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Not a fan of anime openings and endings.

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Joined: 18 Apr 2012
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PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2015 6:31 pm Reply with quote
Not saying I hate openings and endings or I wish they didn't exist but I just don't care about them. Usually I'll watch it once to get kind of an intro to the series but after that I just skip it every episode. I generally don't like the music in op/ed and even if I do I'll just download it and listen to it on ipod. With all this said the opening and endings have absolutely no impact on if I watch a show. In reviews and just listening to feedback on forums I often see the op/ed being brought up as for part of what they like or dislike about a show. I was just wondering how many people also don't really care, or maybe to what extent people do care if they care.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2015 8:59 pm Reply with quote
And most people probably agree with you, to an extent.

Just because an opener or closer is mentioned as a positive about the show does not necessarily mean that it is a prime reason to watch the show. In fact, I have never watched a show just for its OP or ED and I don't know anyone who has.

And you're right that the bulk of OPs and EDs aren't worth repeat viewings; I skip them all the time myself. However, some are. There are certain ones - typically one or two a season - that I will watch every time just because they're so awesome. Putting them on iPods isn't satisfactory because in most of these cases the visuals play a key role in why I like it so much; taken as a song alone, they are not as strong. (Now, there are definitely exceptions to this, but they are a lot rarer.)

If you want to see good examples of what I'm talking about, check out Hope Chapman's Set List column. A particular relatively example I would point to is the eponymous opener for WATAMOTE. Good song, but the visuals are a key component there to making it one of the best of recent years.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2015 9:28 pm Reply with quote
MANY anime opening and endings are the most amazing things ever and I never skip them unless the cliffhanger is just that bad. I mean, you GOTTA watch them over and over if you want to learn how to sing along, duh. :p

I dare nay-sayers to take a look at these and TRY to tell me "they're not cool". Because you are wrong.

Evangelion: Cruel Angel's Thesis
Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok: Rakuen No Tobira
Elemental Gelade: Forever
Lucky Star: Motte Ike Sailor Fuku
Chrono Crusade: Tsubasa Wa Pleasureline
Sword Art Online: Crossing Field
Full Metal Alchemist: Ready Steady Go
Angel Beats: My Soul Your Beats
Sailor Moon Sailor Stars: Sailor Stars Theme
Soul Eater: Resonance
Magic Knights Rayearth: Yuzurenai Negai
Gensoumaden Saiyuki: for real
Tenchi Muyo TV: Anta No Sei Janai

Last edited by Chiibi on Wed May 20, 2015 9:47 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2015 9:33 pm Reply with quote
Be aware, thenix, that some anime have a coda after the ED. You may miss something important. A classic case I've witnessed was the screening of The Sky Crawlers at the Melbourne International Film Festival a few years back. Three quarters of the capacity audience left during the end credits not knowing that the film had further to go. The film is a dig at the conservatism of anime fans so I suspect it was done deliberately by Mamoru Oshii.
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Joined: 16 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2015 9:53 pm Reply with quote
That reminds me of when I went to watch Rebellion in the theater after the credits rolled. At least half the theater had left while I slipped away to the bathroom(and somebody stole one of my cookies...), completely missing the the ending scene. Sure, it doesn't necessarily change anything, but it's still a hell of a thing to miss.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2015 9:59 pm Reply with quote
LOL yes, I have learned to ALWAYS stay until that screen goes completely black! Not just with anime but MOVIES as well. Every single time. The entire theater can leave; I don't care! I'll sit there until it's actually done and silent.
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Jose Cruz

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PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2015 1:57 am Reply with quote
I usually dislike the songs of openings and endings and hence I almost never watch those. Though its true that I probably missed many things there and here. For instance, I never noticed the openings that Chiibi pointed out in many shows I have watched.

One reason for that might be that I generally dislike music that is not orchestral or heavy metal. Yep, my music tastes are that restrictive, yet, I loved Hisaishi's work as well as Otani's soundtrack for Haibane Renmei. Though the soundtrack for the opening and closing themes was much weaker than the shows actual score in my opinion.
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Joined: 13 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2015 4:00 am Reply with quote
I HATE when an anime continues after the ending theme. Particularly if the ending theme sucks. In any case I love openings and endings. Good ops and eds always motivate me to watch more. I generally don't like ops and eds sung by the show's seiyuus. Those ops and eds tend to be very mediocre, although they can be good some times.

Chiibi wrote:
Full Metal Alchemist: Ready Steady Go

You liked that over the first opening? You're.... you're crazy!
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Joined: 21 Sep 2011
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PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2015 5:02 am Reply with quote
Key wrote:
A particular relatively example I would point to is the eponymous opener for WATAMOTE. Good song, but the visuals are a key component there to making it one of the best of recent years.

Have you seen the live performance of it from Animelo Summer Live 2013?


Watashi ga Mote Nai no wa dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui / Konomi Suzuki n' KibaobuAkiba + ZAQ (Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! OP)

Kyoichi Sato of FictionJunction/Kalafina's Front Band Members on drums too btw.

Cam0 wrote:
I generally don't like ops and eds sung by the show's seiyuus. Those ops and eds tend to be very mediocre, although they can be good some times.

Depends on the seiyuu and the song and personal preference.

It might be worth your while looking through what songs tend to get performed at events like Animax Musix http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANIMAX_MUSIX or Animelo Summer Live https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animelo_Summer_Live - many of the best OP and ED songs will appear in such concerts. (I attended Animelo Summer Live in 2011, 2012 and 2013, and Animax Musix Yokohama day 2 in 2013 and Animax Musix Yokohama 2014).
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Joined: 18 Apr 2012
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PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2015 12:59 pm Reply with quote
errinundra wrote:
Be aware, thenix, that some anime have a coda after the ED. You may miss something important. A classic case I've witnessed was the screening of The Sky Crawlers at the Melbourne International Film Festival a few years back. Three quarters of the capacity audience left during the end credits not knowing that the film had further to go. The film is a dig at the conservatism of anime fans so I suspect it was done deliberately by Mamoru Oshii.

This is true. There has been a few series where I was missing a min or so of the story because they put a bit of it between the ending credits and before the next episode preview.


Cam0 wrote:
I HATE when an anime continues after the ending theme. Particularly if the ending theme sucks. In any case I love openings and endings. Good ops and eds always motivate me to watch more. I generally don't like ops and eds sung by the show's seiyuus. Those ops and eds tend to be very mediocre, although they can be good some times.

Chiibi wrote:
Full Metal Alchemist: Ready Steady Go

You liked that over the first opening? You're.... you're crazy!

Everyone of my personal friends/family love Ready Steady Go and I can't stand the song. Plus the first opening was amazing.

{Combined serial postings. ~nobahn}
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Mr. Oshawott

Joined: 12 Mar 2012
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PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2015 1:20 pm Reply with quote
I almost always watch the openings and endings since they help me retain interest for the show. Some openings and endings have songs that I enjoy so dearly that I would even dance to them every now and then.

The only show that I ever skipped an ending was Geneshaft. I couldn't tolerate how the singer sounded "drunk" throughout the entire song.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2015 3:44 pm Reply with quote
Cam0 wrote:
Chiibi wrote:
Full Metal Alchemist: Ready Steady Go

You liked that over the first opening? You're.... you're crazy!

Oh noes, our opinions are different. Rolling Eyes

I'm not crazy. Melissa was boring, song-wise. :p I love faster-paced songs. I think most people do. You can have really great visuals but if the song is "meh", it loses so much impact. I found Full Metal Panic's OP and EDs terribly mediocre for that reason.

And with Black Lagoon, it's a good OP but it would better if they showed kick-ass action scenes instead of all the text and headlines. Red Fraction is so awesome though that I can forgive it.
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Joined: 13 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2015 4:20 pm Reply with quote
Chiibi wrote:
I'm not crazy. Melissa was boring, song-wise. :p I love faster-paced songs. I think most people do.

Oh I like fast-paced songs too. I didn't find Ready Steady Go bad, I just found Melissa to be a lot better. For FMA, Rewrite and Melissa sort of share the first place for me.

Chiibi wrote:
I found Full Metal Panic's OP and EDs terribly mediocre for that reason.

The Second Raid opening. Awesome.

Chiibi wrote:
And with Black Lagoon, it's a good OP but it would better if they showed kick-ass action scenes instead of all the text and headlines. Red Fraction is so awesome though that I can forgive it.

I didn't like the Black Lagoon opening. The Engrish just didn't work for me that time.

Chiibi wrote:
Oh noes, our opinions are different. Rolling Eyes

It's preposterous I tell ya. Razz
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Joined: 19 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2015 4:48 pm Reply with quote
Rewrite is good, yeah.

Red Fraction's lyrics have little to do with why I love it.It's MELL so if she sang it in Portuguese, I'd still think it was awesome. Anime hyper
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Joined: 14 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2015 8:53 am Reply with quote
I guess I'm one who can raise my hand and say that anime theme songs are a highlight for me when watching. I think it's because my particular taste in music (mostly trance, R&B and jpop in general) coincides with the type of music you hear in the type of anime I like.

I am particular to the music itself and nice visuals in the op/ed are usually secondary even if they have a lot of impact or reveal something important about the story. If I like the songs, and most cases I do, I wont skip them each time I watch the episode. In fact sometimes I like the songs so much, after watching the episode, I'll replay the theme song once or twice more.

An example where I know I probably watched the ending 3 times for every episode I watched was Inou Battle in Everyday Life. That song is completely amazing and the visuals are so cute. I especially love the part where they flash all of the characters and their superpower names. I think I tend to like songs that are sung by a large group of the cast members, such as "You Gotta Love Me."

Another 2 songs I couldn't get enough of while watching the show was both endings for Log Horizon by Yun*Chi.

Somebody mention Chrno Crusade? Who could disagree that "Sayonara Solitaire" is an extremely beautiful song, and much better than the opening? It's one of my favorite anime songs of all time, in fact.

Cam0 wrote:
Chiibi wrote:
I'm not crazy. Melissa was boring, song-wise. :p I love faster-paced songs. I think most people do.

Oh I like fast-paced songs too. I didn't find Ready Steady Go bad, I just found Melissa to be a lot better. For FMA, Rewrite and Melissa sort of share the first place for me.
My favorite OP is Ready Steady Go but my favorite FMA song is Motherland. I don't like Melissa at all, I think it just sounds corny.
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