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NEWS: Q-Lia's Banana Cat Character 'Bananya' Gets Crowdfunding for TV Anime

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Joined: 06 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:50 am Reply with quote
It's come to something when companies are asking to crowd source adverts. It's fast becoming the default; need funding then ask the public for money first before older.
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Joined: 16 Dec 2014
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:26 am Reply with quote
There might be people who might not agree with me on this but i think Crowdfunding campaign is a greed way for anime companies to get the money to produce Anime series.I read an article that most anime don't recoup the money that the company spent to produce.With crowdfunding companies don't have to take the risk of going bankrupt.In the article it also said that it takes around $2 million to produce 13 episodes series.$2 million is a lot of money but with crowdfunding it shouldn't be a problem getting that amount to get the anime produced.Think about it for a sec people.How many anime series are we waiting for them to see a return?.Yet we haven't because companies don't want to take the financial risk on them..Personally i have a few series i would like to see return...Rosario+Vampire for example..I've been waiting forever for capu3.Now if companies like Gonzo don't want to risk it then simple ask the public to fund it.That way we get the continuation of the series we want..People should support the product that they want.Video games are getting crowdfunded why not anime or any other media for that matter...At least that's how i look at it.
I would definitely support an anime series through crowdfunding campaign should there be a campaign for it...Oh and i actually suggested this to Gonzo,let's just hope they are listening.
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Hiroki not Takuya

Joined: 17 Apr 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 11:54 am Reply with quote
Gezmoyassine wrote:
There might be people who might not agree with me on this but i think Crowdfunding campaign is a greed way for anime companies to get the money to produce Anime series...
I assume you meant "great" and I both agree and have been excited to see this funding concept take off and produce results like "Patema Inverted" and others. Since companies are so risk-adverse these days, what better way to minimize it and give fans what they are willing to pay for? And this isn't to produce an advertisement, but an anime. If you love the adorably cute "Bananya" and friends, then fund it and I'd love to see it get made, even if I think the character evokes uncomfortable imagery of biting off the head of a cat.
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Joined: 16 Dec 2014
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:42 pm Reply with quote
Hiroki not Takuya wrote:
Gezmoyassine wrote:
There might be people who might not agree with me on this but i think Crowdfunding campaign is a greed way for anime companies to get the money to produce Anime series...
I assume you meant "great" and I both agree and have been excited to see this funding concept take off and produce results like "Patema Inverted" and others. Since companies are so risk-adverse these days, what better way to minimize it and give fans what they are willing to pay for? And this isn't to produce an advertisement, but an anime. If you love the adorably cute "Bananya" and friends, then fund it and I'd love to see it get made, even if I think the character evokes uncomfortable imagery of biting off the head of a cat.

Yeah,i meant to say 'Great' sorry about that.I know it's an anime.Personally this doesn't really interests me but the idea of how they want to get it funded is something that i want to see more companies across all medias use as a way to get the money they need.Like that they have no excuses.Really this Crowfunding thing is quite exciting.Finally we can make things happen with our pocket and not theirs...I was actually thinking about something.Instead of waiting for companies to create a campaign.Why can't we create a campaign to whatever that we want to get made and send it to the company that owns the rights of that product but there should be away to make sure that the money is actually going to that company otherwise there would be a lot of scams and frauds going on...for example why i should i wait for Gonzo to start a campaign for Capu3 why can't i start it for them have the money directly transferred directly to them..Maybe this sounds stupid but i think it's a good idea...I know that there might be people who might want take advantage of this that's why there should be a way to prevent that..
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Hiroki not Takuya

Joined: 17 Apr 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 2:16 am Reply with quote
Gezmoyassine wrote:
...Instead of waiting for companies to create a campaign.Why can't we create a campaign to whatever that we want to get made and send it to the company that owns the rights of that product...for example why i should i wait for Gonzo to start a campaign for Capu3 why can't i start it for them have the money directly transferred directly to them..Maybe this sounds stupid but i think it's a good idea...
Sorry, I didn't read your original post closely enough. No, you are right, it is a good idea but tricky for existing properties because you would have to get the rights-holders to agree beforehand or risk having to return a lot of money if they didn't go along. Now, the other way around, to fund a concept anime and have it made as you are suggesting is also a great idea, similar to what is happening with "Under the Dog". That may be the next step in funding evolution, but requires some people to do artwork or other promotional materials for free beforehand. I've always thought the number of fan-art/fan-fiction producers is a vast untapped resource and if you or someone else can enlist a number of them, you might be the next Disney. Good luck!
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Joined: 22 Aug 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 10:56 am Reply with quote
It's a cat banana. They're not getting my money, that's for sure.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 2:08 am Reply with quote
I would say that's in part because it's often done for shorts or OVA episodes (I think usu. 1-2), which is cheaper than a full cour. A full cour campaign on Kickstarter is where $1+ million dollar might come in handy.
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