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ICE on the EDGE Figure Skating Simulation Game Announced for PC via Steam

posted on by Anita Tai
Game slated for 2026 release

Game developer MELPOT announced on Tuesday the figure skating simulation game ICE on the EDGE for the PC via Steam in 2026.

The Steam page describes the game:

ICE on the EDGE is a figure skating simulation game where you train athletes and lead them to victory. Plan training, master techniques, and refine routines for competitions. Face fierce rivals, push the limits, and carve your legacy on the ice. Guide your skater to the ultimate stage—On the Edge.

The game supports English, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Korean with Japanese audio.

Players will be able to choose the music, costumes, and techniques for the skaters they train for their performances. The skaters face off in competitions and achieve one of multiple possible endings.

Source: ICE on the EDGE game's YouTube channel via Gematsu

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