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REVIEW: Sword Art Online Novel 7

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PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2016 10:00 am Reply with quote
Almost getting to Alicization :3
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PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2016 10:10 am Reply with quote
Really glad I got to read your review of this novel Theron. Ended up reading the novel first and seeing it come to life as well as it did makes the reverse an interesting perspective. So special thank you for reviewing it! You did a good.
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PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2016 10:17 am Reply with quote
Just a thought, but shouldn't the novel be reviewed on its own merit? The anime is only an adaptation after all, and people like me may prefer to read the original works first before watching said adaptation.
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PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2016 10:27 am Reply with quote
It still made me cry as much as the anime did.
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Joined: 06 Jun 2015
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PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2016 10:28 am Reply with quote
Nice review. I personally experienced Mother's Rosary in the opposite way, having discovered and read it online. And it became my favorite arc so seeing it brought to life in such a beautiful way in SAO II was a really fantastic experience.

Kawahara actually commented on the Arc's name in a tweet with a fan.
Translated: The word 'rosario' is normally used for a rosary in Japan. This is because the Portuguese Society of Jesus first brought Christianity to Japan. However, I believe I should have used 'Rosary' for the English title.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2016 12:07 pm Reply with quote
Thanks for the clarification. I knew that "rosario" was an alternate form of "rosary," but was not aware that it was the more commonly-used form in Japan. (That explains the title of Rosario to Vampire a whole bunch better.)
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Joined: 18 Apr 2016
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PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2016 12:41 pm Reply with quote
first, i watched almost all of SAO animu except 2 last episodes of season 2

i actually helf off watching those two episodes for over 6months, i knew i couldnt emotionally take it

now, i finally read english renditions of master kawaharas novels from 1 to 6 and started reading novel 7 AND stopped to the part where the last 2 episodes in anime happened

went to a lanparty, where i knew i had .... social support, watched the 2 last episodes, cried... alot, like a little bitch

then read those last pages and also cried like a little bitch, that was emotionally very scarring for me and as i type this for some reason i cannot help but shed tears, alot

i guess im weak like that

i really, really loved yuuki, whoever did her voiceacting was so .. so spot on, her cheerful and powerful nature came to life in an outstanding way, and i find myself trying to imitate to cheerful "okaaaai" even at work

also: http://ihme.org/~wolf/zekken_seina.jpg

RIGHT NOW im in the process if making a headband the same as yuuki did, to kinda of carry on her memory, and i plan to use it as often as possible, with no end in sight
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PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2016 1:45 pm Reply with quote
pikkuhukka wrote:
i really, really loved yuuki, whoever did her voiceacting was so .. so spot on, her cheerful and powerful nature came to life in an outstanding way, and i find myself trying to imitate to cheerful "okaaaai" even at work

If you're talking about the English dub then that was Erica Mendez, whom you might have heard in The Seven Deadly Sins (as Diane), Yuki Yuna is a Hero (as Fu), or Love Live! (as Nico, I think?). Her performance as Yuuki was my pick for the top dub performance of 2015..

Last edited by Key on Fri May 13, 2016 2:30 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 18 Apr 2016
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PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2016 1:50 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
pikkuhukka wrote:
i really, really loved yuuki, whoever did her voiceacting was so .. so spot on, her cheerful and powerful nature came to life in an outstanding way, and i find myself trying to imitate to cheerful "okaaaai" even at work

If you're talking about the English dub then that was Erica Mendez, whom you might have heard in The Seven Deadly Sins (as Diane), Yuki Yuna is a Hero (as Fu), or Love Live! (as Nico, I think?). Her performance as Yuuki was my pick for the top dub performance of 2015..

no, not the english dub, i never watch english dub, it feels like herecy, but the japanese version, her japanese voice actor was... perfect, damnit im TRYING not to cry but its [expletive] hard

ppff, yeah, she touched me so deeply

damnit im crying again
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PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2016 5:11 pm Reply with quote
I think Yen Press is pretty good about putting out their light novels as ebooks; is there any particular reason to prefer the physical edition to the electronic?
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PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2016 9:31 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
pikkuhukka wrote:
i really, really loved yuuki, whoever did her voiceacting was so .. so spot on, her cheerful and powerful nature came to life in an outstanding way, and i find myself trying to imitate to cheerful "okaaaai" even at work

If you're talking about the English dub then that was Erica Mendez, whom you might have heard in The Seven Deadly Sins (as Diane), Yuki Yuna is a Hero (as Fu), or Love Live! (as Nico, I think?). Her performance as Yuuki was my pick for the top dub performance of 2015..

and its one thing everyone in the otaku community whether their anime fans or reviewers from websites like these agree.having erica as top VA performance honors for 2015 was pretty much a no brainer.especially since it was a complete vocal overhaul after doing ryuko on kill la kill.though i'm not wanting to flame up a new dub vs sub war, was wondering about the sub VA for yuuki? cause all people did talked about that year was about erica's take as yuuki,though the japaneese VA was as just as good and i'm mainly a dub only person.
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Joined: 28 Feb 2011
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PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2016 12:30 am Reply with quote
jr240483 wrote:
Key wrote:
pikkuhukka wrote:
i really, really loved yuuki, whoever did her voiceacting was so .. so spot on, her cheerful and powerful nature came to life in an outstanding way, and i find myself trying to imitate to cheerful "okaaaai" even at work

If you're talking about the English dub then that was Erica Mendez, whom you might have heard in The Seven Deadly Sins (as Diane), Yuki Yuna is a Hero (as Fu), or Love Live! (as Nico, I think?). Her performance as Yuuki was my pick for the top dub performance of 2015..

and its one thing everyone in the otaku community whether their anime fans or reviewers from websites like these agree.having erica as top VA performance honors for 2015 was pretty much a no brainer.especially since it was a complete vocal overhaul after doing ryuko on kill la kill.though i'm not wanting to flame up a new dub vs sub war, was wondering about the sub VA for yuuki? cause all people did talked about that year was about erica's take as yuuki,though the japaneese VA was as just as good and i'm mainly a dub only person.

The Japanese VA for Yuuki was Aoi Yuuki. I think pretty much everyone agrees that both voice actresses did an excellent job in the role.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2016 1:44 am Reply with quote
GrayArchon wrote:
The Japanese VA for Yuuki was Aoi Yuuki. I think pretty much everyone agrees that both voice actresses did an excellent job in the role.

Oh, I agree; you don't lose anything with either dub. For me, though, the always-great Ms. Yuuki was an A performance whereas the up-and-coming Ms. Mendez was an A+ performance. At least a little credit for the latter probably goes to the ADR directing and writing, which did a terrific job in interpreting Yuuki's tomboyish speaking patterns into a form that conveys a subtly equivalent effect in English. That's something that kinda gets lost in the translation of the novel.
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Joined: 18 Apr 2016
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PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2016 2:09 am Reply with quote
GrayArchon wrote:
jr240483 wrote:
Key wrote:
pikkuhukka wrote:
i really, really loved yuuki, whoever did her voiceacting was so .. so spot on, her cheerful and powerful nature came to life in an outstanding way, and i find myself trying to imitate to cheerful "okaaaai" even at work

If you're talking about the English dub then that was Erica Mendez, whom you might have heard in The Seven Deadly Sins (as Diane), Yuki Yuna is a Hero (as Fu), or Love Live! (as Nico, I think?). Her performance as Yuuki was my pick for the top dub performance of 2015..

and its one thing everyone in the otaku community whether their anime fans or reviewers from websites like these agree.having erica as top VA performance honors for 2015 was pretty much a no brainer.especially since it was a complete vocal overhaul after doing ryuko on kill la kill.though i'm not wanting to flame up a new dub vs sub war, was wondering about the sub VA for yuuki? cause all people did talked about that year was about erica's take as yuuki,though the japaneese VA was as just as good and i'm mainly a dub only person.

The Japanese VA for Yuuki was Aoi Yuuki. I think pretty much everyone agrees that both voice actresses did an excellent job in the role.

huh, she's done quite alot, including animus i have already watched, also she's quite cute ^^;

but looks like this gives me an excuse to watch mother's rosario arc again, dubbed, a thing which i would never normally do :3
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