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Shelf Life - Gundam Build Fighters Try

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Joined: 25 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 11:01 am Reply with quote
Build Fighters Try is fantastic. I'm in the minority when I say this but I think it's on par with the first season, perhaps a bit better even. I've heard a lot of disappointment for this series in recent times but I never understood why, it's such an incredibly fun show and it's pretty much Gunpla on crack.

Absolutely love it. I will try and pick up the Blu-ray in time, but Victory Gundam has priority for now.
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Joined: 02 Apr 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 11:35 am Reply with quote
I still liked Try, but I think it introduced some problems that the first season didn't have.

Having 3 people in each team ended up causing most of them to not be developed at all. Even on the teams where they're basically admitting it is 2 throw away characters, it doesn't feel like the last one is as fleshed out as the rivals from the original. The fact that this allowed team fights had potential to make up for that, but they almost always fight 1v1 anyway.

The other is random power ups. The first series had a system for how the game worked, and basically stuck to it. Try basically went G Gundam on it by taking that and then powering it with emotions.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 5:07 pm Reply with quote
SilverTalon01 wrote:
I still liked Try, but I think it introduced some problems that the first season didn't have.

Having 3 people in each team ended up causing most of them to not be developed at all. Even on the teams where they're basically admitting it is 2 throw away characters, it doesn't feel like the last one is as fleshed out as the rivals from the original. The fact that this allowed team fights had potential to make up for that, but they almost always fight 1v1 anyway.

The other is random power ups. The first series had a system for how the game worked, and basically stuck to it. Try basically went G Gundam on it by taking that and then powering it with emotions.

which is the reason why in the western side at least the build fighter series along with SG (which are basically glorified kids shows to promote the merchandises to the young boys demograph) and G Gundam are considered to be the worst gundam series for the entire franchise. the only decent ep of try was when the red comet made a cameo. other than that the only reason why this series is even popular within the otaku community at all is that some of the popular characters are basically 18+ otaku doujin bait. for try its fumina, and in build fighters was the main character and his mom who ended being the most baited mom/son characters for 18+ otaku doujins since Cataleyia and lana from Queens Blade. that was more or less proven during comiket market 85-87 before fumina took over in popularity within that community. and having the god awful animax asia dub version (i'm surprised its even in shelf worthy considered how atrocious it is) doesnt help but considering how bad the series is where it wont sell well at all in the US unlike its more maturer series like Unicorn ,Thunderbolt & Iron Blood Orphans , i cant blame right stuff for going the cheap route. so while its good & safe for for kids and for young teenage boys that are new to mecha let alone gundam in general, other otakus should avoid this and its prequel like the plague.

Heck, even the dub is better. It still isn't good, mind you, but it isn't quite the embarrassing train wreck that Gundam Build Fighters' dub was. The dialogue is still stilted, and the performances still range from moderately wooden to just downright hilarious in their badness, but I could at the very least get through a couple of episodes of the dub before switching over to subtitles. This might be damning it with faint praise, but GBFT's dub isn't the worst thing I've ever heard this year. Make of that what you will.

that might be the case but this is an animax asia dub and all of them are more or less atrocious and this one is no exception. sure its a slight improved but its an auto avoid at all costs. besides even if it got the same treatment as unicorn and iron blood orphans, it wouldnt have done anything to save the series for some US fans (excluding little kids and teenage boys) considering how much of a glorified kids show it is.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 5:16 pm Reply with quote
Nothing about Try is as good as the first season, because some key figures from that season were busy when Try was being made.

The story is not good because they got a new guy who never directed a show before

And the animation is not as good because people like Sejoon Kim were unavailable.

I only saw half of it for the gundam fanservice. Disappointing in most levels
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:07 pm Reply with quote
jr240483 wrote:
and in build fighters was the main character and his mom who ended being the most baited mom/son characters for 18+ otaku doujins since Cataleyia and lana from Queens Blade.

Uh, wtf. Didn't need to know that.

jr240483 wrote:
and having the god awful animax asia dub version (i'm surprised its even in shelf worthy considered how atrocious it is)

I don't see how that matters as far as it being shelf worthy. Unless you're saying shows without a dub should be automatically disqualified. There is no real difference between ignoring a dub and it just not having one.
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Joined: 11 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:08 pm Reply with quote
Are we ever gonna get a review of Code Geass R2? The consensus appears to be that the second season made things really silly even though it had some touching scenes.
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Joined: 07 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:18 pm Reply with quote
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within BD

Synopsis: With mankind facing extinction at the hands of alien spirits, a scientist races to save the planet with help from a team of elite soldiers.

Extra: ... I'll be darned if I can recall anything about the plot.

spoiler[An extra-solar meteor crashes into the Earth carrying the ghosts of aliens who don't know they're dead. They proceed to rip the souls from humans, destroying most of civilization. Ming-Na Wen and Donald Sutherland are scientists who think they can save the planet with the right mixture of life energy. James Woods is the general in charge of Earth's defenses, but he's too stupid to realize blowing up the Earth to kill the dead aliens isn't a good ending.]
It was hailed as a masterpiece of CG animation when it was released. Unfortunately, the James Woods character is just too stupid to make the last half of the movie worth watching.

It was a joint venture between Sony Pictures (Columbia) and Square (before it merged with Enix). When the movie mostly failed at the box office, they concluded that audiences weren't interested in CG-animated movies and dismantled the new company they had formed to make the movie. Really, the animation is irrelevant. It's a stupid story, and audiences aren't going to watch stupid stories just because they're CG-animated.

Trivia: Ming-Na Wen's character looks like a young Min-Na Wen. Donald Sutherland's character looks like a bald Donald Sutherland. James Woods' character looks like James Woods. Alec Baldwin's character looks like Ben Affleck, because they originally intended to cast Affleck, but it ended up being Baldwin when Affleck pulled out. Oh, well.

Last edited by unready on Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 04 Oct 2014
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:18 pm Reply with quote
tintor2 wrote:
Are we ever gonna get a review of Code Geass R2? The consensus appears to be that the second season made things really silly even though it had some touching scenes.

Unless it gets a new release soon, probably not. This isn't really the place for that kind of question.
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Joined: 11 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:33 pm Reply with quote
zrnzle500 wrote:

Unless it gets a new release soon, probably not. This isn't really the place for that kind of question.

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Joined: 23 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:35 pm Reply with quote
zrnzle500 wrote:
tintor2 wrote:
Are we ever gonna get a review of Code Geass R2? The consensus appears to be that the second season made things really silly even though it had some touching scenes.

Unless it gets a new release soon, probably not. This isn't really the place for that kind of question.

Isn't it inclusion in shelf life means it getting a new release?

Anyway, S2 is definitely consider a massive step down from S1, I think the main problem is they try to do this reset things where everything kinda go back to where it was at the start of S1, so it feel like the first half of S2 is just treading familiar ground. However I do think it gets better after that and has a decent ending.
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Joined: 04 Oct 2014
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:39 pm Reply with quote
You're right. My bad. Kinda skim through that part myself. So maybe, but it's not like they review every new release, in this column or elsewhere on the site, so maybe not.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:54 pm Reply with quote
SilverTalon01 wrote:
jr240483 wrote:
and in build fighters was the main character and his mom who ended being the most baited mom/son characters for 18+ otaku doujins since Cataleyia and lana from Queens Blade.

Uh, wtf. Didn't need to know that.

yea but it is more or less a fact, and would have made sense if you were in those comiket market conventions during when build fighters was popular for that small otaku fanbase. the only other anime series that still have a popular fanbase due to those 18+ doujins even though the series themselves were mediocre was kyokai senjou no horizon and infinite stratos.

SilverTalon01 wrote:
jr240483 wrote:
and having the god awful animax asia dub version (i'm surprised its even in shelf worthy considered how atrocious it is)

I don't see how that matters as far as it being shelf worthy. Unless you're saying shows without a dub should be automatically disqualified. There is no real difference between ignoring a dub and it just not having one.

i did not say that. there are many reasons why this abomination should have gotten a perishable. proper english dub or not, it wouldnt have mattered and i watched both of them sub only first thinking it wouldnt have gotten an official dub.

there is a clear reason why this series isnt on toonami ,but iron blood orphans is. they dont want to have another SD Gundam fiasco on their hands.
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Joined: 02 Apr 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 12:04 am Reply with quote
jr240483 wrote:
there is a clear reason why this series isnt on toonami ,but iron blood orphans is. they dont want to have another SD Gundam fiasco on their hands.

Well, Toonami is really geared more towards a specific demographic. I mean you're right there is a clear reason, and I think you're right about it being bad (I did like it for its fan service gundam fights, but if I have to choose between good and bad then it definitely is on the bad side) and that it won't be popular here. However, I don't think that Toonami not airing it has nearly as much to do with the show being bad or just unpopular in the US as it does with just not being the audience Toonami is going for. The clips they picked for their IBO commercial make it incredibly clear who they're trying to attract.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 8:26 am Reply with quote
SilverTalon01 wrote:
in build fighters was the main character and his mom who ended being the most baited mom/son characters for 18+ otaku doujins since Cataleyia and lana from Queens Blade..

What the fudge are you talking about.
The show did nothing to bait their relation ship, that's all your sick imagination, buddy.
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Lynx Amali

PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:15 am Reply with quote
jr240483 wrote:

there is a clear reason why this series isnt on toonami ,but iron blood orphans is. they dont want to have another SD Gundam fiasco on their hands.

Sunrise is pushing IBO really hard. That's it. BF airing on Toonami has nothing to do with SD Force or anything. Its because of US laws about tv shows not directly showing merchandise, iirc. Its why YuGiOh had the cards changed from what they were in Japanese, image wise; rather than just translating the text, they had completely different card designs.

It doesn't help that Gunpla just ain't that big in the West. It's just a weird case because Toonami screwed over Seed's airing too with really bad edits (disco guns?) and never bothered with Destiny despite Bandai pushing it really hard in Canada (We had 2 and a half runs of Seed and 1 and a half of Destiny.) That ultimately caused Bandai to go with Sci-Fi for 00.
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