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REVIEW: In This Corner of the World

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Joined: 31 Aug 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 9:19 am Reply with quote
Talking about Mai Mai Miracle, why isn't there a review of that on ANN? It has a Blu-Ray release.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 10:28 am Reply with quote
Interesting review, will have to give the movie a view.
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Joined: 22 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 10:51 am Reply with quote
MarshalBanana wrote:
Talking about Mai Mai Miracle, why isn't there a review of that on ANN? It has a Blu-Ray release.

I looked for it.

There is no Region A Blu ray OR Region 1 DVD release available for Mai Mai Miracle that I could find. I don't like going by Amazon's list but even looking at the wiki entry for Mai Mai Miracle there's no indication it's been picked by ANY American distributor.

That's probably why there isn't a review.

This film Justin just reviewed doesn't have a scheduled theatrical release for the US, either.

In This Corner of the World has been licensed by Shout Factory (according to the film's English website) which does all kinds of DVD and Blu ray releases... They're not really known for anime so much (beyond Transformers and the Japanese TF series which weren't shown on American TV) but they do have the current home video license for The Last Unicorn which was made by people who later worked at Studio Ghibli. Supposed to be the best home video release for that film, btw...

Looks like there was a limited edition Kickstarter Blu ray for Mai Mai Miracle (multi-region Blu ray) for people who funded the English dub. It's harder to find this online and they charge a ridiculous amount for it at the usual suspects (auction sites).
They finally did an official Japanese release (Region A Blu ray) BUT the catch is that it ships only in Japan so you can't buy it directly from Japan. There are other import shops outside of Japan that will sell the Japanese version but it'll cost a bit more. The Japanese release is probably about the same as the Kickstarter release.

Darn shame there wasn't an official US pick-up for this film... Sounds interesting but I'm not in the habit of paying $60 or more for anime features. Not anymore!
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 11:17 am Reply with quote
GeorgeC wrote:
There is no Region A Blu ray OR Region 1 DVD release available for Mai Mai Miracle that I could find. I don't like going by Amazon's list but even looking at the wiki entry for Mai Mai Miracle there's no indication it's been picked by ANY American distributor.

There was a Kickstarter run by Anime Limited out of the UK for a DVD/BD release, which I authored. The Kickstarter was open to North Americans, and the disc is region coded accordingly. I'm a bit surprised Right Stuf isn't stocking it, but ordering from Amazon.co.uk with international shipping only comes to US$31.

GeorgeC wrote:
This film Justin just reviewed doesn't have a scheduled theatrical release for the US, either.

August 11. Was announced last month.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 12:05 pm Reply with quote
GeorgeC wrote:
MarshalBanana wrote:
Talking about Mai Mai Miracle, why isn't there a review of that on ANN? It has a Blu-Ray release.

Looks like there was a limited edition Kickstarter Blu ray for Mai Mai Miracle (multi-region Blu ray) for people who funded the English dub. It's harder to find this online and they charge a ridiculous amount for it at the usual suspects (auction sites).
They finally did an official Japanese release (Region A Blu ray) BUT the catch is that it ships only in Japan so you can't buy it directly from Japan. There are other import shops outside of Japan that will sell the Japanese version but it'll cost a bit more. The Japanese release is probably about the same as the Kickstarter release.

Darn shame there wasn't an official US pick-up for this film... Sounds interesting but I'm not in the habit of paying $60 or more for anime features. Not anymore!

Last year's limited edition of Mai Mai Miracle was exclusive to kickstarter so you'll only by able to find it on tout sites, but the standard edition was released just a few weeks back. It's probably too soon for the movie to appear on Amazon's US site, but like Justin said, you can find it on the UK version for a reasonable price.
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Jose Cruz

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 12:22 pm Reply with quote
Looks like a true masterpiece. I have very high expectations for this film now.
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Joined: 19 May 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 2:38 pm Reply with quote
I read "In This Corner..." on that online paid site for mange, direct from Japan and well translated (name now forgotten). This is one of the few pop presentations I've ever experienced where the old reviewer's saw, "I laughed and I cried" totally applies. It's unique.
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Joined: 06 Mar 2016
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 4:18 pm Reply with quote
I remember seeing a teaser trailer for this on YT and someone said "Japan still has a victimhood culture" regarding WW 2.
Needless to say, I was rather dumbfounded by that person's statement.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 4:51 pm Reply with quote
Heishi wrote:
I remember seeing a teaser trailer for this on YT and someone said "Japan still has a victimhood culture" regarding WW 2.
They did some terrible things in the 30s and 40s, stuff which they don't teach in school and mostly pretend never happened. When WWII does come up it is always about Nuclear War and how much they suffered because of it. So wictimhood is a fair statement.
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Joined: 08 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 4:59 pm Reply with quote
Can't wait till Funimation releases this on Blu-Ray. BTW, does anyone know if any American company has gotten the rights to 'A Silent Voice'?
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 6:07 pm Reply with quote
endallchaos wrote:
Can't wait till Funimation releases this on Blu-Ray. BTW, does anyone know if any American company has gotten the rights to 'A Silent Voice'?

Shout Factory actually has this, though Funimation is helping with the theatrical release.

And no American company has grabbed the US rights for A Silent Voice from Animatsu yet. It will most likely be Funimation, but it's not a guarantee.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 12:27 am Reply with quote
dragonrider_cody wrote:
endallchaos wrote:
Can't wait till Funimation releases this on Blu-Ray. BTW, does anyone know if any American company has gotten the rights to 'A Silent Voice'?

Shout Factory actually has this, though Funimation is helping with the theatrical release.

And no American company has grabbed the US rights for A Silent Voice from Animatsu yet. It will most likely be Funimation, but it's not a guarantee.

Ooh, damn. Well, thanks for the info! Smile
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 12:32 am Reply with quote
endallchaos wrote:
dragonrider_cody wrote:
endallchaos wrote:
Can't wait till Funimation releases this on Blu-Ray. BTW, does anyone know if any American company has gotten the rights to 'A Silent Voice'?

Shout Factory actually has this, though Funimation is helping with the theatrical release.

And no American company has grabbed the US rights for A Silent Voice from Animatsu yet. It will most likely be Funimation, but it's not a guarantee.

Ooh, damn. Well, thanks for the info! Smile

Funimation sort of screwed over Animatsu/Manga a few years ago, and it would appear that their management still has some resentment over it. So the chances of them sublicensing something to Funi are probably pretty slim. I'm actually surprised that they allowed them to be involved in the theatrical release.
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Joined: 10 Jul 2014
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 5:50 pm Reply with quote
MarshalBanana wrote:
Heishi wrote:
I remember seeing a teaser trailer for this on YT and someone said "Japan still has a victimhood culture" regarding WW 2.

They did some terrible things in the 30s and 40s, stuff which they don't teach in school and mostly pretend never happened. When WWII does come up it is always about Nuclear War and how much they suffered because of it. So wictimhood is a fair statement.

OF COURSE, the horrible things their army did in the 30s and 40s are abhorrent, vile mass war crimes, and all that must be remembered and taught at schools. No doubt.

As an aside from that, it also must be said that Imperial Japan was obviously a dictatorship, so the japanese people, the civilians, were not "responsible" of any of those heinous actions. The regime leaders did what their own particular twisted minds wanted, like any dictator.
All that means that the japanese civilian population, the several millions that the USA killed, in inimaginable ways, is without a doubt a VICTIM (in capital letters) in WWII. The civilians suffered hugely, inmensely. So "Japan" is ALSO victim in those decades. Who would negate that?

And various japanese Prime Ministers have publicly and oficially apologised to China and Korea for the past crimes (the last time just a few years ago). That is hugely simbolic.
Meanwhile, the USA (a democracy at the time, of the same type that it is now) keep refusing to apologise for launching nuclear bombs in the middle of cities, which is surely the worst single action ever commited by humankind in history (The fact that a president that represented democratically all their citizens decided to do that is what make it even worse)
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Joined: 16 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 7:47 pm Reply with quote
Ryuhei wrote:

All that means that the japanese civilian population, the several millions that the USA killed, in inimaginable ways, is without a doubt a VICTIM (in capital letters) in WWII. The civilians suffered hugely, inmensely. So "Japan" is ALSO victim in those decades. Who would negate that?

History. A ground invasion would have forced an introduction of the natural population into the Japanese military... oh and it's the main reason one of the first actions the US did after ending the war was to get Hirohito to renounce his divine status, so that there wouldn't be an zealous uprising from these "victims". "Oh wait, we're not doing God's work? Well, don't we look silly?"

All in all, at least the Germans didn't believe their leader was the embodiment of their God.

That's Hiroshima for you, saving untold millions of civilians from themselves the hard way. Nagasaki, on the other hand, happened because the US had a third bomb ready... counting the primary test one from White Sands.. which was a plutonium one rather than the usual uranium and they wanted to see what the difference was.

It's not the "official" word, it's just, what do you call it, a "coincidence".
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