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NEWS: Bloodborne Gets Bundle With Its Own Limited-Edition PS4 Variant

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fuzzy nukes

Joined: 22 Jan 2015
Posts: 6
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:24 am Reply with quote
will this also be available in the US? I'm planning on getting both a PS4 and Bloodborne this year and the bundle will just make it easier.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 2:58 am Reply with quote
fuzzy nukes wrote:

will this also be available in the US? I'm planning on getting both a PS4 and Bloodborne this year and the bundle will just make it easier.

If ya noticed, most of the PS4 bundles are outside the US. There's a reason for that:

Is Sony releasing too many PlayStation 4 bundles?

  • The PlayStation 4 hasn’t been on the market for even a year, and so far Sony has released an impressive two dozen bundles — that’s right, 24 different PlayStation 4 bundles have released or announced so far (to see all of them, check out our PlayStation 4 bundle guide). During the PS3’s first year on the market, Sony released a grand total of 7 bundles.

    Why all the bundles?

    All these bundles beg the question: why? Bundles are usually released to boost console sales, but as we all know, the PlayStation 4 is doing just fine — it has sold well over 10 million units to date. However, while the PS4 has been selling well in North America, the situation isn’t as good in Europe, where most of the bundles are.

    The majority of the bundles have been exclusive to Europe. Of the 24 bundles, two thirds are exclusive to Europe. One of the reasons for this is could be that Sony is closely monitoring PlayStation 4 sales in European countries. While the PS4 has sold like hot cakes in the US, sales in Europe have been trailing behind. Sony’s offering of the many bundles might be a way to spark sales in certain territories, which makes sense.

    No real cost savings

    However, in most cases, there isn’t a signification cost saving when buying a bundle compared to just buying the game and console separately. The bundles are usually paired with a game and some fancy box art — in most cases, there isn’t really any cost savings for the consumer, which is the big draw of a bundle.

    For example, the Destiny PlayStation 4 bundle, the new Far Cry 4 and LittleBigPlanet 3 bundles offer no savings to the gamer if they purchased the console and game separately. This is especially true when third party games are bundled with the console.

    It is worth noting that some of the bundles do offer significant savings: the bundles that include Sony’s first party games and an extra controller or the PS Camera are retailing for much less than if all the parts were purchased separately. For example, the new DriveClub bundle with an extra controller and PS Camera will retail for 500 Euro, a saving of over 50 Euro.

    No exclusivity in bundles anymore

    Games console bundles used to be very exclusive. They used to be released in limited editions and most of them were collector’s items. Now, most bundles offer the regular console with a game thrown in and a prettier box. The sheer amount of PlayStation 4 bundles available takes away the feeling of exclusivity for collectors.

    There’s nothing wrong in offering choice for gamers, but in reality, most of the PlayStation 4 bundles are simply boring. They include the standard 500 GB console and nothing more. The original Destiny bundle was exciting if only for one reason: it had the gorgeous Crystal White console and white DualShock 4 controller.

    Hopefully in the future, Sony will add some exclusivity and variety to the bundles. Different color consoles. Maybe larger harddrives (it’s rumored that a 1TB PlayStation 4 is coming soon). Maybe offer some of those laser-etched consoles they’re selling in Japan. Or maybe just give us a batter [sic] deal for our money.

They do bundles where salesboost is needed. So the PS4's success in the US is also the thing that's to its detriment.
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Joined: 22 Jan 2015
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 6:28 am Reply with quote
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