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INTEREST: Japanese Gamers Pick Their Favorite Video Game Companies

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Joined: 02 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 11:35 pm Reply with quote
Rahxephon91 wrote:
Level 5's helped develop a lot of the recent DQ games.

Sadly none of the games in my previous post and dq x for for the 3ds are likely to get localized in the west. It's sad since those are the games I'm willing to buy/play/review over any new entry into the final fantasy series.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 2:45 am Reply with quote
Murder, She wrote:

A recent poll in Japan questioned 500 men and women about their video game buying habits. Of the 500 participants, 138 responded that they play video games and 73 replied that they have a favorite video game company they consistently patronize.

Such low turnout, plus from the list, seems it's a poll of mainstream J-public. (Gaming is not mainstream in Japan, unless ya count mobile games.) Of course they'd usually play games on the Nintendo handhelds and not niche titles. There'd always be people complaining, but like about Electronic Arts, mainstream still buy lots of EA games.
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Joined: 26 Aug 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 3:37 am Reply with quote
Nintendo is suck a joke.

japanese video gaming has been such a joke for years.
JRPGs are long dead.
well, except for persona, that's always cool.

if it's not on steam or PS3/4/vita, I don't care.

not sure what the new generation of teenagers are into, though.
my little pony would be my first guess.
most younger people I know have a PS4, which I don't really understand since there is nothing to play.

btw, I should point out this pole is very biased.
"a male participant mentioned his favorite series is the Legend of Zelda"
considering, they don't even make a zelda game for the wii U this is clearly favoritism from a 'past generation'
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 3:41 am Reply with quote
potatochobit wrote:

most younger people I know have a PS4, which I don't really understand since there is nothing to play.

What games do you think younger people play?
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Joined: 26 Aug 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 3:45 am Reply with quote
Borderlands 2
dark souls 2

none of those are on PS4

persona 4 max arena or someting is also coming to PS3 I think
ultimate SF4? is that PS3, idk.

I hope you were not expecting me to say mario kart Surprised
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 4:08 am Reply with quote
potatochobit wrote:

Borderlands 2
dark souls 2

none of those are on PS4

persona 4 max arena or someting is also coming to PS3 I think
ultimate SF4? is that PS3, idk.

I hope you were not expecting me to say mario kart Surprised

Let's start with sports games. FIFA World Cup just finished, so there's FIFA 2014. MLB is going on, so there's MLB 14: The Show. And when the new seasons of football, basketball, hockey, etc. They're into UFC now more than boxing, so there's that too.

Then there are the AAA games like inFAMOUS Second Son, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, Watch Dogs, and Wolfenstein: The New Order.

Then there'd be games like Destiny, The Elder Scrolls Online, Alien: Isolation, next iteration of Battlefield and C.O.D. and Assassin's Creed, etc.

Younger people play a lot of those games.
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shamisen the great

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 5:07 am Reply with quote
potatochobit wrote:

most younger people I know have a PS4, which I don't really understand since there is nothing to play.
The same was true when the PS3 launched but they eventually got great games. Besides in addition to the games enurtsol listed, there are good digital games like Child of Light, Transistor, Valiant Hearts, etc.
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Joined: 23 Oct 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 10:23 am Reply with quote
potatochobit wrote:
Borderlands 2
dark souls 2

none of those are on PS4

persona 4 max arena or someting is also coming to PS3 I think
ultimate SF4? is that PS3, idk.

I hope you were not expecting me to say mario kart Surprised

Dark Souls isn't popular with the mainstream. It's too hard. They like hand-holdy games like CoD and Assassin's Creed. We're talking about people who said some WiiU platforming games were bad because they were too difficult and not easily accessible for new players.

PS4 sells fine in America because it has tons of shooters and stuff and that's what America guys. Japan doesn't really care for those so it's no surprise the PS4's sales are mediocre in Japan and it's lagging behind the Wii U which has more games they're interested in. Hopefully once Compile Heart and other companies get their stuff out there PS4 sales will pick up.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 11:38 am Reply with quote
I see people love their generalizations. Whatever makes you feel good about yourself I guess. This notion of hardcore and casual is extremley dumb. Games are games.

Dark Souls at this point is about as mainstream a game not by Nintendo, CoD, GTA, or a sports game can get. A million+sales in the US and widespread coverage. To say the game is'nt popular is pretty silly.

You're just a step away from using the hilarious "THE MASSESS" line with you're pretty snoby posts. People like CoD because it's simply fun. No that couldn't be it. It has to be that they like thier hand held, even though no one holds your hand in the multiplayer which is what everyone who buys CoD buys it for. It's like you don't realize how much of a snob you come off when you make posts which can be summarized as "THE MASSESS like these things I dont".

You're comments about the PS4 are just so funny and self serving.

Oh yes the PS4 is only doing well because people(who I'm sure you refer to as cretins under your breath) only play shooters. Never mind that probably the most well liked PS4 exclusive is in fact Infamous and maybe The Last of Us. Oh but I guess that games a dudebro shooter to. Either way they aren't simply shooters, which is shorthand for "bad dudebro game for you I'm sure". It's almost really disingenuous when you refer to games just as shooters as if they are all the same.

But really thats what your post does. It attempts to put everything you don't like in neat little categories so you can just discredit them. You simply can't just make a generalization like "people like CoD". No you have to add a commentary. A commentary that unsubtlly paints your bias. Your discontent for these things spews from your mouth when you need to devalue this group you're not a part of. They just like "hand holding games". You make that statement to highlight that they are inferior. No, those people just can't simply like a game, they clearly have to be dumb and unsophisticated unlike you right?

Really every post you make about the west and western games reads like this. It's almost self parody, tired, and a little sad at this point.

Yet you're projecting on what you think Japan is, is even more sad.

You do know that even in Japan things like Compile Heart's crap aren't these big sellers right? So why would you even mention them first? As if when they jump on board is when the the PS4 will start moving. That hasn't even been true for the Vita. It's funny that you think that those games are whats going to push PS4 sales. That the PS4 needs those games is almost a joke in itself. I hate to break it to you. Games like CoD, Battlefield, GTA, and now even WatchDogs sell more then Compile Heart stuff. Though clearly PS4 needs actual big Japanese games, because even as western stuff moves a bit up the niche there it's still not king of the mountain. What it needs is not all Compile Heart's stuff. What it needs is Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, Tales, and more Metal Gear apparently. Actual Japanese games that push hardware.
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