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Joined: 27 Oct 2012
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Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 11:51 am
Chaos Dragon- had to dump this burning pile of waste after episode 2 when you find out he has to keep killing his loved ones whenever he wants to use the dragon power.
And he was so weak he had to do it just to kill no name villains that any one of his future comrades could have dispatched easily.
This show was just terrible from every angle.
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Joined: 20 Mar 2013
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Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 12:02 pm
I think the silver case thing looks epic and is definitely incredibly efficient, but I could never personally discard the boxes and cases for everything that I own. Just no way. The LE sets are what I prize myself with, so it would be impossible to just scrap those.
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Alternative Ice
Joined: 07 Jul 2016
Posts: 96
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 12:15 pm
I enjoyed the LN since it was basically just a transcript of those guys playing the game complete with hilarious background commentary), which makes me hate Silver Link even more for how badly they butchered this show.
I can get not being able to translate something like this to anime, but that doesn't forgive things like giving Ibuki that stupid 'sacrifice people for one shot attacks' power because a main character who uses a support ability isn't shonen enough.
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Joined: 29 Apr 2013
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Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 12:30 pm
iirc, were the two main characters also supossed to be players in the campaing ? but instead of being writers, they were artists (like they draw illustrations and stuff) ?
that being said, I really really, found this to be so bad it's good levels of enjoyable, the actions of urobuchi, just randomly doing things (and I remember reading he also sexually acossed characters in the original campaign, not caring that his character was male) nasu doing his usual dumb nasu stuff totally out f context and narita being cool for contrast; all of that add another layer of enjoyment to the typical so bad it's good "everything that hapens is so dumb", base of this anime.
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Joined: 02 Sep 2016
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Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 12:40 pm
Alternative Ice wrote: | I enjoyed the LN since it was basically just a transcript of those guys playing the game complete with hilarious background commentary), which makes me hate Silver Link even more for how badly they butchered this show. |
Considering how this "franchise" originated, it had to be Dead on Arrival. Of course, you can make a good fiction work out of anything(The Lego Movie, based on Lego toys. Rage of Bahamut, based on a mobile game with litle content, STRONG BAD'S COOL GAME FOR ATTRACTIVE PEOPLE, based on a youtube series) but there are things that one should never make a story about too. This, and the upcoming Emoji movie, if it fails, are great examples.
Also, this sounds like almost the same that happen to Qualidea Code: An anime series that mixed the plots of 3 different LNs from the same universe, which resulted in a blandly written and awful-looking show. Only, it seems to manage to be worse than Chaos Dragon
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 12:50 pm
Not gonna lie, I am a fan of "so bad it's good". But I think the only other series that is longer than a movie or OVA is probably Genma Wars, which also typically has things going on, just very very stupid things. The amount of times the brothers discuss wether or not this baby is evil and should be killed could be 3 times an episode. And they would discuss this, only to have the baby remind them that yes, it is totally evil and is planning world domination. I feel like the stupid in Genma Wars really ramps up after the incredibly strange time travel thing is suddenly introduced a few episodes before the end, but don't worry, it's dumb before that too.
Has anyone seen both Chaos Dragon and Genma Wars? I only saw Genma Wars because people on the forums here "praised" it as deliciously hideous (and boy were they right!) Also, anyone looking for a (bad) good time should also consider Genma Wars. You probably gotta buy the DVDs to get the English dub (with the worst performances from great VAs who simply could not find the damns to give about a show that bad, I can't blame them), but they are cheap (like $10-15 for the set on ebay)
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Joined: 23 Jun 2013
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Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 12:56 pm
Its a shame chaos dragon was adapted so much, I think DnD adaptation could definitely carve there own niche because it allow for interesting scenario to organically happen. When people write story you always get the same event happening and it gets a bit stale. DnD session on the other hand can have stuff that no writer would ever think of happen, the bad guys show up to taunt the hero, well the hero roll a bunch of natural 20 and kill him way earlier than would normally happen, but the story has to go on and you get into uncharted territory for storyline.
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Joined: 19 Jul 2007
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Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 1:01 pm
To be honest, the only reason I would ever watch Chaos Dragon would be the fact that Lanipator plays one of the supporting characters.
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Joined: 04 Oct 2014
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Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 1:10 pm
maximilianjenus wrote: | iirc, were the two main characters also supossed to be players in the campaing ? but instead of being writers, they were artists (like they draw illustrations and stuff) ? |
No they are both writers, just less experienced and frankly not as good as the other three.
Overall it was an enjoyably bad while it was airing, but I would not watch it again. It did go off the rails in the beginning, but then it got back on them, only to go off again in the most spectacular and horrifying ways. I think airing weekly a show like this can serve as so bad it's good, along with Big Order and hopefully Hand Shakers this season
I will contend to this day that Ibuki was actually in love with the dog creature attached to Eiha and not her and wanted it to be in more human form to...ya know. It is almost certainly not true but it makes me feel better about that terrible ending.
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Joined: 02 Apr 2012
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Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 1:30 pm
Ah Chaos Dragon, the biggest disappointment of the year for me. I don't know if I'd put it in the so bad it is good stack though. Urobutcher and Nasu's characters kept me coming back to finish the series (mostly Urobutcher's), but the vast majority of the series was just plain bad. I liked Narita's character, but Ka Grava seemed to play a lot smaller of a role.
I would have rather they just foregone trying to make a more cohesive story and straight up adapted the original campaign. The main piece of information that got me excited about Chaos Dragon in the first place was that it was based on a table top game where authors of works I enjoyed made characters. They basically just took a dump on that by rewriting those characters... I suppose if the end result had been decent then it wouldn't be a big deal, but it wasn't.
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Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 1:33 pm
Chaos Dragon was actually my number two on my best of 2015 list mostly due to having watched very little that year and most of the fun for this series came from watching Maaya Uchida voicing the blood thirsty battle monk Luo Zhenfa. It's not a good series and all of the characters feel like they could have been protagonists in their own stories and just take away from the story as a whole. In short "It is so bad that a kind of grandeur creeps into it."
to quote H. L. Mencken
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Joined: 29 Apr 2013
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Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 1:35 pm
well, this was done before with great success in record of lodoss wars... and this also explains why it as not tried again.
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Lynx Amali
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 1:44 pm
Yeah, the transcript for the actual sessions are great and I highly recommend them over the show. If I remember right as I haven't read them in a while, you basically have Gen and Nasu actively fighting against the GM, resulting in some outlandish things happening and the plot going off the rails completely (in a good/entertaining way.)
I think the issue with the show is that they added too much and tried to fill in the blanks. Had they adapted what they had and not tried to flesh out things more, it might've come out better than it did. It probably wouldn't have been an actual good show though, because adapting a tabletop game to any other media is kinda hard, because you need to find that perfect balance between insanity and ridiculousness versus taking the work seriously.
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Joined: 16 Jan 2013
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Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 1:48 pm
relyat08 wrote: | I think the silver case thing looks epic and is definitely incredibly efficient, but I could never personally discard the boxes and cases for everything that I own. Just no way. The LE sets are what I prize myself with, so it would be impossible to just scrap those. |
Andrew from the pictures here. I keep all the cases/boxes in storage in my attic. I too could not just discard.
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Joined: 02 Apr 2012
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Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 2:02 pm
Lynx Amali wrote: | Had they adapted what they had and not tried to flesh out things more, it might've come out better than it did. It probably wouldn't have been an actual good show though, because adapting a tabletop game to any other media is kinda hard, because you need to find that perfect balance between insanity and ridiculousness versus taking the work seriously. |
It probably wouldn't have been actually good, but I think it could have delivered on the expectations of the viewers (at least my expectations). I really just expected to sit back and enjoy a crazy ride. Instead I got a dumb one with a lone crazy character. If the transformation to a more serious story had been decent, then that might have been the way to go. On the flip side, if they couldn't redo it to tell a solid story, leaving the insanity and ridiculousness would have been more entertaining. I was expecting more 'omfg did he just...' moments when I instead got more *face palm* 'why' moments.
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