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Lucky ☆ Star!

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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:06 pm Reply with quote
Lucky ☆ Star

This is Kyoto Animation's first attempt on adapting a 4koma manga series. You can read the synopsis and the main character profiles here:

Obviously, the OP sequence is unbelievably godly and catchy with nonsensical lyrics. This is one dance number that's going to be hard to replicate! Now for episode 1, I actually found it rather entertaining. Even though the food commentary gag went quite long, I found it oddly informative (now I know what to do when I want to finish off my popsicle without spilling Razz ). I betcha that lots of you peeps out there can relate to Konota very well. Surprised

And I have to say, I found the Lucky Channel segment to be very amusing especially when Akira gets all pissed off about her paycheck! I guess being an idol isn't all that cracked up to be! Laughing

Last edited by darkchibi07 on Mon May 05, 2008 3:28 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Joined: 17 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:20 pm Reply with quote
watched episode 1 and didn't laugh once???? Something wrong with me. Found the street fighter 2 spoof mildly amusing but mostly by its retroness!
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Joined: 19 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:38 pm Reply with quote
Somebody posted the opening on another website I go to. It made me want to stay far far away from this title due to it's annoyance level.
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Joined: 25 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:45 pm Reply with quote
maybe its because im in a good mood but i had a grin nearly the entire time through except it did die down a lil when they kept rambling on about food although very interesting. i didn't read the manga but it seems like it revolves around everyday life and interesting conversations Razz haha at the beginning i was like what where do u pop all this random food out of?! as they were talking lol but i think thats just a demonstration. oh well it was a funny thought

the OP was soo good. i can see it has similar elements to TMOHS.
another thing that popped in my head was the phrase ~de arimas or somethin like that but i heard it in shakugan no shana as well and i dont know what it means. some1 care to elaborate for my ignorance
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Joined: 23 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:22 pm Reply with quote
Klampo wrote:
watched episode 1 and didn't laugh once???? Something wrong with me. Found the street fighter 2 spoof mildly amusing but mostly by its retroness!

If there's something wrong with you, make sure to tell me what you caught. Wink
I found the entire show... flat... It wasn't so much that the material wasn't funny or anything, but rather the way it was done was more or less like an animated newspaper Joke section... and, I tend to stay FAR FAR AWAY from that... This might turn out to be the first show Kyoani does that I turn out to not LOVE. Anime cry Oh wells, it was bound to happen sooner or later...
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Joined: 31 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:31 pm Reply with quote
Since it's based off of a 4-koma (like Azumanga Daioh), its particular brand of humor certainly isn't for everyone. Slice-of-life is still somewhat niche, I believe. Chances are you won't be bawling with laughter, but rather the humor is meant more to just keep you amused with a smile consistantly. There aren't many big punchline jokes, but rather just a steady stream of mundane yet amusing everyday things, such as how to eat certain Asian foods. Those who are able to relate to the mundane aspects of it are likely to enjoy it (such as myself).

The series represents a large departure from Kyoto Animation's usual works. In reality, I believe this is just a casual project that Kyoto Animation (which is a very, very small company compared to the bigger names like Sunrise or GONZO) is undertaking just to pass the time and give their normal staff a break in between big shows. After all, they just finished making Haruhi and Kanon, and have Clannad coming up. You can't really expect the usual KyoAni animation style that fans have become accustomed to since AIR, Haruhi, and Kanon, especially since that style doesn't really work well with a 4-koma adaptation. There was no way they could have used such a style without completely changing all the original character designs. This is also a very good business decision on the part of Kyoto Animation, as they're able to save a good deal of money and resources for their next big project by working on a project that doesn't require those resources. As I said, 4-komas don't exactly rely on beautiful animation and intricate plot-filled stories. If you're watching this expecting something like Kanon, better just wait until Clannad comes out.

The first episode was pretty much what I expected, a faithful adaptation of the first few chapters of the 4-koma manga. I expect it to get better though, once they introduce more characters and we get to see the tension between Konata and Kagami. For now to me it's amusing to watch, but not quite up to the level of Azumanga Daioh yet. The humor style is noticably different, though, as Lucky☆Star relies more on dialogue humor rather than exaggerated and repetitious actions like AzuDai.

On a side note, I demand that we find a way to change the topic title to Lucky☆Star, adding in that star in the middle. Anime smile
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Joined: 09 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:52 pm Reply with quote
watched episode 1 and didn't laugh once???? Something wrong with me. Found the street fighter 2 spoof mildly amusing but mostly by its retroness!

there is nothing wrong with because all the jokes/humors are intended for Japanese. Some Asians can understand it too.
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Joined: 13 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:54 pm Reply with quote
Episode 1 was not great, but I am definitely very excited about the series.
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Joined: 27 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:07 am Reply with quote
Mirrinus wrote:
Since it's based off of a 4-koma (like Azumanga Daioh), its particular brand of humor certainly isn't for everyone. Slice-of-life is still somewhat niche, I believe. Chances are you won't be bawling with laughter, but rather the humor is meant more to just keep you amused with a smile consistantly. There aren't many big punchline jokes, but rather just a steady stream of mundane yet amusing everyday things, such as how to eat certain Asian foods. Those who are able to relate to the mundane aspects of it are likely to enjoy it (such as myself).<snip>

The first episode was pretty much what I expected, a faithful adaptation of the first few chapters of the 4-koma manga. I expect it to get better though, once they introduce more characters and we get to see the tension between Konata and Kagami. For now to me it's amusing to watch, but not quite up to the level of Azumanga Daioh yet. The humor style is noticably different, though, as Lucky☆Star relies more on dialogue humor rather than exaggerated and repetitious actions like AzuDai.

On a side note, I demand that we find a way to change the topic title to Lucky☆Star, adding in that star in the middle. Anime smile

If you did go into this expecting something like Haruhi or Kanon, then you were obviously going to be at least surprised. I liked it for what it was, though I do agree that it could be picked up a little bit (which it probably will be somewhat in the coming episodes). I enjoy dialog humor, so this should be right up my alley. It's probably not going to be my "Zoh my god what happens next?" or really anticipated show every week, but it's going to be something pleasant that I can enjoy as is. I know some people don't like this sort of thing, but I respect KyoAni's decision, and I'm sure other people should too. After all, they're human, so they can't exactly churn out perfectly animated and drawn anime forever without any sort of "style break."
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:41 am Reply with quote
Clodus wrote:
another thing that popped in my head was the phrase ~de arimas or somethin like that but i heard it in shakugan no shana as well and i don't know what it means. some1 care to elaborate for my ignorance
~de arimasu is a fancier way of saying "to be," so it's roughly equivalent in meaning to desu. In fact, desu was originally a contraction of de arimasu.

I haven't watched Lucky Star yet, as I was waiting for that same fansub group that did Melancholy~ to release it Wink but now that they have, I'll take a look.
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Joined: 25 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:53 am Reply with quote
Actually my favorite part of the episode was the first 5 minutes (the food discussion). I thought it was hilarious, informative and so much more interesting and refreshing than most other openings. It aimed for Chiyo's "Tsukurimashyou" song and nearly got there. The Lucky Channel was also very funny, I hope that's in every episode.
What I didn't like was the character designs, in fact they really put me off. A Slice of Life Comedy that relies on mundane, everyday and realistic content should not have extreme looking characters. I think what was unique about Azumanga was that 6 out of the 7 female characters had dark brown or black hair. In Lucky Star they were all colors of the rainbow and I don't think it suits the show at all.

Overall I really liked the first episode and I'm looking forward to more. Next week I'll probably also tune in to another fansub group since the comedy is very reliant on the dialogue.

It also bothers me that everyone is seeing this only as a KyoAni production. Is it going to be the same with Clannad and everything else KyoAni makes? It's anime, not a competition to have the best anime company with the most consistent series. It really annoys me that it's only KyoAni fans who watched the first episode of Lucky Star and pretty much everyone has complained about it in one way or another.
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Joined: 14 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 4:25 am Reply with quote
Zero89 wrote:
This might turn out to be the first show Kyoani does that I turn out to not LOVE. Anime cry Oh wells, it was bound to happen sooner or later...

Come on, have you really loved everything Kyoani have done? Some of the stuff isn't that good.
Like Amasa says, maybe people should try judging a series by what it is rather than by who makes it.
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Joined: 05 Apr 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:04 am Reply with quote
I've watched the first episode, and of course, I wasn't really expecting that this is a high level thought provoking anime mind you... so I didn't really have problem, and having experienced reading 4koma stories and being able to relate to what they're talking about helps a lot :3 darkchibi07 knows quite well that many people will surely be able to relate to Konata Laughing I'm one of them actually Razz Bet, your one of them too... "Why do you know those stuff when you're just a high schooler...?" That cracked me open Laughing
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Joined: 02 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:21 pm Reply with quote
Amasa wrote:
What I didn't like was the character designs, in fact they really put me off. A Slice of Life Comedy that relies on mundane, everyday and realistic content should not have extreme looking characters. I think what was unique about Azumanga was that 6 out of the 7 female characters had dark brown or black hair. In Lucky Star they were all colors of the rainbow and I don't think it suits the show at all.

I completely agree with this. Not only does the rainbow colors not feel right, it also seems to smear into the background, which is also quite average, not the level that I had expected from KyoAni.

While it's still a good and fun series to watch, it lacks in almost every area compared to Azumanga Daioh. Hopefully it'll get better.
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Joined: 25 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:18 pm Reply with quote
I loved it, certainly more than I enjoyed the first episode of AzuDai. It's not laugh out loud, more that it puts a smile on your face and keeps it plastered there.

As with Hidamari Sketch the animation is great, I like the style and couldn't care in the least if it's 'lower quality' than other things by KyoAni.

I wouldn't know that SHnY or Kanon were by them if I hadn't heard it mentioned continually on here and I certainly wouldn't know that this was.
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