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INTEREST: The Perfect Insider Author Reveals Details of Royalties in New Book

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Joined: 14 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 7:21 pm Reply with quote
I would call this suspect. Not the figures involved, but the person. It may just be how ANN has phrased the article. But it would appear Hiroshi Mori is saying here that his success is all due to his savvy. Which is what I find suspect.

Most of the things he mentions getting royalties from would never deal directly with an author. Invariably it is because of an excellent and very proactive publication agent that such deals are formed. Royalties can get you a lot of money, or they can make you a pauper. The difference is usually how good your agent is at their job. And for the most part, agents will rarely go the extra mile needed to pull a lot of these types of deals off. It may very well be that he worked closely with his agent, and used his savvy to suggest opportunities. But if he is suggesting that he achieved it all himself would send up a red flag for me. Wink
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Joined: 20 Mar 2013
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 8:31 pm Reply with quote
Mori now says "I have enough money, so I'm going to try writing the book I really want to write."

Hmm... well then. Not sure what that says about what he has written so far, but I hope what he wants to write is something good.

As far as the royalties go.. I don't know if I'm following this exactly, but it sounds like the article is saying that Hiroshi made a total of $10 million since 1996, with about $500k coming from The Perfect Insider. I mean, I'd be happy to make that amount, but over the course of 19 years, 600k per year isn't really something that I would publicly brag about. Especially not in a book. That being said, there may be something to his bragging if he is able to make money writing a book about how clever he is at making money. Laughing

Last edited by relyat08 on Sat Dec 12, 2015 10:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 10:15 pm Reply with quote
Mori-san...is surprisingly candid about all of this. I was under the impression that industry figure-heads try to keep this sort of information private for both business ethics and competitive reasons; I also agree that a lot of this maneuvering would require both cooperation from a publisher and a skillful insider to close such deals across so many mediums and platforms. Understanding and navigating these complex relationships would require a unique type of intelligence, tenacity, and forethought.

On this side of the ocean, savvy authors seem to establish control by taking a early stand or hard-edged reputation to protect their interests, refine their message, and promote fan support. My exposure to this particular case has only been through The Perfect Insider anime series, but even with the author's level of involvement unknown to me, I can tell this show is adamantly self-aware of how clever it is.

Interesting read. I would be curious for a follow-up if any more information does surface.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 10:18 pm Reply with quote
relyat08 wrote:
600k per year isn't really something that I would publicly brag about.

Hmm, I wonder what is brag worthy then...

Still, that 600k might just be what he is seeing at the end of the day. Potentially, he could've earned more, but deducted what he never saw hit his bank account?

Either way, I'm sure that there would be plenty of authors out there that would kill to have made close to 600K per year over a 19 year span.

relyat08 wrote:
Mori now says "I have enough money, so I'm going to try writing the book I really want to write."

Hmm... well then. Not sure what that says about what he has written so far, but I hope what he wants to write is something good.

Sounds to me he is planning to do something that is more of a passion project. Sure, you could say all works that writers do are passion projects to an extent, but I usually view a passion project as something where the writer will take very little outside input into the work.

As for what it'd say about his other works, nothing really. There could've been some where his desire to do the work was less, but I doubt there are many writers out there that would last for as long as he has without having done plenty of work they wanted to do. Every one comes to a time where they have to do some work they don't really want to...

And, I do agree with what partially has said. The article does make it sound like Mori has no agent, and was able to grab all this royalty money through his own negotiation skills. I'm not saying that'd be impossible, but I do believe that it'd be more likely that there'd be an agent involved...and seems like it could've been a very good one too.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 11:04 pm Reply with quote
I do hope he calculated all the taxes correct... Confused
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 12:24 am Reply with quote
Blanchimont wrote:
I do hope he calculated all the taxes correct... Confused

I wonder if he's good friends with the Log Horizon guy. Laughing
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:09 am Reply with quote
I don't know, I think ten million is a lot. Wasn't there an ANN article that stated the net worth of people in anime, and even the top dogs like Akira Toriyama was only around 50 million or so. This is a lot, but when you compare this to Notch getting around a billion for basically making Mincraft, JK Rowling being a billionaire for Harry Potter, or what your somebody like the Simpson's creator is worth, the wealthiest people in anime are either not quite in that stratospheric level or at least its not the creators. So ten million is not bad.

I think the one exception is Oda who is said to make around 25 million a year.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:21 am Reply with quote
He seems quite business savvy. He knows how to get people to buy his books.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:15 pm Reply with quote
enurtsol wrote:
He seems quite business savvy. He knows how to get people to buy his books.

Japanese writer and ex-assistant Professor in Nagoya University , Doctor of Engineering <= One would surmise he'd got the smarts for it at least...
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:43 pm Reply with quote
Blanchimont wrote:
enurtsol wrote:

He seems quite business savvy. He knows how to get people to buy his books.

Japanese writer and ex-assistant Professor in Nagoya University , Doctor of Engineering <= One would surmise he'd got the smarts for it at least...

Well, there's technical smarts, and there's business smarts.
(Steve Wozniak is one, and Steve Jobs is the other.)

Incidentally, Steve Wozniak was just at the Tokyo Comic Con promo: Laughing

Actors Ian McDiarmid, left, Ray Park, right, and Mika Mifune (2nd right), cosplayer Otogi Nekomu (2nd left) and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak pose for pictures during an event promoting the Tokyo Comic Con 2016 pop culture fair in Tokyo
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:59 am Reply with quote
Ali07 wrote:
Hmm, I wonder what is brag worthy then...

Still, that 600k might just be what he is seeing at the end of the day. Potentially, he could've earned more, but deducted what he never saw hit his bank account?

Either way, I'm sure that there would be plenty of authors out there that would kill to have made close to 600K per year over a 19 year span.

Novel writers usually get between 5 and 10% of the total earnings of their novels. I don't know how it is in Japan, but getting 600k out of book earnings alone, for a single writer, is quite the accomplishment.
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