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Sailormoon just a silly shoujo anime?

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Joined: 27 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 3:54 am Reply with quote
I know Sailormoon often gets a bad rap for being a terrible anime. And I have to admit, it is quite the guilty pleasure. I watched the horrible dub when it showed on TBS when I was in sixth grade. But I recently finished watching the whole uncut series in it's entirety and I have to say that there is a lot more going on in this anime than is on the surface. I realized there is a lot of pointless crappy episodes throughout the whole series that have do absolutely nothing to further the plot... However the episodes that do further the plot are absolutely fantastic, moving, and quite entertaining. The only season in the series I found to be almost consistently boring was SuperS,

Really, Sailormoon is a story of war and love that transcends time and space.

Are there any other people out there that are still fans of Sailormoon? Anyone out there that thinks that the original is as worse as the dub?

I, myself, would actually like to see the whole series re-dubbed with original names and music... but i don't see that happening anytime soon... or even ever.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 5:34 am Reply with quote
I'm still a fan of Sailor Moon, the uncut sub tho. I watched it as a kid too and really loved it, and my desire for rare gems in anime spurred me to watch it all in it's original form. I'd like to see the entire series remastered and released in nice box sets.
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Joined: 15 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:08 am Reply with quote
Those who think it's just a silly Shoujo anime might have just seen the Dub. When I first saw the "real" version I thought it was hilarious with some really serious stuff. Now, it's amusing with a whole lot of cheesy melodrama.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:46 am Reply with quote
I personally am still a Sailor Moon fan. I remember years ago I had my weekend schedule. By seven in the morning on Saturdays I would watch the episodes. I still have about 4-5 VHS tapes stashed away in the closet somewhere but I never lost interest in the series no matter how much negative comments people point towards it. Smile
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Joined: 18 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:03 am Reply with quote
I love Sailor Moon very much. Not the first season so much, I just finished watching it subbed and found that the dub didn't take as much away from it as I had thought it might, except of course for the major changes to the ending.

However the later seasons (the only two I've seen all the way are S and Stars) are incredible at times and really go beyond the silly shoujo standard, especially Stars which I feel is the best season, which is so sad since it's the only one that is unlicensed.
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Joined: 28 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:37 am Reply with quote
Another Sailor Moon fan here.

Yes, there are some really silly moments. Moments that make you cover your eyes and go "Why?" But, if you follow the series from the beginning of the season to the end and from the first season to Stars, you will see that, yes, the first episodes are fun, bright, cheerful and silly but as time passes, the situation gets darker and and more serious. Humor is used to keep it from being too serious at times but you do feel the pain and the hurt that the Senshi and especially Sailor Moon go through.

The girls themselves are complex, yes, you see the surface but underneath that there is something else. I didn't realize how complex each of the girls really are until I read Warriors of Legend: Reflections of Japan in Sailor Moon. VERY interesting book, it explained things that I, as a Westerner, would not, could not, understand about how each of the girls fit, or don't fit, in Japanese Society. I found it through Amazon.com for $12.99. I recommend this book to any Sailor Moon fan or someone wanting to know more.

So, IMO, Sailor Moon is NOT just a silly shoujo anime. It has depth and meaning and strengths that I will possible never understand.

And what the hell, it's fun! I love all the characters! Especially Tuxedo Mask! Embarassed To me, they show that no matter how weak or ineffective you think you are, you CAN do it. And LOVE will help give you that strength.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:40 am Reply with quote
Are there any other people out there that are still fans of Sailormoon? Anyone out there that thinks that the original is as worse as the dub?

I'm a guy, and I still love Sailormoon. Very Happy This was one of the first anime series I watched and I always enjoyed it. I did find Serena quite annoying at times but that was just how she was supposed to be. The ditsy, annoying, lovable hero with a heart of gold. The show had great lessons behind it and really played the emotional string well. I agree that the later seasons actually got better and I enjoyed watching some of the other sailor scouts come into the mix. I personally liked Sailor Pluto and Neptune the most out of the "new" scouts they brought in later. Though my favorites will always be Sailor Jupiter followed by Mercury. I kinda had a crush on them both growing up. Embarassed
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Joined: 18 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:14 am Reply with quote
LydiaDianne wrote:
I didn't realize how complex each of the girls really are until I read Warriors of Legend: Reflections of Japan in Sailor Moon. VERY interesting book, it explained things that I, as a Westerner, would not, could not, understand about how each of the girls fit, or don't fit, in Japanese Society. I found it through Amazon.com for $12.99. I recommend this book to any Sailor Moon fan or someone wanting to know more.

That sounds very interesting, I will look into seeing if I can find a copy, thanks LydiaDianne Smile

(to go entirely OT for a moment, something I have been wondering...LydiaDianne, would you be offended at all if someone were to just call you Lydia? Because I am lazy and keep wanting to shorten it but don't know if that would be bad or not).
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Joined: 10 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:43 am Reply with quote
I still like Sailor Moon as well. Although I am not a fan of Usagi (I admit she gets considerably more likable as time goes on but her character never grew on me) I love some of the other characters- namely Haruka and Michiru.
Of course there are plenty of silly moments but most of them are hilarious and when it gets serious it really does get dark.

LydiaDianne wrote:

The girls themselves are complex, yes, you see the surface but underneath that there is something else. I didn't realize how complex each of the girls really are until I read Warriors of Legend: Reflections of Japan in Sailor Moon. VERY interesting book, it explained things that I, as a Westerner, would not, could not, understand about how each of the girls fit, or don't fit, in Japanese Society. I found it through Amazon.com for $12.99. I recommend this book to any Sailor Moon fan or someone wanting to know more.

I would be interested in reading this book. Speaking of which, I came across a few Sailor Moon themed essays that I really enjoyed, you might find them worth reading:

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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:51 am Reply with quote
It's nice to see a post about Sailor Moon just was I was wondering where/how to ask a question about the franchise in general. I hear a lot of people here mention it, and I admit it...I have never seen any Sailor Moon.

I wonder if it gets so much love as it's a fond memory for viewers, or if I were to try and rent now, if it would still be enjoyable/worth the watch. Is it worth it now if I haven't seen it before? I hear about multiple seasons/titles, can you skip some or not? Tell me more please.
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Joined: 11 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:07 pm Reply with quote
I'm not, but a close friend of mine is so obsessed with that series she gave me the Live-Action character song CD... Andmind you, some of 'em don't sing that bad (especially Hama Chisaki)
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:28 pm Reply with quote
bonbonsrus wrote:
It's nice to see a post about Sailor Moon just was I was wondering where/how to ask a question about the franchise in general. I hear a lot of people here mention it, and I admit it...I have never seen any Sailor Moon.

I wonder if it gets so much love as it's a fond memory for viewers, or if I were to try and rent now, if it would still be enjoyable/worth the watch. Is it worth it now if I haven't seen it before? I hear about multiple seasons/titles, can you skip some or not? Tell me more please.

It's definitely worth checking out now regardless of it's age. You can technically watch each season individually, from what I remember, as they all have different plots and main bad guys. The thing is, you probably won't understand the group dynamics and interactions as much if you don't start from the beginning. So I would personally start from season 1.The show itself is very emotional, tons of sappy moments, and has great character interactions and relationships. Netflix should have them to rent and I'm sure you can find some good discount deals on this show online at places like TSRI and ebay.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:48 pm Reply with quote
I liked Sailor moon but now I am not able to watch it. I have tried once but it bored me quickly and that I never liked Usagi don't help. It is too many unnecessary episodes with monster of the week. However still it is sentimental anime for me.

bonbonsrus wrote:
I wonder if it gets so much love as it's a fond memory for viewers, or if I were to try and rent now, if it would still be enjoyable/worth the watch. Is it worth it now if I haven't seen it before? I hear about multiple seasons/titles, can you skip some or not? Tell me more please.

Well if you never watched it, it probably would not be so great for you. I showed it once to my friend, she had never watched it before, and she was bored after few episodes. I talked about SM with my friends who have watched it and they also admitted that they wouldn't be able to watch it again because it is too long and they have already seen better series. If you want to watch old shoujo you should rather try to watch something such as The Rose of Versailles it is shorter, don't have unnecessary episodes and the plot is better.

Last edited by Aylinn on Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:29 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 27 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 2:28 pm Reply with quote
It seems like Sailormoon was the show that got people into anime. I myself loved the dubbed series(now I can't bare to even think about it), but it was that show that got me to love anime.

Yes, its true that there are a lot of boring monster of the week episodes. I am thinking if I should try to sift through and make a condensed playlist of Sailormoon episodes that would make the whole series continuously entertaining and moving.... I think its possible. I bet I could cut a about 30-40 episodes...

bonbonsrus wrote:
It's nice to see a post about Sailor Moon just was I was wondering where/how to ask a question about the franchise in general. I hear a lot of people here mention it, and I admit it...I have never seen any Sailor Moon.

I wonder if it gets so much love as it's a fond memory for viewers, or if I were to try and rent now, if it would still be enjoyable/worth the watch. Is it worth it now if I haven't seen it before? I hear about multiple seasons/titles, can you skip some or not? Tell me more please.

It is hard to just watch a random season, because the plot is somewhat intricate and you'll miss key points about their past(or future) if you don't. I am sure you could find a season summary some where online if you're so inclined.

My favorite seasons are by far S and Sailor Stars. Someone told me once that Sailor Stars was the worst season so I never watched for years. But it turned out that it was one of my favorites. I thought that the show had a great series finale.

I was sad though that the sailors never got their final forms that they did in the manga... their fuku resembled Eternal Sailormoon, and they all had matching boots and gloves.
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Joined: 14 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 2:43 pm Reply with quote
From reading this board it seems about the same time that Sailor Moon first started airing in the US is when many of the fans here first became exposed to anime. My exposure to the artform came a bit earlier so I was already a fan and had experienced many other shows beforehand but I still enjoyed Sailor Moon. So it was not like it was the first show I watched and didn't have higher expectations of it since it was anime. Plus I was living in communal housing at the time and the only access I had to cable TV was in the bldg. lounge. Before work I would sit down there every morning and switch on Sailor Moon. I was not embarrassed at all that dozens of people would walk by noticing a grown adult watching what looked like cartoons. The show was interesting and I have many fond memories, especially of Ami Mizuno, who is actually still probably my most favorite anime character and a fictional person who I admired and even found inspiration from.
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