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EP. REVIEW: Double Decker! Doug & Kirill

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Joined: 31 Jan 2017
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:32 pm Reply with quote
I like the show and the review but I disagree with the ending about there not being any ongoing themes. They took down corrupt union leadership that was working with corporations in a show that says multiple times that crime is caused by class and poverty. Not to mention Kirills entire backstory or the part where Doug says aloud that he wants to demolish class and poverty. Plus theres smaller stuff like Kirill needing to save wads of cash for a rainy day in the beginning.

There are 100% ongoing themes here.

Beyond that though its a pretty fun show.
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ANN Reviewer

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:52 pm Reply with quote
Samiamiam wrote:
I like the show and the review but I disagree with the ending about there not being any ongoing themes. They took down corrupt union leadership that was working with corporations in a show that says multiple times that crime is caused by class and poverty. Not to mention Kirills entire backstory or the part where Doug says aloud that he wants to demolish class and poverty. Plus theres smaller stuff like Kirill needing to save wads of cash for a rainy day in the beginning.

There are 100% ongoing themes here.

Beyond that though its a pretty fun show.

Y'know, that's a fair point. Trying to cram analysis of four episodes' worth of plot and characters and all the introductory stuff *might* have led me to glossing over what thematic stuff was there. The ideas of classism are indeed being laid out there (though I feel Doug's remarks and some elements from Episode 3 are little more than platitudes at this point), and I'll have to keep a more careful eye out for points that can be spotlighted and discussed in future episodes.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:27 pm Reply with quote
Another possible theme, though this might be a coincidence, is showing people with power/authority betraying their causes. The villain of episode 3 is a corrupt union boss who is actually rich, but shares none of that with his poor union fellows he claims to be fighting for. The villain of episode 4 spoiler[is a narcotics officer who is actually selling drugs himself. Both are people who betrayed their ideals and became the very thing they were supposed to be fighting against.]
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 12:45 am Reply with quote
I get the feeling it's a prequel to Tiger and Bunny given the tv shows are all black and white in universe, combined with apollon media being in this (and they even have a character named Agnes who looks pretty much identical to the one in Tiger and Bunny. The last name is different, but if there's a time displacement between them it could just be she got married at some point, or it could be a suspiciously identical mother/grandmother or something)
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Chaos Wings

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 1:20 am Reply with quote
I really enjoyed Tiger & Bunny, so the moment I started watching this I was getting those good feelings all over again. I love the style this show has it's production comes across so slick. The cast of characters are crazy, colourful and a whole lot of fun and right now I'm really digging Boss the guys just off the wall hilarious.

Mismatched partners in buddy cop shows isn't a new thing sure but I think they're absolutely nailing it here. Doug with his calm methodical thinking and Kirill (Buzz cut, lol) with his ridiculous grandiose delusions feels like it's working really well.

Honestly I look forward to catching this every week.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:16 am Reply with quote
This is a fun show, I love its sense of humor.

My personal theory is that the drug Seven-0 is busting ends up causing some kind of mass "evolution" event that leads to the mutant-proxies in Tiger & Bunny. It definitely seems like a prequel based on the tech (besides the super Delorian cop car).
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Joined: 21 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:45 am Reply with quote
I'm having a lot of fun with this show so far. Kirill is adorable and his facial expressions are hilarious and Doug being a bit of a jerk makes their relationship even better. Very Happy The other members of Seven-0 seem to be pretty interesting as well and i'm looking forward to learning more about them. Also i really want to find out more about Doug's comment of wanting to destroy poverty and class, that sounded sincere and not like he was just messing with Kirill.

@Agent355: that's a pretty intriguing theory and would totally make sense!
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Joined: 13 Jan 2017
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:04 am Reply with quote
Why on earth no one's watching this show? It's bloody good, visually awesome full of energy. New generation of Weebs nowadays got shit terrible taste on anime tbh.
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Joined: 14 Jul 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:43 am Reply with quote
#alfrescoCR wrote:
Why on earth no one's watching this show? It's bloody good, visually awesome full of energy. New generation of Weebs nowadays got shit terrible taste on anime tbh.

because it's comedy relief and not another generic shonen like bnha
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:39 am Reply with quote
I'm enjoying the show so far. It's a comedy that is actually getting me to laugh, so it's off to a great start. I will say that I could do with less CGI. I don't necessarily mind it in action scenes, but when I see Kirill in CGI talking to 2D Doug in a hallway, that is when it looks pretty ugly.
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Joined: 01 Apr 2017
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 1:12 pm Reply with quote
Yesterday’s episode: hot damn. I love a good twist and the show played it well.

Bamboo Man is where I’m wondering about the connection between Tiger and Bunny. He has powers (or I guess he could be an even more advanced android than Yuri) and Doug and Kirill are surprised it’s not anthem but there’s no line like “HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?” so I wonder if super powers are a thing outside of anthem.

On Twitter, Vrai Kaiser (frequent Anime Feminist contributor/editor and huge Tiger and Bunny fan) posited that if it’s in the same universe then it’s actually in the future. The episode where Yuri is revealed to be an actual robot, she has the same physical design as the robot from Tiger and Bunny (the one Sky High destroyed (*weep*)), but her personality and AI is clearly leaps and bounds ahead of that one and her being a robot is public knowledge while the robots in Tiger and Bunny weren’t pubic knowledge.

Personally I think it’s just an alternate universe but it’s an interesting theory.
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Joined: 13 Jan 2017
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 12:28 am Reply with quote
this show is the most underrated anime for this season like no one is watching this. I tried to post about it on r/anime in reddit but i was just downvoted into obscurity never to be seen again.
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Joined: 04 Jun 2015
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 1:04 am Reply with quote
This week's episode was the first one to ruin it's own twist by being a series so full of pop culture references. The name Esperanza tied to this "feeble" old man had me thinking Keyser Soze from The Usual Suspects right from the start. It was still a fun episode though so I'll give Double Decker a pass Cool
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 3:26 am Reply with quote
Although I didn't see all the details, I definitely had it figured out that Z was working with B to save himself and that the guard was in on it. However, I also kind of suspected the female guard to be in on it as well, since she brought him the food made "according to the recipe" and loosened his bonds, which wasn't guaranteed just from her kind counter-responses to Ricky's sadism. I was thinking a good-cop/bad-cop team of plants. Smile

So do I understand this correctly: Zabel is actually A and A and took Zabel's place? And B killed the real Zabel and that's why A needed the clues about where the body parts were? And now Ricky's body will be used to make it appear that Zabel is dead?

Anyway, it was a fun episode. But what the hell happened to the animation? Everyone was so hideously off-model during that initial briefing scene it was like their heads were all made of Silly Putty and starting to deform under the lights.
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Joined: 12 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 8:45 pm Reply with quote
Gina Szanboti wrote:

So do I understand this correctly: Zabel is actually A and A and took Zabel's place? And B killed the real Zabel and that's why A needed the clues about where the body parts were? And now Ricky's body will be used to make it appear that Zabel is dead?

Maybe I should watch the stinger scene again. Zabel was actually A?
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