bladed Weapons, Friends, Family, my pets
Dislikes:Annoying People
favorite.Anime:So many to list, Bleach, Gundam, Zoids, Kanon, SO many more to list.
favorite.manga:Pretty Face, Negima, Buso Renkin, MAR, Gundam Seed, Gundam Seed Destiny, alot of mangas
favorite.Books: .Hack//A.I. Buster, .Hack// Another Birth
favorite.Author:I don't remember Authors shows:Bleach, Heroes, Super Natural, Reaper.
favorite.Drink:Already listed them
favorite.Food:My Dads cooking
favorite.Sites:Not many
favorite.Sports(2 watch):MMA
favorite.Sports(2 play): Fighting
favorite.Music:Different types of Rock, and Metal,
Job: Student
favorite.Quotes:"If you've got enough free time to fantasize about your beautiful Death......Why Don't you just live your life Beautiful to the end?"-Gin
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Joined: 28 Dec 2007
Posts: 13
Location: Ohio
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:21 am
Name: simmererdown
Sex: Female
Blood Type: AB positive
Location: Ohio
Marital Status: Single
Age: 26
Ethnicity:German, English, Irish and Swiss.
Religion: non-practicing Catholic
Pets: One fat cat named Dopey
Drink/Smoke: Drinks socially
Likes: painting, reading, english accents
Dislikes: rude people, blushing (my face is an open book)
Favorite anime: Eureka 7 right now (strange attachment to giant robot anime)
Favorite Manga (Light novels): XXXo'holic
Favorite Books: trashy romance novels, Jane Austin's many to list
Favorite game: Animal Crossing
Favorite TV shows/Movies: Life, Project Runway, Doctor Who, and any anime I can find
Favorite Drink: Rum and Coke
Non-Alcoholic Drink: Dr. Pepper and sweet tea
Favorite Foods: pizza (with good crust and cheese please), fried chicken, chicken fried rice, ice cream, dark chocolate
Favorite Sites: Animenewsnetwork, Adult Swim, Neil blog)
Favorite Music: Rock, big band
Job: frustrated English teacher working at Dairy Queen
Fun facts about simmererdown:
known as the cool sub because I bring Manga with me to school
once wrote a paper about Gothic elements in Vampire Hunter D
has crazy bad eye sight
my board name is a play of my last name 'Simmerer' + down
was a Star Wars freak and has the swag to prove it
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Redbeard 101
Oscar the Grouch
Forums Superstar
Joined: 14 Aug 2006
Posts: 16979
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 3:03 am
Wow, I continue to fall behind on my welcoming duties. I need to get on top of things and get back in gear. But better late then never they say so a big ANN holiday welcome to The Frankman, sirgalahadthegreat, demonroach, SpikesGrrl, young98, Kaolin_Yatsura, buddahman301, rainbowcrescent, GodSlayer987, and simmererdown. I hope all of you that are new, and the one that's just getting to introducing himself hehe, are enjoying yourselves here. If you haven't already I recommend looking at ANN's very own web comic as it's a laugh riot and I dare you to say it isn't! As part of your welcome though you all get your very own mystery welcome bag of goodies. ::hands them each a brown bag:: Inside are items I've collected far and wide, such glorious items as a handful of walnut shells, a handful of used Black Dragon Oolong tea leaves, the pull string from a random pair of sweat pants, and some deactivated security sensors from various dvd cases. I hope you enjoy these fine gifts and don't forget; Next Sunday a special collection will be taken to defray the cost of the new carpet. All those wishing to do something on the new carpet will come forward and do so.
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Joined: 15 Jan 2004
Posts: 153
Location: The Bebop with Spike
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 9:13 pm
psycho 101 wrote: | Wow, I continue to fall behind on my welcoming duties. I need to get on top of things and get back in gear. But better late then never they say so a big ANN holiday welcome to The Frankman, sirgalahadthegreat, demonroach, SpikesGrrl, young98, Kaolin_Yatsura, buddahman301, rainbowcrescent, GodSlayer987, and simmererdown. I hope all of you that are new, and the one that's just getting to introducing himself hehe, are enjoying yourselves here. If you haven't already I recommend looking at ANN's very own web comic as it's a laugh riot and I dare you to say it isn't!  As part of your welcome though you all get your very own mystery welcome bag of goodies. ::hands them each a brown bag:: Inside are items I've collected far and wide, such glorious items as a handful of walnut shells, a handful of used Black Dragon Oolong tea leaves, the pull string from a random pair of sweat pants, and some deactivated security sensors from various dvd cases. I hope you enjoy these fine gifts and don't forget; Next Sunday a special collection will be taken to defray the cost of the new carpet. All those wishing to do something on the new carpet will come forward and do so. |
aww thanks for the bag Psycho :takes it: well I've been here for about 3 years but I mostly lurk so I am not so new but I finally decided to post my profile
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